Shooting in the neck (cervicago) - what is it, causes, first aid

Ear pain in adults is one of the most unpleasant sensations, comparable only to toothache. It appears suddenly and causes severe discomfort, making you forget about normal existence. When an adult has ear pain, it is very difficult, almost impossible to concentrate on everyday things and worries. Shooting, stabbing, cutting, radiating to the head - this is just an incomplete list of variations of the sensations experienced by adults with ear pain.

Ear pain in a healthy person

Unpleasant sensations in the organ of hearing can occur in a completely healthy person, and there are many reasons for this (we will look at some in more detail):

  • sensitivity to strong wind and cold (Due to a long stay in the wind, a hematoma may form in the ear - it will go away on its own in a few days. No additional measures need to be taken in this situation.);
  • water getting into the ear;
  • presence of sulfur plug;
  • mechanical injuries (if, in addition to pain, bleeding from the ear begins, consult a doctor immediately);
  • acoustic injuries (occur due to exposure to loud sounds on the organ of hearing, for example, at a rock concert, in a noisy industry, or during prolonged use of headphones. As a rule, the pain goes away when moving away from the source of noise. If, due to the nature of the work, it is impossible to eliminate the source of noise, You definitely need to use special earplugs.);
  • barotrauma (manifested by changes in atmospheric pressure; most often occur during air travel or diving. When your ears are blocked on an airplane, you need to yawn more often, swallow, or simply chew something to eliminate the condition of “stuffiness”);
  • foreign body.

How to quickly relieve discomfort at home

Shooting pain can be treated with alternative medicine only if the disease is at an early stage, and only with the permission of the attending physician.

  1. A compress of heated table salt is a fairly effective remedy in the initial stages of otitis media. To prepare it, you need to make a bag from several layers of gauze, fill it with salt, heat it and apply it to your ear while hot. This compress can be done several times a day.
  1. A compress made from vegetable oil is also a very effective remedy, however, a positive result from its use does not occur earlier than after a few days. Vegetable oil should be heated in a water bath, add a few drops of camphor to it, moisten a gauze swab with the resulting product and insert it into the ear . A compress of vegetable oil and camphor should be made two or three times a day.
  2. Onions effectively help in the treatment of otitis media. A small piece of peeled onion should be wrapped in gauze and inserted into the ear. Repeat the procedure several times a day.
  3. A geranium leaf should be rolled into a tube and inserted into the sore ear for a while. Repeat the procedure several times a day until the shooting pain in the ear completely disappears.

Water getting into the ear canal

Normally, water that enters the auricle due to the anatomical features of the structure of the hearing organ flows out of it independently. If for some reason she did not succeed, she needs to be “helped.” There are a couple of simple ways to do this.

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Method one: tilt your head to one side; bring your hand to the shell of your ear, press it hard, and then release it. The hand will act here as a pump - excess liquid will flow out.

The second method is probably known to everyone since childhood. We tilt our heads to the side and perform jumps on one leg: if the liquid has flowed into the right ear, then on the right, if into the left, on the left, respectively.

Method three. Dry your ear with a towel, take a deep breath and close both nostrils. Without unclenching your fingers, try to exhale, but without opening your mouth! If this manipulation is performed correctly, the excess liquid will be pushed out with the help of air. Method four: you can simply lie on your side, depending on which side the water poured in, and hold there for a short time, periodically making swallowing movements: the water will flow out on its own. If none of the methods brings results, and the fluid inside continues to cause discomfort, you need to seek help from an otolaryngologist.

Why does it shoot in the right ear?

The development of symptoms, when the right ear shoots and hurts, is characteristic of purulent inflammation of the skin in the parotid area. It could be:

  • suppurating atheroma;
  • regional lymphadenitis;
  • abscess of the parotid gland.

These pathologies are characterized by unilateral pain, when it shoots only in the right or left ear. In this case, the inflammation site looks swollen and red, there is an increase in temperature, and the person has difficulty hearing.

When the ear shoots, it can mean:

  • inflammatory process in the orbit with involvement of nerve structures;
  • spread of infection to the organs of hearing and vision after a runny nose and a cold;
  • inflammatory processes of the joint-bone apparatus, affecting the right jaw and the back of the head;
  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • neuralgia associated with injuries to the right side of the head;
  • intervertebral hernia.

Sulfur plugs

Earwax is an accumulation of earwax in the ear, which subsequently hardens and causes discomfort, tinnitus appears, and hearing loss decreases. In a healthy person, excess sulfur is removed spontaneously, for example, when chewing. But in some people, wax cannot be removed on its own; it accumulates near the ear canal, hardens and forms a plug. There is no need to try to get rid of the cork on your own, much less try to remove it with sharp objects (matches, toothpicks, etc.) - damage to the tissues of the shell or eardrum cannot be avoided in this case. The plug is removed by an ENT doctor. The procedure does not take much time: first he softens the plug with oil or solutions, and then rinses it with a special syringe or removes the sulfur plug with a special Wojacek hook.

Foreign body

Getting a foreign object into the ear is not uncommon. Moreover, not only children suffer from this when they place beads, peas, small parts of toys into the ear canal, but also adults when they carelessly clean their ears with sharp objects (matches, toothpicks, etc.) or test the advice of traditional medicine on themselves by sticking gauze inside , cotton wool and even food. Insects or small objects can get into the ear canal due to injuries or accidents. If you suspect that a foreign object has entered the hearing organ, you should not try to cope with the problem yourself: this can lead to damage to the ear canal. With inept movements, you can push the object even further into the depths, thereby greatly aggravating the situation. Help from a doctor for pain caused by a foreign body is the only sure way out!

Ear diseases in adults

Painful sensations can occur due to direct pathologies of the ear. These include: otitis media, eustachitis, tumors.

Otitis is an infectious inflammation of the ear, the leader among diseases of the ENT organs in terms of the number of visits to an otolaryngologist. The causes of the disease are untreated infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis), rhinitis, a deformed nasal septum, damage to the auricle, penetration of water into it or infections after self-cleaning the ear with foreign objects.

The human hearing organ consists of the outer, middle, and inner ear. Accordingly, external, middle and internal otitis are distinguished.

Otitis externa covers the ear canal. Basically, the disease develops when water penetrates into it while swimming. There is even the term “swimmer’s ear”: otitis media occurs with frequent contact with water. For treatment of ear pain caused by otitis externa, you should contact an otolaryngologist.

Friends! Timely and correct treatment will ensure you a speedy recovery!

Otitis media: a third of all visits to an otolaryngologist are associated with this type of otitis. The main complaint of patients is shooting pain in the middle ear. The disease can occur in several forms: acute, exudative and chronic purulent.

Internal otitis (labyrinthitis) is an inflammatory disease of the inner ear. The disease is severe and occurs infrequently: usually as a complication of otitis media or a severe form of another infectious disease (for example, tuberculosis).

If you suspect inflammation, you should not self-medicate: incorrectly prescribed treatment for otitis media or an undertreated condition can cause serious complications. Only an otolaryngologist can provide effective assistance to an adult with otitis media.

Eustachitis is an inflammation of the Eustachian (auditory) tube, which connects the organ of hearing to the nasopharynx. The Eustachian tube is needed to better capture sounds and ventilate the middle ear through the nasopharynx. With the qualified help of an otolaryngologist, treatment of ear pain caused by eustachitis occurs quickly, and relief occurs in a couple of days.

Ear tumors are uncommon. CT and MRI are used to determine pathology.

Summer, sun, beach, otitis media

No, this is not a “find the extra word” task. All these concepts are truly interconnected. Medical statistics show that ears hurt more often in the summer. And this is connected with the beginning of the swimming season.

The fact is that getting water (especially dirty water) into the ears dilutes the ear secretion. As a result, the protective function of the ear decreases, which contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora. This is how otitis externa develops. In another way, this inflammation is called “swimmer’s ear.” This disease is a frequent companion of those who are professional swimmers.

Does this mean that you need to deny yourself the pleasure of swimming? Of course not. The disease is not dangerous if it is detected in time and measures are taken.

Ear pain with pathologies of other organs

When ear pain is directly related to diseases of the hearing organ, diagnosing and treating ear pain in adults is usually not difficult. It is much more difficult to help adults with ear pain if there are no visible pathologies upon examination. In such situations, we talk about otalgia - a condition when there is ear pain, but there is no inflammation.

Diseases that cause otalgia include:

  • mastoiditis;
  • This is an inflammation of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, located behind the auricle; as a rule, the disease develops as a complication after otitis).
  • diseases of the temporomandibular joint located behind the auditory canal;
  • This joint can be subject to pathologies such as arthritis, arthrosis, dislocations, which leads to pain in the hearing organ.
  • dental diseases;
  • problems with the spine;
  • inflammation of the pharynx (acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis, peritonsillar abscess);
  • oncological diseases of the pharynx;
  • sinusitis;
  • neuralgic pathologies;
  • intracranial tumors.


If there is a shooting in the ear, then it is important to start a diagnostic search in the right direction from the first minutes.

First of all, an examination is carried out by an otorhinolaryngologist, who can detect otitis media, plugs and foreign bodies, injuries, and signs of colds. It is important to consult a neurologist to exclude all kinds of neuritis and meningitis.

All these services are provided by our clinic. Detection of dental pathology, as a rule, does not present any particular difficulties. Problems with the dental apparatus become obvious even when examined by an ENT specialist.

General and biochemical blood tests can indicate the inflammatory or non-inflammatory nature of the pathological process even before all examinations. Overall, these studies are not fundamental in nature. MRI of the head area is performed in the absence of specific diseases from the ENT organs.

Tomography can show the neurological nature of the disorders and indicate some dental problems.

Ear pain - what to do?

As we can see, pain syndrome has a different nature of occurrence. Only a doctor can understand the real cause, establish the correct diagnosis and offer an effective treatment for ear pain in adults. An otolaryngologist treats ear diseases in adults. If you encounter such a problem, immediately contact a specialist.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to visit a doctor right away. More often, unpleasant symptoms appear suddenly and at night. First of all, you need to take a pain reliever - an ibuprofen-based painkiller. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is most effective compared to other drugs.

If pain is accompanied by a runny nose, it would be a good idea to use vasoconstrictor nasal drops.

The first thing many patients do is run and buy ear drops for pain. But each drop has its own purpose: in one case they can fully treat, in another - not. Drops are not a universal remedy. Statistics show that when treating ears, in half of the cases patients mistakenly prescribe medications to themselves. Drops should be used only when you are completely confident in your diagnosis.

Drops will not help with injury - in such a situation it is better to take a painkiller and consult an ENT doctor. Heat compresses should not be used before consulting a doctor. For example, with purulent otitis, such a measure will only worsen the patient’s condition.

Before visiting a doctor, do not go out into the cold without a hat, do not try to clean the ear from secretions and pus in its depths on your own, and do not instill alcohol-based products.

As a rule, for ear infections of the middle ear, antibacterial agents are prescribed. For external inflammation - antibiotics in the form of drops. In any case, consultation with an ENT specialist is mandatory! Folk remedies can be used in combination with drug therapy and only after an accurate diagnosis, that is, after visiting a doctor.

Diagnosis and treatment of ear pain in Moscow

At the appointment, the doctor talks with the patient, collects anamnesis and conducts an examination using an otoscope, assesses the condition of the outer ear, ear canal and eardrum. He examines the pharynx, larynx, oral cavity and nasal passages. Sometimes the patient is referred for audiometry. If the cause of the pain is injury, you will also need to do an X-ray or CT scan.

Ear treatment in Moscow is offered by many medical institutions: from district clinics to multidisciplinary medical centers. The final cost of ear treatment in Moscow depends on the type of medical institution and its pricing policy. "ENT Clinic of Doctor Zaitsev" specializes in diseases of the hearing organs. Treatment of ear diseases is our specialty. We use the most modern equipment from famous world manufacturers. Our doctors' many years of experience allow us to successfully diagnose hearing pathologies and offer the most effective treatment. Prices for our services have not changed for more than three years.

If ear pain and other unpleasant symptoms appear, do not tolerate it and do not self-medicate. Please call, make an appointment and come. We will be happy to help you!

Types of treatment

Any pain requires the use of painkillers. Further treatment tactics for shooting pain in the ear are entirely determined by the source of this symptom.

Otitis requires anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy; purulent otitis media also requires paracentesis of the tympanic membrane, which is performed in our center. The group of colds requires purely symptomatic therapy, and less often, also antibacterial therapy.

Correction of dental problems in acute pain should be carried out urgently. Neurological diseases mainly require hospitalization and inpatient treatment. Injuries to the hearing organ may require surgery. In all situations, the need for analgesic and, sometimes, anti-inflammatory therapy remains unchanged.

Dear patients! Remember that only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, determine the causes and nature of the disease, and prescribe effective treatment. You can make an appointment with our specialists or call a doctor at home by calling 8-(4822)-33-00-33

Be healthy and happy!

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