Floating spots before the eyes - causes and treatment

Why does it dazzle your eyes?

The causes of ripples (also classified as "noise" or "flicker") can vary. Only an experienced doctor is competent to correctly determine what exactly this phenomenon means. For this, detailed diagnostics are carried out. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is perhaps one of the most common causes of “noise”. The second frequently diagnosed concomitant pathology is vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Ripples in the eyes can occur unexpectedly, for example, when standing up suddenly after a long stay in one position in front of a TV or computer monitor. In this case, the cause of the noise lies in the compression of blood vessels. This phenomenon indicates the onset of stagnant processes.

Why does fog appear before my eyes?

Common reasons

The appearance of fog in the eyes can be associated with severe toxicosis in pregnant women, poisoning with alcohol products (ethyl and methyl alcohol), overdose of quinine, nicotine, lead and other active substances.

Quite rarely, blurred vision is a consequence of vasospasm of the retinal vessels. In this case, a functional disturbance of blood flow through these arteries occurs, which does not lead to organic changes in the vessels. Typically, patients with hypertension and frequent migraine pain are susceptible to vasospasm. In addition, arterial spasm occurs in pregnant women with eclampsia or preeclampsia, as well as against the background of chronic stress and severe poisoning. Fog in the eyes in this case can be combined with the appearance of floating black dots or flickering spots, and visual acuity is also temporarily (up to several hours) reduced.

If the doctor suspects angiospasm in the patient, then an ophthalmoscopy should be performed, which will show in which area of ​​the fundus the local narrowing of the arteries has occurred. Usually the fundus itself is not changed during ophthalmoscopy, except in situations where the cause of vasospasm is atherosclerotic damage to the vascular stack (in this case, a picture of sclerosis of the retinal arteries is revealed).

Blurred vision can be a sign of a stroke, high or low blood pressure, high or low blood sugar [2].

Eye diseases

A disturbance in one of the light-conducting structures of the eye—the cornea, lens, or vitreous body—leads to decreased vision [3]. The veil can also be caused by a lesion in the light-receiving part (retina) or due to diseases of the optic nerve (neuritis).

Fig. 2 Light-conducting media of the eye, light-receiving apparatus and optic nerve

Glaucoma is considered one of the most common causes of foggy eyes in older people. As a result of an increase in the level of intraocular pressure in primary, post-traumatic, and secondary glaucoma, a veil appears before the eyes and overall visual acuity decreases. Other symptoms characteristic of glaucoma are pain in the eyes themselves, in the head (temporal, superciliary areas), the appearance of rainbow circles or glare around point light sources, as well as fog in the eyes [4].

During an ophthalmological examination, which is carried out in patients with such complaints, corneal edema and a decrease in the depth of the anterior chamber of the eye can be detected. With advanced changes, pallor of the optic nerve head and its excavation also occur.

Another common cause of foggy eyes in older people is DVT - destruction of the vitreous body - age-related clouding of the biological lens of the eye (lens). The process develops gradually over several years. Cataracts can appear in young people due to trauma, radiation (“radiation cataract”), or diabetes [5].

Violation of the structure and transparency of the vitreous body (the gel-like substance that fills the eye from the inside) leads to the appearance of fog, floating “cobwebs” and “worms before the eyes.” This condition is called DVT - destruction of the vitreous body, which is often accompanied by posterior vitreous detachment (PVD).

Fig. 4 Changes in the vitreous body, leading to decreased vision

Fog in the central field of vision can be caused by age-related macular degeneration (AMD) - both dry and wet forms, macular edema due to a number of reasons (diabetes, central serous chorioretinopathy, etc.).

Retinal detachment, when the inner retina detaches from the wall of the eyeball and quickly dies, poses a great danger. Without emergency surgery, vision is lost forever [6].

Inflammatory eye diseases - conjunctivitis, retinitis, uveitis can also lead to blurred vision. At the same time, signs of inflammation are not always expressed clearly enough. Quite often, there is only a gradual decrease in visual acuity and the appearance of floating spots before the eyes, which gradually increase in size. Acute signs of inflammation, including pain, photophobia, redness, are more typical for the acute course of iridocyclitis or iritis. The main sign of anterior uveitis, rather, can be called narrowing of the pupillary opening or hyperemia in the area located near the limbus.

Foggy eyes after surgery

Blurred vision after surgical interventions - laser vision correction, cataract removal, etc. for several days (up to a week) is a completely normal phenomenon and is associated both with the presence of inflammatory edema of the cornea in response to surgery, and can also be caused by the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drops used.

Fig. 5 Eye on the first day after cataract removal - corneal edema and hyperemia (redness) of the conjunctiva

Why do my eyes ripple and my head hurt?

Often, “noise” in the eyes is accompanied by a headache. There may be several reasons for this:

  • stress;
  • abuse of bad habits (drinking large amounts of alcohol on the eve of pain or excessive use of tobacco);
  • oxygen starvation (long stay in a closed room, lack of fresh air);
  • overvoltage;
  • sudden climate change or weather changes;
  • pregnancy.

The appearance of ripples is associated with head and brain injuries (in particular, we are talking about concussions). “Noise” can occur due to overwork, as a result of intense sports training. This can be explained by the fact that the vessels on which a large load was placed cannot cope with their functions. They become compressed, leading to associated symptoms such as drowsiness. At the same time, it happens that you feel dizzy. When there is dazzle in the eyes and a headache, treatment involves eliminating the root cause. To relieve symptoms, it is possible to use analgesics to help alleviate the condition. If the headache intensifies or develops into a migraine, consultation with a specialist is required.

It is known that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. As a preventive measure for migraines and headaches, which provoke a situation where the eyes dazzle and general malaise sets in, doctors recommend:

  • Dedicate enough time to rest, during which the body builds up reserves, restores strength, and also increases the number of leukocytes and improves cell trophism.
  • Eliminate nicotine and caffeine. Sometimes it is the coffee drink that causes headaches. If migraine is a consequence of excessive tobacco use, you should reduce the daily number of cigarettes you smoke, minimizing it, or better yet, give up the bad habit altogether.
  • Maintain a balanced diet. Headaches can be a consequence of a lack of micronutrients and vitamins in the body. This condition can be especially acute in the winter-spring period, which is characterized by vitamin deficiency. It is important to include fruits, vegetables and pharmacy vitamin complexes in your diet.
  • Regular walks in the fresh air will help eliminate pain in the head and the accompanying appearance of ripples.

“Doctor, I have spots in front of my eyes!” Currently, complaints of this kind remain the most common when visiting an ophthalmologist.

In an extensive clinical study conducted by a British doctor, among ophthalmology patients surveyed, about 80% of people experienced discomfort associated with this particular phenomenon. With severe discomfort, this can cause depression and a significant decrease in quality of life.

So why do they appear, why is it dangerous and most importantly - how to treat it?

The reason is the vitreous humor (VT) - a gel-like substance that fills 2/3 of the total volume inside the eye and is not capable of regeneration. When it is lost, the space is replaced by intraocular fluid. The vitreous body maintains the constant shape of the eye and is involved in the refraction of incoming light onto the light-receiving membrane of the eye - the retina. The composition of CT is 98% water, 2% is glycosaminoglycans, collagen proteins and other structural substances. Between the fibers, the space is filled with hyaluronic acid molecules, which do not allow collagen to thicken, thanks to which the vitreous body retains its transparency.

Risk factors are high myopia, metabolic disorders of the body (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis), high blood pressure, a history of head and eye injuries, previous ophthalmic surgeries, physical exhaustion, etc.

Types of opacities.

1) Idiopathic floaters are primary floaters. Under the influence of various factors, the structure of hyaluronic acid changes, which leads to its decrease. Collagen fibers are no longer separated by anything; they connect with each other and, as they thicken, they lose their transparency. The most common cause is age-related changes - usually 40-60 years. Opacities become especially noticeable against a bright background, periodically entering the field of view and moving according to eye movements. They may appear in both eyes, but not simultaneously. Small vitreous floaters are not a pathology, but large spots, entering the field of view, cast a shadow on the retina and cause significant visual discomfort.

2) Secondary opacities are not associated with changes in the structure of the vitreous body. These are always opaque molecules from the outside.

  • Retinal detachment or rupture can cause the appearance of similar complaints - floating spots, spots before the eyes. The sensation of a curtain, flashes and lightning, and decreased visual acuity are additional symptoms. This pathology is very serious and can threaten complete and irreversible loss of vision. Any delay is dangerous! Therefore, if a complex of symptoms occurs, an emergency visit to an ophthalmologist is necessary.
  • Hemorrhage into the vitreous body - hemophthalmos. It occurs spontaneously, against the background of already existing changes in the fundus due to diabetes mellitus or arterial hypertension. Also, 18% of all hemorrhages are caused by blunt eye trauma or penetrating injury.

When retinal vessels rupture, blood elements penetrate into the eye cavity. The vitreous body loses its transparency within a few minutes. Depending on the intensity of the bleeding, vision loss may be partial or complete. If the hemorrhage is mild, it manifests itself in slight blurred vision. Subsequently, the blood coagulates and a cord can form from the retina into the vitreous body. This strand, exerting a strong pulling effect, can subsequently cause rupture or detachment of the retina. Therefore, early treatment of hemophthalmos will ensure rapid resorption of blood clots and prevention of further complications.

  • Inflammation of the vitreous body. Caused by an infection such as toxoplasma or cytomegalovirus infection. Due to the presence of inflammatory elements in the vitreous body, dense strands appear, which will reduce visual acuity. The inflammatory process covers not only the transparent structure, but also neighboring areas (retina, choroid), so often, in addition to “floaters” in front of the eyes, patients feel pain and loss of entire areas of the visual field.
  • Ocular migraine. The patient suffers from attacks of visual impairment; the process may be accompanied by a headache, or may occur without it. With this pathology there is no organic damage to the eyes. The risk group is young patients, mainly women with high levels of stress and physical activity. Symptoms from the organs of vision: “floaters” before the eyes, lightning, flashes of light, flickering dots. Usually, after such symptoms, a recovery period begins within a few hours and vision returns.


When should you see a doctor?

If the number of opacities increases, other visual symptoms are noted - lightning and flashes before the eyes, loss of lateral vision, eye pain - all this is a sign of serious pathology.

If you already have a history of injuries or previous eye surgeries, the occurrence of opacities may indicate a deterioration of the condition and the presence of a complication.

In all these cases, an examination by an ophthalmologist is necessary!

At the reception.

The appointment begins with a medical history: the doctor will clarify the time of onset of symptoms, the speed of their development, the degree of discomfort, and whether there have been previous injuries or surgeries. It is necessary to tell your doctor about any chronic diseases you have. Test results can also help find the cause of the clouding.

Objective examination.

It is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the patient's visual organs. To do this, visual acuity is checked using special tables, visual fields are examined, and eye movement is assessed. Using a special microscope, an external examination of the eyes is carried out, and intraocular pressure is also measured. The most important part of the examination is the examination of the fundus with a dilated pupil. To do this, a product is instilled, the effect of which lasts for 3-4 hours after examination. Using special lenses, the condition of the vitreous body and retina is examined.

Additional research methods necessary to clarify the diagnosis are usually prescribed by a doctor after an examination, based on the data obtained. For example, in case of inflammation, a microbiological examination may be required; in case of hemophthalmia or detachment, an ultrasound examination of the eyes is prescribed. For ocular migraine, consultation with a neurologist is necessary.


Treatment of age-related changes in the vitreous does not require conservative intervention. Patients usually get used to the small floaters and they do not cause significant discomfort. Treatment of secondary opacities is based on excluding the pathological conditions that caused these symptoms.

If treatment is still required, modern doctors have methods of both conservative and surgical treatment in their arsenal.

1) Conservative treatment

Pharmacological vitriolysis is the liquefaction and dissolution of dense opacities with the help of special drugs. The method is promising, but little studied, and its use is not so widespread.

2) Surgical treatment

  • AG—laser vitreolysis. Treatment of opacities in the vitreous body has become possible only recently, thanks to the improvement of the technical features of laser systems. Laser treatment results in targeted removal of turbidity. Due to the small size of the opacification and its location in the posterior region, the accuracy and experience of the surgeon is important in this method. Therefore, this method is associated with risks of complications and is not recommended for small-sized opacities. The literature describes cases of laser treatment for extensive hemorrhages. The efficiency reached 70%, which is a high result.
  • Vitrectomy. The most radical method of treatment. It involves removing the vitreous with opacities. In this case, the volume of the removed substance is completely filled with a transparent physiological solution. This method allows you to achieve the highest clinical results. One of the disadvantages of the method is its invasiveness (i.e. the need to puncture the eye), which increases the risk of postoperative complications, the most common of which are lens opacification, retinal detachment and intraocular inflammation. Vitrectomy is considered the last recommended method in cases where vitreous opacities significantly reduce visual acuity.

Numerous studies and articles state that more than 70% of patients with floaters recognize it as a nuisance rather than a condition requiring treatment. Over time, flies that appear due to age-related changes cease to be noticeable.

If these symptoms occur, it is necessary to exclude dangerous conditions and in the future a decision can be made based on the impact of opacities on the patient’s quality of life.

Take care of your eyes and be healthy!

If the cause is illness

This unpleasant symptom can be caused by various eye diseases in people: next we will consider the most common of them.


Regularly occurring severe headaches cause a whole range of unpleasant symptoms: nausea, ripples before the eyes, spots, blurred vision.

In addition, photophobia, incoherence of speech, excessive sensitivity to sounds, and clouding of consciousness are also very likely. But how ocular migraine is treated and which remedies are the most effective is indicated here.


In this most dangerous condition, along with a feeling of blurry objects before the eyes, drowsiness, a general depressed state, headache, nausea occur, and the ability to orientate normally in space is lost. In this case, medical assistance is urgently needed.


When blood vessels are blocked by cholesterol plaques, blurred vision is common.

This is what atherosclerosis looks like

In addition to this symptom, the patient also experiences memory loss, insomnia, and fatigue.

Head injury

When the head or brain is injured, the appearance of this symptom is not surprising. In addition, with traumatic brain injuries, the following are also likely: lethargy, drowsiness, dizziness and nausea.

If you have a head injury, you should consult a doctor urgently, as sometimes such symptoms lead to swelling of the brain. But this information will help you understand how eye injury is treated at home.

Brain tumors

In this case, the feeling that everything is floating before your eyes will appear regularly and be paroxysmal in nature. The intensity and duration of attacks directly depends on the size of the tumor. In addition to the symptom of vagueness, the following signs also occur: loss of coordination, loss of sensitivity in some parts of the body. But this information will help you understand what to do when your eyes fester due to a cold in adults.

In addition, a person experiences surges in blood pressure and an increase in body temperature.


Inflammation of the middle ear can manifest itself, including a similar symptom.

This is what otitis media looks like


When experiencing attacks of rapid heartbeat, the appearance of blurry objects in front of the eyes is a common symptom. In this case, it is necessary to contact a cardiologist and pay attention to the treatment of the pathology.


Blurred vision can only be cured by identifying the cause of this condition. Often, a patient with such a symptom requires emergency hospitalization and immediate surgical intervention (for example, during an acute attack of glaucoma). Due to the high probability of serious complications, at the first appearance of fog in the eyes, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

When choosing a center where you want to receive medical care, you need to pay attention to the ophthalmology clinic that has fairly modern equipment, experienced specialists, and does not require long waiting in line. It is important not to put off taking care of your vision too long!


There are no specific methods for preventing the appearance of floaters before the eyes. However, the following tips can help avoid their early occurrence and delay the aging of the vitreous body for a long time. So it follows:

  • Undergo regular examinations with an ophthalmologist, especially for people over 40 years of age.
  • Lead a healthy, active lifestyle.
  • Take eye vitamins.
  • Avoid eye and head injuries.

True, if trouble has already happened and floaters in front of your eyes have become a constant companion to your vision, you should not:

  • Try to get rid of them with improvised means and self-medicate.
  • Remain in a bent position for a long time with your head tilted down.
  • Lift weights.

It must be remembered that the appearance of floaters in front of the eyes is absolutely safe only when the vitreous body is destroyed due to age-related changes. All other cases require mandatory medical care from an ophthalmologist or other medical specialists. To exclude diseases and conditions that are dangerous to humans, if floaters appear before your eyes, it is better to immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

Patients of our clinic have the opportunity to undergo a full diagnostic examination and receive advice from experienced specialists without tiring queues, at a time convenient for them. If necessary, the clinic will provide emergency care or prescribe adequate treatment in accordance with international standards for the provision of medical services.

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