Headache in early pregnancy: what causes it and how to get rid of it

Causes of headaches in early pregnancy

Headache can be associated both with physiological (normal) processes in the body and with a number of diseases. The simplest causes are fatigue, stress and physical activity, and poor nutrition. However, in the early stages, significant changes occur in the functioning of the endocrine, immune, nervous and other systems, which can lead to chronic headaches.

Hormonal changes

One of the common reasons why headaches occur in early pregnancy is hormonal changes. They are necessary for the body’s adaptation to a new state, as well as for the consolidation and further development of the fetus. An increase in their level in the blood can be accompanied by discomfort and headache.

  1. Progesterone is one of the first hormones that begins to be produced during pregnancy. It inhibits the functioning of the immune system, due to which the embryo attaches freely and is not rejected by the body like a foreign body. Side effects when it increases in the blood are swelling and headaches.
  2. Estrogens are produced throughout life, but at the beginning of pregnancy their concentration increases sharply. These substances accelerate various metabolic processes and normalize blood pressure in hypertension. They can cause mood swings and headaches.
  3. Human chorionic gonadotropin controls the production of other hormones. Its concentration increases until the 11th week of pregnancy, and then gradually decreases. By its level in the blood you can determine the exact period, as well as assess the course of pregnancy.

Many patients in the early stages worry whether they may have a headache during pregnancy and whether this condition is dangerous for the unborn child. Doctors at the Clinical Institute of the Brain say that headaches, discomfort and deterioration in well-being do not pose a danger if they do not persist constantly. If you have any doubts or the headache becomes too intense, you should consult your doctor.

Increase and decrease in blood pressure

Hypertension is high blood pressure. In the initial stages of pregnancy, an acceleration of all metabolic processes is observed, including an increase in blood pressure. Hypertension is accompanied by headache, redness of the skin and mucous membranes, and nausea. During a normal pregnancy, it can be caused by the following processes:

  • increasing the volume of circulating blood;
  • the formation of a new placental-uterine circulation;
  • increased heart rate.

Normally, blood pressure does not change during pregnancy, but if there is insufficient elasticity of blood vessels or the presence of concomitant diseases, it can either increase or decrease. Hypotension is caused by increased estrogen levels and other changes. It is manifested by headache, increased heart rate and weakness, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes.

Doctors say that most often problems with blood pressure during pregnancy are an exacerbation of chronic diseases. In ordinary life, they do not show any symptoms, but are detected when the load on the cardiovascular system increases. It is easy to measure blood pressure periodically at home.


In the early stages of pregnancy, toxicosis occurs in many women. There are several theories of its origin that explain the possible reasons for the deterioration of well-being. The most common of them states that toxicosis develops as a result of adaptation of the immune system to the appearance of a foreign protein in the body. Nausea, dizziness and headaches are typical reactions to the formation and consolidation of the embryo. Also, in the early stages of pregnancy, subcortical centers in the brain are activated, which are responsible for various protective reflexes, including the vomiting center.

Toxicosis does not pose a danger to the health of the mother and the development of the fetus if its manifestations can be controlled. Thus, in most pregnant women, nausea and headaches occur only in response to different tastes and smells. If these symptoms persist constantly, lead to weight loss or the appearance of acetone in the urine, urgent medical attention is needed.


During pregnancy, physiological (normal) anemia develops. It is associated with a significant increase in blood volume and a slight increase in the number of red blood cells. The percentage of these indicators changes, which allows the pregnant woman to maintain normal well-being.

Pathological anemia can occur with various diseases, and also as a complication of toxicosis. Dehydration, lack of nutrients and poor nutrition are the main causes of this condition. It poses a danger to the development of the fetus, especially in the early stages, since a large amount of oxygen and nutrients are needed for normal fetal formation.

Other reasons

Headache is not a separate disease, but a symptom of many conditions. It occurs when there is insufficient blood supply to the brain, vascular spasms, and increased stress on the cardiovascular system. There are a huge number of reasons that can trigger pain in early pregnancy, including:

  • surges in blood glucose levels;
  • infectious and colds - at the beginning of pregnancy their likelihood increases due to suppression of the immune system;
  • migraines - become more frequent due to hormonal changes;
  • deficiency of vitamins and nutrients, microelements (magnesium, folic acid);
  • consequences of old injuries.

During pregnancy, there is often an exacerbation of chronic diseases, which provokes frequent migraine attacks. In addition, headaches can be caused by stress, physical strain, and high workload. During this period, it is important to monitor your diet and take into account that the need for vitamins and microelements gradually increases.

What symptoms should you pay attention to?

Cephalgia is not the only symptom you should pay attention to. The choice of acceptable remedies for headaches is possible only taking into account additional symptoms and causes of ailments.

The following combinations of symptoms are dangerous:

  • gradually increasing swelling of the legs, arms and face;
  • high blood pressure;
  • flickering before the eyes;
  • shortness of breath;
  • tingling in the right hypochondrium;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • confusion, dizziness.

This combination may indicate severe gestosis, its atypical form or preeclampsia. This condition is dangerous for pregnant women and requires urgent hospitalization in the intensive care unit, as there is a possibility of loss of consciousness and the development of coma.

The following symptoms are typical for a migraine attack:

  • one-sided pulsation in the head;
  • accompanied by nausea, vomiting;
  • may be combined with photophobia, fear of sound.

The attack, which can last for different periods of time, is accompanied by a period of drowsiness and lethargy.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to activation of brain tumor growth. This is accompanied by the appearance of chronic pain syndrome. Additional symptoms include visual disturbances and lack of response to medications when trying to relieve symptoms. Therefore, if the pills do not help, you need to consult a doctor and get tested.

Pain syndrome is a frequent companion to infectious diseases. A cold causes fever, chills, runny nose and cough. However, some infections are dangerous for a pregnant woman. A doctor's help is necessary if the headache is unbearable, a rash appears on the skin, and there are no catarrhal symptoms.

Headache examination

During your routine check-up, it is important to tell your doctor if you have headaches in early pregnancy. At the Clinical Brain Institute, you can undergo comprehensive diagnostics and determine the cause of your headache. To do this, simple methods are prescribed that will not harm the health of the mother and child:

  • examination by a neurologist with testing of reflexes - it is important to accurately describe the nature of the headache, the conditions and time of its occurrence;
  • general and biochemical, as well as additional blood tests - will help identify inflammatory processes, acute and chronic diseases of internal organs, hormone levels and other important indicators;
  • Ultrasound of the heart and other internal organs is an accessible diagnostic method, thanks to which you can detect a number of diseases and monitor their progress.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the possibility of carrying out some tests is excluded, since they can negatively affect the formation of the fetus. Thus, radiography and magnetic resonance imaging are recommended to be postponed and not performed during pregnancy. The exception is situations in which these studies are vital for the health of the expectant mother.

What drugs are dangerous for pregnant women?

The group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is not recommended for use during gestation. However, if your headache is very severe and other medications do not help, then you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Avoid the use of analgin-based products as the most toxic of all drugs in this group.
  2. It is not recommended to take combined analgesics that contain several components that relieve pain. These include: “Pentalgin”, “Caffetin”, “Solpadeine”.
  3. It is better to give preference to medications with one active ingredient (preferably paracetamol-based).
  4. Try not to take two or more tablets in one day, and also avoid long-term use.
  5. If possible, avoid taking pills in the first trimester, when the formation of fetal organs and systems occurs.

Treatment methods

Treatment of headaches in early pregnancy is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. At home, you can only take medications that are approved by your doctor after an examination. In the early stages, paracetamol and its analogues (Solpadeine), as well as drotaverine in various tablets (No-Shpa), are allowed. Minor headaches can be eliminated with simple techniques that do not require the use of medications:

  • proper rest - must necessarily include long walks in the fresh air, physical activity;
  • complete cessation of bad habits;
  • proper nutrition with a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements; it is also recommended to take special vitamin complexes for pregnant women;
  • neck and head massage (can be performed independently) is one of the ways to quickly relieve spasms without pills and eliminate headache symptoms;
  • for prevention - regular measurement of blood pressure, blood tests, examination by a doctor according to schedule.

The Clinical Brain Institute specializes in identifying the causes and treatment of headaches. During pregnancy, these symptoms cause concern for the expectant mother, so it is important to seek medical help promptly. Our center has modern equipment, thanks to which diagnostics have become as accurate as possible. Treatment is selected individually, taking into account the effectiveness of the prescribed regimen.

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Preventive measures

Headaches cannot always be prevented. But pregnant women are advised to follow certain rules to reduce the risk of exacerbation of migraines and other diseases with cephalgia:

  1. Drink enough fluids; symptoms worsen if dehydrated.
  2. Do special exercises for pregnant women, as well as yoga, and do breathing exercises.
  3. If you are prone to migraines, drink black or green tea.
  4. Follow a daily routine, get more rest.
  5. At the first sign of a migraine, try to lie down to rest or sleep.

It is necessary to avoid stressful situations at home and at work. No overtime or night shifts. Find time during the day to get enough rest or a short nap. It is also recommended to limit the time spent at the computer, refrain from working in uncomfortable positions, and also walk more in the fresh air.

Main reasons

Headaches are primary, i.e. not associated with the course of any disease, and secondary, when headache is one of the symptoms of the underlying disease. The most common primary headaches during pregnancy include migraine
, tension headache, and
cluster headache
. Primary headaches are not life-threatening. Less common are secondary headaches, which can be a symptom of a life-threatening condition - stroke, aneurysm, cerebral venous thrombosis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, pituitary tumor, choreocarcinoma, eclampsia, preeclampsia, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, reversible cerebral vasoconstriction, so they must be excluded first.

Is it important how exactly a woman describes the pain (sharp, dull, etc.)? Of course, it is very important - a detailed history of the disease is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis, and in this case it is important to know the intensity, frequency, nature, time of headache attacks, accompanying symptoms, etc.

Among the primary headaches during pregnancy, the most common are migraine and
tension headache
, and in some cases, very rarely, cluster headache.


To prevent migraines, it is important to monitor your own condition and note when and for what reason headaches occur. If they develop against the background of a sudden attack of hunger, such situations should not be allowed. It is worth taking light food with you for a snack if you are not at home. And in the morning, after waking up, immediately eat something to prevent an attack of toxicosis.


Since headaches during pregnancy often occur due to stress, you need to remain calm and less nervous. According to the doctor, there is nothing dangerous in taking valerian in the recommended dosage to reduce nervous tension. This herbal remedy is not prohibited for expectant mothers.

When working in an office, try to get up more often and change your body position to prevent stagnation of venous blood. Every half hour, get up from the table, walk, go up and down the stairs. Maintaining normal blood circulation will help you stay well and protect yourself from a migraine attack.

If headaches occur frequently and you cannot cope with them using these methods, consult your doctor. A gynecologist may recommend contacting a therapist or neurologist to undergo an examination and choose treatment tactics depending on the cause of the condition.

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