First signs of pregnancy, early diagnosis

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Dizziness during pregnancy causes unpleasant sensations, manifested by a feeling of rotating objects, unsteadiness of the floor, walls, a feeling of loss of balance, and weakness.

In the first trimester, dizziness may occur due to changes in the body due to pregnancy - hormonal changes. It can manifest itself due to a lack of oxygen in public transport, poorly ventilated stuffy rooms, with changes in blood pressure, changes in body position, and toxicosis. A woman should be observed by a gynecologist during pregnancy and inform the doctor about all symptoms.

In the second trimester, the cause may be physical inactivity. With a sedentary lifestyle, blood circulation worsens. In the absence of physical activity, dizziness and darkening of the eyes can occur with sudden movements, in the morning after waking up, or when bending over. Due to increased blood flow in the uterus, oxygen supply to the brain decreases and this is one of the possible causes of dizziness. Anemia and gestational diabetes are two other reasons that may contribute to poor health.

In the third trimester, dizziness may be due to a lack of oxygen supply to the brain or dizziness that occurs after a long stay in a horizontal or standing position, with a decrease in blood glucose levels. When the hemoglobin level decreases, anemia can develop, while the woman quickly gets tired, dizziness, shortness of breath, weakness, and tinnitus appear.

Treatment should be carried out after determining the cause and always under the supervision of a doctor.


Main causes of dizziness:

  • sudden change in the position of the body or head in space;
  • poorly ventilated area;
  • high temperature indoors, outdoors;
  • decreased blood glucose levels;
  • toxicosis;
  • staying in one position for a long time;
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with the vestibular apparatus.

Delayed menstruation (missed menstrual cycle)

With a normal menstrual cycle with ovulation on days 14-15, a delay occurs 2 weeks after conception, since after the end of implantation of blastocytes, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is produced, which helps the body maintain pregnancy, and the ovaries stop releasing mature eggs. But it is worth noting that a missed cycle is not always caused by pregnancy; it is better to confirm this with a pregnancy test, especially if you have an irregular cycle for some reason. In addition, you need to know that some women may experience bleeding during pregnancy. If you are pregnant, ask your doctor about bleeding as a natural process and as a sign of an emergency.

Most home tests can detect hCG as early as 8 days after a missed cycle.


  • Take a pregnancy test.
  • If the result is positive, call your doctor to schedule your first appointment.
  • If you are taking any medications, ask your doctor if they pose any risk to you and your unborn baby.

In addition to pregnancy, there are various reasons why a delay may occur, such as sudden weight gain or loss. Fatigue, hormonal problems, stress - all this can contribute to cycle disruption. Some women experience a delay when they stop taking birth control.

Pregnancy management and tests

After pregnancy is confirmed, the woman needs to undergo a series of examinations and undergo clinical observation at the antenatal clinic. For the first time, a vaginal examination is performed, the size of the woman’s pelvis, her height and body weight, as well as blood pressure in both arms are determined. A study of the condition of internal organs, laboratory testing of vaginal discharge, urine tests, and Wasserman reactions are also carried out. It is necessary to undergo an examination for HIV infection, determine your blood type and its Rh factor, and undergo examinations by a dentist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, surgeon and other specialists.

Throughout pregnancy, a woman must be observed by an obstetrician-gynecologist. In the first stages of pregnancy, examinations should be carried out once a month, from 20 to 32 weeks - 2 times a month, from 32 weeks - 4 times. Particular attention is paid to the position of the fetus, the condition of the uterine fundus, and abdominal circumference. It is important to determine the functional state of the fetus - heartbeat, estimated weight, movement.

During each visit, the date for the next one is set and, if the pregnant woman cannot come to the appointment, the obstetrician visits her at home.

Sensitivity to odors

There is little scientific evidence for the onset of odor sensitivity during the first trimester of pregnancy, which is one of the important signs in early pregnancy. It is important to know that sensitivity to odors can cause nausea and vomiting.

One scientific review looked at reports from 1922 to 2014 on the relationship between odors and pregnancy. 2 The researcher found a trend that women tend to rate odors as more intense during the first trimester.

Useful video: how to determine that you are pregnant before a delay?

If the expectant mother wants the pregnancy to proceed without complications, then it is in her interests to be aware of the “interesting situation” as early as possible. Most women have no idea that they are expecting a baby until their period is missed. She continues to lead her normal rhythm of life, which may include excessive physical initiative, use of alcohol or drugs, and stressful situations. All this can have a detrimental effect on the pregnancy process. Therefore, knowing the first signs of pregnancy even before a missed period is very important. The following video will help you sort through the knowledge you have acquired and discover the source of a new life at an early stage.

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This article has been verified by Olga Zorina, a current qualified physician, and can be considered a reliable source of information for site users.

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Changes in sensations during pregnancy

Many women do not associate the first signs of pregnancy with a missed period in any way. They begin to feel symptoms that resemble those of a cold: general malaise;

  • headaches (read why headaches cause reasons other than pregnancy);
  • rhinitis, sore throat and cough (the treatment of ARVI is described here);
  • frequent changes in pressure;
  • chills followed by fever.

This condition can accompany a pregnant woman already in the second week after conception. Sudden fainting and dizziness often aggravate the situation. Cold symptoms are due to the fact that a woman’s immunity has not yet adjusted to bearing a fetus.

Nausea, frequent mood swings, rapid fatigue - all this is associated with the physiological transformation occurring in the body of a pregnant woman. In addition, early stages may be characterized by the following external manifestations:

Doctor's advice

Pregnancy planning must be approached responsibly in order to provide the developing baby with everything for his future successful life. Every pregnancy should be planned and after appropriate preparation. When a woman decides that she wants to become a mother, it is imperative to visit a gynecologist for further examination and start taking the necessary medications (folic acid 400 mcg once a day for both partners 3 months before the expected pregnancy)

Olga Zorina Pregnancy and childbirth, Gynecologist, Gynecologist-endocrinologist

  • slight swelling of the hands and face;
  • the appearance of acne (consult a dermatologist);
  • bloating;
  • darkening of the skin around the nipples.

Feelings are often deceiving. Recognizing conception as a cold or other illness and taking medications can have a detrimental effect on the embryo. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, even before a missed period, you can use methods to establish pregnancy at its earliest stage.

How to determine the sex of a child by the last menstruation

As a rule, women are interested not only in the first signs of pregnancy, but also in the gender of the unborn child. There are many methods that allow you to find out the sex of the child even before a scheduled ultrasound. One of the popular methods is to recognize the sex of a child based on the last menstruation.

The calculation is simple: you need to add the woman’s age at the time of conception and one to the month of conception.

You should expect a boy if you end up with an odd number. Otherwise, you can safely prepare a dowry for the girl.

For example, if a woman at the age of thirty becomes pregnant in May, then she will have a girl (30+05+1=36).

At the same time, the surest way to find out about pregnancy before a missed period is a blood test for hCG and a consultation with a gynecologist.

Pregnancy recognition methods, test price in pharmacies

The diagnosis of pregnancy is undoubted if, during examination, parts of the fetus, heartbeat and fetal movements are determined, and ultrasound examination determines the fertilized egg. These reliable signs of pregnancy do not appear at the beginning of it, but at a later date. In the early stages, the diagnosis of pregnancy is made on the basis of presumptive and probable signs.

Olga Zorina

Pregnancy and childbirth, Gynecologist, Gynecologist-endocrinologist

The most reliable and early method of determining conception is a blood test for hCG.

You can do it a week after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Highly sensitive tests, which are represented by such varieties as: sterile strips for lowering into a vessel with urine, can also determine the “interesting position” before a missed period;

  • a plastic case with a window where you can add drops of urine;
  • an analyzer that determines conception under a stream of urine;
  • digital or electronic tests for repeated use.

Conventional strip tests can detect fertilization 10 to 14 days after unprotected sex. They are inexpensive (their cost will not exceed 100 rubles) and with a share of up to 99% they can guarantee a true result.

An ovulation and pregnancy test will cost significantly more (about 380 rubles), which will not only help verify conception at an early stage (also 10-14 days after unprotected sexual intercourse), but will also tell you the best moment for this. The reliability of the test is 99%.

Electronic tests that not only establish the fact of pregnancy, but also indicate its duration, will be even more expensive. So, with its help you can find out about fertilization from the first week of conception. Prices for such tests start at 500 rubles, but they also provide a guarantee of over 99%.

For greater reliability, the test should be done on the first morning urine, which contains a larger amount of the hCG hormone.

Other signs of pregnancy

Many women, after unprotected intercourse, begin to use a pregnancy test almost daily. When will a pregnancy test show a positive result? The most important sign of pregnancy is the absence of regular menstruation. Other signs of pregnancy after a delay:

  • darkening of the areolas around the nipples;
  • Mood swings caused by hormonal changes. It is important to note that this is a normal phenomenon, however, if a woman is constantly depressed, then she needs the help of a specialist;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • frequent urge to urinate. From about the 6th week, a pregnant woman has to go to the toilet more often;
  • swelling of the face, hands;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • lower back pain;
  • vaginal candidiasis (thrush of pregnant women);
  • hypersalivation (increased secretion of saliva).

It should be noted that the symptoms of a false pregnancy are very similar to the signs of a real one. That is, the woman experiences the same sensations, but in fact she is not pregnant. The diagnosis is made through the results of ultrasound, ECG, and gynecological examination. In this rare psychophysical condition, consultation with a psychotherapist is necessary. Read more about false pregnancy on our website

Some women do not experience any signs of pregnancy in the first trimester. This is fine. Pregnancy is a physiological process, so it often passes without any unpleasant sensations.

Related services: Ultrasound examination Consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist during pregnancy

Treatment methods

Treatment is prescribed based on the examination results. If VSD is present, a woman is prescribed sedatives such as motherwort, valerian or mint. To get rid of anemia, drugs that increase hemoglobin are prescribed.

A woman should be careful about her health. The course of pregnancy affects not only the health of the expectant mother, but also the unborn baby. Treatment, like diagnosis, in the case of pregnancy should be selected individually, based on many factors.

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