Treatment of depression with homeopathy

  • All diseases
  • Allergology
  • Arthrology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Dermatology
  • Cardiology
  • Childhood diseases
  • Women's diseases
  • ENT and Pulmonology
  • Neurology
  • Parasites and infections
  • Urology
  • Endocrinology

Why shouldn't treatment be delayed?

  • The patient’s appearance and physical condition are steadily deteriorating: weakness, fatigue occur, skin and allergic diseases appear, immunity decreases
  • Problems appear in the family and at work - mood, attention, memory, and mental abilities decrease
  • Sexual function is impaired
  • Chronic insomnia occurs
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction often develop against the background of depression.

Advantages of our treatment:

  • We cure the disease completely (!) in 3-4 weeks
  • We provide free additional psychological testing and diagnostics of the endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • We use only harmless homeopathy in treatment - we cure completely without pills and injections - without side effects and addiction
  • We help EVERYONE, including pregnant and lactating women, allergy sufferers and teenagers
  • Significantly boost your immunity!

Briefly about the main thing:

Symptoms of depression are usually as follows:

  • A constant state of sadness, despondency
  • Loss of sexual desire
  • Feelings of helplessness and pessimism towards life
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness
  • Insomnia, waking up earlier, or increased sleepiness
  • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions, memory loss
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss or overeating and weight gain
  • Loss of interest in favorite activities and social events
  • Thoughts of suicide or attempts to commit suicide
  • Fatigue, decreased vital energy
  • Restlessness, irritability
  • Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headache, stomach cramps, or upset stomach.

Conventional treatment for depression

The main treatment for depression today is antidepressants. These are medications that increase the emotional background and return the patient's joy of life.

With regular use of the drug, the concentration of serotonin and norepinephrine in the central nervous system increases, which leads to an increase in mood and an improvement in the overall tone of the nervous system.

But, unfortunately, antidepressants alone cannot cope with complex mental and many psychosomatic problems. Therefore, psychiatrists add drugs from other groups: tranquilizers, antipsychotics, nootropics.

Each of these groups has a very extensive list of side effects. This includes mental depression, a sleepy-inhibited state, and a pronounced disorder of fat metabolism (there is a significant increase or, on the contrary, a strong weight loss), hormonal imbalances (early menopause, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction). It is difficult for the patient to work while taking these drugs (there is no concentration), and he cannot drive a car.

And, of course, there is the problem of addiction, when the patient requires a larger and larger dose of the drug.

All this directs the choice of patients with depression and their relatives to homeopathy.

Sometimes, however, this path is slightly lengthened due to attempts to get rid of a serious disease with traditional treatment - drinking decoctions and tinctures...

We urge you not to waste your time and turn to professionals - those who really know how to easily and quickly cope with this disease.

Briefly about the principle of homeopathic treatment

The general principle of homeopathy is “Similia similibus curantur”, which translates as “Like is cured by like.” This thesis is based on the following observation of practicing homeopaths: if a certain substance in large dosages causes a certain condition, then when the same substance is consumed in microscopic dosages, the effect will be the opposite.

In relation to the treatment of depressive conditions, it looks like this: a substance is taken (for example, an extract from a medicinal plant) that can have a depressant effect on the nervous system, diluted in high ratios (1:10, 1:100, 1:1000) and prescribed to the patient as a medicine from depression.

Treatment of depression with homeopathy

Since 1995, homeopathic doctors have been deeply involved in a narrow area of ​​homeopathy - homeopathy of mental illness. Over the years, more than a thousand patients with depression of different ages – men and women, teenagers – have been seen. And the center’s doctors helped all of them - they undergo testing and diagnostics twice a year to prevent a recurrence of the disease. They are healthy, happy, working and do not take chemicals!

In the arsenal of homeopathic doctors there are about 1000 homeopathic mono-medicines that act on the human psyche. Experienced specialists create their own individual recipe for each individual case. Not a single recipe has ever been repeated! And, indeed, each person is individual, and with regard to the psyche, there can be no question of “replicating” recipes on the Internet or among friends.

If you or your loved ones suffer from such a complex and serious illness as depression, do not waste time!

Treatment is inexpensive - anyone can afford it! And you will feel the results already in the second week of taking individual homeopathic mono remedies. The center’s doctors use the most modern diagnostic and treatment equipment to help achieve quick and stable results. These are diagnostics using the Voll method, ART, and the therapeutic procedure of BRT.

Introducing the doctor

Tatyana Vladimirovna Valyasina

Leading specialist of the center, experience of medical work as a homeopath for 24 years!

Successfully cures gastrointestinal, endocrine, gynecological, allergic diseases in adults and children. Vast experience in treating adenoids, enuresis and autism with homeopathy!

Reception days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday from 9.00 to 21.00

The cost of an initial appointment with a complete diagnosis of the body is 4980 rubles.

Make an appointment:


Find out how long it takes to treat neurasthenia in Moscow

Treatment of mental disorders takes into account the medical history, knowledge of the patient’s condition, and the etiology of his illness.

Neurasthenia, being a psychogenic disease, can occur in different ways. Even with proper treatment, it can last for months, and sometimes for more than one year.

Mild neurasthenia is sometimes treated at home. If the disease has progressed too far, therapy is carried out in a hospital. If necessary, hypnosis and autogenic training are also prescribed.

Patient reviews

Over the past 5 years, I have had bouts of depression - I didn’t want to do anything. I didn't go to work for several weeks. I took sick leave for acute respiratory infections, but I understood that I needed to be treated. I didn’t want to see a psychiatrist, so that they wouldn’t register me (I drive a car and in general...) I also had panic attacks, and I couldn’t ride the subway. As these complaints gradually grew, I began to look for a way out. I would never take hard pills. Therefore, I chose the Adonis clinic for homeopathy treatment. I read a lot about this method and I liked it - there is no addiction, no need to stay in the hospital. I got an appointment with Dr. A.G. Worsted. Based on the results of Voll testing, the doctor selected homeopathic medicines for me. After about 3 weeks of treatment, I felt much better: my anxiety went away, my mood began to improve, and my sleep improved. I’m still undergoing treatment, but I’m slowly realizing that I’m a completely different person! I express my gratitude to all the staff who took part in my treatment and especially to Anna Georgievna!

Varvara Kholmova, Obninsk, Moscow region.

I have known the staff of the center for more than 11 years - I support myself after treatment for depression and VSD. About once every six months I undergo a Foley examination. My doctor Garus Anna Georgievna corrects my condition according to my current problems. From time to time, my fears and anxieties worsen. But, of course, this is a drop in the ocean compared to the state that was when you first contacted this center. I take the medications at night - I’m used to it and I simply can’t live without them anymore)))) I really feel recovered. I like the atmosphere in this center and, of course, the staff. They try to support a sick person and give him hope for recovery. Their attention and warmth are very important to us, patients - they are missing in our clinics. Special thanks to osteopath Alexander Anatolyevich Belyakov - he helped me with cervical osteochondrosis and now I hardly have any headaches!

Zhanna, 38 years old, Khotkovo

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please call! We work daily from 9.00 to 21.00 +7 (495) 120-28-54

Electroconvulsive therapy

Currently, one of the most effective non-drug methods of treating depression is electroconvulsive therapy, which is used both as an independent method of treatment and in combination with other methods of therapy (Nelson A.I., 2002).

Electroshock therapy methods have been used since ancient Greece. In the temples of Asclepius, depression was treated with electric snakes. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that a strong shock to a patient could bring him out of a state of depression.

Treatment of depression with electric shock was recommended by Hill in 1814 (commotions electriques) (Kempinski A., 2002). Particular interest in this method of treating depression was noted in the early forties of the twentieth century. Electroconvulsive therapy is now generally recognized to be highly effective in treating depression.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of electroconvulsive therapy for those patients for whom pharmacological treatment is contraindicated (pregnancy, certain somatic diseases, etc.), as well as if it is necessary to overcome depression resistant to other types of therapy.

Typically, to obtain a therapeutic effect from electroconvulsive therapy, about 8-10 shock discharges are required at a frequency of 3 sessions per week.

Subject to monitoring the condition of patients, it is possible that they can be treated with ECT on an outpatient basis or as a day treatment for depression in a hospital.

In general, the combination of ECT with antidepressants is not recommended; the use of small doses of tranquilizers is possible.

Complications of electroconvulsive therapy include spinal injury and circulatory disorders, states of confusion after convulsive attacks, as well as periods of anterograde and retrograde memory impairment have been reported. The latter can persist for a month after the end of ECT. ECT causes a temporary rise in blood pressure (often to quite high levels) and increases the heart rate.

Relative contraindications to ECT include coronary heart disease and arrhythmias, as well as some location of the brain tumor.

Most patients are afraid of this method of therapy, so the importance of professional psychotherapeutic work with the patient, as well as its subsequent support during the ECT therapy itself, should be emphasized.

Why is it worth treating depression with homeopathy?

1. The best homeopaths in Moscow provide consultations. These are highly qualified homeopathic doctors who have personal practical experience in treating complex forms of depression in very elderly patients and adolescents. It will never be possible to cure depression with complex homeopathic medicines “one-two-three times”! Only individual selection of constitutional mono-drugs followed by monthly correction of drugs can guarantee a lasting cure!

2. The advantage is the use of the latest diagnostic techniques to determine the cause of depression. After all, only knowing the cause can cure herpes! Diagnostics using the Voll method and ART make it possible to immediately test all selected individual mono-drugs for their effectiveness. This allows you to completely cure depression more effectively and quickly.

3. is a modern clinic, where consultations are conducted exclusively by homeopaths! It's beautiful and cozy here. No queues! Our consultants work daily from 9.00 to 21.00. they will choose a convenient time for you and the best doctor who specializes in treating your particular disease! We have free parking, Wi-Fi, and will offer you free drinks and snacks.

4. The cost of admission to the center is low. It already includes all the necessary components of a full-fledged appointment - a consultation with a homeopath, an extensive examination, testing of individual homeopathic medicines, a detailed examination protocol on 5 pages with an explanation from a specialist, supervision of treatment over the phone or in person. You will be offered discounts and promotions.

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please call! We work daily from 9.00 to 21.00 +7 (495) 120-28-54

Benefits of treating depression in

1. Guaranteed reduction of complaints during the first weeks of treatment, complete recovery within 3-6 months.

2. Treatment with strong individual homeopathic medicines - without side effects or harm to health!

3. Additionally: increasing immunity, preventing colds and parasitic infections.

4. You will receive a complete protocol of your health status (on 5 sheets) with a list of all pathologies and diseases (even at the most basic level).

5. You will receive all the necessary medications for the full course of treatment free of charge!

Now you know what to do if you have been diagnosed with Depression! We wish you health and the right choice! If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please call! We work daily from 9.00 to 21.00 +7 (495) 120-28-54

Homeopathic medicines for depression and their effectiveness

Having heard enough of the above myths, a certain part of patients decide to try to treat their depression with the help of homeopathy, considering this direction as equivalent to clinical psychotherapy, but at the same time completely safe. Homeopathy offers many remedies to treat depression, the most popular of which are the following five:

  1. Arsenicum album : prescribed for increased irritability, which is characteristic only of the initial and unadvanced stages of clinical depression.
  2. Graphites : perhaps the only drug with a clear list of indications - deep despondency, melancholy, causeless anxiety, “bad” premonitions, tearfulness, hysteria. The severity of the action of Graphites in the listed conditions remains questionable.
  3. Ignatia compositum : prescribed strictly for depressive states that are caused by the loss of loved ones (death, divorce, etc.). At the same time, the essence of the purpose raises questions, since it is not entirely clear how the loss of loved ones differs from other irreversible loss (for example, upon the onset of disability).
  4. Nux Vomica : recommended for patients who still maintain self-control and do not succumb to apathetic moods, but show irritability leading to attacks of aggression. The actual effect of the drug is more applicable in neuropathology than psychotherapy.

Sepia officinalis : indicated for depression with somatic disorders and decreased performance. A drug of dubious effect, which homeopaths themselves prescribe with great caution - since it is believed that Sepia can change depressed mood to complete indifference, which is much more difficult to treat.


Specialist. price!

Benefits for families with many children, pensioners and disabled people - for an appointment with Voll diagnostics!

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The material was prepared with the participation of homeopathic doctor Tatyana Vladimirovna Valyasina. You can find out more about the author at this link.

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