Weakness in the legs: fatigue, arthrosis or something else?

Types and causes of occurrence

There are two forms of the disease: idiopathic (primary) and secondary. In the first case, the problem occurs for no apparent reason and is often hereditary. This is the type that occurs in young people.

The secondary form of restless legs syndrome occurs against the background of various diseases and conditions. The list of reasons includes:

  • injuries to the brain or spinal cord (bruises, concussions, compression, etc.);
  • vitamin deficiency, lack of minerals: most often the development of the disease is provoked by a deficiency of vitamins B1, B9, B12, as well as calcium and magnesium;
  • pregnancy, especially its second half (the problem is associated with the increased need for microelements);
  • renal failure and electrolyte imbalance that occurs as a result of it;
  • diabetes;
  • anemia (lack of iron in the blood);
  • chronic or one-time severe stress;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • disruption of the thyroid gland, accompanied by an excess or deficiency of its hormones;
  • alcohol or drug abuse;
  • diseases of the veins of the lower extremities: varicose veins, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis;
  • amyloidosis: severe systemic disorder of protein metabolism;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • excessive caffeine consumption.
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: celiac disease, dysbacteriosis, Crohn's disease;
  • use of certain medications (antidepressants, antihistamines, etc.).

The development of pathology in childhood often occurs against the background of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

When can leg weakness be dangerous?

If the symptom is accompanied by a feeling of “woolly legs” and this does not occur in extreme heat, not from overwork or starvation, we can assume more serious causes - a pre-heart attack and pre-stroke condition. In parallel with the weak legs, heart pain or headache appears, and the fingers go numb. Here the minutes are counting.

Sometimes the cause of weakness in the legs is anemia - a deficiency of vitamin B12. This symptom is especially dangerous in older age. How to proceed in this case?


The symptoms of restless legs syndrome are independent of its cause. The main sign of pathology is an unpleasant sensation in the feet and legs. Patients describe it as burning, itching, tingling, bursting or squeezing, pain, heaviness, etc. Discomfort appears at rest, most often while falling asleep, and causes a persistent desire to move the legs. The sensations stop during movement and resume at rest. As a result, the process of falling asleep is disrupted.

The problem persists throughout the night. The person continues to move his legs (and sometimes his arms) unconsciously, resulting in shallow and interrupted sleep. The severity of the attacks is especially pronounced at the beginning and middle of the night (until 2-3 am), then the discomfort gradually subsides. Insufficient night rest leads to daytime sleepiness. The patient's attention and ability to concentrate decreases. In severe cases, a persistent sleep disorder develops, which, in turn, leads to nervous exhaustion and depression.

Some people report discomfort in their legs during the daytime. Staying in a sitting position for a long time, for example, while traveling, working at a computer or visiting the theater, also provokes an attack.

Common causes of leg weakness

Most often it occurs due to:

  • long periods of standing – both static and dynamic;
  • improperly selected shoes;
  • a diet that causes constant hunger;
  • transferred infectious diseases.

Morning weakness in the legs indicates endocrine disorders


The diagnosis of restless legs syndrome is made on the basis of the patient's complaints about characteristic symptoms, standard and neurological examination. To confirm, two examinations are prescribed:

  • electroneuromyography: detection of leg muscle contractility;
  • polysomnography: recording the main indicators of the body’s functioning (pulse, breathing), as well as movements during sleep.

In addition to making the main diagnosis, the doctor tries to identify the cause of the pathology. For this purpose the following may be prescribed:

  • general and biochemical blood tests (assessment of the level of hemoglobin, ferritin, uric acid, glucose, trace elements, etc.);
  • general urine analysis;
  • CT or MRI of the brain;
  • Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities (to detect varicose veins and thrombophlebitis);
  • blood test for thyroid hormones, etc.

If necessary, the patient is referred for consultation to specialized specialists (endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, urologist, etc.).

Full sexual intercourse: what happens?

During sex, first of all, muscles tense. The heart rhythm becomes simply frantic, the pulse reaches 100-160 beats per minute. Blood pressure rises sharply, and increased blood circulation is observed. Breathing increases to support the heart. It turns out that sex is akin to sports activity. The only difference is the level of pleasure. Hormones are released into the blood: steroids, endorphins. Gas exchange in the blood increases sharply in men.

As a result, the man gets an erection, and the woman's genitals swell. After a frantic rhythm, the body does not calm down immediately. The heart rhythm and breathing also do not immediately equalize.

So, why do your legs shake after sex? The only reason for this is that there was an orgasm.

Treatment for restless legs syndrome

Treatment requires an integrated approach. If the pathology is primary, the following drugs are used:

  • antiparkinsonian drugs (levodopa, bromocriptine and others): normalize dopamine metabolism in tissues, eliminating the consequences of its deficiency;
  • drugs against epilepsy (carbamazepine, phenobarbital, etc.);
  • benzodiazepines: relieve seizures and normalize sleep;
  • local painkillers in the form of gels and ointments (nurofen, ibuprofen, ketoprofen and analogues);
  • tableted anti-inflammatory drugs.

The first three groups of drugs are prescription drugs. Their intake must be carried out in strict accordance with the doctor's prescription. In severe cases, opioid medications are used, but their use is strictly limited.

If the disease occurs against the background of another pathology, remedies are prescribed to eliminate the cause:

  • Metformin: a drug that normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • antianemic drugs that increase the level of iron in the blood (fenuls, ferrum lek);
  • iodine preparations to stabilize the thyroid gland;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes for vitamin deficiency or lack of microelements.

Physiotherapy (magnetic therapy, darsonvalization), massage, and physical therapy helps improve the effect of drug treatment. These techniques are auxiliary.

In the long term, it is advisable to undergo a course of spa treatment aimed at strengthening the nervous system. Mud baths, pine baths, hydrotherapy, lymphopressotherapy - all this helps to normalize the mental state, improves sleep and reduces the frequency of attacks.

Make an appointment

Physiological tremor

Physiological means normal, harmless to the body. It is caused by natural processes in the body and occurs in healthy people. The main signs of such a tremor are: trembling only in the limbs, twitching goes away on its own, does not affect the quality of life and does not interfere with the performance of everyday tasks.

The most common reasons for the development of physiological tremor:

  • Overwork. Fatigue of a physical nature often leads to trembling hands - many have probably noticed that their hands shake after a hard workout or a long run. In this case, tremor is observed not only in the hands - it can affect the legs and knees.
  • Emotional overload is the second most common reason. Excessive anxiety, prolonged depression, hysteria, stressful situations - all this spurs the excitability of the central nervous system and leads to the appearance of tremors. If the trembling goes away after eliminating the stress factor, then medical attention is not required.
  • Juvenile tremor is a concept that was introduced specifically to describe another physiological phenomenon associated with tremor. A distinctive feature is that trembling appears suddenly, against the background of complete calm; it is impossible to determine the provoking cause. Very often the tremor moves from one hand to another, to the legs or even to the head. This tremor does not require treatment, but special medications can be prescribed to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Experts agree that the exact cause can be determined fairly quickly - but some diseases may require specialized tests. If the tremors are physiological in nature, the doctor can determine that there is no need for treatment even at the first appointment - but for this he will need an accurate description of the symptoms and the environment in which they occur most often.

Seizure prevention

In order not to be tormented by questions about what to do with restless legs syndrome and how to cure it, it is recommended to adjust your lifestyle. Proper nutrition, physical activity, proper rest - all this helps reduce the frequency of attacks and even get rid of them completely. Doctors recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • minimize the use of stimulants: coffee, black tea, cola, energy drinks;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • eat right: the diet should contain basic macro- and microelements in sufficient quantities; if you are overweight, you need to limit calories by 10-15% relative to the norm;
  • avoid eating sweets and other fast carbohydrates before bedtime;
  • if necessary, take multivitamins;
  • walk in the fresh air before bedtime;
  • reduce stress levels as much as possible;
  • avoid staying in the same position for a long time;
  • go to bed in a well-ventilated and darkened room;
  • Minimize watching TV and playing video games before bed;
  • periodically do foot baths with the addition of essential oils of mint and lavender; they help relax muscles and relieve spasms.

Moderate physical activity is a good prevention of physical inactivity. If you have restless legs syndrome, it is better to give preference to walking, light jogging, and swimming. You can also achieve improvement through yoga and meditation, especially those asanas that relieve leg tension.

Processes during sex

During sexual intercourse, hormones are activated, they create the mood for sex. This is nothing more than a certain combination of neurotransmitters: dopamine and serotonin. In this case, the arousal phase in a woman is observed above the waist. This is why foreplay is so important. And if at these moments you trivially think about food and cleaning, there will be nothing romantic anymore.

But for men it is much simpler: sexual arousal occurs below the waist. As it increases, the level of sex steroids and adrenaline increases. At the same time, the level of endorphins increases. They help you relax and relieve all unpleasant sensations.

If your legs are shaking and you feel dizzy after sex, but there is no relaxation, there is only one conclusion: something went wrong.

When the heart rate increases, the blood vessels dilate in response and blood rushes in increased quantities to strategically important areas. This means that an erection has occurred, and women have released lubricant. Nature's intention is to avoid discomfort.

In addition, vasodilation will provide you with a glow, general body redness and a feeling of heat. Breast enlargement occurs - this is exactly what can be called “breast enlargement without surgery, quickly and inexpensively.” The rush of blood to it makes part of the body engorged and hypersensitive. At the same time, genital stimulation occurs.

Why do my legs shake after sex? The muscles tense up and this is quite natural. It’s just that the degree of such tension is different. Again, the conclusion about sex as a sport suggests itself.

Posture is important. Depending on it, the muscles will work more or less actively, but they will remain tense until the end of the act. This is especially true for the muscles of the pelvic area and legs. This tension, by the way, increases the power of orgasm.

Why do my legs shake after sex? If the orgasm is very strong, a woman may not only have trembling legs, but also pulsate in her lower abdomen. Without these signs, she is unlikely to feel anything special.

Treatment at the Energy of Health clinic

Specialists at the Health Energy clinic are ready to help with restless legs syndrome of any severity. At your service are experienced doctors from the Neurology Department of the clinic, who will make a diagnosis and select effective treatment. We use an integrated approach that includes:

  • modern drug regimens prescribed individually;
  • physical therapy in our own gym;
  • all types of physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • restorative massage;
  • organization of sanatorium-resort treatment;
  • Recommendations for preventing attacks at home.

If necessary, our psychotherapists will come to help.

Don't care and forget?

One-time manifestations of benign tremor are not dangerous. It’s another matter if it occurs repeatedly after psycho-emotional stress. If the problem recurs periodically, especially at rest, this is a serious reason to go to the doctor.

Primary diagnosis is simple - tremor is determined visually. A competent doctor should treat a patient’s complaint with full responsibility, even if at the appointment the patient (as luck would have it!) does not have tremors. After all, it may be a sign of much more significant neurological disorders.

In any case, you need to start with the simplest measures - rest, basic adherence to the regime. Sometimes the doctor may recommend taking simple sedatives. If the tremors go away, the conclusion is simple: learn to rest!

Advantages of our clinic

“Health Energy” is a multidisciplinary medical center that offers each patient the highest quality medical services. Our specialists have modern diagnostic equipment at their disposal, which allows them to quickly determine the cause of problems and select treatment. By contacting us, you receive:

  • individual approach to diagnosing pathology;
  • consultations with doctors of various specialties;
  • attentive and sensitive attitude on the part of medical personnel;
  • reception by appointment without queues and long waits;
  • own day hospital;
  • comprehensive treatment, including not only medications, but also physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage and other techniques;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of treatment.

Restless legs syndrome can make every night hell. Sign up for examination and treatment at the Health Energy clinic and give yourself a good night's rest.

Why do my legs shake after sex?

The fact is that sex is an instant interweaving of both emotions and physical activity. Normal physiological reactions include the following: increased heart rate, redness of the skin, increased blood pressure, hormonal surges, etc.

“Sexual function involves many organs and systems, their joint action leads to an ideal result,” is the opinion of Loren Streicher, MD and nutritionist.

So, is it normal for your legs to shake after sex? After all, this phenomenon is not so rare.

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