Science news. Myelination and its early diagnosis What is myelin and why is it needed
How to get out of depression yourself - advice to a woman According to statistics, women suffer from depression
What happens during menstruation During the entire cycle, the body prepares for possible motherhood,
Causes of fainting during VSD There are many different diseases that can cause semi-fainting
11/24/2016 Pinchuk Elena Anatolyevna Deputy chief physician for medical work, kmn, neurologist, physical therapist
Stroke prevention involves eliminating risk factors, drug therapy for underlying diseases, and performing strengthening exercises.
Anxiety disorders are a common mental illness. Pathologies of this type do not belong to the group of severe ones.
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the lower jaw to the temporal bone. It allows the lower jaw to move,
Stroke is a serious brain disease characterized by circulatory disorders, focal lesions of brain tissue,
Diogenes syndrome (senile squalor) is a variant of age-related social degradation of the individual, a mental disorder accompanied by neglect