How to put a person to sleep: sound sleep without sleeping pills

Causes of insomnia

Sleep disturbance occurs in children or adult patients. To effectively eliminate the condition, it is necessary to identify the true cause. The following factors leading to insomnia are identified:

  • chronic fatigue caused by prolonged study or work;
  • prolonged nervous tension and exhaustion, depression;

  • emotional overexcitation, characteristic of young children;
  • neurological, endocrine diseases of a chronic type;
  • pain of different localization (dental, headache, caused by inflammatory processes of internal organs, damage to the limbs).

The use of acupressure methods only helps if insomnia is not caused by chronic diseases or damage to parts of the body.

If the condition is caused by a pain syndrome, consultation with attending physicians with diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease is required. Often the reason for lack of sleep is negative thoughts that do not let go of a person throughout the day.

If insomnia is not eliminated in a timely manner, exhaustion of the body, excessive nervous tension, and neurological and mental disorders will occur.

The causes of the condition are determined by a neurologist or somnologist. Consultation with a psychotherapist is rarely required. Diagnostic tests, such as an electroencephalogram, may be needed.

At any age, it is necessary to monitor your health, strengthen your immune system and not forget about the prevention of various diseases. One of the most accessible and effective methods of preventing many diseases is vaccination, which can be carried out both in childhood and in adulthood. Read more in the article: “for which diseases you can’t get vaccinated.”

Where it might come in handy

The technique of pressing on the vessel that supplies blood to the brain is used in many types of martial arts. When the enemy is knocked unconscious in this way. To put a person into sleep, 10 seconds and a force equal to five kilograms of weight are enough, but he will wake up in just a quarter of a minute.

This technique is not life-threatening because the second artery continues to supply the brain. However, you should not joke with your health. If you accidentally compress both vessels, the consequences of oxygen starvation of the brain will be dire and irreversible. Or you can even take a person’s life altogether.

Now you know where the carotid artery is and what will happen if you press on it. Do not forget that this is a very important and extremely delicate organ. Under no circumstances should you squeeze it out of interest, such a stupid act can cause death or disability!


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How massage works


When a person does not fall asleep for a long time, the first method that doctors recommend is massaging points on the body. It is used before the use of medications, physiotherapy and other techniques. Thanks to massage, the following positive effects occur:

  • blood flow to the massage point, which enhances local metabolism and regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • relaxation of muscles, elimination of spasms;

  • normalization of cerebral blood flow with the elimination of hypoxia, ischemia, and the supply of large amounts of nutrients;
  • elimination of numbness of the limbs;
  • general relaxing and tonic effect.

A person always relaxes during a massage. Anxious thoughts fade into the background, he ceases to feel extreme fatigue and tension. Massage helps eliminate even effects such as stress, nervous excitement, and body aches.

Ranitidine is an effective medicine for the treatment of pathologies of the digestive tract, which has virtually no contraindications. Patients prefer to select analogues if they have individual intolerance or are looking for a drug with a lower price. Read more in the article: “ranitidine analogues in tablets in Russia.”

To enhance the effect of massage methods, it is recommended to use special creams, oils, and gels. They contain plant components that have anti-inflammatory, soothing, tonic, and relaxing effects. They are not applicable to all patients, with the exception of people suffering from an allergic reaction or individual intolerance.

Torso pain points

Solar plexus

The blow should be delivered with a fist. Such a blow causes a burning pain that forces the person to bend over or kneel.


In the armpit, the large one passes close to the skin, so any blow there causes severe pain, temporarily paralyzing the enemy.

Belly, groin and kidneys

A punch to the stomach forces the enemy to bend, which will allow additional blows to the back or back of the head; a blow with the toe of the foot is no less effective.

The groin is one of the most convenient points to strike. A kick, fist, palm, or knee immobilizes the enemy.

Impacts to the kidneys can cause nervous shock and death without proper medical care. help, blows should be applied with the edge of the palm, as well as with the knee.

False rib

A blow to this rib can be applied from both sides of the body, but a stronger effect is manifested when striking the opponent's right side. You should hit with your elbow, knee or edge of your palm.

Acupressure technique

In order for the technique to produce a high-quality effect, it is used in stages. The patient's skin is first cleaned. If required, apply cream or oil. The following steps are performed step by step:


  • lightly knead the skin to warm it up;

  • press the point with your thumb or index finger, making rotational movements;
  • Gradually increase the pressure until it becomes slightly painful;
  • the period of pressure on each point lasts 7-8 seconds, after which the finger is rotated in the opposite direction and gradually removed;
  • Each acupuncture point is pressed up to 5 times, pain in this area goes away after 3-5 minutes.

During the procedure, you need to be aware of the symptoms in which the pressure is immediately stopped. Otherwise, the patient’s condition may worsen, causing a deterioration in well-being. The massage is completed if tachycardia, nausea, excessive sweating, pain in the eyes or head occurs. This indicates excessive stress on the cardiovascular and nervous system and increased blood pressure.

Circular movements can be made in any direction, but most massage therapists recommend doing it counterclockwise.

To achieve a long-lasting effect, it is recommended to carry out procedures every day. Massage no more than 3-4 points so as not to cause a headache or migraine. Gradually the number of points can be increased, gradually distributing the load.

Where is

The carotid artery is a paired vessel. Departing from the thoracic aorta, it immediately diverges into 2 separate arteries. One goes along the left side of the neck, the second along the right. In the area of ​​the larynx, or rather the Adam’s apple, each of the arteries is divided into 2 more branches - internal and external. The latter can be felt by placing your fingertips on your neck.

The internal branch runs along the temple and goes to the brain, since its main task is to supply it with blood. In the temporal region, the internal artery enters the skull. There it is divided into a network of smaller vessels, they into one more, and those into another. This forms a complex blood highway that supplies blood to all brain cells.

The outer one goes forward, making a slight bend along the chin and rushing upward, delivering blood to the eyes and face. Its terminal branches form a huge and extensive network of capillaries leading to the oral cavity and eyeballs. It is thanks to them that a blush appears on a person’s face in the heat or while running.

Thus, the carotid artery passes through all the tissues in the head area, saturates them with arterial blood coming from the heart, and the blood saturates them with the oxygen necessary to perform all functions.

Creating the right atmosphere

Lack of sleep can be triggered by negative environmental factors. For example, noise, foreign odors. They disturb a person and make him irritable. To eliminate insomnia, together with massage, create the right atmosphere.


  1. Music
    . Includes soft, relaxing, melodic music that does not cause nervous tension or anger. For example, melodies for meditation are suitable.

  2. Aromatherapy
    . Incense that normalizes the nervous system is suitable. They use the scent of chamomile, lavender, cedar, patchouli.

  3. Turn off household appliances
    . These include TV, game consoles and all electronics that make loud noises.

  4. Change the light
    . It is made muted or turned off completely. The brighter the light, the stronger the effect on the eye receptors. If you turn it down, the muscles in your eyeballs will relax.

A person may need more than just the right atmosphere to relax. Insomnia is often triggered by hunger or a full bladder. It is necessary to eliminate these factors, only then perform massage, otherwise its use will be ineffective. If a person suffers from chronic depression, it is recommended to perform acupressure not independently, but with the help of an outsider. This may be one of the family members who has previously studied the localization of pressure points. But it is better to contact a competent massage therapist.

How to stop bleeding

In some cases, clamping the carotid artery can save a person's life. If it bleeds, death occurs in just 2-3 minutes. By squeezing the damaged vessel, you can extend this short time. However, the clamping technique is not simple, and unskilled actions can aggravate the situation and lead to death.

It is recommended to compress the artery with a bandage or gauze bandage, applying it in the hole where the pulse is felt, and pressing it with your hand. For more qualified assistance, a tourniquet technique is used. The hand located on the side opposite to the injury is used as a splint. It is lifted up and bent so that the forearm rests on the vault of the skull and the shoulder rests against the ear.

A tourniquet is applied around the neck and opposite limb. The involved hand will prevent squeezing the entire artery located on the side opposite to the wound. A tourniquet placed this way can reduce bleeding. But you should know that even the most experienced doctor is not always able to save a person with such a wound.

Acupuncture points


Pressing on points differs from general massage. Choose a location where acupressure will lead to quick sleep and elimination of discomfort. The data is shown in the table.

Pressure pointLocalizationPressure method
Between the eyebrowsThe area on the bridge of the nose located between the eyebrowsThe head is thrown back, pressing on the point clockwise
crown2 cm below the top of the back of the headSitting or lying on your stomach
Angles of the eyesRetreat 1 cm from the corner of the eyes to the templeMassage 1 eye, then the other
Cheekbones1 cm from the wing of the noseRotational movements counterclockwise
Solar plexus1.5 cm down from the sternumLying on your back
WristFrom palm to little fingerFeel the carpal cavity, passing between the tendons
Back of the handBetween index finger and thumbStimulate the points one at a time until slight pain appears
Little fingerArea under the nailLight pressure with a shift to the outside of the hand
PalmFrom middle finger to wristGradual circular movements with moderate pressure
Above the kneeInner legIn a sitting position, massage with light movements
SoleHole on the soleMassage when bending fingers

It is not necessary to apply pressure to all points. Results are obtained even with acupressure only in the head area. If there is no effect, continue to add areas for massaging.

Pain points of the head

The first points we will look at are the head points. These include: eyes, nose, ears, temples, lips and chin.


The eyes are one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body; any blow to them will cause pain. For eye damage, a simple “fork” technique is suitable. However, there is a possibility that your fingers may be caught and twisted, so be careful.


Even a mild direct blow to the nose almost guarantees bleeding and severe discomfort. For a more effective blow, it is recommended to use a “catchy” blow with the knuckles on the convex part of the nose to the side. Such a blow guarantees a painful shock to the opponent.


In this place, blows have the most serious consequences, since the skull is most vulnerable in this area, traumatic nerves and arteries are dangerously close to the surface of the skin. Most different types of impacts can cause death or severe head injuries.

When is massage not recommended?


There are temporary contraindications in which it is not recommended to perform massage for a limited time. When a person is completely cured, it can be reused. Massaging points for insomnia is not recommended for patients suffering from the following diseases or abnormalities in organ function:

  • benign or malignant tumors;
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension, heart failure, mitral valve prolapse);

  • use of antihypertensive drugs;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of a viral or bacterial nature;
  • increased body temperature;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins to limit massage to the lower extremities only;

  • ulcers, dermatitis, allergies, wounds and other skin damage in the area where massage is required;
  • glaucoma, increased intracranial pressure.

Many oncologists do not recommend using acupressure even after completing oncology. They believe that the stage of remission can turn into a recurrence of cancer. Therefore, it is recommended to first consult with your doctor if you have severe systemic diseases.

How to determine the strength of impact

The modern method of determining the force of an impact on a painful point is determined by five levels:

  1. The first level is a weak blow that does not cause serious damage to the attacker, but serves only as a distracting maneuver for retaliating against the opponent’s attacks.
  2. The second has a slightly stronger effect in a fight compared to the first.
  3. The third is attacks that can lead to stunning the enemy or numbness of the affected limbs. Such techniques will allow you to neutralize the enemy for a short period of time.
  1. Impact on points of the fourth level can have serious consequences; impacts often lead to injuries or loss of consciousness; sometimes the result of interaction with points is paralysis.
  2. five strikes are extremely dangerous to the opponent’s health; techniques can be fatal.

Now you should pay attention to the fact that all pain points of the body can be divided into conditional groups - points of the head, torso and legs.

The effectiveness of acupressure


If the patient suffers from constant insomnia, all methods must be taken in a timely manner to eliminate it. Otherwise, exhaustion and deterioration of the central and peripheral nervous system will occur. A set of methods is used to normalize sleep.

In addition to massage, it is recommended to use sessions with a psychotherapist, treatment of an underlying chronic disease, long rest, and physiotherapy.

When a person cannot fall asleep, a massage is performed, starting from the head, gradually moving to the lower parts of the body. If required, it is finished at the feet. When patients experience strong relaxation, they try to fall asleep. It is not always necessary to massage the entire body area.

Neurologists indicate that daily use of acupressure methods helps to relax the entire body, eliminate stress, nervous tension, and depression. Gradually, a person will learn to fall asleep on his own, without the use of outside methods. Then the technique can be carried out not every day, but periodically, for prevention.

Pain points in the legs

Impacts to the knee, its lateral part and the kneecap should be applied with the edge of the boot. This technique immobilizes the opponent, damaging the ligaments and joint of the knee.


The blow should be applied with the outer edge of the boot, keeping it perpendicular to the ankle. Hitting with the toe of the boot is extremely ineffective and it is recommended not to use it.


In the area of ​​the shin, the bone is the least thin and, accordingly, poorly protected. The greatest effectiveness is achieved by striking with the outer edge of the foot at 1/3 of the height of the shin from below.


The most vulnerable and fragile bones are located in the foot. Impacts to these bones easily lead to their destruction. Basically these are strikes with the heel or foot from top to bottom. It is recommended to carry out when the enemy is behind you.

Hitting pressure points is often used in special fighting techniques. Special combat techniques are aimed at ensuring a person’s safety in situations where his life is in mortal danger.

Not a single special combat technique is aimed at deliberately killing a person, but only at disarming (immobilizing) the enemy.

Watch a training video in which a self-defense specialist talks about working with pain points:

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