Green color in psychology: meaning, what it symbolizes, what it says

Color is very important in home design. It can set the tone, focus on something specific and add energy to the space. Interestingly, green has more shades than any other color. It is also the most common color in nature and is the second most popular and loved color after blue.

Let's take a closer look at the color green and determine its meaning and consequences of use in the living space.

Interesting facts about color perception

This theory was invented by the famous German writer Johann Goethe. The bottom line is that a dark palette has a calming effect, while a light palette has an invigorating effect. If you look at the cold spectrum, you will first notice blue, and when looking at the warm spectrum, yellow. They are the “foundation” for creating all other shades.

As mentioned above, gamma affects people both on a physiological and mental level. In the first case, the interaction should occur in a fairly short period of time, and in the second, a longer one. Perception functions through associations. First we catch it with our visual organs, and then the influence is tactile. For example, blue belongs to the cold complex.

Many scientists believe that it has a direct effect on body temperature or blood pressure. The spectrum from blue to greenish contributes to its increase, and from yellow to reddish - to its decrease.

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Author of the article: Sergey Kuriy

“The Green Noise is coming and going, the Green Noise, the spring noise!” (N. Nekrasov)

“All the edges are turning green, the pond is turning green. And the green frogs sing a song. The Christmas tree is a sheaf of green candles, The moss is the green floor. And the little green grasshopper started a song...” (Sasha Cherny “Green Poems”)

“I could compare the stark green color to the calm, drawn-out, mid-tones of a violin.”

This is Kandinsky.

“If you mix yellow with blue, you get the color we call green. Our eye finds real satisfaction in it. If both initial colors are mixed in equal proportions... then the eye and soul rest on this mixture as if on something simple. I don’t want to and can’t move on.”

And this is Goethe, who considers green a “balancing” and calm color.

Amazon forest.
The opinion about green as the most comfortable color for the human eye is shared by science. In the 1930s, scientist S. Kravkov noted that it was the effect of green color that maximally sharpens other senses (hearing, smell). At the same time, the eye itself seems to “rest” in green, the pressure in the eye vessels decreases and visual acuity is restored. It is not for nothing that this color occupies the middle – “basic” – region in the spectral range we perceive.

The green cloth of the billiard table seems to say: don’t be nervous.

Why this happened is not difficult to guess if we remember that the formation of the human species took place precisely in the green “interior”. And our adjective “green” comes from the Old Russian noun “zel”, meaning “young winter, greenery, grass.”

It just so happens that the plant pigment chlorophyll reflects the green spectrum, and therefore green is one of the most common and familiar colors.

Chloroplasts in leaf cells (right) contain chlorophyll.

Perhaps it was the longing of the Arabs living in the desert for gardens and trees that led to green becoming the sacred color of Muslims.

Flag of Saudi Arabia.

The color green was also adored in Ancient Egypt, surrounded by sands. It was widely used in cosmetics, and Osiris (the god of resurrecting nature) was often referred to as the “Great Green One.”

Osiris was usually depicted with a green face.

Based on the above, it is not difficult to draw a chain of associations associated with this color - nature, spring, youth, renewal, hope and even immortality (“evergreen”). It was the balancing effect and connection with nature that made green a symbol of health, and later of environmental cleanliness.

Even medieval doctors, like the cunning Goodwin from the Emerald City, recommended that patients look at a pyramid of green glass - so to speak, for peace of mind.

Rice. L. Vladimirsky to the fairy tale by A. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”.

In Christianity, this color was a symbol of hope, justice and justice. No wonder it was very popular in the culture of the Middle Ages, in particular in clothing (let’s remember the famous old ballad “Greensleeves”).

Jan van Eyck. "Portrait of the Arnolfini Couple" (1434).

St. Hildegard of Bingen, 12th century: “It appears in the early morning at sunrise. The green decoration of the earth, the grasses are now blooming with the freshest freshness, the air is still cool, but the Sun is already warming, and the plants greedily absorb the greenery, like a lamb - milk. The heat of a whole day is not enough to boil and eat away this greenness... Emerald, therefore, is a strong remedy against all human weaknesses and diseases, since the Sun itself creates it and its substance is generated from the greenness of the air.”

The darkish green color, as it does not easily stain, is widely used in workwear, and in khaki clothing its camouflage properties are exploited. As I already wrote, green is good because it does not distract or irritate the eye. Therefore, some designers believe that the walls of classrooms in schools should be painted like this: the front wall should be green, and the side walls should be painted a warm soft yellow. Dark green tones are good for an office and library (by the way, library reading rooms are often equipped with lamps with green lampshades).

However, it is worth keeping in mind that due to its wide distribution in nature, this range can become boring (“melancholy green”). The negative symbolism of green is associated, like yellow, with an unhealthy complexion and toxicity (“green with envy/anger”).

On the left is a green devil in a 15th-century painting. On the right is the “green serpent” (symbol of drunkenness) in a Soviet caricature.

Green eyes were often considered a sign of temptation and deceit, and sometimes of envy and greed.

Associated with unripe fruit, this color also symbolizes youth and inexperience. We should also not forget that shades also play an important role in color perception (compare, for example, poisonous yellow-green, luxurious emerald and solid dark green).

Another “green”...

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Author: Sergey Kuriy

What does green mean in psychology?

A huge amount of this tone in nature is associated with the presence of chlorophyll. This is a special pigment contained in the leaves and stems of many representatives of the flora. It allows plants to independently produce nutrients to support their vital functions: this particle is an important link in a process such as photosynthesis.

Green is obtained by combining yellow and blue, so it can be interpreted in different ways. On the one hand, it is recognized as the safest in the world. It is not for nothing that such a signal at a traffic light allows you to cross the roadway. On the other hand, it is a sign of life, harmony and tranquility. Anyone who looks at this tone will associate it with growth and development.

Symbolism of blue

Deep, cold, intangible color, the color of truth: symbolizes water that cleanses, nourishes and refreshes. The color blue also symbolizes inner life, femininity, kindness, a sense of duty, devotion, stability, and the pursuit of ideals. This is the color of a personality that is trustworthy, constant, collected, calm.

It corresponds to divine truth, faith, loyalty. Dreams associated with this color provide a sense of self-absorption. This is the color of cold, azure, sky and paradise. It sets the mood for relaxation, because it does not push the gaze away, but allows it to get lost in itself. Blue imparts rigor and dignity; it conceals originality and exactingness.

  • Dark blue color is order, inflexibility, power, instigation, respect, prudence, intuition, giftedness.
  • Light blue: creativity, dreaminess, sensitivity, tenderness, sense of duty.
  • Lavender: a symbol of emphasized femininity and sophistication. This is a noble, even arrogant color, which speaks of a subtle, charming, sociable, artistic personality.
  • Purple: Spirituality, respect, divine power, power, spiritual authority, the mystery of life, truth, wisdom, serenity, depth, freshness, modesty.
  • Turquoise: symbol of beauty, tranquility, trust, devotion, idealism. This color protects against bad thoughts. It emphasizes strength of character, wisdom of body and spirit. Speaks of a sensitive, sophisticated, intelligent, stable, persistent, but somewhat detached from the outside world personality.

For a long time, no importance was attached to the blue color of different shades. Only from the 12th century did it acquire noble properties thanks to the progress of the dyeing craft and for a more symbolic reason - thanks to the cult of the Virgin Mary. It became the color of kings, and the Virgin Mary was traditionally depicted wearing a cloak and cape of an azure hue.

Stones: turquoise, hematite. 5th chakra color: blue. A symbol of the mind, the desire for purity and infinity. It represents the power of thought, faith, acuity of perception, consciousness, depth of being, devotion. 6th chakra color: dark blue. A symbol of communication, self-expression, creativity, tranquility. Stones: blue agate, tourmaline (indigolite).


All cultures and nationalities have come to the general conclusion that it is a connotation of prosperity. This meaning in our subconscious is associated with the awakening of nature in the spring, when the snowdrifts melt and young grass appears, the leaves of the trees bloom and everything around seems to come to life. Numerous religious festivals and traditions originate from this performance.

Some believe it is the gamma of life force. She is able to replenish the lack of energy at the psycho-emotional level. Varieties with a large drop of blue have a calming effect. This cold type is often used in the treatment of phobias, such as fear of enclosed spaces. Individuals with claustrophobia suggest spending some time in a room where the walls are painted a soft greenish color. According to experiments, such an atmosphere makes it much easier to cope with the condition that arises in a closed room.

What does the color green symbolize in psychology?

It has long been considered a symbol of happiness and joy, harmony and peace, good luck and prosperity, as well as balance and wisdom. In past eras, the hue was associated with activities such as farming and gardening.

In the Orthodox religion, the palette is known as a sign of immortality, and in Islam it is the embodiment of heaven and life. Tone is very important in Ireland. Everyone knows that this is the centerpiece of St. Patrick's Day. And the leprechaun here is always depicted in clothes made in greenery.

I have found that it has a particularly beneficial effect on people who are under stress or nervous tension. In this case, it calms the central nervous system and helps you feel in harmony with reality. But despite all the advantages, several centuries ago in some regions the shade had negative symbolism. For example, women with green eyes were a priori considered witches. He was also associated with various evil spirits: demons, merman.

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  1. Has a positive effect on people with claustrophobia.
  2. Helps get rid of negative emotions and relieve tension. If you admire green objects for a short time.
  3. If a person suffers from insomnia, this color will help you relax and fall asleep faster.
  4. If you have difficulty making certain decisions, you can surround yourself with green things. For example, in the summer, just go for a walk in the park.
  5. If a person has vision problems, a tendency to depression, liver or heart disease, green objects will help. It also helps relieve headaches and lower blood pressure.


The main interpretation that appears in anyone’s head is the foliage of trees and flowers, berries, fruits, plants. You can often find birds, reptiles and amphibians that have a greenish color: crocodiles, frogs, parrots, organists.

Psychologists treat different shades differently. For example, light green is associated not only with greenery, but also with yellowness, so it can be interpreted in either direction. But if there is not too much green in it, then it is classified as cool in the spectrum and is credited with calming properties.

Usually this tone is considered to be more positive, including its dark varieties. Indeed, in all its manifestations it is closely connected with nature, which people see every day.

Symbolism of chestnut color

There are beautiful people and ugly people. As for skin color, these are just quirks of nature, that's all. Daniel Pennac, "The Little Prose Trader"

A symbol of earth, wood, simplicity, a return to traditions of vital energy. It invigorates and facilitates communication. But be careful: if you wear too much chestnut, you risk creating an impression of despondency, apathy, and banality (the color can be associated with peasant work, army camouflage). Therefore, it is better to combine it with a different shade - for the sake of more liveliness of your image.

Impact on humans

As noted earlier, any gamma, one way or another, affects not only the emotional background, but even the health of individuals. Therefore, the choice of clothing and interior design must be approached with great responsibility, since all these elements will be evident every day.

In my personal consultation, I will tell you how to use shades correctly to get rid of anxiety and find peace. For now, let's look at the main aspects of this impact.

Positive effect

If we talk about lovers of greenery, they are distinguished by charm, stable psyche, perseverance, courage and truthfulness. I believe that such people tend to be objective, since they see not only the good, but also the bad. This skill allows them to look at things soberly, assess their own capabilities and the consequences of the situation. Thanks to this, their decision carries great weight, and the ability to make correct calculations makes them an authority among others.

Greenish is a sign of growth and development. This means that individuals who prefer this tone are constantly striving to learn new things and improve. Among other things, fans are characterized by stability, kindness and the ability to be compassionate.

Negative effect

But there are also negative qualities in the character of green lovers. Green color in human psychology means peace, which can lead to apathy for those who spend a long time in a room with such a palette. The absence of desires is explained by the fact that in such an atmosphere the individual makes up for the lack of energy and receives special energy support.

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The natural shade conceals all the secrets of the universe, and therefore endows people with secrecy. The quality is more bad than good. I use gamma for my own purposes. With its help, they cure claustrophobia by placing someone who suffers from a fear of closed spaces in a room made in greenish tones. The calming aura has a beneficial effect on the body, which helps to significantly reduce attacks.

Also, you should not resort to greens when you are overworked or nervously exhausted, as this can lead to a complete loss of energy. But in general, the effect depends on the balance of yellowness and blueness. If blue predominates, the shade will become more intense. And in the case of yellow – harmonious and invigorating.

Impact on mental state

In a general sense, green is known to be relaxing. But if we talk about varieties, for example, light green, then it can have a slight invigorating effect.

Let's look at how it affects your well-being:

  1. Color has a beneficial effect on the psyche. It allows you to overcome problems such as phobias, neuroses, melancholy and anxiety. This is especially important for hot-tempered individuals, as greens help to “cool them down.” And for those who feel overwhelmed and empty, it gives strength, gives a good mood, and also increases productivity and concentration.
  2. Individuals who spend a long time in a room where the walls are painted in a similar color scheme feel comfort and coziness. Even a small amount of green decor can improve the condition of the body.
  3. For people with mental illnesses and frequent mood swings, the tone allows them to get rid of negativity.
  4. Color therapists are confident that it reduces pain, and also stimulates the rapid treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases, stabilizes blood pressure and heartbeat. There is a huge impact on the visual and respiratory organs, bones, muscles and gastrointestinal tract.
  5. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on relationships, helping lovers to be more caring and attentive.

Use in advertising

Since the palette is associated with safety and freshness, it can often be found on packaging with natural and organic products. The marks “eco” or “bio” are also accompanied by this shade.

The method is used if the contents of the box contain fruits or vegetables, for example, apples, kiwis, cucumbers. The technique is also excellent for advertising medical products, and can also be seen in the logos of private clinics, pharmacies and other health-related companies.

What does green color in clothes mean?

The priority of a specific color scheme in outfits can also tell a lot about a person. After all, it is believed that through such preferences a person shares his mood, experiences, or unconsciously indicates character traits.

  1. Lovers of delicate greenery are characterized as easy-going and pleasant individuals to communicate with. They tend to communicate and collaborate with others.
  2. A bright option, especially in combination with yellow or orange, symbolizes physical activity and positivity. This complex always lifts your spirits and gives you a burst of energy for the whole day. That is why the outfit is used in order to reveal your potential.
  3. The meaning of dark green in psychology comes down to calm and harmony. People who prefer this type are characterized by some isolation and detachment. They love to be alone, to retire from others and immerse themselves in their own inner world.

Interesting fact: the famous empresses of the Russian Empire - Catherine de Medici and Elizaveta Petrovna - were crazy about greenery. Their choice indicates masculinity of character. In any case, absolutely everyone can afford such a wardrobe, regardless of appearance. It is suitable for both special occasions and everyday life.

Variety of shades

There are a lot of green shades in nature.
Perhaps that is why the human eye distinguishes them. Biologists associate this human ability with the need in the distant past to notice from afar predatory animals hiding in a dense forest or hiding in tall grass. Articles on the topic

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Some shades are named after gemstones, plants or fruits:

  • emerald - a juicy, rich shade of green;
  • malachite - delicate green color with a bluish tint;
  • turquoise - light green with the addition of blue;
  • Chartreuse is a yellow-green shade located in the very middle of the visible spectrum;
  • mint color - a cool green shade;
  • olive - yellow-green with a slight admixture of red.

Green color can be considered a symbol of peace and harmony. This is the color of femininity that gives love.

Who chooses green?

About 15% of people prefer greenish shades. And approximately the same number have dislike for him due to superstitions. There is a connection between color taste and character. But don't take it too seriously. After all, each person is unique, so you can get to know her well only through close communication, and not with the help of generalized descriptions.

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However, male admirers have qualities such as:

  1. Kindness. They are friendly, and their face is often decorated with a smile. They always try to help others, even if it is to their detriment. This is due to the fact that their level of empathy is quite high.
  2. Equilibrium. It is difficult to provoke such individuals to display negative emotions, since they know how to control themselves in almost any situation. Hot temper or aggression are definitely not characteristic of them.
  3. Perseverance and accuracy. Of course, they are far from perfectionists, but they strive for this. This manifests itself in excessive attention to detail, persistence in achieving goals and excellent productivity.
  4. Caring. These are excellent spouses and fathers. They strive to ensure that their loved ones are happy and do everything possible for this.
  5. Sociability. This trait is not as strong as those who prefer yellow or reddish, but they love good conversations.

Female representatives who love greenish shades often prioritize family rather than work. They love to expand their circle of acquaintances, have goodwill, and good health. In addition, green color in a woman’s psychology means that she:

  1. Patient. Like men, she knows how to control her own emotions. It is unlikely that such girls will throw tantrums and demonstrate sudden mood swings.
  2. Empathic. The ability to understand the feelings of others makes her provide support to people. She knows how to give excellent advice on time and find the right words.
  3. Intelligence. She is always smiling, respects other people and will not cause them discomfort unless there is a good reason for it.

In addition, such individuals have prudence and balance between the emotional component and reason.

Dyes and colors

The source of the green color was a variety of numerous plants: nettle, clubmoss, trefoil and tansy. And yet, 1845 can be called a historically important moment, when locao, a Chinese green, was brought to Europe from China, which became a real salvation for textile workers. Paint was produced from two types of buckthorn, which grew only in China, and not leaves and fruits were used, as Europeans did with other types of plants, but the bark.

The process of obtaining paint was quite complex and long. First, the bark was boiled for several days, after which the fabric was immersed in the broth. The sun-dried linen was boiled again, and then the resulting sediment was collected, dried and sent for sale. In its raw form, the paint had a purple color, but when interacting with boiling water it gave a unique green tint. Chinese silks, dyed with locau hundreds of years ago, are still astonishing in their purity, brightness and brilliance. It is believed that no artificial dye has yet surpassed locao in the nobility of tone.

Symbolism of color in different eras

Attitudes towards green have changed over different eras. Thus, in Ancient Rome, the color was considered exclusively feminine, and it was simply indecent for men to wear it. In the Middle Ages, “famous” for their crusades, expensive fabrics of a luxurious green hue brought from the East were reserved for exclusively special occasions, and in the Renaissance the color became very popular, many shades appeared - from lush grass to blue-green. They symbolized vitality, maturity, nobility. By the way, to this day in Italy, some brides traditionally choose a green wedding dress, since it is believed that in this case the family will be strong, happy and rich.

Who is it suitable for?

This is a universal shade that, if combined correctly, will be appropriate for both a party and an everyday look. However, stylists do not recommend wearing bright light green outfits to important meetings or negotiations, as there is a risk of giving the impression of a frivolous person.

The designation of green color in the interior comes down to spiritual comfort. It will be especially pleasant for those who value warmth and want to feel maximum comfort at home. Therefore, the gamma is suitable for bedroom design, which will contribute to deep relaxation and excellent rest. The most attractive combinations will be with black, orange, brownish, and yellow.

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