How to make a man jealous: 7 working ways

Jealousy is a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands; if a woman uses it too often, the whole effect disappears; if you don’t use it at all, the relationship can become boring and insipid. The truth is that all people are jealous, whether they realize it or not is a completely different question. But women can quite consciously make the man they like jealous in order to get what they need.

Of course, this looks like an unpleasant manipulation, but everyone knows the phrase “In love, as in war, all means are fair.” And jealousy is precisely a bizarre mixture of love and “war” in a relationship.

How to make a man jealous: 7 working ways

Nothing binds you like jealousy.
Andre Maurois. Prometheus, or the Life of Balzac

  • 1. In what cases does jealousy help?
  • 2.When you NEED to cause jealousy
  • 3.When NOT to cause jealousy
  • 4.Why is it sometimes necessary to make a man jealous?
  • 5.Tricks that will make a man jealous 5.1.1. Sexuality
  • 5.2.2. Flirting
  • 5.3.3. Ignore
  • 5.4.4. meetings with friends
  • 5.5.5. Social media
  • 6.What to avoid
      6.1.6. Obviousness
  • 6.2.7. Boundaries of what is permitted
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    • How to stop your husband from talking to his ex once and for all

    When NOT to be jealous

    • If a girl broke up with a guy, but at the same time flirts with his best friend or colleague, in the hope of causing jealousy and getting him back.
      Here the woman uses jealousy to induce feelings of guilt, thereby, as it were, punishing the man. This is bad for both him and her.

      While a woman is overwhelmed by feelings of anger and resentment, she cannot think soberly, and when the first emotional intensity subsides, she will greatly regret what she has done. So you should remember that deliberately making your ex jealous is not the best idea.

    Risk of male jealousy

    Consider whether it is worth resorting to this measure of influence over your loved one. After all, the risk and unpleasant consequences for the human psyche are too great.

    The reasons for inciting jealousy and the consequences are interconnected:

    • Formation of connections on the side. A man may acquire a mistress due to disappointment in his partner.
    • Meticulousness of attention. Constant control, interrogation about location, communication with people. As a result, jealousy will turn into paranoia that you have a gentleman.
    • Spying on your other half, constant testing of fidelity, complete control over your partner’s life.
    • By arousing a feeling of jealousy in a guy, you run the risk of being retaliated against.
    • Moral crush. The psyche may not be able to stand it, causing the man to fall into alcoholism or his health to deteriorate.

    My dear readers! This act is very serious, and I will not get tired of repeating it. Jealousy has a very strong impact on the psyche, especially when interacting with a loved one. The outcome in 80% of cases shows that making a man jealous means making a huge mistake in which you yourself will become a martyr.

    Dear women, if anyone has personal experience or the experience of your friend that corresponds to this topic, share it in the comments.

    Why is it sometimes necessary to make a man jealous?

    The man is jealous...

    A man never, even to himself, admits that he is jealous.

    If a girl likes a man, but she is not sure of his reciprocal sympathy, then jealousy can serve as a catalyst for both, revealing true feelings for each other.

    Jealousy can also add spice to a fading relationship, returning it to its previous course, safely avoiding a painful separation.

    How to evoke feelings

    Returning male interest is a whole strategy that will take more than one day of your life. There are no specific and clear rules here, since certain actions affect each person differently. But you can follow certain tips that are more likely to help your husband look at his wife in a new way.

    Always look good

    Her beautiful appearance can make a husband jealous of his wife. Sometimes the reason for indifference lies in a woman’s reluctance to look attractive. After years of living together, partners get used to each other and see nothing wrong with not taking care of themselves or not paying due attention to their care. Because of this, a man may fall into despair, because... The girl you love was always attractive and chic during the stages of falling in love, but now she doesn’t hesitate to put herself in order for weeks.

    The main task of a woman is to always take care of herself, to be better than she is now. Care is not bright 24-hour makeup and beautiful outfits. This means clean skin, pleasant hair, a good smell, neat manicure and pedicure. Changes should also affect style. If a woman prefers baggy and shapeless outfits, she should change them to more elegant clothes. Such changes will cause the husband to think about why and for whom the wife began to diligently take care of herself. And this is a direct path to jealousy.

    Find a passion

    Women who devote all their free time to everyday life, after a while, stop worrying their partners. The same applies to complete emotional dissolution in a loved one.

    For a man, a dependent woman ceases to provide any value. He knows that she will always wait for him and agree to any conditions.

    In order for a husband to see an independent person in his wife, it is necessary to do something new, devote his time to a new hobby. This could be language courses, a gym, personal training, creativity - something that will let the partner know about the employment and development of the spouse. Only when she becomes an independent person with her own affairs and interests will he become jealous and begin to fear loss.

    Move away a little

    A slight chill and indifference can make you afraid of losing. If a woman is regularly in touch with her partner, writes messages every half hour and cannot leave a single step at home, this soon begins to bother him. A man strives to run away from annoying attention anywhere. The girl’s task is to distance herself and show some indifference on her part in order to arouse the interest of her loved one.

    You don’t have to ignore them completely; you need to respond to messages less often, sometimes miss calls, and get carried away with your own affairs more often. You can go away for the weekend with girlfriends, friends, or go on your own to some event in order to be at a distance from your partner.

    The husband, accustomed to constant care and attention, will be surprised by this phenomenon and worried about why they began to treat him indifferently. This will lead to renewed interest, making him jealous. It may be that the response will not appear immediately, but you should not deviate from the rules.

    Gain Self-Control

    Regular complaints, hysterics, and excessive suspicion scare away a man and lead to his loss of interest. Psychologists say: the more a wife experiences and worries about her husband’s possible infidelities, the more he thinks about it. Complete calm and self-confidence will help to make your husband jealous. The woman’s goal is to make her husband’s thoughts about cheating and suspicions arise more often.

    To do this, you should stop constantly controlling your partner, stop constantly comparing yourself with other women, and also see each of them as a potential rival. All these signs point to low self-esteem, which men successfully take advantage of, lowering it even further. Only a confident lady can make her partner jealous and afraid of losing her.

    Raising self-esteem is not a matter of one day; you may have to spend enough time to restore it. However, a positive result will make up for the losses and allow you to feel like a full-fledged person, whose moral state does not depend on the actions of other people.

    Male environment

    Light flirting can make your husband jealous. The interest of strangers is a powerful weapon for inciting a partner’s jealousy. Any man who shows interest in a lady is considered a rival for her husband, whose advances must certainly be neutralized. Psychologists believe that the male sex is characterized by a sense of possessiveness. Therefore, even minor affairs will force them to put aside their affairs and solve the problem that has arisen.

    However, jealousy should not be caused artificially; feigned stories about a new admirer and independently purchased bouquets will quickly be revealed by the husband and will not cause any concern on his part.

    You need real interest from another man. This could be a colleague, a boss, a new neighbor, a former boyfriend - someone who will appreciate the beauty of a woman and remind her husband of her attractiveness.

    Don't go too far and jump into the arms of the first person you meet. You need to behave openly, but also show inaccessibility. Otherwise, a new acquaintance will regard the woman as “easy prey” and skip the courtship process. And this process is necessary in order to arouse the interest of the spouse.

    Making a loved one jealous is sometimes useful, and sometimes it is the only method that helps remind a man of the value of his companion. However, before trying to establish contact, it is worth asking yourself questions: “Do I want to continue this relationship? Will I be happy after this man’s renewed interest?” If the answer is yes, then you should definitely act and use the tips described above. If it’s negative, it’s better to think about whether the person is nearby and whether it’s worth wasting your life on him.

    Tricks to make a man jealous

    Making a man jealous is sometimes so simple: they are jealous when a girl looks stunning and is not theirs, they are jealous when a girl flirts with another, completely ignoring him - so wonderful in every sense.
    They are jealous, even when someone else simply noted the attractiveness of a woman, without reciprocity on her part. They are jealous often and unconsciously, so why don't women take the steering wheel into their own hands?

    Jealousy is a sign of love. Alexandr Duma. Count of Monte Cristo


    It is known that men “love with their eyes,” so grooming and elegance are the shortest way to winning a man’s attention.
    To give yourself even more chances, try adding a sexy touch to your look. And remember: there is a very fine line between sexuality and vulgarity, so it is important not to overdo it here.


    The art of flirting is an indispensable skill in communicating with the opposite sex.
    Flirting in communication eliminates nervousness, calms and wins over your interlocutor. Nothing will make a man jealous more than the scene of you flirting with another “candidate for your hand and heart.” So feel free to flirt with his friends, rewarding him with your attention from time to time. After all, demonstratively “bypassing” him, flirting with others in front of his eyes, is the most disastrous strategy for seducing a man.


    Men simply cannot stand it when the girl they like ignores and does not notice them. One caveat - ignoring should not be feigned and demonstrative.

    • Don't show that you were looking forward to his call.
    • Don't ask a hundred times about the meeting scheduled for next weekend.
    • Don't pick up the phone on the first ring.
    • From time to time, allow yourself not to answer the call at all, and when he later asks (and he definitely will) what it was, give a plausible, and most importantly, decent explanation for your absence.
      You should only talk about the reasons for your employment in response to his question. There is no need for any initiative here, let him suffer with guesses.
    • Don't ask him endlessly about his feelings and what he's thinking. This shows the girl’s great interest, and it is especially disadvantageous when he himself does not show such signs of concern.

    meetings with friends

    Group meetings can work for you in two ways.
    The first is a company consisting more of women. Ignoring him, his remarks and jokes against the background of the other women involved creates dissonance and draws his attention to you. Secondly, a company predominantly consisting of men gives you even greater bonuses: light flirting and active communication with everyone inflames and inflames a man’s jealousy worse than a tinderbox.

    Social media

    Social networks are simply a treasure for those who want to make a man jealous, even while at a considerable distance from him.
    With modern technology it's ridiculously easy. Take interesting selfies on Instagram or Facebook with friends of the opposite sex, publish ambiguous posts and put ambiguous statuses. Give him room for imagination! Let him “attach” his thoughts to you, wondering who this “friend” is to you and what you two did together at that meeting. What did you want to say by hanging this status on your wall? And what is this post about unrequited love for a distant and unattainable man? Did you mean him, or someone else? Let him think and worry, and we will mark 1:0 in our favor.

    Jealousy is the engine of demography. The greater the jealousy, the higher the birth rate! Snowy love, or a winter's night's dream

    How to tell if a guy is jealous

    A woman will feel when a man is jealous, no matter how hard he tries to veil his emotions.

    • He will be able to get to the SMS and read all the messages of the chosen one on social networks.
    • He shows interest in her work and affairs.
    • The guy demonstrates a quick temper, often gets offended or withdraws into himself.
    • He invites you to the cinema, greets you from work.
    • He asks about his friends.

    The most important thing is to be light and relaxed, learn to play the most dangerous game called “love” and then you can win a well-deserved victory.

    What to avoid

    The guy is jealous of his girlfriend


    When arousing jealousy in a man, it is important not to do it “for show” and so that he can guess that this is your trick.
    If he guesses, it’s a disaster, you lose. Distance and cooling on his part are guaranteed. It’s not for nothing that jealousy is called a dangerous weapon; it’s akin to poison: in the right dose it’s medicine, a little more than what’s allowed is already poison. Try to act in accordance with the context of the setting and communication, without causing strong contrast, try to appear sincere and spontaneous, and you will succeed.

    Boundaries of what is permitted

    If you're in a relationship, hugging others in front of your loved one is not a good idea, to put it mildly.
    If you are at the stage of “playing with your eyes” and haven’t even really talked yet, such obvious interest from other men will certainly arouse the interest and jealousy of the object. In the first case, you will get burning, evil jealousy and a completely justified cooling of your partner. Plus, most likely, they will no longer trust you. The situations seem to be the same, but the results are so different! It's all about the context of the situation and the limits of what is permitted for your partner. If he is a Casanova, a public kiss can ignite attraction and refresh the relationship; if he is a calm, “family” guy, even light flirting can be the reason for separation.

    Kvartina Daria · 07 Sep, 2018

    Advice from a psychologist: inducing jealousy

    When provoking a man to feel jealous, you need to approach this situation wisely and in no case overdo it. If you openly keep your distance and show your carelessness towards your husband, he may feel that he is no longer attracted to you and decide to end the relationship.

    Not every guy will fight for a family union. Some will quit and leave the family, switching their attention to another girl.

    One of the main nuances is that a man should not find out about your plans. He will consider himself insulted if he finds out about your tricks that were played on him. The consequences can be sad, including the breakup of a love relationship.

    If you have taken all the steps to make him jealous, but he has not shown feelings towards you, you should think about whether you need such a relationship? If a man does not feel any jealousy towards his girlfriend, he most likely does not have sincere feelings. Think about whether a relationship in which there is no true love is necessary.

    Method 4. You will be constantly busy for him.

    If he wants to invite you somewhere, refuse, coming up with a vague and not entirely logical reason. This will allow him to ask a lot of “why?” questions.

    If possible, stay late at work and study. Postponing or postponing the meeting with him by an hour or half an hour. And come to the meeting with a mysterious, satisfied face. Also very vague in answering questions about why you were late. It's good if you work in a male team. This will help your companion's imagination work in the right direction.

    Method 10. Flirting.

    Flirt in the presence of your beloved with other men. This is the fastest and most effective way to cause jealousy, but you also need to be careful with it. Flirting should not be vulgar; on the contrary, it should be subtle, as if you just want to leave a pleasant impression and interest in other men.

    In any case, the main thing remains attention and respect for yourself and your own beauty. Be self-sufficient and keep yourself interested.

    What helped make you jealous? Share with us!

    Method 1. Pay attention to yourself.

    Yes, yes, to cause jealousy you need to start by changing something in yourself. And it’s worth starting with your appearance. Change your hairstyle, a simple but very effective method. Remember how many positive emotions a new hairstyle brings. You feel fresh and renewed.

    Start wearing makeup differently. Or if you have stopped wearing makeup or have never done it, start applying makeup, the simplest is enough, even a little mascara and blush will already change your look. And your man will also notice changes, at least he will wonder if something is wrong with you as before and why this is actually happening. And if he asks you why you started wearing makeup, blow a little smoke in your face, using mysterious phrases, without saying anything specific.

    Method 3. Chat more with friends.

    He’s constantly busy and you don’t go out anywhere together, well, that’s not a reason to sit at home. Go to the movies with friends or just have coffee together. Not necessarily and, moreover, even desirable, not only with girls, but also with boys. Then talk about how well you communicated, how much you talked with Sasha or Petya, how many interesting things he said, and in general how smart he is. This will at least arouse interest in Sasha and why you talked to him all evening, and of course, awaken the desire to show that I am better than some Sasha.


    When a relationship ends and a girl still has feelings for a guy, getting him back through jealousy is an effective method. There are such ways to attract the attention of an ex-boyfriend:

    • self improvement. This concept includes: changes in behavior (relaxedness, sociability), appearance (changes in clothing style, original makeup and hairstyle), and other hobbies.
    • a change of scenery. Getting to know a different company and having at least 2-3 new friends of the opposite sex will help get your ex-boyfriend emotional faster.

    Not all young people will want to renew their relationship after experiencing feelings. Therefore, you should not despair, but it is better to take a closer look at your new acquaintances, maybe among them there is the one.

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