How to take a married man away from the family - the psychology of seducing a lover

Any woman can fall in love with a married man and find herself in a difficult situation called a “love triangle.” The difficulty lies in the fact that in the end she will have to make a choice: go into the shadows, remaining dependent on a man, break the triangle, or fight off her loved one.

Before deciding to have a relationship with a married man, you need to think through all the consequences

Is it worth taking away a married married man?

Any decision in a relationship with a married person is not easy. If a woman is still thinking about how to take a man away from the family, let it happen with the least possible losses. The best advice in this situation is to think about whether it's worth doing. There are many arguments for and against, you need to weigh everything before fighting off a man:

  • To figure out whether this is a sudden crush or strong love, a desire to take revenge on someone or the stereotype “everyone is married, and me?” Psychologists say that in most cases, adult girls who choose a married guy as a love object have childhood problems. For example, they grew up without a father or in a large family where they received little emotional attention. They are accustomed to competition and have convinced themselves that nothing comes easy. A married man is precisely the object of inaccessibility, and the girl’s feelings are heightened by the fight for him. It is not a fact that, having achieved what she wants, she will not be disappointed in her choice.
  • There are other options for the development of events. Sometimes a really strong feeling arises in both partners. They realize that the previous relationship was a mistake. Then the thought arises about the need for a decisive step for reunification. If this is a strong love that is difficult to cope with, psychology will help you understand how to take a married man away from your family.

How should a mistress act?

A woman is an emotional creature, prone to romance, fantasies, and imagining situations. Guys have a different view: sex, family, love do not always add up to the overall picture.

If your lover says that he does not intend to change anything in his life, you should not fantasize or look for reasons, you just need to accept the fact and decide what to do with it.

Enjoy the current situation or leave it. Adultery is valuable because it does not call for change; it introduces an element of novelty into a measured life, the brightness of emotions, feelings, and nothing more.

In rare cases, an extramarital affair can lead to the creation of a family. Statistics show that the percentage of such episodes is extremely small.

It will not be possible to influence the situation unilaterally ; fateful decisions are made jointly. If a man is not internally ready to break up with his permanent partner (wife), then any tricks on the part of his mistress are useless. It is impossible to push a person to the right decision through scandals, blackmail, and threats.

The triangle can exist for years. If a young man has not taken decisive steps in the first six months or a year, one should not expect a change in the arrangement of figures.

It’s so convenient for him, discussions about a sick spouse, small children, elderly parents, loans, difficult situations are a screen that allows him to avoid directly answering uncomfortable questions and avoid making radical decisions that are not part of his plans.

How to make him fall in love with you

How to increase self-esteem and self-confidence for a woman - psychology

Getting the attention of a man who is satisfied with his family relationships is quite difficult. The efforts made and the result obtained will be too disproportionate. A woman will have to try a lot to make him fall in love with her. It is much faster to interest a man who is disappointed in marriage and is ready for seduction. Experts recommend approximate tactics on how to make a married man fall in love with you:

  • To conquer by the fact that a mistress is a free woman living a bright, eventful life. It is useful to show interest in men's affairs, ideas, and share his hobbies with him. Family psychologists say that a man sees, first of all, in his mistress the embodiment of his desires, in contrast to his wife, who is tired of household chores and is busy caring for and raising children.

The desire to conquer a man will require a lot of time, emotions, and effort from a woman.

  • It is effective to fall in love with yourself by creating an atmosphere in which there will be no showdowns or scandals, where the lover can relax and feel calm. This technique especially works if the man is the boss and the woman is constantly near him.
  • An important component of the relationship between a married man and his mistress is that he should not be bored in intimacy, especially when there is no variety in the marital relationship and he is ready to fall in love.
  • A man will appreciate it if his chosen one shows sincere feelings of joy and gratitude for any signs of attention and enjoys every minute spent together.

Important! If you want to attract a married man, you should not waste time, emotions, feelings on the relationship.
According to psychologists, this is the main nuance to seduce.

I love a married man, how quickly can you take him away from another woman?

Here it is important to prove yourself as a psychologist and understand what is going on in his current marriage. Perhaps she just got him hooked and he's not really interested in her. You just need to dispel the aura of romance in his marriage. And give the same halo to your relationship with him. Somehow you need to do something to open a man’s eyes to the fact that he was simply taken advantage of. Keep in mind, this can lead to a collision with a very dangerous rival. Such people sometimes even decide to throw acid in their faces. So you will also have to draw up a psychological portrait of the girl who seduced your loved one. You may have to wait until she herself loses interest in the guy and start acting at that moment.

If there are no children in the marriage, then it’s easy to get a divorce and start a new life. When there are children, it is somewhat more difficult. And it’s not even about the feeling of being chosen for a long time, but about the fact that he really loves children. In this case, it’s good if you already have a child from an old marriage. If a man loves children in general, he will become attached to your child. The main thing, if he still decides to go to you, is to allow him to see his children. More democracy in such a situation - and everything can work out. You just don't have to force him to choose between you and his kids. And if he is a bad parent, then you need to think carefully about whether it’s worth starting a family relationship with him? The role of a lover suits him better.

There is no need to take a man away quickly. Here you need to be able to wait for the moment, like a good hunter. And if you don’t have patience, then this may not speak about the strength of feelings, but about your bad character, lack of self-control and desire to receive all the blessings of the world without giving anything for it. Does a man who already has his own family need such a wife? Sometimes you need to work on yourself to become better, and then everything will work out. As the long-known song says: “You just need to learn to wait...”

Where to start getting interested

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A woman who decides to commit herself to a married man is always faced with the task of how to make her lover fall in love with her, so that further relationships are strong and deep, and withdrawal from the family is possible. To do this, psychologists reveal secrets of where to start and how to interest your chosen one:

  • To seduce, figuratively speaking, you need to learn to play on the strings of his soul. To do this, it is useful to learn the nuances of male psychology: general and specific men.
  • Discover or cultivate in yourself the main qualities of influencing a man: not to judge, but to support; communicate openly, and not play hard to get; be unpredictable, leaving the main intrigue for later.
  • Remember that men love not only with their eyes, but also with their ears: a conversation between two is captivating, like sex, if only it is structured correctly. You need to learn exciting intonations, pauses, developing a special melody of your voice in order to attract and seduce him.
  • Attune your chosen one to yourself: find out which female type he likes best, what interests him, what hobby he has. Find a balance in the conversation: talk about yourself only as much as necessary. Listen to him exactly as much as he wants.

Important! Falling in love begins with communication; if the course of seduction is structured correctly, a man’s interest in a woman is guaranteed.

It depends on a woman whether she will find happiness in a relationship with a married lover

Men living in two families

The main factor holding a man back is children. Most couples who dream of getting a divorce stay together to imitate a full-fledged family. A sense of parental duty prevents him from leaving his wife. It is pointless to put pressure on a family man; it is better to accept the role of a mistress or retreat.

Irresponsible men may date two or three women for reasons of personal selfishness. They distribute roles: the wife provides for everyday life, one mistress is good in bed, and the other has an interesting time. A selfish man will never get divorced, you need to understand this and be able to put an end to it yourself. In the video, the coach will tell you what needs to be done to resolve the situation.

Will there be happiness in such a relationship?

How to interest a man by correspondence and is it possible to drive him crazy?

All experts unanimously say that taking a married person away from the family does not mean finding happiness with your loved one. As a rule, the euphoria ends in the first months. After all, all a man’s problems, which were usually solved by his wife, are transferred to his mistress. Now she will have to run the household and provide for everyday life. The realization comes as to whether this is the happiness that the mistress has been waiting for. Therefore, it is better to think once again whether it is worth taking your partner away from the family and becoming a married lady. If a woman is not confident in this prospect, it is better to terminate the relationship.

From lovers to wives

It is impossible to thoughtlessly use the advice of psychologists to help you become his new wife for all cases in a row. Each person is unique, so you need to look for a special approach to him. If a lady is in love, she will feel the man’s reaction to her actions: whether she attracts him or, conversely, makes him move away. In everything you need to know when to stop, including the destruction of someone else’s marriage.

It is unacceptable to use indirect evidence such as long hair, lipstick on clothing, or things left in the car. You should also not tell your loved one about an “accidental pregnancy.” The male opinion regarding the method is clear - this is a betrayal on the part of the new lover. He must make the decision to leave the family himself.

How to get your lover away from his wife

In her thoughts, each mistress imagines herself in the place of the chosen one’s wife and strives with all her might to occupy him. To help her, instructions and manuals are written, films are made. There is no need to be skeptical about this, sometimes the recipes for happiness presented there work. How to get your lover away from your wife? You can take the classic instruction as a basis, which consists of playing with contrasts:

  • The wife is faded, unkempt, overweight - the mistress is young, fit, fashionably dressed, taking care of herself.
  • In the family, no one wants to listen to a man or take into account his problems - the mistress will always listen, understand and sympathize.
  • The beloved does not ask for money. She is self-sufficient and busy, provides for herself, unlike her wife, who constantly whines that there is not enough money in the family.
  • A mistress never criticizes her chosen one; she considers all his qualities and habits ideal. His wife does not appreciate him and finds fault with him over trifles, for example, he does not help with everyday life and is inattentive to her problems.
  • The partner favorably accepts all his friends and is on good terms with them. She understands the fact that a man needs to relax, meet with friends, stay up late with them, without answering her calls.
  • The most important thing is that the mistress simply adores intimacy in all its manifestations, unlike the wife, who is constantly tired and sick.

In building a strong relationship with your lover, it is important not to go to extremes

How to let a man know that you are made for him

If a man lacks something emotionally or physically in a barque, he tries to fill the gaps on the side. A man’s dissatisfaction with his married life is how a young lady can achieve love.

The main rule must be observed - do not bother. For a guy, a mistress is a refuge from family worries, fresh air and an eternal holiday. Meetings of lovers may be rare, but they must be unusual so that even months later he does not forget about the time spent with the girl.

The lover must believe that he was missing her before, and be filled with horror at the thought that he will have to spend the remaining years with an unloved woman.

Psychological techniques

In the psychology of love relationships, you can find effective techniques to help a woman build the right relationship with her beloved man and seduce him. Perhaps she herself knows these techniques well enough, and they will not be new. The main thing is to choose them for a specific person, that is, “do not cut all men with the same brush.” Knowing the basic methods will help you choose the most suitable ones for yourself and your chosen one:

  1. It is important not to tie a man to you with gifts and surprises, even if they are branded items. After all, even your wife can buy elegant ties, lighters, and shirts. On the contrary, too expensive things will cause confusion in the family and force the chosen one to get rid of them. It is much more pleasant if a man is met by an attractive lady who knows how to surprise with her intelligence and knowledge in different areas of life.
  2. A woman’s big mistake is if she is overly interested in her lover’s personal life. Often questions about family and children force a man to lie; this is not pleasant for everyone. He will tell you everything you need himself. A man still won’t find anything better than to say a banal phrase about how he and his wife haven’t had anything for a long time.
  3. The worst thing in a relationship is when the mistress tries to turn into wife number two. Trying to attract the attention of her chosen one with excessive care, she irons his shirts and surprises him with culinary delights. On the contrary, it often takes on a repulsive effect. A self-sufficient woman will always create interest and a certain intrigue with her activities and pastime.
  4. If a girl expects expensive gifts from her chosen one, she should behave like a real lady, refined and refined. Having become desirable to a man, you can develop in him the desire to surprise her with surprises.
  5. The main thing in seduction is “not to go too far”, constantly remaining weak and defenseless for him. Sometimes it is important for a man to have the support of his beloved, who can give good advice, provide assistance, and is not afraid of frank conversations. He needs to show that he can trust her completely.
  6. Psychologists say that there is no need to be afraid of non-standard ways to attract a man. to yourself. They should be such that the lover is confident that he is the one who dominates in all initiatives.
  7. The best quality for an ideal lover is to be an understanding, conflict-free person who knows how to smooth out all misunderstandings and disagreements.

To become an ideal lover, you need to be able to attract not only beauty, but also communication

Three stages of mistress psychology

If a girl is determined, then she will have to go through three unique stages to conquer a man.

To attract attention

The woman with whom a man communicates most is, of course, his wife. Therefore, you need to carefully find out everything about her and try to attract attention to yourself.

It is recommended to use signal phrases. That is, to be interested in how the spouses spent the evening, weekend, vacation, what was the last film or production they watched. But do it unobtrusively, as if by the way. And after receiving an answer, the seductress should sigh sadly and say how lucky his wife is to have her husband, but she has not yet met such a man. We can say that he is great, he does everything well at work and devotes time to his family, that she would also like to start a relationship with such a young man.

Feeling sympathy, seeing eyes in love, the man will switch his attention to a new object. The success of the first stage should be secured by physical intimacy.

Taming and habituation

At the second stage, the man is trapped, but can still get off the hook. Therefore, the mistress needs to prevent him from doing this. Taming methods:

  1. Cook his favorite dishes and pamper him with delicious masterpieces of culinary art. Especially if the wife does not like to mess around in the kitchen and feeds her husband with semi-finished products.
  2. Avoid quarrels. Extinguish conflicts in any way, do not ask unnecessary questions, do not inquire about how the day went if he does not want to talk. A lady should not be like a wife who nags for any reason.
  3. Do not deny sex and do not extinguish your irrepressible fantasy. On the contrary, he should be encouraged and praised for his creativity and diversity.

Men in love love to give gifts to their beloved ones. But they must be treated with caution. It is better to refuse too expensive surprises, but be happy to accept small trinkets. The lover will note to himself that his passion is not materialistic, she is interested in him as a person.

You also need to be careful with requests. It is advisable for the chosen one to explain why the girl needed this or that thing, and carefully hint at its purchase. If he instantly satisfies the request, then you can move on to the next stage.

Preparing for the conversation

A man feels good in the company of his mistress: he is fed deliciously, surrounded by care, listened to attentively, supported, not reproached, and not asked for anything. He is almost ready to leave his family. Now he needs to be pushed by skillful conversation.

READ What men like in women: features of male psychology

The girl is advised to talk more often about what she likes to cook for him; she is ready to do this every day. You can get a man to talk about how he met his wife, how their relationship began, and what attracted him to her. The chosen one will remember the past, compare it with the present and decide for himself that the current married life is not at all the same as it was before, the time has come to change something.

The lover began to doubt - a favorable sign. The seductress remains to dispel all doubts. You can start discussing your life together with delight, painting it in bright colors.

What not to do

Often psychological techniques must be used with the prefix “not”, then you can get a positive effect. Many methods relate to what a woman who has committed herself to a relationship with a married man should NOT do under any circumstances:

  1. You cannot make your chosen one feel guilty. There are many cases in practice when mistresses actively force a man to get rid of his wife. For example, they begin to manipulate his feelings, reproaching him for coldness and inattention, forcing him to spend all his free time with her. As a result, the man feels his obligations both to his family and to his mistress, cannot cope with them, and ultimately makes a choice in favor of the family.
  2. There is no need to try to keep him near you with the help of a child. Everyone knows that it is simply impossible to tie a man to a child; he will leave a boring relationship, no matter what. A woman who manipulates a baby will only cause rejection and hostility.
  3. Relationships in which the mistress tries to control the chosen one are doomed to failure. Under no circumstances should you check his things, read SMS messages, emails, or constantly call him, trying to figure out where he is. His wife can also do this; in relationships on the side, he is looking for freedom and understanding, and not total control.
  4. The partner's hysterics, with which she tries to win love, have a negative impact on the relationship. A partner has enough of them in marriage; he expects psychological comfort and peace of mind from his beloved. There is no need to influence him with eternal female weaknesses in the form of tears and emotions; not all men calmly withstand this. It is much better to take on the psychological role of a friend.
  5. Finally, the main “don’t” is to categorically exclude the desire to annoy his wife. There is no need to demonstrate your superiority over the spouse of your chosen one, call her, leave marks on the man’s clothes, harass her with anonymous messages and even threats. This only causes the opposite effect in a man, if, moreover, the wife behaves with dignity and does not reproach her husband for anything. The chosen one will understand that his mistress has gone too far, trying to push him to make a choice. Most likely, he will break off the relationship that is boring him.

Every woman should have her own secrets of seduction, then she will be able to keep her beloved man near her

Women's secrets of seducing a married man are varied; it is extremely difficult to give specific advice. Every woman who is ready for such a relationship will understand in what situation what the right thing to do is if she is “savvy” psychologically.

Magic to help

Some mistresses fall so in love with their “married men” that they turn to love spells. A special conspiracy will help to repel a man and tie him to you, but it’s extremely difficult for a non-professional to do such a ritual correctly.

Weigh all the risks, think about the moral side, and if even God’s punishment cannot stop you (there is such an opinion), then proceed to implement your plan. Before performing the spell, determine what kind of relationship binds the lover and his wife. If the connection is strong, then additional folds and cooling will be needed. If there are constant quarrels in a marriage, then it will be much easier to fight off the guy.

Plot No. 1. Flower

To implement this plot, you need to first prepare the following components:

  • jasmine oil;

  • candle;
  • a new needle;
  • flower pot;
  • biological traces of the chosen one (pieces of nails or hair);
  • seedling of a flower plant.

The plot needs to be done as follows. Scratch your name and your husband's name on the candle with a needle. Then lubricate it with jasmine oil, place it in a candlestick and say the following words: “Both names and destinies are intertwined. Water, earth, fire united, were determined by deeds, and were crowned by heaven. We will be together forever."

Wait until the candle burns out completely. Collect the remaining drops of wax and roll your hair or nails into them, place everything in a pot filled with soil. At the end of the ritual, plant a flower in it.

While watering, repeat the magic words every time. This conspiracy will intensify as the flower grows. After some time, you will feel that the feelings between you and your lover will only grow stronger.

Plot No. 2. Amulet

This plot will help to repel a man, tie him to you and strengthen the sexual energy between you.

To do the ritual correctly, cut out two small circles from plain paper, and the third from foil. Write your and your husband's names and dates of birth on paper mugs and place a foil mold between them.

Make a hole in the workpiece with a gypsy needle. Thread a red woolen thread into it and tie several knots at its end.

In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the following text: “I connect destinies and life, souls and bodies, thoughts and hearts.”

After completing the plot, hide this magical amulet away. It will help preserve your relationship and remove all barriers to love.

Society's position 9

If you want to take your husband away from your family, you definitely won’t get approval from society. This act is in any case immoral and disgusting. You can justify a homewrecker in a case where everything is truly bad in a family and anarchy reigns. And if everything is relatively safe and peaceful, then the homewrecker will receive condemnation from society. When taking such actions, you should be aware of this.

There are many examples when husbands were taken away from the family, and then the relationship with the new passion fell apart after six months. All this ends with depression and a bottle in hand.

In general, this is a desperate matter; to go for it you need to clearly understand that this is the same man with whom you want to spend your whole life and give yourself to him to the fullest. In other cases, it may be temporary love, which can lead to a series of terrible events.

What should a mistress do if she does not want to become the next wife or even be discovered, read in our next article.

Should I continue my relationship with a married man?

So you want Him, but family becomes a serious obstacle. In this case, first of all, you need to figure out whether you really need Him. Answer the questions below.

  1. Why did you choose Him? What motivates you: feelings, the desire to prove something to someone, the fear of loneliness? Or maybe he wants to take revenge on his wife? Or to all men in the person of an imaginary lover? If a guy is just a target for you, then his presence will soon begin to annoy you. You will want to find a new target, or true love.
  2. Aren't you looking for easy ways? After 30, men are divided into free, confirmed bachelors, divorced and married. Many girls consider the first ones to be “defective”, otherwise the handsome guy would have already been ringed. The latter are accustomed to living for their own pleasure, and it will be difficult to convince the macho. Still others are more careful in choosing a partner, and the possible reasons for divorce are alarming. A ring on the ring finger is a sign of quality. This means that someone needs Him.
  3. Does your friend want the same? Is his marriage really on the rocks? Or did the guy just decide to hang out on the side? He can talk for hours about the troubles in his marriage, and about the terrible relationship with his wife. And at home, be an exemplary family man, a loving husband, a father of the family. You need to understand that He can lie not only to his wife, but also to you.
  4. Are you ready for the consequences? Parents and friends of a loved one may oppose his departure from the family. In this case, we can only hope that they will come to terms with what happened before your dear one succumbs to their persuasion. Otherwise, your personal life will turn into hell, a breakup will be inevitable.
  5. Can you accept His children? Having taken your husband away from his legal wife, you will not take him away from his heirs. He will communicate with his children, take care of them and support them. Your loved one will be pleased if you become not a stepmother for your stepsons, but a good friend.
  6. Does He really love you? Or are you just a hobby for Him, a way to escape from the gray routine, a desire to escape responsibility and problems? There is a risk that soon He will want to return to his ex-wife, or will meet a new passion, younger and more interesting than you. Is it worth taking away a married man if after a while you can repeat the fate of your previous wife?

About male psychology5

No matter how sad it may sound, most men are cowards, they are not capable of making serious decisions. They can only become bolder under pain of death, or under pressure. Expecting a man to immediately leave his wife is stupid. After a long period of time, a man may dare to leave his wife and move in with a new chosen one, but marriage will most likely be postponed for a long time in the future.

The desire of a homewrecker to drag a man into the registry office can be considered as a method of manipulation. And men don't like that. And who loves anyway?

Also, any blackmail can destroy your relationship; it destroys words about high love. Love should not be accompanied by blackmail, love is a beautiful and pure feeling.

What to do to steal someone else's husband

Having carefully thought everything over and assessed the consequences, you can begin to take active action. But remember - there will be no turning back. The relationship will change and you will either become his wife or break up forever. A man's marriage will also crack, even if he ends up with his wife.

The fate of three people depends on your actions.

The advice of a psychologist will help you cope with the current difficult situation and get by with “little loss” when solving the problem. What tactics should you use to fight off a man?

Don't be demanding

Accept that for a married man you will always be in second place. Duty obliges him to rush to his wife as soon as she needs it. Your loved one can buy you off with expensive gifts, trips, etc., but he simply cannot pay you as much attention as you would like. Don't ask for more. Prove that you love a man and that he is the greatest value for you, and not his money and gifts.

No scandals!

Don't be like your lover's brawler wife. Let the man feel calmer and more comfortable next to you, so he will quickly understand that it is better to connect his life with you than with an always dissatisfied wife.

The way to the heart is through the stomach

It is unlikely that a married man comes to his mistress to eat rich borscht. But if your wife feeds her beloved with semi-finished products or does not shine with culinary skills, you can benefit from this by delighting your loved one with delicious dishes.

Satisfy not only a man’s sexual hunger.

Focus on a man’s favorite dishes that he rarely gets to try at home. Do not forget to create the right atmosphere at the table to set it up for relaxation and romance.

Emotional explosion

How to seduce a married man and win his heart? You need to show that somewhere they are really waiting for him and rejoicing at his arrival. It is very important for men to realize their worth and importance, this flatters his self-esteem and he will strive to return to these positive emotions.

  • when you meet, always smile joyfully, passionately hug and kiss him to show how much you miss him;
  • laugh at his jokes, celebrate his great sense of humor;
  • listen carefully to his stories, remember details and ask for clarification;
  • ask for little tips on little things or for help to make him feel useful.

It is possible that this will be the main reason for a man to leave the family, where for his wife he has become routine and commonplace.

Sex anytime

Often, all affairs on the side are based on bed. The wife is mired in children and everyday life, because of eternal fatigue she denies the man intimacy and he seeks the missing emotions from his mistress. Take advantage of this.

Never deny your lover sex.

A man should not hear you refuse intimacy; it is better to cancel the meeting or reschedule than to tell him “no”. Be sure to take the initiative, excite him, pounce. Show him how much he turns you on that you can't resist. This is important for a man, because... Only in this way can he gain self-confidence and realize his instincts.

Remember - sex should not become a routine. Leave the missionary position on the bed under the blanket and in the dark to your wife, and choose something more active yourself. Cowgirl position on the floor in pillows or standing at the front door as soon as he enters the apartment. Passion can cloud a man’s brain and he will agree to something he never dared to do.


Some women manage to lure their husbands away from their families in the simplest way - by being interested in the affairs of their chosen one. Men like it when their beloved supports them, asks how he’s doing at work, and what’s new. The man immediately understands that he is seen not just as a money earner, but as a person with his own problems and affairs.

In conversations, often insert information from past conversations to show that you are listening to him, you are interested in his conversations and you remember everything.


The moral aspect appears in the issue with children. Destroying a family with children is a very serious step. If it does come to a divorce from his wife, then the mistress will need to be ready to take on the role of a stepmother. And try to prevent your ex-wife from meeting her man.

If we are talking about small children, then the man constantly works and all the money goes to consumables for the little one, the man automatically turns into a source of funds. And you should think very carefully whether it is worth destroying such a family, because the mistress will have to become a mother for a small child if he remains with his father. In general, the issue of children is very sensitive and requires clear action.

Abundance of Women 7

What to do in a situation with a man who is a womanizer? Surely, if he exchanged his wife for a mistress, he can easily exchange his mistress for another mistress. The wife may know about his infidelities if they live for quite a long time, but she may not know if they do not live together for a long time.

In the case of a man who is a womanizer, it becomes even easier to take him away. You can deceive them into a scandal or plant a couple of your own evidence (panties or a bra) and then their marriage will definitely come to an end. If a man is smart, then he can understand that this is a setup and will break off relations with his mistress and make peace with his wife. However, there is no guarantee that after leaving his wife, he will not leave his mistress.

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