How to inspire a man to succeed and live prosperously with him

One of the most pressing topics among female audiences these days is how to motivate a man
earn more.
I myself have asked myself this question more than once. If it worries you too, read this article.

Of course, it is easiest to motivate a man
when everything is fine in your relationship. at for his woman .
But what to do if the relationship has cracked?

You will find the answer here >>>

Today, many psychologists and coaches talk about how to motivate a man to earn more. But let's be honest: 80% of the techniques they recommend practically don't work. Otherwise, all the men around you would have long ago become successful, rich and happy.

In this article, I will give you three very useful tips, the implementation of which will 100% help you motivate your man to become successful and earn more.

My friend's story

I want to share with you the story of my friend Nastya, who knows firsthand how to motivate a man to earn more.

This is not a separate, isolated incident from her life. This is a whole system of views, a lifestyle and a way of thinking.

Nastya never worked. She never worked a single day in her life, can you imagine?

And all because her husband provides for her.

Does this mean that Nastya does nothing about it? Not at all! In fact, she works constantly. Above what? To ensure that my husband earns even more!

You ask - how? How does she manage to motivate her husband to earn even more?

I will tell you what it does and give advice on what exactly you need to do to improve your family’s financial situation.

Read this article to the end and start applying what you have learned today.

How to motivate a man to earn more. Taboo

Quite often girls come to me with the following question:

— How to motivate a man to become successful? I’m trying to inspire him with the words “You are my best, most successful, you will achieve everything easily, I believe in you.” After all, this is exactly what psychologists recommend on the Internet. But I don’t see any progress, my man doesn’t change and doesn’t want to earn more. Moreover, he gets angry and thinks that I am “teasing” him or mocking him...

Does this sound familiar to you? I think yes.

What will my friend Nastya say about this?

Nastya understands that it is useless to inspire a man with phrases:

  • "I believe in you";
  • “You are the most successful”;
  • “You deserve a pay rise.”

She knows that at best this will not be enough, and at worst it will not work at all.

It won’t work because these are just words that you yourself don’t believe


Think about it: how can your man become more successful if you yourself doubt it? Will anything change if you regularly encourage him with similar phrases, but in fact think the exact opposite about him?

It’s even worse when women start bombarding their men with reproaches:

  • “Why don’t you give me anything?”;
  • “When will you start earning normal money?”;
  • “But Svetka’s husband earns a lot! They will fly to Europe soon.”

Such a policy not only does not work, but, on the contrary, worsens your relationship. Who likes to hear reproaches? No one. And your man too.

Therefore, forget such phrases forever! Let them become a taboo for you, which should never, under any conditions or circumstances, be violated.

And looking ahead, I want to share the results of the students of our school POWER IN THOUGHT, who are already using the advice with might and main:

When motivation is needed

Not all men need motivation. Many representatives of the strong half of humanity purposefully walk along the road of life, following their own plan. No troubles or force majeure circumstances will derail them from this path. They know what they want and understand how to achieve it. It’s enough to just be around such a person and support him in all his endeavors.

But some men initially do not have a sufficient level of self-confidence and ambition. They are quite satisfied with the current state of affairs, they do not want or are simply afraid to change something. This is exactly the case when a person needs competent motivation. And a wise woman is able to give it.

How to motivate your husband to earn more. Main secret

So, it's time to share with you the most effective tips and secrets on how to motivate your husband to become successful.

My friend Nastya realized long ago that it’s not about the words with which you approve of your men, and certainly not about reproaches. She realized that she needed to stop scolding her husband and start working not with words, but with thoughts. With your thoughts.

If you've been reading this blog for a long time, you know that we create our own reality through our own thoughts. Our thoughts are material: what we think is what we get in reality.

What we think about, what we believe in, is what we get in reality.

Read more about this in the article What is the Law of Attraction? Open your eyes to a world of endless possibilities

My husband’s motivation to earn more is no exception. This is also working with your thoughts.

The tips that I will share with you today have already been used by hundreds of Elizaveta Volkova’s students at the “Power in Thought” school of wish fulfillment, and they never cease to be amazed at how simple and effective everything really is.

Your thoughts affect your entire life, including your relationship with a man and his level of income.

And if you want to help your man become successful and rich, improve relationships with him, stop quarreling over trifles, get rid of misunderstandings and mutual reproaches, attend a free master class by Elizaveta Volkova >>>

Every day, the “Power in Thought” project receives messages with personal stories from women about how their men change their attitude towards them, start giving gifts for no reason, their salaries grow, they are given bonuses, promotions, and so on. For example:

Setting a common goal

Even a kind and good person still gives priority to his interests and desires. This point must be taken into account when choosing motivation tactics.

Family psychologists are confident that setting joint goals will interest the husband more than those cases when the wife asks for something specifically for herself.

For example, a woman has long wanted to go on vacation to another country and directly tells him about it. Moreover, he names a specific place where he wants to visit. The man doesn’t seem to mind, but he often allows himself to spend a lot of money, which doesn’t make it possible to save up for the desired vacation.

What is the reason? As has been said, it is difficult to put the interests of another person above your own. A representative of the stronger sex does not feel that he really wants to go on vacation. After all, this is a “foreign” goal.

The best tactic is to create a common goal that is interesting to both.

The same situation with vacation can be reformulated with the words: “You know, we haven’t vacationed anywhere for a long time. You, too, are constantly tired, it’s noticeable. I suggest saving money to travel to another country. Let's choose which one."

It turns out that the spouse himself is now a participant in the formation of a new goal, and not just its executor. This will better encourage him to want to save or earn extra money.

How to motivate your husband to earn more

# 2: Sincerely believe and trust your husband
It is very important not to just say that you believe in your husband. It is important to believe in this with all your heart, to know and be confident literally on a subconscious level.

Often women think:

  • Well, my husband is a mattress, he won’t earn much;
  • But how can he earn a lot? With his profession he can only earn pennies;
  • He was never promoted, his salary never increased either, what can I do, that’s how I am;
  • His boss is a “goat” and doesn’t like everyone;
  • He has no choice, he has to work in such a low position;
  • Everyone in his company earns so little;
  • Without connections, he will not get a normal job.

If you are familiar with at least one of these phrases, stop immediately! Stop thinking like that. Do not forget that it is with your thoughts that are now spinning in your head that you shape your reality.

Do you want your man to become successful? So, believe that this will inevitably happen.

Imagine that your thoughts are like drops of water. One thought or one drop means almost nothing. But when the drops fall again and again, you first notice a wet spot, then a small puddle forms, then a pond.

So thoughts can turn into a lake and, finally, an ocean. What kind of ocean will you create? Polluted with toxic substances, in which you cannot swim, or crystal clear, blue, inviting you to enjoy a refreshing swim?

You can tell your man:

  • What a great fellow you are;
  • I believe in you;
  • You deserve more;
  • You are clever;
  • You deserve a lot of money.

But if subconsciously, inside yourself, you don’t believe in it, nothing will work out, and perhaps it will turn out even worse.

Therefore your task is:

1. Control your thoughts. Avoid negative thoughts about your man.

2. Sincerely, 100% sincerely, believe that your man is smart, successful and easily achieves everything in this life.

You need to learn to visualize your man the way you want him to be. Give him those qualities that he does not (yet) have: a leader, a successful businessman, a valuable specialist, a responsible irreplaceable employee, and so on.

The effective meditation from this video will help you with this. Listen to it every day and you will notice how your man becomes better every day:

How to motivate your husband to earn more

Tip #3. Don't expect or demand anything

I once heard a woman say to her man:

“I will love you, dear, if you provide for me, give me gifts.
You are not a real man if you cannot provide for me, your woman. If you don’t give me flowers for no reason, don’t give me expensive gifts, then you don’t love me, I don’t need someone like that, you don’t care about me.”
Do you think this couple has a good relationship? Of course not.

The third piece of advice for you: don’t demand anything from your man and don’t expect anything from him!

Learn to simply love your man without any conditions.

Tell yourself:

“I don’t need anything from him, I love him simply because he is next to me, he is my great happiness. It’s very valuable that he loves me.”

Thank your man for being there. Don't exchange love for money and things. After all, love is a tremendous gift that cannot be compared with any material benefits.

Start every day mentally thanking your man for being with you, for every little thing that he pleases you with.

On the subject: How to improve relationships in a couple? Writing a gratitude diary

Following these sincere feelings of gratitude and love, material benefits from your man will begin to come to you. You will see that he has become more caring, kinder and happier around you.

Valentina Krasina, a successful trainer and happy wife, says:

“I never wanted anything from my husband, I never asked for anything. And despite this, he quickly rose up the career ladder and achieved a lot, providing for our family.”

And look what the students of our school of wish fulfillment, POWER IN THOUGHT, write:

The difference between motivation and manipulation

Motivation must be distinguished from manipulation. If the first concept is about inspiration, mutual support, achieving common goals, success and harmony, then the second means only a means to satisfy one’s own selfish interests.

Men quickly recognize manipulation. No one wants to feel like they are just a tool to achieve another person's goals. People who realize that they are simply being taken advantage of feel humiliated and disappointed. A partner's manipulative behavior kills all warm feelings for him.

The results will not keep you waiting

Now you have incredibly useful information.

Record these tips and write them down so you don’t lose them.

Start applying this knowledge today and you will see for yourself how simple and easy everything works.

Come to a meeting with Elizaveta Volkova and find out how, with the help of the right thoughts, you can realize any desires: a high income for your husband, expensive clothes, a car, an apartment, travel, love, career and business - nothing will be impossible for you >>>

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