According to statistics, such a problem as cerebral aneurysm occurs in 5% of the population. Often
Synonyms: sciatica, lumbago - for the sciatic nerve, lumbago (colloquial version). ICD-10 codes: unspecified
Buying good medicine for high blood pressure is not easy. A pharmacist at a pharmacy will rarely help, he will immediately send
Types of morning headaches There are a large number of causes of headaches in the morning. This symptom
Causes of pain The head in the forehead area can hurt without damage to the internal organs. Reason
General information Affective-respiratory attacks are attacks of spasmodic crying or severe anxiety in a child with “sunset”
Often you can meet people with an interesting facial expression: it is asymmetrical, as if distorted,
Perceptual side of communication Communication as an exchange of information (communicative side of communication) Communication as interaction (interactive side
Relationships with managers play an important role in career advancement. Communication with the boss turns out to be
Types of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) Depending on how the cardiovascular system reacts to