How to manage the energy of money: what and how to think about so that money comes to you in a “flow”?

In Spiritual Economics there is this passage: “Sell your property and give alms. Buy for yourself purses that will not wear out, treasures in heaven where no thief can get near them and no moth can destroy them” (NRT, Luke 12:33). In the modern world, this means: do what you love, get rich, but at the same time bring benefit to society: first with your work, and then with your work and material assistance to those in need. Good deeds and words are the most valuable currency that will never disappear from your wallet.

Rich people know: the more you give, the more you receive. However, you need to share what you have in abundance; you cannot sacrifice yourself. In the pursuit of money, the main thing is to remember high, spiritual goals and treat money as a means of achieving them.

Psychology of money in human life

Who doesn't want to be rich, you ask. Imagine, some people don’t want to, or rather, are afraid. Unconsciously, of course. Why? For example, they are sure that they can’t earn big money in an honest way, but they don’t want to be dishonest people (secret: you can be honest and rich). Or they run away from money because the image of a rich man who lives in their head looks unattractive, and they are terrified of becoming the same.

Money loves to be loved and respected. If you are sure that money must be obtained through hard work, that it is normal to live from paycheck to paycheck, that big money spoils people, then it will not come to you.

Our past

According to Honda, almost everyone has lingering “money wounds.” Many suffered because of money as children. For example, I had to say goodbye to dancing or football because my parents said they couldn’t pay for the classes. They simply could not afford such expenses, but the ban still resonates with pain.

Almost everyone who has experienced such disappointments probably remembers that the family was indeed limited in funds. But if we don’t admit this, the “early experience” will continue to haunt us 20 years later. Let's say our parents couldn't buy fashionable things that other children were wearing, and therefore we developed an inferiority complex. We may have heard arguments about money and blamed ourselves for it. Try to think back to difficult financial situations and discover money wounds that still haunt you.

Psychological and economic aspect of money

From an economic point of view, money is a resource with which you can purchase something. However, from a psychological point of view, money is energy. If you learn to view them as opportunities to achieve greater life goals, your income will begin to multiply.

The difference in the psychology of the rich and the poor is small:

  • the first ones know how to earn a million, but do not always know what to spend it on;
  • the latter do not know how to earn a million, but they know exactly what they will spend it on if it were in their hands right now; As a rule, these are instant wastes on something material.

Money needs to be managed wisely. Don't see it as food, clothing, etc., but rather see money as an opportunity for growth and freedom.

Energy of money and rituals

Money is also energy. They don’t disappear anywhere, they just move from one wallet to another.

By attracting positive energy and positivity towards money into our lives, we can radically change the amount of money in our wallet. Many rich people write about this.

We recommend reading the book “Think Like a Millionaire” by Harv Eker

Many of us often say the phrase: “No money” or “Not enough money.” This negative attitude. It is worth changing your thinking and you can start with positive attitudes.

As an example:

  1. I attract abundance into my life
  2. I have enough money in my life
  3. Money comes to me from different sources

Everyone has their own affirmations.

Money, however, like all other things, loves order. And in relation to them there are some “rituals” that we try to adhere to:

  • Money loves counting
  • Keep the money in your wallet clean and uncrumpled
  • Place money in your wallet according to its denomination
  • Don’t spend all the money in your wallet until the last minute, there should be an emergency reserve

“Money leads to money”, no wonder they say so! And this applies to the energy of money. Share your money rituals with us!

Differences in the psychology of money between men and women

In the table, we examined in detail what the difference is between the psychology of men and women:

Men Women
Multiply and invest Save
Worried about real threats Anxious at the thought of possible danger
More willing to take risks Choose stability
Rely on themselves more often More often rely on men or someone else

How to gain the psychology of wealth: books and materials that change thinking that helped me personally

Here I recommend only those books and training materials that I personally used in the process of my development.

The rich study a lot and thereby increase their wealth!

Book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill

A very good fundamental book on changing thinking. The author spent decades of his life learning the principles of success professed by the richest people of the 20th century. Start with Think and Grow Rich and you definitely won’t regret it.

The book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki

I came across this book when I was 18 years old. She had a profound influence on my worldview and gave a powerful impetus to my development as an entrepreneur. Now Kiyosaki has a whole series of books called “Rich Dad”. He founded the company of the same name - in English “Rich Dad”, which teaches people around the world the basics of financial literacy, doing business and investing.

An experienced millionaire, Robert Kiyosaki has written many books for all ages and has become a truly family-friendly business author.

The book “Mani, or the ABC of Money”, author Bodo Schaefer

An American of German origin, Bodo Schaefer, came to the United States at the age of 16 in the 90s and achieved success in business from scratch. Thanks to this, he became one of the most famous trainers in the world on financial literacy and the psychology of achieving success. I became acquainted with his book “Mani, or the ABC of Money” when I was in my early 20s (now I’m 30 years old).

In an artistic form and with the right thoughts regarding money, the book tells the story of a talking dog "Mani" (money). She taught her young mistress how to properly manage personal finances, earn money and thereby help her parents.

In an easy and relaxed manner, readers are introduced to the fundamental principles of personal finance management that are relevant at all times.

The book “The Psychology of Wealth. Me and money", author Saidmurod Davlatov

The main idea of ​​this book is that money should work for you. You should be the masters of money, not its servants. The book also talks about various ways to make money to show the reader all their diversity.

Be sure to read the book “The Psychology of Wealth. Me and money."

Video “Get Rich in 60 Minutes” by Robert Kiyosaki

Kiyosaki again Here Robert explains in an hour the fundamental differences in the psychology of a poor and a rich person, and also provides working techniques for achieving financial success at any age and with any income level. In this video, the author talks about the importance of proper distribution of your income and charity.

Video “10 Laws of Wealth” from Channel One of Russian Television

This video was released on Channel One many years ago. It talks about 10 principles that rich people follow. The trick of this film is that it is completely documentary, based on the stories of real people and entrepreneurs from Russia. It touches on human psychology and our Russian mentality. Be sure to check it out!

CashFlow game by Robert Kiyosaki

I became acquainted with this outstanding game when I was about 19 years old. Now it has both a desktop (physical) version and an electronic one. I recommend playing the board game. This is more fun and useful, since you perform all the actions and calculations with your hands without the help of a computer. Since then I've played it with friends more than 120 times!

Each new batch in “Cash Flow” is another financial insight and ideas for increasing your income.

Kiyosaki himself wrote the following slogan on the game box: “The more often you play this game, the richer you become.” This is the pure truth, tested for myself!

You can order the game in the OZONE online store or find it in bookstores in your city.

Healthy attitude towards money: psychology

Food, housing, clothing, education, books, services of dentists or other doctors - everything in our world is paid. Without money you can’t live a quality life, that’s a fact. But it is also wrong to worship money, to step over oneself and others for the sake of wealth. Spiritual Economics says: “Those who want to be rich will fall into a trap and create temptation for themselves, and will succumb to many harmful and stupid desires that plunge people into disaster and destruction. After all, the love of money is the root of all evil. Some, in their pursuit of them, have wandered away from the faith and brought upon themselves great misfortune” (WBTC, 1 Tim. 6:9-10).

What is a healthy attitude towards money?

  • know clearly how much you need for a comfortable life and earn money doing what you love;
  • increase your income through investments;
  • remain calm and confident in the event of financial setbacks;
  • don't get hung up on money;
  • count income and expenses.

The main thing is to focus on quality in everything and not spend thoughtlessly.

Want to know more about how the laws of money work? Sign up for the course “11 Spiritual Laws of Money.” You will learn how to think in order to systematically increase your income and feel financial confidence and stability, despite any changes in society and life.


We separate needs from desires

Unnoticed expenses sometimes eat up a huge chunk of your budget. And all because a person’s desires are endless, especially if you buy something small.

Needs, on the contrary, are finite. And it is necessary to provide them first of all. Since ignoring them can lead to a deterioration in the quality of life and health.

Naturally, you shouldn’t completely deprive yourself of pleasure, because dissatisfaction doesn’t bode well either.

Set aside money for necessary needs, not forgetting about some portion for entertainment and “wants”.

It doesn’t matter what income a person has, if he is used to spending more than he has, he will always be in a debt hole. This is why it is so important to manage your finances correctly.

Setting goals

Be sure to do some goal setting. Just stop using the word “not”. Since it is not perceived subconsciously, accordingly, wanting to avoid something, we, on the contrary, attract it.

For example, instead of the phrase “I don’t want to go bankrupt,” it’s better to reformulate it something like this: “I want to be financially stable.”

Then write down what exactly the implementation of each goal will give you. Let's say you buy an apartment and become free. Imagine the interior in detail, what color the walls will be, what paintings will hang, if any, and so on.

Such accurate visualization will give energy to achieve your dream, making it a real image that can be fully realized. And no one has canceled requests to the Universe. You will learn how to form them correctly from this article.

Search for barriers

As already mentioned, a person may experience restrictions in making a profit, devaluing his work, without claiming a higher salary. Sometimes it happens that a barrier arises directly as a reaction to hoarding.

He simply lives from paycheck to paycheck, without saving for valuable needs. Then, if a force majeure situation arises, say, dismissal or illness requiring expensive medications, then he will be vulnerable.

Indeed, in this case, you will have to borrow, and subsequently repay the debt, which is quite difficult if a person does not know how to save.

And it happens that a spending barrier is discovered. This is when a person works, hard, but does not allow himself new clothes and so on. And, despite a good income, he lives in poverty.

So, how to become rich if there is one type of limitation? It’s difficult, because the energy of money does not circulate, but gets stuck somewhere. Therefore, try to analyze at what stage you are having difficulties.

What are you failing at? Perhaps it's time to abandon the model of handling finances that you adopted from your family? If grandfathers, great-grandfathers, mothers and fathers did not live or live the way you would like, then it’s time to start forming your own scenario.

Separate path

So, in order to move somewhere, we must first understand where we are, right? Therefore, before we begin to formulate a new, separate scenario, as discussed above, it is important to determine what we will start from.

So answer your questions about how your ancestors and relatives treated money? What ways did they choose to interact with them? How did they live in general and what sayings about finances did they use? What major losses or gains did they experience and how did they behave at such moments?

It will be better if you write down all your thoughts on paper for clarity. After carrying out such painstaking work, you can now understand what you want to take from the experience of your ancestors, and what, on the contrary, you want to leave so as not to repeat mistakes.

Only in this way, by comparing and complementing with what you like, will you create something separate and unique. It wouldn't hurt to study the rise of famous people. Which may well serve as an example for you. And from whom you can learn to realize your dreams.

Cost control

Divide a sheet of paper into 4 columns and indicate expenses in each of them:

  • To myself;
  • On loved ones and just those around you;
  • For needs that cannot be avoided;
  • For optional items and services.

Then analyze how exactly your expenses are distributed. Why, for example, does most of it go to others? By limiting yourself in joy, you will naturally not be motivated to earn more. Or you only pay utility bills, without giving a penny for vacation.

Psychology: what to do if there is money denial

Let's look at popular negative beliefs that prevent you from becoming rich.

Fear of envy

Many years ago, people knew that envy does not lead to anything good. In Spiritual Economics we find exact confirmation of this thought: “Where there is envy and selfishness, there is disorder and all kinds of evil” (WBTC, Epistle of James, 3:16). Envy only harms those it eats. Unhappy people will always find someone and something to envy, but you shouldn’t limit yourself because of this.

“A woman should not be more successful than a man”

Well, then choose men whom you still need to grow up to and will have to chase long and hard, and not those who are content with 15 thousand rubles a month and lie on the couch all day long.

Or another option: forget about any competition with a man and take advantage of modern ideas about partnership in a relationship. Be an inspiration to your husband and get real benefits from it.

“Money is unspiritual”

Money is neutral, but people can be spiritual or unspiritual. And then, depending on who gets the money, it takes on one color or another. If a person already has sinfulness, then money, like a piece of blotter, will show it. But if a person and his thoughts are pure, then money will help him become even richer and more spiritual. For example, you can do charity work.

“When I get rich, I will become a different person.”

Once you get rich, you will certainly become different, but what kind of person depends only on you. In the process of transformation, you will gradually emerge from dependence on banks, bosses, loved ones or anyone else, your freedom and strength will increase every day, only you will control yourself.

What energy will you release that lives in your soul? Answer this question honestly and you will understand what kind of person you will become.

How can you give thanks?

You can thank:

Emotion - Your emotions are very important to a man. This is “like fuel” for him, on which he will continue to earn money for you “for gifts”. And the more emotions, the more your man feels “in seventh heaven.”

In a word - “Thank you” and “thank you”, these are words that should be said more often. But there are other very nice words. Don't skimp on kind words. There is an expression that “a kind word pleases a cat”...

Service - Money is worth thanking. Perhaps you can do something to help the person who gave you the money. By providing a service, you are expressing your gratitude.

With money - Very often this is mutual assistance with money, and it turns out that “you give to me, and I, in turn, will always help you.”

Action - This is the very moment when I do something for a person in return. My friend, in response to financial assistance from her children, helps them with the housework, always bakes something, sews for them, or helps them iron their clothes.

As a gift - The most pleasant thing is to receive gifts. Element of surprise. I had such a pleasant moment of surprise; I was given a gift that I “dreamed of receiving.” Remember those people who unexpectedly gave you something you wanted and your face will break into a smile.

Everything listed above is an exchange of energy, which must be in motion all the time. Money does not like stagnant energy. Harmony in Life is an equal exchange of energy with people, with the World.

If you notice that:

  • You don’t like taking change in small change and you think it’s not money or it’s hard for you to carry it in your wallet
  • Have difficulty saving money
  • You try to get rid of money as quickly as possible, spend it on the first day of pay
  • Do not thank sincerely if you receive something or especially something that you do not need as a gift.
  • You yourself have a hard time giving gifts or buying “thrifty” gifts.

This means there is NO balance in your life. You are not using money energy for your benefit.

Helpful Beliefs About Money Worth Buying

Attitudes that can replace the beliefs that destroy you:

  • you can make money doing what you love;
  • there are many opportunities in the world;
  • every person can become rich, despite his past or present;
  • Everyone already has everything to be rich, you just need to unlock your potential;
  • money is not an end in itself, but a means to achieve life goals;
  • The path to a rich and happy life can be easy and interesting.

Don’t forget about useful self-hypnosis phrases: “I deserve to be rich”, “I deserve a happy life”, “I can work less and more efficiently”, etc.

Psychological laws of money

This is a very young science, which is called the psychology of money. Financial prosperity cannot come unless you know these laws.

To learn to swim, you go to a swimming coach and learn from him. So here, the psychological laws of money, when studied and applied, will lead you to prosperity and prosperity.

Many negative attitudes greatly spoil your life, because you act this way unconsciously; these are instincts laid down in you by your ancestors. Even if you think completely differently with your head, your instincts still “run ahead of you.”

As an example, if you are on a diet and have already started losing weight, suddenly after some time you find yourself near the refrigerator at night and absorb everything that catches your eye... this is what it’s about.

Sometimes you come across a sane, adult person and notice that he behaves completely irrationally in relation to money, purchases, he has no savings, he has loans, etc.

When it comes to money, you need to be very conscious about spending and shopping. And psychological laws help a lot with this.

Here are some questions regarding the psychology of money:

  • What is your financial capacity?

Financial capacity is not the money you earned, but the money you were able to save. And the more money you have saved, the greater your financial capacity. This means that you need to learn to count and save money. The word "poverty" comes from the word "not to count." This is true!

Basic financial literacy and self-discipline will help with this, which will help you avoid impulsive, emotional purchases.

  • Do you live at the expense of others?

Here we are talking about your responsibility for your actions. Often, leading a parasitic lifestyle, a person ends up going broke or the “owner” who financially supports him simply “leaves” his life.

This is a question of parents helping adult children or, conversely, parents often demand help from their other, less fortunate children. The Universe will not allow you to live at the expense of another, and yet this parasitic connection is broken.

  • Do you remember your debtors?

All the money you once lent to someone closes the path to more money, especially if you often think about it in a negative way.

Therefore, financial psychologists always advise lending an amount that you don’t mind parting with if it’s not returned to you.

  • As much money as you need, so much will be

This means that the Universe is generous, but you will have as much money as you need at the moment. Therefore, it is necessary to always have a goal. Not just saving money, but for something specific.

Learn something new, develop your skills, always look for something you like, and you will always have money for it. Don't stop developing throughout your life.

  • “Money leads to money” or “abundance attracts abundance”

Money needs to be saved, but it should not be kept “for a rainy day,” otherwise that day will actually come. Set good goals, give part of your money to charitable causes, invest money in your self-development, engage in investing. Money must “work” and be in motion all the time.

The following factors slow down the movement of money:

  1. Cluttering your space with old things
  2. Disrespectful attitude towards money, you cannot “throw” money
  3. Money in the piggy bank “without movement”, at least change the bills sometimes
  • Money comes - accept it as a gift and thank it

Many of us do not know how to accept gifts, especially money as a gift just like that. There is always a feeling that you owe something in return. This is especially true for women. They don’t know how to simply accept “gifts from the Universe.” There is a feeling that you owe something for this.

Reciprocal kindness for your kindness often comes not at all from the people to whom you did kindness. It comes from other people. The universe is generous with gifts. But don’t skimp, share and it will come back to you a hundredfold.

Start counting money

Nobody thinks about what they own in financial terms. Everything is somehow approximate, but an accurate calculation is needed! What liabilities does he have, and what assets that “detract” money for their maintenance.

For example, if you have an investment apartment, then it brings you passive income. But if this is a car that you drive to work, then it is an asset, since the car requires investment of money to maintain it.

It is worth dividing your property when calculating in this order. At the same time, see what skills you have that can bring you passive income.

It's always good to know how much you're worth.

Secrets of successful people

Successful and rich people find themselves in different things, but they live according to general laws:

  • They read a lot and continuously develop.
  • Keep a success diary.
  • They plan their day, week, month, life.
  • Study expenses and income.
  • See failures as lessons and opportunities for growth.
  • They create and try to make our world a better place.
  • They think about themselves and others.
  • Make new acquaintances with different people.
  • They dream and boldly take on the implementation of ideas.
  • They learn from those who are stronger and help those who are weaker.
  • Choose one goal and achieve it.
  • They take care of their spiritual, mental and physical health, that is, they develop their body and spirit.

And, of course, every rich and successful person loves, respects and values ​​himself. He also treats the world, other people and money.

Money is a responsibility. Not every person is ready to take it upon himself, so he unconsciously tries to get rid of wealth. Temptations, fears, complexes, uncertainty - everyone has their own obstacles on the path to financial freedom, but every person can get rid of them and become independent.

If you are ready to start changing yourself, then we are ready to help you. Sign up for coaching “School of Millionaires from God.” You will learn to handle money wisely, find out what spiritual laws they live by, understand how to get rid of debts forever, and find your calling. But the main thing is that you will change your thinking and reach a new level of spiritual and financial development. Find your dream business that will bring you money and joy, as well as benefit society.

Our wishes

Early experiences with money can affect your self-confidence. For example, if we dreamed of a wonderful toy, but never bought it, we may get stuck in the idea that everything we really want will always be unattainable. “Such memories set an internal brake and largely determine our place in life,” notes Honda. “When we are repeatedly denied our dreams, we begin to think that our desires are, in principle, unrealizable.”

Why are we hesitant to spend money (and time) on ourselves personally?

And as a result, we give up all our dreams, even if we can achieve them. Psychologist Martin Seligman called this phenomenon “learned helplessness.” During the experiment, he found out that animals that received sensitive electric shocks did not even try to escape, although the conditions changed periodically and the exit was free. If you, too, constantly doubt that you are capable of achieving a big goal, look for the origins of this uncertainty.

I won't get paid that much

Galina is an excellent accountant, knowledgeable, experienced and meticulous. The bosses are happy with her, but they pay her little. Galina doesn’t have enough to live on, but it simply doesn’t occur to her to talk to her manager about a raise or, much less, a change of job.

We have already talked about superficial barriers that prevent you from earning more. Usually it’s quite easy to fight them - many manage to do it without anyone else’s help. It is much more difficult to realize and work through such deep psychological factors as self-esteem and attachment or even addiction. They are formed in early childhood, coloring our attitude towards money in the colors of our life experience with all its grievances, traumas and repressed experiences. To become aware of them, work with the unconscious is necessary, which cannot be effectively carried out without the help of a specialist.

In practice, I often meet people who do not even think about increasing their status and income level, because they subconsciously believe that they do not deserve more. An anxious person, for whom safety has become the basic subconscious value, will not even think about leaving an unloved job, convincing himself that a bird in the hands is much better than abstract crane prospects. A demonstrative hysterical* will spend many years proving his importance to a boss who is stingy with compliments, without ever asking himself the question of what his own calling is. A person with an external locus of control and low self-esteem will reject one after another weakly sparkling thoughts and dreams of his own startup, explaining his inaction by the economic crisis, high competition or unstable foreign exchange rates.

*Hysteroid - in psychology, a person with high self-esteem, a high level of aspirations, increased emotionality, dissatisfaction with what is available and achieved. Demonstration is the main personality trait of a hysteroid; a person has a constant desire to be in the spotlight, to seek praise, recognition and approval.

But here's the trick: by becoming aware of one's attitude towards money and accepting the beliefs associated with it, a person learns to connect thoughts with feelings and actions. During trainings and individual consultations, people often come to conclusions that change their ideas. Realizing new realities and prospects, clients make a quantum leap in both personal development and financial well-being.

Anxious clients begin going to interviews and preparing ways to retreat from unsuitable jobs because they realize that inaction is more nerve-wracking than uncertainty. People who are used to justifying themselves by saying that they simply don’t know how to save and therefore live from paycheck to paycheck, determine an untouchable monthly amount of a comfortable size and put it aside in a separate account, without limiting themselves in the main items of expenses. Greedy and thrifty people become more generous, primarily to themselves. Freelancers who previously subconsciously believed that they did not deserve more, having worked through self-esteem, decide to ask for more worthy money for their work.

There is a direct connection between deep psychological processes and financial wealth

Galina succeeded in this. She realized her own lack of self-confidence, constantly reinforced in childhood by a strict father who was incapable of praise, learned to believe in herself, found ways to give recognition to herself and receive it from the outside, including going to several interviews, where she received confirmation of her competence and demand. After carefully weighing everything, she decided to tell her boss that she had received several much more lucrative offers. Management was not ready to lose a valuable and knowledgeable employee, look for a new one and bring him up to speed. By mutual agreement, Galina’s salary was gradually raised to the market level over the course of the year, with generous bonuses added to it. So, paying attention to her relationship with money helped her better understand herself and realize the motives of her actions, and at the same time improve her financial situation.

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