Working with the subconscious: what are theta brain waves and how to strengthen them?

Alpha waves

This type corresponds to a wave oscillation frequency in the range of 7-14 units per second. Alpha waves are a kind of transitional state when brain function is rebuilt between beta and theta waves. Calm playing of the piano is the closest analogue of rhythm.

A person’s sensations during the emission of alpha waves are characterized by relaxation of the brain. He may experience the same feelings as during meditation. Many describe alpha rhythms as a state as if the consciousness has fallen into a light sleep and is having dreams, while in practice people experience a decrease in concentration and are distracted from the entire world around them.

It is generally accepted that the generation of waves of this frequency occurs with the help of white matter, which connects the elements of the brain with each other. With the dominance of the alpha rhythm, people are able to more effectively perform all tasks, remember new information, learn to carry out certain tasks, and cope with heavy physical activity.

A special exercise allows you to develop alpha rhythms, as well as cause their influx. To do this, you need to sit in a comfortable position, relax your muscles, and breathe calmly and deeply. Additionally, you can imagine pleasant pictures that promote relaxation. For example, sunrise, a pleasant wind, nature against a backdrop of complete calm.

Research of alpha rhythm and resonances of the Earth-ionosphere

In 1968, D. Cohen, using a non-contact method, identified magnetic oscillations around the head, which appeared along with electrical biopotential oscillations of the brain. Their frequency coincided with those that are commonly called “alpha brain rhythms.” He called these fluctuations magnetoencephalogram.

Another scientist, Gray Walter, before him, back in 1953, suggested that the brain's ability to perceive electrical influences makes it possible to communicate with the permeating energy of all things. It is known that the wavelength of an electromagnetic nature, which corresponds to the frequency of the alpha rhythm, is close to the circumference of the Earth and the resonance of the “Earth-ionosphere”.

What we are talking about becomes clear after studying the works of Schumann, who in 1952 predicted and then experimentally proved the existence of resonances of the Earth-ionosphere. These frequencies were called standing waves in the spherical waveguide “Earth-ionosphere”. The length of the electromagnetic wave of the main resonance is close to the circumference of the Earth. Schumann and Koening recorded that during the day the so-called “trains” were activated, the amplitude of which reached 100 μV/m, with a frequency of 9 Hz, which lasted mainly from three tenths to three seconds, but sometimes thirty seconds. The most intense spectral lines were between 7 and 11 Hz. Most often, during the day, frequency dispersion is observed in the range from +/- 0.1 - 0.2 Hz.

During the day, the strongest resonant oscillations of the Earth-ionosphere are recorded. On calm days, at a frequency of 8 Hz, the spectral density of oscillations is 0.1 mV/m Hz, and during magnetic storms, the readings increase by 15%.

Most experts agree that excitations of electromagnetic oscillations are associated with discharges of atmospheric electricity. We are talking about lightning that occurs on the surface of the entire globe.

What is the theta state

To understand the theta state, you first need to understand brainwave theory. There are five different frequencies that our brains can operate at:

  • beta waves,
  • alpha waves,
  • theta waves,
  • delta and gamma waves.

The frequency characteristics of our brain are constantly changing as it constantly emits waves in all frequency ranges. Everything you do and say is controlled by the wave frequency of your brain activity, which in any given situation will prevail over its other frequencies.

Beta waves

Every time you think, speak, or interact with anyone, your brain operates in the beta frequency range. Beta waves have a frequency response of 14-28 vibrations per second. In a state of predominance of beta waves, a person is active, his attention is directed to the world around him and the events occurring in it.

Alpha waves

The state of predominance of alpha waves is a transitional state - a kind of bridge between beta and theta frequency characteristics of brain function. In the alpha range, the frequency of brain waves is 7-14 vibrations per second. Being in the alpha state is characterized by a very relaxed, meditative state of mind.

People whose brains do not function well in this range usually have memory problems. For example, if you remember having a dream that impressed you, but cannot remember it, this indicates insufficient generation of alpha frequencies. This is why you fail to create a connection between your conscious and subconscious minds.

To better understand being in the alpha state, close your eyes and imagine a sunset. Let your mind's eye see the sun setting in the ocean and seagulls hovering low not far from the shore. This is the beginning of entering the alpha state.

When we tested energy healers working with the Reiki system on an electroencephalograph, we found that they actively use alpha waves. Reiki practitioners connect their body to an energy source and then use their hands to direct this energy to heal patients.

The electroencephalograph showed that when Source energy enters the healer's body and is then redirected through the hands to heal, his brain is in the alpha phase. It is known that the alpha state can relieve pain, and it is actively used in healing.

Theta waves

The theta phase is a state of very deep relaxation that is used in hypnosis. In this state, brain waves slow down to 4-7 vibrations per second.

Hermits have to meditate for many hours to get deeply into the theta state, and once there they achieve full awareness.

  • Theta waves are believed to belong to our subconscious mind; they are responsible for that part of our brain that is between consciousness and unconsciousness. This is the place where our memories and experiences are stored. Theta waves are also responsible for our attitudes, beliefs and behavior. When theta waves predominate, a person experiences creative uplift and inspiration, and his experiences are sublimely spiritual in nature.
  • It is believed that theta waves allow us to operate at a subconscious level. This is the first stage of the dream state. We are, for example, in this state when we stand on the top of a mountain, completely absorbed in the space around us. In the theta state we really know that God exists, it is absolutely clear to us that He exists. When we call upon the Creator while in the theta state, we are reunited with Him and this allows us to heal instantly.

When you imagine leaving your body through the higher chakra while practicing Theta Healing, your brain is still operating in the alpha range, which is reflected in the EEG readings. However, when consciousness soars above the highest chakra and begins to seek a meeting with God, the encephalograph shows that brain activity automatically switches to working in the theta range.

What did the ancients mean when they said: “Soar and ask the Lord”?

What they meant was that when you imagine your consciousness rising out of your body through the higher chakra and going in search of God, your brain instantly switches to theta waves.

Delta waves

In the delta state, a person is in deep sleep. In the delta state, brain waves slow down to 0-4 vibrations per second. This is also the state our brain is in when the phone suddenly rings and we intuitively know who is calling.

Gamma waves

Our brains operate in the gamma range when we learn and process information. Gamma waves stimulate the release of beta-endorphins, which are activated during activities that require intense mental activity, including perception and awareness.

In this state, brain waves oscillate with a period of 40 to 5000 vibrations per second.

I am confident that being in the theta-gamma state puts a person in the most favorable conditions for instant healing. During the miraculous process of instant healing, our brain can change its wave frequency from 4 to 5000 vibrations per second.

Scientists observed how, in moments of danger, the brain abruptly switched from gamma waves to theta waves and back, and fluctuations in all other ranges of its wave activity were completely absent. This is probably our brain's natural reaction to critical situations.

Gamma waves disappear when a person is under anesthesia. Observations of the activity of neurons in the part of the cerebral cortex responsible for visual perception show that synchronization in the gamma range links parts of the cerebral cortex that are excited by the same object, and does not affect parts of the brain that are excited by other objects.

Brain Waves and Healing Scientists have discovered that certain brain wave frequencies (especially in the alpha, theta and gamma bands) are responsible for the following processes in our consciousness:

  • reducing stress and reducing anxiety levels;
  • deep physical relaxation and mental clarity;
  • strengthening verbal abilities and increasing a person’s intellectual quotient associated with speech skills;
  • synchronization of the activity of the two hemispheres of our brain;
  • awakening a bright spontaneous imagery, the creative abilities of our thinking and imagination;
  • reduction of pain, feeling of euphoria and release of endorphins.

A recent research report published in the American Journal of Psychiatry suggests that increased theta-band activity in the prefrontal regions of the brain is associated with non-drug relief from symptoms of major depression. This study found no significant statistical differences between the human brain's response rate to antidepressants and placebo.

However, the study found that patients taking the real drugs had much lower theta activity in the prefrontal regions of the brain than patients taking the placebo. In patients who did not respond to either medication or placebo, no changes in theta brain activity were noted.

It can be said that the effectiveness of placebo treatment depends in part on the patients' hope that their well-being will improve. Patients taking placebos are often convinced that they are taking real medicine and are confident that it will work.

That is, the increase in theta activity in the anterior lobes of the brain observed in patients in the placebo group may indicate a physiological mechanism that provides a natural (non-drug) cure for depression.

Don't believe in anything. And it doesn’t matter where you read it and who told you it, unless it corresponds to your own understanding and your common sense.Buddha

Some features of theta brain activity

Getting into the theta spectrum of brain activity helps us learn to express our natural emotions. It so happens that for many people the expression of emotions is blocked.

The reason for this can be both improper upbringing and psychological trauma, unlived crisis situations and simply a lack of understanding of this most important aspect of the human psyche. Theta waves greatly enhance intuition.

In another way it can be called “animal instinct”, “gut feeling” and so on. We can also say that they help expand our perception of both the external and internal world. Thus, conditions are created without problems for the manifestation of one’s hidden creative and other abilities. Immersion in theta waves can also lead to some extraordinary situations and experiences.

Quite controversial phenomena may be associated with this, such as “out of body”, extrasensory abilities, “vision”, “lucid dreaming” and the like. Modern science, despite its skepticism in such matters, still cannot yet explain the abilities of some people.

Beta waves

Another type is beta brain waves. They are recorded in the range from 14 to 30 vibrations per second. Such fast waves are normal and are activated when a person is involved in the world around him. They are also actively emitted when excited, stressed or anxious. In order for them to begin to dominate, it is enough to start a conversation with any person. All the attention of people with dominant beta waves is directed to the environment.

Beta activity in the human brain is associated with increased blood pressure and a sharp increase in metabolism. Its rhythm is similar to drumming. If the brain rarely functions in the beta rhythm, then the person will experience frequent depression, lack of normal concentration, and very poor memory.

You can develop beta rhythms through normal active life. Any communication, physical activity, manifestation of a social position, stress, fears - all this contributes to their increase. You can reduce their activity by simply relaxing and giving up negative thoughts.

There are three types of beta waves. They are separated for a more accurate characterization of several intervals, because The frequency range is quite large, and the sensations may be different. The following types are distinguished:

  • Low (13-16 hertz). When the activity of brain neurons begins to emit impulses at this pace, weak involvement in the world around us begins to appear. This activates the left hemisphere of the brain. The person loses the feeling of relaxation, but there is still no excitement. With regular training of this frequency, the skill of managing concentration and attention will appear.
  • Medium (16-18 hertz). At such frequencies, the right hemisphere of the brain is connected to work. An awareness of one’s “I” and surrounding things appears. People start to feel a little excited and involved in the world. When performing training, intellectual abilities and concentration will develop.
  • High (18-30 hertz). Such waves are compared to driving fast in a sports car. The sensations are similar to those when a lot of adrenaline is released. Strong excitement and interest in the world around us and everything that happens appears.

The work of the brain in such a rhythm causes two sensations. On the one hand, a person is active and shows interest in the world around him. On the other hand, he is under a lot of stress.

General enlightenment

Anna Weisz has been studying the brains of people who, in one way or another, used meditation as a development tool using electroencephalography for more than twenty years. These were Buddhist monks, Catholic priests, creative people, and businessmen.

Anna Weisz became convinced that the brain of a person in deep meditation always has a similar pattern with a certain combination of brain rhythms. She also discovered a pattern that leads to a state that is quite meditative and relaxed, but at the same time maintaining a logical thought process and being involved in external activities. In her book Inspiration by Order, this state is called the active state of intelligence.

Delta waves

The delta waves of the human brain are recorded at the lowest frequency. They can operate in a rhythm from 0.1 to 4 hertz. When neurons begin to emit such waves, people are in a state of trance or dreamless sleep. The rhythm can be compared to a light symphony

This type of waves is associated with a person’s involvement in some process when everything else does not interest him. It is believed that every child under one year of age constantly experiences a predominance of delta waves in the head. They help to navigate in space and time, make one anticipate various dangers, increase intuition, and develop instincts. As a rule, the presence of developed delta waves is observed in people engaged in research into human psychology and feelings, i.e. from psychotherapists.

This is the type of waves that allows you to establish a connection with the unconscious. To do this, you will need to overestimate the degree of their activity. When activated, a person’s consciousness turns off and is distracted from the outside world, and with good training, one will be able to independently and consciously enter a state of trance. However, even with weak delta waves, a person may have problems concentrating on any task. To do this, you will need to weaken their effect by showing maximum activity.

Some people have a large amplitude of delta waves. They have very developed intuition. They can literally think a minute or second before an event that it will happen. This often happens to them, for example, before meeting an acquaintance or shortly before receiving a call on their mobile phone.

They can also sense other people. This manifests itself both emotionally and physically. An excess of waves leads to problems. They manifest themselves psychologically. Waves of excessive brain activity of this frequency lead to the fact that a person receives too much information at an unconscious level. Also, people often feel guilty for someone else’s pain, which they suddenly begin to feel.

Schumann resonance.

This resonance is the electromagnetic frequency of the Earth, which has long been equal to 7.8 Hz, which coincides with the Alpha rhythm of the human brain. The analogue is an orchestra, the instruments of which merge into one quiet sound and an organ plays in the background.

The Schumann frequency is growing and today is 14 -15 Hz, corresponding to Beta - the rhythm of the brain, conscious activity. Because of this, most people experience dizziness, the brain is forced to work at ever-increasing frequencies.

With a further increase in frequency, the brain will reach 30 Hz or more, little studied

Gamma is the brain rhythm responsible for inspiration and creativity.

At this level, reason and reason are almost powerless; other mechanisms of perception and action operate here. It's like a superstructure over human consciousness. The frequency of brain vibration is 50 Hz, Zen - Buddhists call enlightenment. By increasing its frequency, the Earth thereby forces our brain to come out of hibernation and work more consciously. Every person intuitively has the ability to adjust their brain rhythm to the desired wavelength range. Or he does it consciously, knowing the adjustment mechanism.

Theta waves

The phenomenon called theta brain waves allows a person to experience a deep sense of relaxation at a frequency of 4 to 7 hertz. It manifests itself between sleep and the onset of dreams, as well as in the deep sleep phase, when there are no dreams. Also, the manifestation of such waves can cause states of hypnosis or high-quality meditation. They can be compared to playing the cello. The cause of the strong activity of such waves is considered to be the lymphatic system.

Often, theta brain waves occur even outside the sleep phase. For example, in an extremely calm state, when you need to remember something or fantasize. The activity of these waves connects the subconscious with consciousness, opening access to information that is impossible to obtain in normal everyday life. A person may experience peculiar visions. The images will be dark, but clear and very meaningful. You can activate theta rhythms through meditation.

With a normal amount of theta waves, a person appears calm and peaceful. But any negative emotions reduce their activity. With sufficient quality training, you can learn to switch yourself from regular waves to theta. It will also increase your concentration and level of connection between your brain and body.

People who live with a predominance of electromagnetic impulses of the theta rhythm have a number of advantages. Among them:

  • good memory;
  • developed creativity;
  • creative thinking;
  • high spirituality;
  • quick understanding of associations.

As a rule, the manifestation of such waves is observed in children under 13 years of age, because they are subject to their overabundance. And in adults, in 99% of cases, the work of such waves occurs only at night.

Gamma waves, brain storage

Have a frequency greater than 36 Hz. These waves are generated by the brain in all areas. In other words, they can be detected in all areas of the brain.

It is generally accepted that when a person searches for information from different “storages” of the brain, the brain itself is in a state of generating gamma waves. A good memory indicator is associated with the generation of waves with a frequency of about 40 Hz .

An insufficient number of them can lead to a significant decrease in memory. The effects that arise from the deliberate invocation of gamma wave states have not yet been voiced in any way in official scientific sources. For this reason, it is difficult to say anything more specific and even more objective.

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