Why there is a burning sensation on the skin: internal and external causes. Burning sensation on the skin: treatment, pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies

Why does the skin burn: external causes

Many of us are accustomed to the fact that if the skin gets hot, it most often appears due to external irritants. Yes, indeed, the skin can burn for external reasons.

External reasons:

  • Burn. You cannot help but notice the incident. In this case, the burning sensation is caused by the effect of high temperatures on the skin; due to the fact that the skin is destroyed, a burning sensation occurs.
  • Various allergic reactions. This could be a reaction to some cosmetic product. Usually for hand cream or body lotion. It is not uncommon for allergies to occur when exposed to a new laundry detergent or conditioner. That is why it is recommended to wash all things using liquid detergents, or using baby powders.
  • Insect bite. Itching can occur after a wasp, bee, or some small fly bite. At the same time, some insects do not even leave traces after a bite, so you may not even understand that you have been bitten by an insect. Often after bites, the skin begins to burn, swelling or redness occurs. A lump may appear and the bite site may swell.
  • Skin disease. It could be dermatitis or eczema, fungus. With this kind of skin lesions, peeling, redness, or even weeping wounds are often present along with a burning sensation.


General information

Burning sensation, like pain, is an important diagnostic symptom. A burning sensation in the stomach most often occurs in the initial stages of gastritis or peptic ulcer .
The symptom can be relieved with medication, because prolonged burning can lead to cancer. Unregulated loads on the digestive system lead to changes in acidity, disruption of the glandular tissues of the stomach and their integrity. When the “stomach is on fire,” in contrast to heartburn , it does not burn in the upper parts of the larynx (as a result of reflux disease and involuntary reflux of food into the esophagus), but discomfort is felt somewhat lower - in the epigastric region. Despite the different etiologies, their treatment is similar.

Burning sensation of the skin: internal causes

Burning skin is often accompanied by other symptoms that indicate that an injury or allergic reaction is present. In this case, a consultation with a dermatologist and therapist is necessary in order to choose the right treatment and get rid of unpleasant sensations. But besides this, itching in the skin area can also occur for reasons that are not related to external influences, are not the result of allergens or damage to the skin. Burning skin is not accompanied by redness, peeling or swelling. This may be associated with the development of serious internal diseases. Below are the internal reasons that cause a burning sensation on the skin.


  • Diseases of the liver and bile ducts. The fact is that when the kidneys and liver do not function properly, part of the bile is released into the body, which irritates the receptors located in the skin. Because of this, the skin does not redden or swell, but there is a persistent burning sensation. It causes irritation, a person does not get enough sleep, and can provoke depression.
  • Kidney disease. With poor urine filtration, as well as with kidney failure, toxins often enter the body, which also provokes a burning sensation of the skin.
  • Thyroid diseases. When there is an excess of hormones from this gland, itching occurs without visible redness and swelling. The skin itches on its own, for no apparent reason. If you feel a burning sensation along with tingling, then these are sure symptoms of thyroid disease.
  • The most interesting thing is that the skin sometimes bakes due to vascular disease. This is due to their serious pathology. If, along with itching, there is also blueness, paleness in the extremities or swelling, you should contact a specialist. Because this can cause serious disruptions in the functioning of the body and hidden neurological ailments.
  • Oncological diseases. With the development of cancerous tumors, receptors often react excessively to stimuli. Therefore, an unpleasant sensation occurs in the skin area. I constantly want to scratch it.
  • Diabetes. This is a disease that causes the body to react incorrectly to glucose. Which also cause a variety of skin diseases. Diabetes mellitus often provokes dermatitis and peeling. But these symptoms may not be observed. But only a burning and tingling sensation is felt in different areas of the skin.

The hand bakes


Methods for treating discomfort in the throat are related to the nature of its occurrence. They are divided into 3 categories:

  • Treatment of infections. If a rotavirus disease is diagnosed, then antibiotic therapy is necessary. While at home, you can use chamomile decoction for rinsing. Tablets and sprays for mouth irrigation, for example, Strepsils, Doctor Mom, Hexoral, can alleviate discomfort. They are used 3-4 times a day after meals to reduce pain. Actively used to relieve irritation of the mucous membrane, gargling with herbs (chamomile, eucalyptus, etc.).
  • Getting rid of allergic reactions. In addition to taking antihistamines, you should completely avoid interaction with the irritant and regularly wet clean the room. Cetirizine tablets are popular, they help with seasonal allergic rhinitis. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to the components.
  • Therapy of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With such violations, it is necessary to correct the diet and restore the acid-base balance. Flax seeds can help, they need to be infused in water for 1 night. The decoction should be taken on an empty stomach for 14-16 days.

How to cure a burning sensation of the skin: a review of pharmaceutical drugs

In order to cure itching in the skin area, you must first understand the causes. Therefore, you cannot cope with this on your own, especially if there are no other manifestations of the disease besides burning. Most often, burning skin is caused by internal ailments or some other manifestations. Therefore, you cannot cope without the help of a therapist and dermatologist. There are general recommendations for eliminating itchy skin if it is caused by allergic reactions. The burning sensation is especially common in the summer. In this case, you can use topical antihistamines.

Review of drugs:

  • Fenistil. Local antihistamine. Gel consistency.
  • Trimistin. A mixture of hormonal components and antihistamines.
  • Hormonal ointments. It is advisable not to use substances such as ointments with corticosteroids without a doctor's prescription. Because they have a lot of side effects, as well as undesirable manifestations. This type of medication can only be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Beloderm. The ointment contains betamethasone, which is a corticosteroid, that is, a hormone.
  • Mesoderm. The composition also contains corticosteroids, so it is better not to use it without a doctor’s prescription.

Burning sensation


A specialist in the field of dermatology will determine the cause of the symptom; if necessary, doctors of other specialties will be involved in the examination. The dermatologist conducts a visual examination of the areas of the skin where the patient feels a burning sensation, after which he takes material for laboratory tests. Diagnostic search includes the following research methods:

  • Dermatoscopy.
    Under a microscope, the doctor examines the structures of the skin and identifies the initial stages of pathological changes. This is a simple and non-invasive method, which is indicated if the patient has a burning sensation in the area of ​​​​new growths or suspiciously changed areas of the skin.
  • Luminescent diagnostics.
    Inspection of the affected area using a Wood's paw allows you to quickly confirm ringworm, pityriasis versicolor, and erythrasma. The technique is used for rapid diagnosis of pseudomonas infection and acne.
  • Scraping examination.
    The upper layer of the epidermis from the affected area is taken for microscopic examination. This method is informative in the diagnosis of fungal and bacterial infections. If a dermatologist needs to clarify the nature of the pathological process, a histological examination of a skin biopsy is prescribed.
  • Blood tests
    . A clinical test is performed to detect signs of inflammatory or autoimmune diseases. An increase in eosinophils in the hemogram indicates the allergic nature of the burning sensation. To assess the activity of dermatological diseases, a biochemical analysis with acute phase indicators and a proteinogram is prescribed.

During the period of remission of allergic dermatoses, prick tests are recommended to determine provoking factors and select ASIT. If there is a burning sensation in the lower extremities in elderly patients, duplex scanning of the peripheral arteries and arteriography must be performed. If complaints of burning skin are combined with inappropriate behavior of the patient, a psychiatric examination is prescribed.

Dressing for skin burns

Folk remedies for burning skin: recipes

The simplest antihistamines, like Fenistil, are absolutely safe to use. Perhaps you were bitten by an insect and you simply didn’t notice. In this case, the ointment will help, the itching will go away within a short period of time. You can cope with the means that our grandmothers used.

Traditional recipes:

  • Butter and onion. You need to boil 250 ml of vegetable oil and immerse 6 chopped small onions in it, wait until they turn brown and strain. After this, add a spoonful of finely grated beeswax, boil for 5 minutes over low heat, strain again, cool and store in the refrigerator. The product in the form of an application is applied directly to the area that burns.
  • Melissa relieves burning sensation well . This fragrant herb can be used both internally and externally. For oral administration, just add a pinch of lemon balm to a cup of regular tea.
  • Dill . Pour 10 g of seeds into a glass, pour boiling water over them, let it brew, then strain. Take 120 ml three times a day.

Burning in the back area

Treatment of burning sensation in the mouth

Therapeutic nutrition, exclusion of spicy and irritating foods.

  1. After consultation with a dentist, elimination of foci of pathological impulses in the oral cavity from the dentofacial system.
  2. Normalization of the tone of the autonomic nervous system:
      preparations of valerian, motherwort, bellataminal, etc.,
  3. tissue metabolism stimulants - courses of B vitamins (B1, B6, B12),
  4. nootropic drugs, depending on the nature of the neuropsychic disorders (tranquilizers, antidepressants and other drugs that improve blood supply to the brain and oral tissues). The course of treatment must be carried out after consultation with a neurologist.
  5. Local remedies: applications to the tongue of a 2% novocaine solution, 10% lidocaine solution, rinsing with propolis, herbal infusion.
  6. In some cases, physiotherapy is used - electrophoresis on the solar plexus and cervical autonomic nodes, hirudotherapy from a specialist.

How to avoid burning skin: tips

To avoid skin burning, it is not necessary to use pharmaceutical preparations. To do this, you can follow some rules:

  • Wear comfortable cotton clothing that will not irritate your skin. If you still have a burning sensation because you often feel stressed or nervous, then you need to take antihistamines, as well as sedatives.
  • It is worth constantly monitoring what you are doing. Do not scratch your skin under any circumstances. Because this will cause the connection of a secondary bacterial infection.
  • During bright sunshine and hot weather, try to avoid going outside, or wear clothes that will protect you from the sun's rays.
  • Be sure to wear comfortable shoes. If the burning sensation is associated with vascular diseases, tight shoes can provoke an exacerbation of ailments.

The skin bakes
We do not recommend self-medication. Only a qualified specialist can choose the right drug.

Burning pain in the lower abdomen

A burning sensation in the lower abdomen is usually the first sign of a genitourinary tract infection. The correctness of this assumption is confirmed by the following symptoms:

  • pain and burning during urination;
  • increased body temperature;
  • frequent trips to the toilet;
  • blood and other changes in the urine.

A burning sensation in the abdomen can be a symptom of serious illnesses, even those that are life-threatening. The best way to understand why the burning pain bothers you and how to deal with it is to visit a doctor and get examined. The gastroenterology center of the Medica24 International Clinic employs experienced specialists in various fields, uses modern diagnostic equipment, and has its own clinical laboratory. Make an appointment with a doctor by phone: +7 (495) 230-00-01.

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