How to relieve stress and nervous tension

Stressful situations follow us everywhere. They are especially harmful to the nervous system of susceptible people. To recover from intense experiences, it is not enough to take a relaxing shower or get a good night's sleep. Everything is much more serious here. You can overcome emotional shock on your own, without the involvement of a specialist. However, to successfully solve the problem, you need to strictly follow a number of recommendations. How to restore the nervous system during a difficult period of life? This question constantly interests representatives of modern society.

Problems with nerves are not only irritability, apathy and depression. There may be much more serious health problems behind this. You must improve the functioning of your nervous system if you want to feel comfortable and at ease.

Signs of stress

A person needs complete harmony with himself and the environment. However, wrong priorities and the intense rhythm of life push us to the limits of our capabilities. Even the most resilient and strong-willed person is not able to remain in this state for long. This is too difficult a test for the psyche. You need to save yourself at the first signs of depression.

Symptoms to identify stress:

• Lethargy and reluctance to do anything; • Irritability and impatience; • Outbursts of aggression; • Changeable mood; • Lack of sleep (insomnia); • Confusion; • Prostration; • Decreased appetite; • Pessimistic attitude.

For what reasons does stress occur?

1. Illness; 2. Dissatisfaction with the financial situation; 3. Negative atmosphere in the house; 4. Difficulties at work; 5. Personal complexes; 6. Inability to get along with society; 7. Breakup of relationships; 8. Death of a loved one.

Psychologists divide possible causes of stress into two groups:

• External.
A person experiences emotional shock due to bad habits, problems in his personal life and career path. These are factors that we often cannot influence. They throw us off balance. • Internal. Negative character and temperament traits. A person's thoughts and feelings that plague his nervous system.

Before taking any action in the name of actual salvation, it is necessary to understand the key cause of stress. Dig into yourself, figure it out slowly. All people have complex problems and minor troubles, but this is not a reason to give up and give up. You must do everything possible to regain your peace of mind.

What medications help cope with stress?

First of all, it is recommended to start taking natural-based sedatives. They help reduce the release of adrenaline into the blood, which is often called the “stress hormone.” Herbal medicines are completely safe if the patient is not allergic to them.

The most effective herbal remedies are tinctures and tableted extracts of the following plants:

  • Valerian officinalis;
  • Lemon balm;
  • Hop;
  • Motherwort;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Peppermint;
  • Passionflower (Passionflower).

When stressed, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes daily, which, among other things, normalize protein metabolism. The most important are the B vitamins.

For frequent nervous tension, it is recommended to take calcium, potassium and magnesium supplements. The most effective mineral-containing medicines include Magne B6 and Asparkam.

Adaptogens and immunomodulators will help the body adapt to a stressful situation. It is recommended to give preference to natural remedies, such as extracts of ginseng, eleutherococcus and lemongrass.

Important: The herbal immunomodulators mentioned can increase blood pressure, so people suffering from arterial hypertension should take them with caution.

If natural drugs do not give the expected effect, then, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can begin medicinal treatment of stress using synthetic drugs.

Nootropics are drugs based on GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). They allow you to stabilize the state of the nervous system in the shortest possible time. Medicines in this group include Piracetam, Aminol and Nootropil.

In order to relieve nervous tension and get rid of a depressed state, patients may be prescribed tricyclic antidepressants, for example, Amitriptyline.

To quickly reduce anxiety, as well as to improve sleep, benzodiazepine tranquilizers (Clonazepam, Phenazepam) are prescribed. Alternatively, your doctor may recommend the anxiolytic Buspirone.

In addition to drug treatment for stress, the help of a qualified psychotherapist is very important.

The text was checked by expert doctors: Head of the socio-psychological service of the Alkoklinik MC, psychologist Yu.P. Baranova, L.A. Serova, a psychiatrist-narcologist.


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Methods for restoring the nervous system at home

Busy people rarely take care of their health. Others simply do not want to share something secret with a psychologist. Therefore, you have to find a way out of this sticky situation on your own. Advice: Do not rush to use antidepressants and other aids. First of all, you should try traditional ways of dealing with stress. If this does not help, you will have to use “heavy artillery.”

Sports activities

Physical activity is a surefire way to boost your mood.
Sport helps to distract from pressing problems, develops character, and adds confidence in one’s own abilities. If complex loads are contraindicated for you, do not rush to abandon this idea! Even light gymnastics or the most ordinary jogging will help achieve the desired effect. The difference in mood may not be felt immediately. Finish what you started. Exercise systematically, choosing your favorite exercises. Sport should be fun. With the right approach to business, you will forget about nasty thoughts and negative emotions. At the same time, you will find a great shape, which can also lift your spirits. Isn't it great to appear in front of the mirror in an improved form?

Laughter therapy

The most difficult thing in this technique is to find a reason to laugh. Especially a person who is stuck in deep depression. Everything seems sad, sad and completely unfunny. Start with at least a little effort on yourself. Try to make them your new habit. Laughter is more than just “sounding” funny. It can be compared to breathing exercises, which helps to relax and enrich the body with oxygen. Don’t feel sorry for yourself for every occasion that comes your way! It’s better to find something funny in the situation.


A great way to combat stress for pet lovers. These cute creatures sense the mood changes of their owner. They try to be closer. You shouldn’t interfere with this, even if completely different “cats” are scratching your soul. Play with your favorite pet at home, or go for a walk with him. You won’t even notice how quickly negative feelings will disappear.

Yoga and meditation

These relaxation techniques are like a balm for the soul. They teach you to control your thoughts, manage your emotions and inner mood. And this is exactly what is needed for a person who has not been able to resist external stimuli.

New impressions

To put your nervous system in order, it is not at all necessary to spend money on long trips to overseas countries. Get out into nature, spend time with old friends (people who make you feel good around you). Enjoy vivid emotions and memorable moments. They nourish a person for a long time. Everything bad is secondary! Take some time to breathe and remember that life is beautiful.

Spa treatments at home

This is more of a preventive method of eliminating stress, however, in some cases it is effective even during periods of protracted stress. Treat yourself to a relaxing mud body wrap. For example, the Tambucan wrap EvoluciaTambuel is considered one of the most natural and effective for relaxation. Apply it to your skin in the shower, massage and leave to absorb for 10 minutes. After the procedure, rinse with warm water and take a hot bath with herbs or rose petals. Light scented candles and dim the lights. Bring your favorite book, drink or audio player. After a busy day of work, it is very important to fully relax (both body and soul).

Interesting hobbies

Those who have time for this suffer. Of course, you cannot work 24 hours a day just to avoid thinking about something bad. Your favorite activities should replace your work schedule. What to choose for therapy is everyone’s personal choice. Go with the option that calms you most effectively. Draw, embroider, knit, sing, dance, take photographs. The most important thing is to take a break from the accumulated problems for a while. You may not be able to solve them immediately. But this does not mean that you need to beat yourself up into a white heat. Better spend your free time fruitfully and interestingly.

Heartfelt conversations

Sometimes it is enough for a person to speak out to feel the long-awaited relief. Free yourself from negativity verbally. But not for the sake of being pitied. You need to let go. You need understanding. Ask a close friend or relative for this. You'll see, after the conversation it will become easier to breathe!

Healthy sleep

Nothing “switches” from one wave to another like a full sleep does. During this period, the body restores its strength. The person calms down without any additional actions. The most important thing is to ensure healthy sleep. That is, eliminate all kinds of distractions. Perhaps a change of scenery will be beneficial. Go to a recreation center or a comfortable sanatorium.


In some cases, the person is motivated and determined. He understands that he cannot give up under any circumstances. But the physical condition can cancel out such a desire if the nervous system really malfunctions. Under such circumstances, you can turn to traditional medicine. There are special herbs that help you find peace. Here are some of them: • Chamomile; • Mint; • St. John's wort; • Motherwort

What to do after severe stress?

Good question - what to do? One of the best ways to recover is to prevent stress and prevent it from happening.

Try to avoid extreme stress, which is when your body goes into overdrive, raising hormone levels and stimulating your immune system. To do this, you need to learn methods of coping and regulating stress. You need to accustom yourself to a certain regime in advance and during periods of nervous overload, observe it especially carefully. Common and familiar healthy lifestyle techniques will be good coping tools:

  1. Physical exercise. They help regulate dopamine levels and reduce cortisol levels.
  2. Good dream. Helps the body recover and not accumulate cortisol. Regulates the functioning of the immune system
  3. Balanced diet. Allows you to saturate the body with everything it needs and prevent spikes in glucose and therefore insulin.
  4. Practice meditation and breathing exercises. It allows you to regulate your psychological state, teaches you to be aware and not succumb to stressors, and not fall into a stream of negative thoughts.
  5. Working with a psychologist. Regularly speaking and freeing the psyche from negativity, working with childhood traumas that greatly affect our ability to withstand stress. Working through negative behavioral strategies. All this helps to prevent severe stress, react calmly and quickly recover after stressful periods. Online services such as Helppoint help you find “your” psychologist and give you the opportunity to work with him in a convenient format of correspondence or via video consultations when and where you need it.

These habits will allow you to regulate your stress level consciously and always be in a balanced state or recover quickly, preventing the swing of the body's main systems: immune and hormonal.

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