Herbs, Foods and Drinks to Improve Memory and Brain Function

Distracted attention, poor memory, deterioration of brain activity are the first signs of the development of dangerous diseases. There are several ways to stop the irreversible process - turn to pharmaceutical drugs recommended by doctors, change your diet, resort to alternative medicine.

The simplest, safest option for improving brain activity and memory is introducing healthy foods and herbal infusions to the menu. The results will not be long in coming - memory will improve, attention will increase, and performance will be activated.

Useful foods for brain function

One of the most effective ways to provide the body with the substances necessary for brain activity is to streamline your daily diet. There are many products that have a beneficial effect on brain activity and promote blood circulation.

The daily menu must include:

  1. Fatty fish (sardine, tuna, mackerel). Thanks to the increased content of fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, microelements, brain activity increases, mental fatigue and exhaustion are eliminated.
  2. Bread products (preferably made from wholemeal flour, bran). The product contains carbohydrates that supply important organs with energy, nutrients, and improve functionality.
  3. Chocolate (black), cocoa. They contain flavonoids that stimulate brain function, normalize blood circulation, and supply important organs with oxygen.
  4. Tomatoes. The fruits contain the antioxidant lycopene, which is responsible for memory, performance, and mental activity.
  5. Cabbage (especially broccoli). The peculiarity of vegetables is their high percentage of vitamin K, which is beneficial for brain function.
  6. Pumpkin seeds. For mental functions, improved mood, and good memory, zinc is needed, the required amount of which will be ensured by the active consumption of seeds.
  7. Walnut. Contains fatty acids, protein, vitamin E, lecinite - these elements are necessary for brain activity.
  8. Eggs. They contain protein, vitamins, and healthy fats that promote mental activity.

It is not necessary to consume all foods that are beneficial

brain. It is better to combine different combinations, alternate dishes, supplement with herbal decoctions recommended by alternative medicine.

Movement for the brain and memory

Researchers from the Feinberg School of Northwestern University of Medicine in Chicago say exercise can improve brain activity and memory. In addition to improving cardiac activity, preventing stroke, heart attack, training affects the proliferation of nerve cells, strengthens their connections, and protects them from damage. Strength exercises, high-intensity exercise, Pilates, and yoga are recommended.

Movement promotes the production of neuroprotective compounds, increasing blood flow to the brain and hence the supply of nutrients. Medical science calls the brain's ability to regenerate and recover neuroplasticity.

The best drinks to stimulate your brain

You can increase your concentration and improve your memory with simple drinks that only take a few minutes to prepare. Many beneficial liquids also have another advantage - they improve blood flow in the cerebral cortex, which prevents the development of serious diseases associated with memory and mental work.

It is recommended to actively consume the following drinks:

  1. Drinking regular water. A lack of this fluid can cause serious problems - regular fatigue, clouding of consciousness, memory loss. Water helps to enable thinking, concentration, and reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.
  2. Coffee. Studies show that just one drink of coffee in the morning is enough to increase mental alertness by 15%. There is a stimulation of processes occurring in the body that improve memory, affecting vigilance and attention.
  3. Green tea. It is one of the best natural mental stimulants. Thanks to theonine, which is contained in the drink, there is an effect on the areas of the brain responsible for attention.
  4. Juices, fresh juices from vegetables, fruits. Freshly squeezed drinks that have not undergone pasteurization are an energy boost for the brain. The increased content of vitamin B helps cope with stress, strengthen memory, and saturate tissues with iron, which is responsible for mental abilities. It is recommended to give preference to juice made from beets, carrots, tomatoes, and pomegranate.
  5. Red wine (dry). The main thing is not to abuse it. One glass of a tasty, healthy drink contains the required amount of tannins, acids, and minerals that support brain function. At the same time, blood flow and oxygen saturation improve.

We should not forget about drinks that can cause harm. Active consumption of beer, any energy drinks, carbonated sweet water will certainly lead to memory deterioration, even failures, will cause poor memorization, and a decrease in mental performance.

Exercises and “tricks” to improve memory

Prolonged mouth rinse

Rinsing the mouth for 5-10 minutes has a positive stabilizing effect on the activity of the central nervous system. Researchers from a Moscow specialized institute came to this conclusion. The beginning of rinsing is accompanied by excitation processes. In the period from the moment of salivation until completion of rinsing, the encephalogram demonstrates an increase in slow potentials, as well as the severity of alpha rhythms.

It is believed that this effect, which is figuratively called “brain massage,” has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and on the cognitive functions of the brain.

Game exercises

It is recommended to devote at least 10 minutes a day to simple morning exercises. They are usually done while lying in bed immediately after waking up, saying out loud the solutions to the following problems:

  • Say all the letters of the alphabet one at a time, adding to each of them a word that begins with that letter. If within 10-15 seconds a suitable word does not come to mind, you should skip it and move on.
  • Calculate the number series in order from 100 to 1 for speed, trying to improve your performance each time.
  • Name 20 only female or 20 only male names, assigning a serial number to each name (for example, Alina - 1, Brunnhilde - 2, etc.).
  • Name 20 names of different products, changing the order every day.
  • Count to 20 in a foreign language.


The list of smells that have a beneficial effect on memory includes eucalyptus, cedar, and juniper. It is recommended to place their essential oils in the bedroom, which, among other things, will normalize sleep and strengthen the nervous system. A mixture of the smells of cloves, coriander, and bay leaves will increase brain productivity. To do this, plant compositions are kept in a linen bag at the workplace.

"Golden" water to improve memory

Among the time-tested traditional methods, quite controversial ones are also mentioned - such as strengthening memory with the help of “golden water”. The recipe boils down to placing gold jewelry in a bowl with 0.5 water - a ring, earrings without stones. Water is boiled until 0.25 water remains in the container. This “solution” is taken 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. It is believed that taking this drug after two weeks will strengthen the heart and improve memory.

Sytin's moods

Sytin's moods (namely, “moods” - with the letter “p”) is the author’s technique of G. N. Sytin, based on verbal emotional-volitional persuasion and the power of words. In form, these are texts (information impulse) - transformed prayers, where specially selected sets of phrases should activate the brain in such a way that it will give the rest of the body organs a command to heal.

The volume of each such text differs depending on the disease, but to create the appropriate mood, as a rule, a rather sick text is needed. Thus, the mood, which is called “Divine healing of the brain,” contains more than 3 thousand words (about 7-8 printed pages). Unlike classical prayer, in the mood of G. N. Sytin, the reader turns to himself and his body: “I clearly and clearly feel: forever, for all times, the Divinely correct function of the brain is born.” These texts can be found in full on the author’s website, in published book form or on the Internet in the form of audio texts.

The technique is based on the ideas of psychosomatics. It traces the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence of bodily diseases or on getting rid of them. It is assumed that texts should create in the reader such an internal mood that ensures the smooth functioning of the whole organism. At the same time, interpretations of the results of such influence in extreme cases can vary greatly:

  • on the one hand, the presence of positive reviews is explained by subjective impressions that have nothing to do with the real state of the organs,
  • on the other hand, influence is explained by the fact that thought is material and has a direct impact on the world around us.

Georgy Sytin himself, using his spirit, overcame the consequences of several front-line wounds, lived to the age of 95 and died in November 2016.

Bee products to normalize brain activity

Bee products containing everything that is necessary for the active functioning of the brain will help you get rid of memory problems for a long time. Among the remedies recommended by alternative medicine are:

  1. Honey. It is recommended to consume this delicious product every morning. For adults, 45 grams is enough. high-quality fresh honey, for children - only 15-20 grams. It is not necessary to consume the product in its pure form - it is better to prepare drinks, add to tea, herbal decoctions, and desserts.
  2. Dead bees. The corpuscles of dead worker bees are a valuable tool that must be introduced into the diet of people engaged in mental activity. Active consumption of dead fruit strengthens the vascular system, supplies the cerebral cortex with oxygen and useful elements. It is recommended to prepare a tasty, healthy tincture - pour 25 g. chopped dead meat with pervach or vodka (500 ml), leave for several weeks. Take only 15 drops daily, allowed to be diluted with a small amount of water.
  3. Pollen. In terms of the content of useful substances it is not inferior to honey or dead fruit. It is recommended to take a mixture daily that promotes brain function - mix pollen (10 g) with honey (45 g), pour in warm boiled milk (150 ml), stir. Divide the resulting drink into two parts and take it before bed and after waking up.
  4. Royal jelly. It has unique properties directly related to mental work. The main condition is to use only fresh product. Place a small amount of milk under your tongue and wait until it is completely absorbed. Adults need 3-6 grams, children – only 1 gram.

Bee products are the strongest allergens that can cause a number of undesirable consequences. People with hypersensitivity may experience skin rashes, irritation, and spots of redness.

The consumption of bee products also affects the internal digestive organs, which results in prolonged diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and even bouts of vomiting.

There is a particular danger hidden in bee products for children or pregnant women. Before resorting to these remedies, it is recommended to consult a doctor and use home remedies only with the permission of a specialist.

Be sure to monitor your general well-being and state of health after the first doses - if alarming signals appear indicating irritation or allergies, immediately stop using the products.

Folk remedies that improve memory

Use medicinal herbs to improve memory and include memory-improving foods in your diet; gymnastics will help improve memory.
Improving memory using folk remedies is a good option to restore or strengthen memory. After all, almost all folk remedies are natural, which means there is less harm from them than from medicines and pills. Improving memory using folk remedies is simple. Eat horseradish with your dishes. 1 tbsp. per day - an excellent remedy for the brain. or horseradish with lemon - Horseradish. grate the root (0.5 mayonnaise jar) and 3 lemons with zest, add 3 tbsp. l. honey and leave in the refrigerator for 3 weeks. Take 1 tsp. 2 times a day with meals. It is also good for vision. - Walnuts.

Sugar was burned into strong moonshine, which turned it reddish-brown. Then 5 mature pine cones (with seeds), 25 g of galangal roots (5-7 pieces, depending on size) and 1 sprig of heather. The lidded jar was left to sit for 2-3 weeks without filtering.

Take the medicine as follows: in the evening 10 - 15 minutes. Before bed, drink a glass of weak, slightly hot tea, to which 1 tbsp has been added. balm. It will be better if you drink this tea with honey. Moonshine can be replaced with vodka or cognac. Sprinkle a piece of sugar with ash, place it on a fork and set it on fire.

For persistent memory loss, take a glass of settled water, 200 g of nettle, 100 g of orris roots, 50 g of golden root, 1 tsp each. red cloves and large plantain seeds. Bring to a boil and remove immediately. Infuse, strain and drink 3 tbsp. l. 6-7 times a day

To reduce headaches, improve memory and mental clarity, take 3 tbsp. l. lingonberry and raspberry leaves, 4 tbsp. spoons of crushed bergenia leaves, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oregano. 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of the mixture with 2 tbsp. boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 2 hours in a sealed container, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. 2 times a day.

Folk remedies that help improve memory and brain function:

  • blueberry juice;
  • a mixture of freshly squeezed beet and carrot juices;
  • horseradish roots and leaves;
  • red rowan bark;
  • pine buds;
  • mint;
  • sage;
  • clover;
  • calamus roots;
  • elecampane roots

All these plants help strengthen the blood vessels of the brain and improve its blood supply.

Folk remedies for brain nutrition include freshly squeezed juices and herbal decoctions.

Herbal remedies to improve attention and memory

At home, to get rid of problems with memory, attention, and to activate brain activity, it is recommended to use alternative medicine. There are many herbal decoctions and infusions that will bring a lot of benefits to adults and children. The main condition is to use homemade formulations regularly.

When using herbal decoctions and tinctures, you should remember about contraindications. Be sure to study the prohibitions on use and monitor individual reactions to the active components. Another requirement is to undergo a medical examination and begin taking home medications only after consultation, unless prohibited.


Adequate sleep and falling asleep on time (around 10:00-11:00 pm) are important for synaptic plasticity, which affects learning and memory. The optimal sleep duration is 7 hours. Research conducted at Harvard has shown that sufficient and timely sleep improves brain activity, increases attention, and improves memory.

Clover infusion

Quickly reduces intracranial pressure, improves blood microcirculation, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, and stimulates memory processes. There are no contraindications or restrictions on taking a home remedy, especially if there are no health problems, but use is prohibited for children and women expecting the birth of a baby.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Rub dry clover inflorescences (about 150 g) with your hands.
  2. Place the plant material in a clean glass container.
  3. Fill with good vodka, if possible, take homemade pervach (550 ml).
  4. Shake the container vigorously, close the lid tightly, and place in a cool, dark place.
  5. Leave for two weeks, shake several times while cooking.

After filtering, start drinking the infusion. The course of treatment is three months. During this time, drink 20 ml of liquid three times a day. If alcohol-containing home remedies are prohibited, dilute with a small amount of boiled water.

Ginkgo biloba stimulates the brain

The brain, no less than other organs of the body, needs nutritional support to perform its functions normally! Ginkgo biloba can improve mental function, support and protect the membranes of brain cells. According to experts, this plant is a real leader among its own kind in strengthening the blood vessels and capillaries of the brain. Ginkgo biloba prevents capillary fragility and also improves the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain, thus preventing memory impairment. In addition, ginkgo biloba contains active substances that cleanse blood vessels, protect brain cells from the effects of free radicals, and help reduce blood viscosity. Of course, you can buy various medications containing ginkgo biloba at the pharmacy. But try making a healing drink with your own hands. You can do this as follows: take 1 tbsp. l. ginkgo biloba herbs, pour into a thermos, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours, drink 1/3 of a mug 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Ginkgo biloba gives a boost of energy and helps cope with depression.

If you have proven folk recipes on how to improve memory , write them in the comments below

Ginseng is a powerful brain stimulant

Ginseng rhizome is a popular plant material in alternative medicine. Thanks to its content rich in vitamins and microelements, the plant can improve psycho-emotional activity, have a gentle effect on the nervous system, concentrate attention, and improve memory. Another advantage of treating with ginseng root at home is that hypoxia is prevented.


  1. Rinse and clean the rhizome of the plant.
  2. Pour in a small amount of water, cook at low boil until tender (the root pieces should become soft).
  3. Mash into a homogeneous puree, add bee honey (10 g).

Take home medicine for a month, only 15 grams. every morning. It is allowed to use the product for children and pregnant women. The only prohibition on use is an individual negative reaction to the active elements contained in the raw materials.


An herb like sage improves memory, increases the tone of the nervous system, and improves performance. Take 1 tbsp. l. sage and mint leaves, mix, 2 tbsp. l. put the collection in the evening in a thermos and pour 2 cups of boiling water. In the morning, strain, take 50 ml 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Sage has a positive effect on memory. A scientific study was conducted in which one group of people took a placebo, and the second took sage tablets or extracts. Memory tests were then administered to both groups. In the second group, noticeable results were seen within a few hours. Another study was conducted on animals.

Rowan drink

The bark and fruits of rowan are the most valuable sources of useful elements necessary for brain activity. Regular use of a product prepared on the basis of plant raw materials can also improve overall health and increase immunity. Homemade medicine has a gentle effect on the body without causing allergies or side effects.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Chop 15 grams into fine pulp. dry bush bark.
  2. Mix bark powder with fruits (15 g).
  3. Boil water (300 ml), pour in the plant material.
  4. Place the container in a water bath.
  5. Simmer, tightly closing the lid, for about a quarter of an hour.
  6. Wrap in a warm towel and leave to steep for three hours.
  7. Filter.

Drink the product twice; if you are not allergic to bee products, it is recommended to add a little honey to improve the taste. It is not recommended to use sugar - this component can reduce the effectiveness of home remedies.

Lion's Mane

Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus) is a medicinal mushroom that has been used for thousands of years in Asia as a powerful natural medicine . In a recent study conducted by Japanese Dr. Hirokazu Kawagishi, the beneficial effects of lion's mane preparations were shown to be due to their inducing effect on nerve growth factor (NGF) activity. Nerve growth factor is a bioprotein that plays a key role in maintaining the health and regeneration of brain neurons. NGF deficiency is believed to be one of the main causes of Alzheimer's disease and other degenerative brain diseases. NGF is required by the brain and important sensory neurons throughout the body to keep the entire nervous system strong, resilient and healthy. NGF can also stimulate the growth of new neurons in the central and peripheral nervous system. Individual compounds found in mycelium are among the most potent NGF inducers of any naturally occurring compound known to man. The components of lion's mane penetrate the blood-brain barrier , which is the main condition for the effective action of this substance on the central nervous system. The extract is able to stimulate NGF, which is necessary for the growth and life of neurons. Stimulates myelination, that is, the formation of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers.

Lion's Mane has also been shown to reduce amyloid plaques , which interfere with the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain. Amyloid is a harmful protein that impairs nerve function and is found primarily in Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease.

Infusion of elecampane

Another plant recommended by alternative medicine for the development of cognitive abilities is elecampane. The product is harmless and has a small number of contraindications, so you don’t have to worry about undesirable consequences even after regular use.

It is not advisable to give the infusion to children, use it during pregnancy, or in the presence of chronic diseases at the acute stage. If doctors prohibit treatment with alcohol-containing compounds, you will also have to stop taking it.


  1. Chop the washed, peeled roots of the plant (50 g).
  2. Pour in pervach and vodka (400 ml).
  3. Leave in a tightly closed container for half a month; choose a cool, dark place for storage.
  4. Strain, pour into a dark glass bottle, and place in the refrigerator.

Drink the prepared infusion before each meal. Dosage – 20 ml. It is prohibited to exceed this amount of product. The duration of the course is two months. If necessary, take a break (six months) and continue taking it.

Infusion with horseradish

Horseradish is a plant that has numerous beneficial qualities, which is why it is often present in alternative medicine recipes. If you have memory problems, it is recommended to turn to hot spices, which will provide the body with the elements necessary to improve brain function.

You can simply add seasoning to dishes, but it will be more useful to use an infusion prepared on its basis.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Peel, rinse, and grate two horseradish rhizomes using a grater (a blender will help speed up the process; you can simply grind the roots into a homogeneous mass).
  2. Boil water, pour boiling water over two lemon fruits (previously prick them in several places with a sharp stick), leave for two minutes.
  3. Grind the citruses in a blender and mix with the gruel made from horseradish.
  4. Place honey (120 g) in a water bath, heat it up, if there are grains of sugar, make sure that the sweet crystals melt completely.
  5. Pour liquid honey over the main mixture and mix well.
  6. Place in a dark, cool place for three weeks, be sure to stir thoroughly every five days.

Use twice a day, dosage – 15 g. It is better not to give children acute homemade medicine - a rather aggressive mass can cause a burn to the mucous membrane. The duration of treatment is a month. After a break (3-5 weeks), you are allowed to take another course.


The main activity of children is play, therefore such an important matter as memory development should take place as part of the entertainment process. It is unacceptable to force a child to study; this will forever kill his interest in acquiring new knowledge. And the use of modern gaming technologies will allow you to achieve excellent results and have fun.

It is necessary to train the child’s memory regularly, systematically, offering the child various tasks so that he does not get bored with the lessons.

Experts recommend following these recommendations:

  • In order for a child to remember something better, you should use as many types of memory as possible. For example, if you need to retell a simple story, to remember it you should listen to it, look at pictures, draw it, play it.
  • You cannot achieve the correct answer at any cost; the baby should not get tired. It is also unacceptable to scold a child, be nervous, or get angry if he does not understand the task. Such lessons will not bring any benefit. It’s better to practice more often, but little by little.
  • A variety of exercises ensures that the child does not get tired.
  • Fresh air is necessary for the brain to work productively, so some of the memory development activities can be done outside.

Memory development is of great importance in the process of raising a child. Do not underestimate the importance of such exercises and games, as they will create favorable conditions for subsequent success in educational activities. If you miss the moment, the child will begin to experience difficulties in completing tasks, since he will not be able to remember the algorithm of actions, and will give the impression of being inattentive and even underdeveloped.

Herbal collection

A combination of herbs can also easily achieve the desired results - improve brain functionality, relieve mental stress, increase memorization, and relieve fatigue.

Homemade medicine has several prohibitions - you should not take the decoction during pregnancy, while breastfeeding your baby, if you have been diagnosed with heart or systemic diseases. Give the drink to children with caution, after medical consultation.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Combine the leaves of bergenia (10 g), raspberries, lingonberries (15 g each), and oregano (10 g) crushed into a fine paste.
  2. Boil water (400 ml), brew herbal paste.
  3. Close the container tightly with a lid, wrap it in a towel or a warm scarf.
  4. Leave until completely cooled (you can use a thermos, the cooking time will be reduced - strain after two hours).

Drink 30 ml of herbal decoction three times a day. It is advisable to take it after a meal, on a full stomach. It is prohibited to add sweet ingredients to improve the taste. The recommended duration of use of the product is three weeks.

Brain and memory training

Until recently, IQ level was considered heritable, with the possibility of improvement only to a very limited extent. However, recent research shows that the human brain works similarly to a computer. Intelligence largely depends on working memory, i.e. the amount of information used to create thoughts.

“Working memory can be improved with proper training,” says Torkel Klingberg from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. “This can be achieved, for example, by memorizing as many objects as possible, displayed on a computer monitor or laid out on a table.” As a result of this training, the people studied showed a 10% improvement in IQ test after just a few days of training.

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