No headache: 10+ tips on how to prevent mental fatigue

General information Fatigue is an overwhelming feeling of tiredness and weakness. Everyone has experienced this state in one way or another in everyday life after hard, stressful work and lack of sleep. Usually fatigue goes away after a good, complete rest and sleep. If symptoms persist, this means that your body wants to let you know that it is sick. Long periods of overwork can be a sign of a serious condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which mainly affects women. Attacks of CFS often occur after a viral illness, but the causes of CFS are still not clear.

Causes of overwork

  • Fatigue may be associated with taking certain medications, such as cold, cough and motion sickness medications, antihistamines and allergy medications, sleeping pills, muscle relaxants, contraceptives and antihypertensives,
  • diseases that make breathing difficult, such as chronic bronchitis, asthma and emphysema,
  • heart failure, in which the heart contracts weakly and does not perform its function fully,
  • depression and anxiety: bad mood, gloomy forebodings,
  • sleep and eating disorders

Fatigue often occurs a month after a viral infection, and can also be an early symptom of some serious diseases (hepatitis, cancer, diabetes, anemia, heart disease, hypoglycemia, obesity, hypothyroidism, mononucleosis, rheumatoid arthritis, myasthenia gravis, alcoholism, sleep disorders).

How memory, attention and reaction speed decrease with age

For individual age groups, their own standards for memory, attention and reaction speed, and speed of solving standardized problems have been developed. The general dynamics are such that from childhood until the age of 20-25, there is an increase in memory and attention, and an acceleration of learning processes. After 35 years, on average, there is a gradual decline in cognitive abilities, but the indicators remain within the population norm. The rate of decline in IMF primarily depends on the intensity and variety of daily mental load - the higher it is, the longer high intelligence is maintained. On the other hand, depression, increased anxiety, bad habits, chronic stress and lack of sleep can significantly reduce attention, reaction speed and short-term memory. In middle-aged people, these reasons often lead to a reversible decline in cognitive function.

The first cognitive function that suffers during natural aging is remembering new information and learning new skills.

This is most noticeable in older people and manifests itself in “old-fashionedness,” adherence to familiar devices and methods of communication, and difficulties in mastering new opportunities.

Cognitive decline in old age

As a rule, an elderly person himself begins to notice his “memory problems” - at the initial stage, complaints are formulated not only as forgetfulness (surnames, names), absent-mindedness, difficulties in finding words, but also as “heaviness or staleness in the head.” Sometimes the psychological difficulties of orientation in a changing life situation are perceived by a person as a general feeling of uncertainty and even dizziness. It can be difficult for an elderly person to master a new phone/smartphone or a new program. From the outside, one can notice a narrowing of the circle of interests and social circles, a reluctance to watch and an incomplete understanding of new films and performances. An alarming sign may be the difficulty of mastering a new unusual route or orientation in an unfamiliar place. Relatives may notice absent-mindedness and forgetfulness of an elderly person. As cognitive decline progresses, the person's own criticism also becomes lost. Then more complaints are expressed by the patient’s relatives, to whom his inability to care for himself becomes obvious. This may include sloppiness at home and in clothes that was previously unusual for a person, refusal to cook, difficulties in handling money, and the inability to use public transport independently.

A criterion for the development of dementia as a severe form of cognitive impairment is a person’s dependence on outside help.

Based on the severity of symptoms, cognitive impairment is divided into moderate cognitive impairment (self-care is preserved, neuropsychological testing reveals significant impairments) and dementia (self-care is impaired, neuropsychological testing reveals significant impairments) of varying degrees - mild, moderate and severe.

More details

Cognitive disorders and dementia

Some researchers distinguish a stage of mild (mild or subjective) cognitive impairment. In this case, the patient complains of forgetfulness, inattention, and inability to cope with something, but neuropsychological testing does not reveal a violation of general cognitive status. These symptoms may be a manifestation of depression, increased anxiety, situational fatigue, or the first preclinical signs of a neurodegenerative brain disease (Alzheimer's disease).

Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome

The state of overwork often goes away after a weekend or vacation. Often you just need to give your body a rest and it will start working at full capacity again. Consult your doctor if you are concerned about prolonged periods of extreme fatigue. Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, in addition to fatigue itself, include:

  • decreased memory and ability to concentrate,
  • pharyngitis,
  • inflamed lymph nodes in the neck and armpits,
  • unexplained muscle pain,
  • pain in the joints, but they do not swell and the skin over them does not turn red,
  • severe headaches,
  • sleep problems,
  • extreme exhaustion lasting more than 24 hours after a normal work or school day.

Sometimes CFS is difficult to diagnose because... its symptoms are similar to those of many other diseases. Your doctor will first have to rule out all other possible conditions. The criterion for diagnosing CFS is chronic fatigue lasting 6 months or more and 4-8 of the symptoms listed above. CFS is often accompanied by depression.

What you can do Organize your time correctly. Get up earlier and you won't have to start the day in a hurry and feeling tired. Learn to entrust something to others, especially when you already have enough responsibilities and things to do in your life. Be physically active. Try to devote at least 30 minutes a day to physical exercise. Don't exercise before bed; it can disrupt your sleep and leave you feeling tired in the morning. Get the optimal amount of sleep. Most people need 6-8 hours of sleep. If you feel strong and want to work, then you've gotten enough sleep. It's good if you manage to get some sleep during the day. This can be especially helpful for teenagers with their hectic lives and older adults who sleep less deeply. However, avoid napping if it leaves you unable to fall asleep at night. Don't start smoking. Smoking disrupts the supply of oxygen to your body, replacing oxygen with deadly carbon monoxide. If you have been smoking for a long time, giving up this bad habit will not be easy. But still, try to at least reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke. Consume as little caffeine and alcohol as possible. Alcohol acts as a depressant; it only brings fatigue, without adding strength. Caffeine will give a temporary rapid increase in activity followed by severe fatigue. Choose an appropriate diet: Some people perform better after a light snack, while others can only function after eating a large meal. Avoid fatty foods because fats are processed more slowly than carbohydrates and this can reduce your activity. Take short breaks from work throughout the day. Go on vacation, or at least turn off your phone and relax at home. Watch TV as little as possible. If you watch it to relax, sooner or later you may find yourself in a clumsy and slow state. Try more active relaxation activities, such as walking or reading. Find a way to calm yourself. Listen to calm music, say a phrase or prayer that gives you a feeling of calm. Imagine yourself on the sea coast, in the mountains or anywhere else in the world where you feel good.

What a doctor can do A doctor can identify systematic disorders that are causing overwork. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary tests for diagnosis. There is no effective treatment for CFS, but treating symptoms may improve your condition. If your doctor deems it necessary, he may prescribe you painkillers or antidepressants. A rehabilitation medicine specialist will teach you how to plan your day so you can make the most of your time. Perhaps you need help from a psychologist.

Overfatigue is extreme fatigue, weakening of the body’s activity due to excessively intense or prolonged work.

This condition occurs frequently in modern society and is a pressing problem. Of the two types of overwork - physical and mental - the latter is the most common. If physical fatigue develops gradually and to eliminate it, it is enough to rest well, get enough sleep, take a bath or get a massage, then fatigue from mental work often occurs unnoticed by a person, and requires more time and effort to eliminate. It is mental fatigue that creates the preconditions for the development of nervous, psychosomatic and other acute and chronic diseases.

There are three stages of overwork. The first stage is characterized by infrequent sleep disturbances, expressed in poor falling asleep and frequent awakenings. Very often there is a lack of feeling of rest after sleep, a decrease in appetite, concentration, and less often - a decrease in performance.

At the second stage, a decrease in physical performance occurs. Apathy, lethargy, drowsiness, increased irritability, and decreased appetite appear. Many people complain of easy fatigue, discomfort and pain in the heart area, and slow involvement in any work.

During the third stage, sleep disorder progresses, the time to fall asleep lengthens, sleep becomes superficial, restless with frequent dreams, often with nightmares. Sleep, as a rule, does not provide the necessary rest and recuperation. Often a person at this stage has a characteristic appearance: a pale complexion, sunken eyes, bluish lips and blue under the eyes, and a decrease in body weight. There is increased sweating. Women experience menstrual irregularities, which negatively affects the reproductive health of the female body and increases the likelihood of developing osteoporosis and breast cancer. Overwork also has a negative impact on men's health.

In addition to the listed signs, those who are overtired experience difficulties in switching attention, fatigue and apathy, redness of the eyes, irritability, nervousness, headache, attacks of nausea, fainting, lack or increase of appetite, increased blood pressure, decreased sensitivity, impaired vision, weakened immunity. Absent-mindedness, sore throat, memory loss, increased body temperature, mood changes, depression, allergic reactions, insomnia followed by increased drowsiness, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, pain in joints and muscles, abdominal pain, soreness in the neck and armpits do not always appear. lymph nodes

There are many reasons for overwork: frequent stress at home and at work, inadequate rest or lack thereof, sleep disturbances, lack of physical activity with regular mental activity, unbalanced nutrition and eating disorders, long-term monotonous and monotonous work.

Of course, every person gets tired, but to avoid overwork it is necessary:

1. Properly organize your working day with a change of activities and always with active rest. You can write down in advance a list of things that need to be done today, the main thing is to calculate your strength and not try to do more than is possible.

2. Manage the flow of information flowing at you. Your brain is not a garbage dump; don’t fill your memory with a large amount of unnecessary information.

3. Get enough sleep. The optimal sleep duration for an adult is 8 hours, for children 8-12 hours (depending on age).

4. Use physical activity adequately, walk more. If you take walks 3-5 times a week for 20-30 minutes no later than 2 hours before bedtime, then within 1-2 weeks the disturbed sleep will be restored and your performance will increase.

5. Find an activity that is interesting and gives only positive emotions.

6. Be in the sun more often. Sun rays enhance the production of the activity mediator – serotonin.

7. Not pushing negative emotions and experiences into the subconscious is a sure way to get depressed. All negative emotions must be “reacted”.

8. Watch your diet. In a life filled with worries and problems, food is often almost the only source of pleasure. If this is your case, then you need to find other pleasures and maintain proper nutrition.

A balanced diet is the key to a healthy body and strong immunity. Lean on fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, seafood, nuts, cheese, and dairy products. Include iron-rich foods in your diet (leafy and green vegetables, lean meat, liver, seafood, peas, oranges, pomegranates, vitamin-mineral complexes with iron). Eat foods and drinks rich in vitamin C (rosehip decoction, currants, citrus fruits and other fruits and vegetables).

Don't overeat, watch your weight. To ensure that performance does not decrease during the day, it is best to choose split meals (little by little, but often) - eating every two hours.

Stay hydrated. To prevent dehydration, you should drink half a glass of clean water or green tea every hour. Green tea is an excellent alternative to energy drinks and coffee; it can speed up your metabolism and provide a surge of strength and energy.

Prevention of fatigue in preschool children consists, first of all, in establishing an optimal daily routine for the child. Both young children and schoolchildren should have adequate sleep and a normal diet, including foods that are healthy for the body.

For a preschool child, classes should not last more than 15-20 minutes, and a junior schoolchild should take a break from active mental stress every half hour. You should not allow your child to spend a lot of time in front of the monitor. Parents need to carefully monitor how adequate the child’s load is. You should not make excessive demands on your child. No matter how much he studies, if your “program” does not interest him, it will be difficult for the student to master it. Don’t reproach him for the lack of phenomenal success, because the psycho-emotional load will only increase from this. Offer your child a choice of several ways of self-realization: sports, creativity, hobbies.

To avoid visual and muscle fatigue, it is important for a student to alternate types of activities and periodically take a break from classes. In addition, it is important for schoolchildren to properly organize their workplace.

Prevention of overwork

  • exercise regularly, it improves the functioning of the heart, lungs and trains muscles
  • start a hobby so you don’t get bored in your free time,
  • meet friends, go to exhibitions, to the theater,
  • identify what bothers you and solve your problems little by little,
  • learn to relax and cope with stress, breathing exercises, muscle relaxation exercises, massage or meditation can help you,
  • try not to use sleeping pills because... they have many negative effects and can be addictive,
  • give up alcohol and cigarettes.

Signs of mental fatigue

First, you need to learn to recognize alarming symptoms that indicate that your brain needs rest. Over the years of my professional activity, I have become convinced that the most common signs of intellectual fatigue are the following symptoms:

Increased susceptibility to various diseases

Frequent and long-term health disorders - colds, coughs, sinusitis - may indirectly indicate severe fatigue. Continuous intense mental activity exhausts the nervous system, leads to stress, which weakens the immune system and leads to a weakening of the body.

Feelings about past events

Obsessive memories of one’s own failures and concentration on negative memories can even provoke psychological depression. The occurrence of such conditions indicates the need to stop, calm down and put your mind and thoughts in order, or simply relax.

Neglect of natural needs (sleep, food, rest)

Deliberately skipping breakfast and lunch or reducing sleep time in order to complete some work on time also indicates the need to reduce mental load. The lack of a proper daily routine will aggravate the load on the body and negatively affect brain function.

Sleep disorder

Insomnia indicates overexcitation of the nervous system due to persistent heavy thoughts. Adequate sleep is necessary to restore the nervous system and productive intellectual activity.


Indifference to the environment, indifference, apathy are signs that the brain cannot cope with intellectual and emotional stress. The lack of positive emotions from what used to be a pleasure - communicating with friends, an exciting hobby - speaks volumes about severe fatigue and overwork.

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