8 magic points that will help with sleep disorders

If a person is constantly worried about insomnia, first of all he thinks about sleeping pills, the use of which should help him fall asleep quickly. But most of these drugs can cause dangerous side effects, and not all of them give the desired results. In view of this, it is recommended to use non-medicinal means, in particular, acupuncture points for sleep.

Acupressure on various points on the body has long proven its effectiveness. With its help, you can, among other things, overcome insomnia if its cause is not serious pathologies. The principle of operation is similar to acupuncture, but here you can press on the sleep points yourself. After such a session, you will want to fall asleep, and the sleep itself will be long and of high quality. This method can also be practiced to relieve stress, fatigue, and for emotional recovery.

Rules for acupressure for insomnia

In Eastern medicine, acupuncture is widely used to combat insomnia.
Eastern healers pass on knowledge of where a person’s sleepy spots are located from generation to generation, and have been actively practicing the technique for many hundreds of years. We propose to master acupuncture, which is accessible to all adults and is very effective. The main thing is to apply it systematically.

It is always important to start a massage for insomnia by warming up your hands. Only then can you start searching for the desired point.

The desired sleep point makes itself felt with a feeling of slight numbness and aching. Then you can proceed directly with the manipulation, performing it with your fingertips. Usually the thumb, middle and index fingers are used. The second and mandatory step is kneading the skin. Massaging movements should be smooth, gentle, but at the same time persistent: gradually it is important to increase efforts, as if pressing the fingertips into the soft tissue. There is no need to feel sorry for yourself: pressure should feel painful (tolerable). Did you find where the sleepy spot is? Massage it harder, and then gradually slow down. Circular movements are best for soothing. You shouldn’t be too zealous when massaging before bed: just apply pressure for 7 seconds and make 3 to 5 “approaches” to one point. Increased heart rate, nausea, profuse sweating and other unpleasant sensations should be a reason to stop manipulation.

Do not forget that good results from acupressure sessions are not always obtained from the first days. That is, you will not be able to fall asleep like a baby after the first procedure. As practice shows, only after 5-7 workouts a person begins to feel his body better, feels a beneficial effect, and always answers questions: I sleep very soundly.

Preparing for a massage

It is important to start by warming up your hands and preparing the appropriate environment before starting the procedure. Aromatherapy and soothing music will help you relax.


A massage session for insomnia for women will bring more pleasure in combination with aromatherapy.

Use aromatic oils before bed:

  • neroli;
  • chamomile;
  • bergamot;
  • basilica;
  • rosemary;
  • fennel;
  • bergamot;
  • benzoin;
  • orange;
  • marjoram;
  • sage;
  • cypress;
  • lavender;
  • roses;
  • laurel;
  • sandalwood

A couple of drops of essential oil:

  • rubbed into whiskey;
  • add to the bath when bathing before bed;
  • tuck into the aroma maker.


The melody should be pleasant, inducing sleep, evoking calm, warmth and tranquility.

Sleep sounds can be:

  • therapeutic, immersing you in a state of relaxation, comfort, renunciation of worries;
  • light relaxing;
  • created by nature: sounds of rain, forest, sea, purring of a cat;
  • melodies for meditation - light, without words;
  • quiet calm;
  • hypnotic, immersing you in a state of light trance;
  • classical music.

Tips for performing acupressure massage for insomnia

Targeting acupuncture points for insomnia affects different people differently. Sometimes massaging acupuncture points several times is enough, and sometimes a person does not see any improvement even after the 10th session

In this case, you should pay attention to concomitant diseases, due to the presence of which insomnia may appear. If this is indeed the case, then you should pay attention to eliminating the root cause

They may be:

  • back pain;
  • migraine;
  • heart diseases.

Research shows that hot spot massage is indeed very effective and can be performed by almost anyone. If you have insomnia, you should do it 10-30 minutes before going to bed.

The massage should be carried out in a well-ventilated room, in silence, in a comfortable environment for the person. To eliminate insomnia, you must also adhere to certain rules - always go to bed at the same time, preferably no later than 23.00. It will be good to use essential oils during massage. Individually selected compositions of essential oils help you cope with insomnia and put you in a calm mood.

To speed up the process of treating insomnia, you should use an integrated approach, not limited to just massaging active points, in which case the result will come much faster. Acupuncture massage is used not only to eliminate insomnia, it also has a positive effect on the human body in many other diseases.

Contraindications for carrying out

Treatment of insomnia with acupressure is considered undesirable if there are:

  • vascular diseases;
  • temperature increase;
  • neoplasms;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • inflammation.

Acupressure self-massage performed daily can help restore healthy sleep. For self-help, it is important to know the “sleepy” points on the feet, neck, head, arms, and ears. It is recommended to combine massage with aromatherapy and music. You should learn how to influence the points correctly, using your hands or a massager.

Atmosphere for massage

If insomnia strikes unexpectedly, and urgent measures need to be taken, then there will be no time for the atmosphere. The person will begin to remember acupressure techniques and massage the fingers, neck or area behind the ears. If this is a real daily ritual aimed at relieving long-existing muscle spasms and manifestations of anxiety, then you should prepare for it.


If everyone has their own musical tastes, then for a massage against insomnia you need soothing tracks in ethno style, sounds of nature, Russian or Chinese motifs. There are ready-made compositions on the Internet that are called “music for massage.” Deafening, stimulating tracks such as rock and roll or techno are not recommended. Otherwise, there is a risk that after such songs insomnia will begin after the massage.


Pairs perfectly with massage for insomnia. You just need to choose the right incense that will not cause cheerfulness, but will calm the nervous system. This is for example:

  • lavender;
  • chamomile;
  • incense;
  • geranium;
  • patchouli;
  • cedar.

These can be fragrant sticks or essential oils. It is not recommended to mix aromas, because they can give off a heavy odor that will be unnerving. It’s better to focus on one thing that leaves positive emotions. The oil can be poured into an aroma lamp or simply applied to a cotton napkin and placed next to you.

Subsequently, it may turn out that massage for insomnia is no longer required. Aromatherapy alone is enough: a person will smell the smell, unconsciously remember a wonderful pastime, and fall asleep to it.

Where and how to massage

It is acceptable to do this in a private bedroom, so that such a pleasant and calming event is associated with rest and sleep. You can sit or lie down on the bed, turn on pleasant music, dim the lights, light the aroma lamp and throw all thoughts out of your head. Try to tune in to relaxation or concentrate on massaging one or another point on the body for insomnia.

If the massage for insomnia is performed by a stranger, then conversations will be unnecessary. The massage therapist can tell you something monotonously, but you don’t need to answer him. This is a common method, proven more than once in practice, when students fall asleep while a teacher is speaking, employees fall asleep during meetings, etc.

What to think about

Massage is always a relaxing process. And when it is performed with the aim of getting rid of insomnia - even more so. And during the massage you need to make an attempt to relax not only the body, but also the thoughts as much as possible. If you can’t not think about anything, you need to remember something pleasant. You can also try to count, slowly and measuredly: 1, 2, 3... And it’s not at all necessary to imagine sheep. You just need to get into the rhythm.

Not only chronic insomnia is dangerous for the body, but also one-time cases. Lack of sleep can seriously affect a person's physiological and psychological health. And it’s not a fact that the next night you will be able to rest for the previous one. Insomnia can very quickly become chronic, because the reasons for its provocation overlap one another. Lack of sleep, exhaustion, nervousness, difficulties at work or in the family, lack of sleep - a vicious circle is formed, from which you can get out with the support of massage.

Creating the right atmosphere

Lack of sleep can be triggered by negative environmental factors. For example, noise, foreign odors. They disturb a person and make him irritable. To eliminate insomnia, together with massage, create the right atmosphere.


  1. Music
    . Includes soft, relaxing, melodic music that does not cause nervous tension or anger. For example, melodies for meditation are suitable.

  2. Aromatherapy
    . Incense that normalizes the nervous system is suitable. They use the scent of chamomile, lavender, cedar, patchouli.

  3. Turn off household appliances
    . These include TV, game consoles and all electronics that make loud noises.

  4. Change the light
    . It is made muted or turned off completely. The brighter the light, the stronger the effect on the eye receptors. If you turn it down, the muscles in your eyeballs will relax.

A person may need more than just the right atmosphere to relax. Insomnia is often triggered by hunger or a full bladder. It is necessary to eliminate these factors, only then perform massage, otherwise its use will be ineffective. If a person suffers from chronic depression, it is recommended to perform acupressure not independently, but with the help of an outsider. This may be one of the family members who has previously studied the localization of pressure points. But it is better to contact a competent massage therapist.

Types of massage for insomnia

Massage can help both at one time and as a course event. That is, if a person goes to bed, but cannot fall asleep, it is recommended to massage certain points, after which sleep will gradually come. If you have systematic insomnia, you should regularly visit a massage therapist (or do self-massage) so that the effect accumulates and the impact is more powerful.

There are many types and techniques of massage for insomnia. The choice of one method or another depends on one’s own capabilities, preferences and desires, as well as on medical prescriptions.

Massage room

In this case, you don’t need to invent anything. The patient simply undergoes an examination; The doctor determines the causes of insomnia and prescribes massage as a physiotherapeutic treatment method. What kind of technique it will be and what area it is aimed at will be determined by a specialist.

If a person chooses a private massage therapist without first seeing a doctor, then it is better to focus on a general relaxing massage. Although it wouldn’t be a bad idea to consult with a massage therapist, because often a person in this profession has a medical education.

Home massagers

Having such a device at home is useful, but you need to use it only according to the instructions. Usually the annotation specifies which area needs to be treated with a specific massager in order to get rid of insomnia or simply relieve general tension. Practice shows that most often this is the area of ​​the cervical collar.

With your own hands

If you don’t have a massager, you can try to do it yourself. A person cannot massage all parts of the body on his own, and the force of pressure will not be the same as if a specialist did it. Therefore, all you can do on your own is massage your neck and head. If this is enough, great. If not, you need to choose another method.


Those who like to spend a long time in the shower receive hydromassage every day, because the sharp jets perfectly massage problem areas. This also helps with insomnia, because the water calms you down, and staying in the shower gives you the opportunity to be alone with yourself and your thoughts, and temporarily forget about worries.

At night, it is useful to take a warm or hot shower, which will steam the body and relieve muscle tension. The pressure must be significant so that, in addition to heat, a mechanical effect is felt. And you need to stand under such a shower for at least 15 minutes, otherwise there will be no effect. Additionally, you can use soothing body products, such as lavender soap.

Why can a person have a massage?

If a person correctly massages the points during insomnia, it will be possible to significantly improve the effect of folk recipes, which can also be used for insomnia. At the same time, in order to restore full biological sleep, you do not need to see a doctor, since acupuncture for insomnia is often performed independently.

After all, acupuncture massage is not capable of harming human health, which means it can be used without the testimony of a specialist. The main thing before carrying out the technique is to familiarize yourself with its contraindications.

As a rule, massage on special points is carried out immediately before going to bed. First you need to teach your body to relax - then this technique will bring a lot of benefits to a person.

To begin with, you should perform 2-3 exercises to prepare your own body, after which the technique is done according to the plan, which you can familiarize yourself with in the photo or video. They will also help you understand the technique and rules of massage, so that later it can be repeated correctly.

Of course, massage, which is performed on the whole body, has a great effect, but even the shortest technique will improve overall health, help relax the body, and also protect human health from the development of psychosomatic diseases.

What is the secret of acupressure? It is quite simple - on the body of each person there is a huge number of biologically active points (thousands), which can have a direct effect on systems and organs.

The location of such points has been calculated over the years by many Eastern doctors, who today can boast of maps of their location. Each point responds to a specific internal organ or system, so if you learn to stimulate it correctly, you can get the following effects:

  • complete muscle relaxation;
  • relieving vascular spasms, which often cause lack of sleep;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • relieving a person of nervousness, depression and anxiety;
  • elimination of conditions that cause migraine;
  • improving blood circulation in veins and capillaries.

All the effects described above are exactly what is required in order to say goodbye to insomnia and regain normal and healthy sleep. After all, they completely prepare the body for rest.

By correctly finding acupuncture points and performing self-massage, you will be able to turn off your brain and protect it from negative information. Thus, brain activity will decrease, which will have a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep.

And if you combine this technique with taking folk recipes, you will be able to quickly relax and restore night sleep.


How massage works


When a person does not fall asleep for a long time, the first method that doctors recommend is massaging points on the body. It is used before the use of medications, physiotherapy and other techniques. Thanks to massage, the following positive effects occur:

  • blood flow to the massage point, which enhances local metabolism and regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • relaxation of muscles, elimination of spasms;

  • normalization of cerebral blood flow with the elimination of hypoxia, ischemia, and the supply of large amounts of nutrients;
  • elimination of numbness of the limbs;
  • general relaxing and tonic effect.

A person always relaxes during a massage. Anxious thoughts fade into the background, he ceases to feel extreme fatigue and tension. Massage helps eliminate even effects such as stress, nervous excitement, and body aches.

Ranitidine is an effective medicine for the treatment of pathologies of the digestive tract, which has virtually no contraindications. Patients prefer to select analogues if they have individual intolerance or are looking for a drug with a lower price. Read more in the article: “ranitidine analogues in tablets in Russia.”

To enhance the effect of massage methods, it is recommended to use special creams, oils, and gels. They contain plant components that have anti-inflammatory, soothing, tonic, and relaxing effects. They are not applicable to all patients, with the exception of people suffering from an allergic reaction or individual intolerance.

Causes of insomnia

Insomnia often appears due to provoking factors, and it is extremely important to identify what exactly caused the sleep disorder. It will be important to eliminate the cause so that you can get rid of the problem

Experts identify a number of factors that in most cases can provoke insomnia.

Main reasons:

Anxiety states. A person may experience stress or nervous tension due to conflicts, work, study and other situations. As a result, it can be quite difficult to sleep at night.

If this condition occurs constantly, then it is important to consult a specialist.

Taking medications. If a person takes medications, some of them can lead to sleep disorders

Side effects should be considered before taking a specific drug.

Various diseases. Even a common cold, which causes intoxication of the body, can lead to insomnia

For this reason, it is extremely important to treat pathologies in a timely manner so as not to trigger them and suffer from negative consequences.

If there are suspicions of a disease, and it is not known exactly what exactly you are dealing with, then it is important to undergo a medical diagnosis.

Heredity. If the parents suffered from insomnia, then the child may also experience this disorder.

Emotional and physical fatigue

It can cause lack of sleep, so it is extremely important for a person to normalize his condition and, if possible, not overload himself.

Regardless of the reason for insomnia, it will be useful to get a massage for insomnia. It allows you to improve a person’s well-being and normalize the processes occurring in the body.

It is recommended to contact a specialist who will provide professional assistance. If necessary, you can try the procedure at home, following certain recommendations.

What is insomnia: signs and causes

Insomnia or insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by the inability to fall asleep even in the presence of fatigue and general exhaustion of the body. Sleep may be absent altogether, or it may be superficial, shallow, short-term, or overly sensitive. If a person suffers from insomnia, then his body does not have time to rest properly, which leads to negative consequences.

It is important to know! A specialist can diagnose “insomnia” if the patient complains of a complete lack of sleep at night or lack of sleep. For example, if a person sleeps less than 6 hours a day for a month, then this allows us to state that he has a sleep disorder.

This condition can be caused by a number of factors:

  • anxiety, stress;
  • depression;
  • external factors (bright light, noise, lack of a comfortable place to sleep);
  • taking medications that suppress the production of the sleep hormone;
  • consuming large amounts of caffeine-containing products;
  • elderly age;
  • drug or alcohol addiction.

However, the symptoms of insomnia should never be ignored. Long-term sleep disorder can lead to the following consequences:

  • decreased performance;
  • apathy and depression;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of the internal systems of the body.

It should be understood that a person needs a good night’s rest not only to maintain mental but also physical health.

Acupressure and its principles

Acupressure (acupressure, shiatsu) can be classified as self-massage, but it is still a whole area of ​​physiotherapy that requires detailed consideration. Official medicine classifies acupressure as reflexology. That’s how it is: by influencing biologically active points on the body, you can achieve relaxation in distant areas of the body or even the entire nervous system.

Acupressure is performed with the pad of any finger. You must first gently press on the point of influence, then make circular movements, increasing the pressure and pressing your finger into the body. The duration of exposure to one point is 2-3 minutes. The beauty of acupressure self-massage is that a person can independently control the force of pressure and avoid painful sensations. And to perform it you don’t need any special preparations: you can even wake up at night, realize that you can’t fall asleep again, remember which points to massage for insomnia, and have a short relaxation session.

Urgent acupressure

It is carried out directly 5-15 minutes before bedtime and does not take much time. These are just 5 points that are easy to remember.

  1. On the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows.
  2. On the top of the head.
  3. Below the chest line, in the middle of the sternum.
  4. On the wrist, closer to the little finger and to the beginning of the palm.
  5. Above the knee joint, on the inside.

It is better to massage these sleep points in case of insomnia in a lying or semi-sitting position. At the same time, you cannot resist the urge to fall asleep. If sleep comes even at the 2nd or 3rd point, you need to slowly stop the acupressure and relax.

Massage of individual areas

Reflexology is widespread in China, where this direction is developing. And over many centuries, several different acupressure techniques for insomnia have appeared there.


Yun Quan. The point is located on the foot. To find it, you need to squeeze your toes and look at the metatarsus. There will be a depression in the middle. This is the massage point for insomnia Yun Quan. It needs to be massaged according to all the rules of acupressure.


A more serious Chinese technique for saving insomnia is hijam. This is both a massage and cleansing the body of toxins through the blood. Hijam involves bleeding on the back and extracting blood using vacuum cups. This is a very serious procedure that is performed only by specialists. There is an effect both from one hijama and from the course.


An Mian points (translated from ancient Chinese as “soft sleep”) are located in the recesses behind the ears. If you massage them for 5-10 minutes, insomnia goes away. You can also act on these points simply for general relaxation.


According to the method of su-jok therapy for insomnia, you need to put an elastic band on the extreme phalanx of the thumb of either hand. It should tighten significantly, but not too much, so as not to impede the flow of blood. It is believed that such continuous pressure on this point can cause relaxation and speed up sleep.


The same as acupressure, only the effect is performed not with soft fingertips, but with sharp needles. Acupuncture comes from Chinese medicine and is still used there today as one of the most common methods of treating a wide variety of diseases and illnesses.

But if acupressure allows you to perform self-massage, then acupuncture techniques are only subject to specialists. Still, the skin is pierced with needles, so only a doctor should do this. There are many more acupuncture points for insomnia, and an acupuncturist knows not only their location, but can also assess the depth of insertion of the tip.

When is massage not recommended?


There are temporary contraindications in which it is not recommended to perform massage for a limited time. When a person is completely cured, it can be reused. Massaging points for insomnia is not recommended for patients suffering from the following diseases or abnormalities in organ function:

  • benign or malignant tumors;
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension, heart failure, mitral valve prolapse);

  • use of antihypertensive drugs;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of a viral or bacterial nature;
  • increased body temperature;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins to limit massage to the lower extremities only;

  • ulcers, dermatitis, allergies, wounds and other skin damage in the area where massage is required;
  • glaucoma, increased intracranial pressure.

Many oncologists do not recommend using acupressure even after completing oncology. They believe that the stage of remission can turn into a recurrence of cancer. Therefore, it is recommended to first consult with your doctor if you have severe systemic diseases.

Acupressure - a do-it-yourself technique

The Chinese believe that pressure on special points of the body activates the vital energy Qi, blocked by a person’s thoughts or actions. Pressing your fingers leads to the necessary relaxation and stimulates certain organs. The natural functions of the body are restored, and health returns to normal, problems such as the inability to sleep, insomnia, and lack of sleep go away.

Head massage

Head massage should be carried out for 3-5 minutes:

  1. The most active area is behind the ear, under the mastoid process, at the base of the skull. It should be massaged clockwise.
  2. The central point on the forehead between the eyebrows. It is responsible for the nervous system and perfectly calms, and also helps relieve headaches. Using the pad of your finger, perform massaging movements at this point; you can influence it with a light tapping movement.
  3. Deepening of the base of the skull. This area is responsible for negative emotions. It should be massaged clockwise.
  4. Symmetrical points at the base of the brow ridges. The impact should be applied by pressure. You can perform light acupressure of the eye sockets, from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, while gently stroking with the pads of several fingers.


The earlobes are massaged clockwise:

  1. A point in a triangular fossa located at the top of the ear. You should massage on both ears at once, you can apply light pressure. This point is responsible for the mental state, helps relieve stress and eliminate depression, improves sleep, relieves fears and panic attacks.
  2. The auricles are massaged with the pads of two fingers (thumb and index), while the ear is slightly pulled back, the massage is performed on both ears.

All movements on the ears are performed until a feeling of warmth arises.


Massage movements on the neck should be repeated several times until complete relaxation:

  1. The depression behind the ears, at the base of the skull. This point should be massaged with circular pressure.
  2. Perform light stroking movements from the base of the skull to the collarbone.


Abdominal massage is recommended to be performed while lying on your back. At least 2 hours must pass after the last meal:

  1. Perform circular movements clockwise with your palm, lightly pressing on the abdominal area. Movements are performed around the navel.
  2. The point, located three phalanges below the navel, is massaged with the pad of the thumb. The massage should begin with light pressure, gradually moving to clockwise strokes.


Before foot massage, you can take a hot foot bath, this will improve blood circulation in the extremities and enhance the effect on the points:

  1. Extracanal point of the foot. To locate this point, you need to draw an imaginary line from the medial and lateral sides of the ankle to the sole, to the intersection of these lines on the midline of the sole (just above the center of the heel towards the toes). It can be massaged using pressing movements.
  2. Perform a massage of the toes, while applying pressure to the pads of the fingers, starting from the little finger and ending with the big toe. This exercise should be repeated several times.
  3. Find a point in the center of the foot, under the talus bone. First, apply light pressure on this point, then rotate clockwise. This effect reduces anxiety and normalizes blood pressure.
  4. The point between the metatarsophalangeal joints, 2 fingers below the divergence of the middle and ring fingers. It is recommended to press on this point for 5 seconds, then release. Repeat the movement several times.

Acupressure always works, but some people take a little longer to be effective. If you want to sleep during acupressure, you don’t need to restrain yourself, you need to finish the massage and go to bed.

What you need to know about sleep points?

The principles of acupressure have been used since ancient China to treat a variety of neurological disorders and somatic diseases. The therapeutic effect of the approach is based on the confidence of Eastern doctors in the ability to stimulate the functioning of systems through irritation of points on the surface of the body.

Even the ancient healers claimed that each internal organ has its own projection on the skin due to the nerve endings extending to it.

Knowing which acupuncture points are responsible for what, you can stimulate them in different ways, improving the functioning of a specific organ, ensuring the overall health of the body.

There are two ways to stimulate active points on the body:

  • acupuncture – this name refers to acupuncture. Massage points are irritated by inserting special needles into them. Due to the nature of exposure and associated risks, such procedures should be performed by an experienced physician. Independent actions can do more harm than good;
  • acupressure – massage effect on biologically active points by pressing on them with fingertips. Each person can learn the basic principles of conducting sessions in order to self-medicate or help loved ones.

When treated with needles, points on the body are irritated by the insertion of special needles into them.
Stimulation of active points promotes more active transmission of bioelectric impulses. Their irritation leads to the release of endorphins into the blood - hormones of happiness, which also function as natural analgesics. For insomnia caused by discomfort in the body, muscle soreness, and overexertion, this brings relief. The result is faster falling asleep and deeper sleep. Also, by increasing blood flow to the organ being worked on, its tissues are more actively saturated with oxygen, and their metabolism improves. Tense muscles relax, toxins and metabolic products are removed from them.

Where are the sleepy spots?

Where are the sleepy spots?

There are only 3 sleepy points on the human body. The first is located at a distance of approximately 1 cm from the outer corner of both eyes. In order to fall asleep, you need to massage it with two fingers. The second is located between the eyebrows. To doze off, you need to lightly press it with your index finger several times.

The third is located near the nostrils, about the width of a finger. To fall asleep, massage it in a circle. Sleepy points should not be confused with the places where blood vessels exit to the skin, blocking which by pressing with a finger will cause a person to faint rather than fall asleep.

How to put a person to sleep using your hands?

In different situations, it may be necessary to search for sleepy points and their location on the human body. Sometimes a person needs this skill in everyday life. For example, in order to calm a person who is intoxicated.

Even in ancient times, people knew that when certain points on a person’s body were pressed, he could fall unconscious. One of these points is located on the shoulder a little closer to the neck; pressing on it leads to loss of consciousness. The same thing happens when you press on the carotid artery. And this can be used as a way to put a drunk person to sleep.

Head and ears

First you need to rub your palms well and wash your face with the heat from them, running your hands over your cheeks and forehead 15-20 times. The point between the eyebrows should be massaged with the pads of the middle fingers (alternately), constantly moving upward.

Repeat 30 times with each finger (left and right hand). Next, you should move the pads along the eyebrows until slight pain becomes noticeable.

A very simple technique is to massage the earlobes, which are pinched between the thumb and forefinger and rubbed until completely warmed up. Using the same movements, the ears are kneaded along the entire length.


The paired points, which are located in the recesses below the ears, should be kneaded well with the index and middle fingers (15-20 repetitions). Repeat the same movements with the painful point located directly under the process of the skull (movement from the ears towards the back of the head).

Then all fingers except the thumb should be passed up and down the clavicular muscle. It is easy to identify if you turn your head and strain your neck: the muscle starts under the ear and ends right at the base of the neck.


Abdominal massage is a great help not only for sleep disorders, but also stimulates the digestive processes. This is especially useful for feelings of slight heaviness, bloating and other ailments. You should move your palm clockwise and counterclockwise around the navel (20 movements in each direction).


Finally, the feet are massaged at the described points with the pads of the middle and index fingers. It is especially effective to do these exercises after steaming your legs in hot water - then the blood flow is especially strong, and the benefits from the session are greatest.


You can work with all the points above or choose the following options:

  • Shen-ting, Yin-tang, Shen-men, San-yin-jiao.
  • Yin-tang, Da-lin, Bai-hui, Tai-si.
  • Tai-si, Shen-men, San-yin-chiao.

Work through them one by one or just one if it turns out to be effective.

How to apply pressure on points correctly

How to competently influence active points so as not to harm yourself and fall asleep faster? First, find the point by following the instructions and descriptions discussed above. If the zone can be found, when you press on it, slight painful sensations will occur, indicating that the impact is pronounced and targeted.

Pressing is carried out either with one finger (thumb or index) or with two at once, namely the thumb and either the middle or index. If the pads are large, one is enough, and if the fingers are thin, combine two pads.

Apply pressure to the point gradually, increasing the pressure and trying to achieve mild pain. When you feel aching or discomfort, begin to screw or twist the pads into the body to enhance the effect. The duration of such manipulations does not exceed 7-10 seconds (for the first times - 5). But for each point, from three to five or six approaches are performed at five- or ten-second intervals, that is, an average of two minutes is allocated per zone.

For your information! When pressing, the finger is positioned perpendicular to the body, but at the same time the entire pad is in contact with the area of ​​influence, and not a separate part.

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