How to forget the person you love: advice from a psychologist will help you get rid of a man

Unfortunately, ideal relationships only exist on the TV screen. In life, feelings are rarely mutual and lead to a happy marriage. Many unions fall apart due to the desire or fault of the other half. Others suffer from unrequited love, remaining just a friend to their object of adoration. Living in peace when a volcano explodes inside you and your emotions go wild every day at the sight of your beloved is tiring and sad. In this article I will talk about how to forget forever the person you love very much.

Is it possible to forget

Each has the experience of a not very successful relationship and has felt the bitterness of parting. This could happen for various reasons: physical betrayal, spiritual betrayal, lack of attraction, cold feelings. Such an event can lower self-esteem, create complexes, drive you into depression, and be deeply and permanently deposited in your consciousness.

Psychologist Daria Milai

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In order for life to regain a colorful plot, difficult memories to be left behind, you need to try to live without your other half. After all, before her appearance you felt great.

Three simple steps

  1. If you don’t know how to quickly throw out of your memory a man for whom you have feelings, the first thing you need to do is to throw out the bitterness of your emotions and experiences. Scream, cry, break dishes or tear paper, crumple an anti-stress toy to holes.
  2. Don't lose yourself in the waves of surging grief. Many people stop taking care of themselves and don’t worry about relatively dirty hair and wrinkled clothes. After all, life is over and there is no one to dress up for. Get these thoughts out of your head. On the contrary, take care of your appearance - go for spa treatments, relaxing massages, run or work out at the gym. Another hobby that will bring you pleasure is shopping.
  3. How to get behind the dear person you love - think about positive moments where your ex is not there, but there are other dear people. Go see them for a cup of coffee or invite them to a movie.

Parting with a lover

It's good if the relationship ended mutually. But how to survive the pain if only one person wanted it? Anyone who did not plan the breakup experiences warm feelings mixed with the taste of sudden betrayal. This prevents you from fully working, eating, communicating, and taking care of yourself. The ex-partner completely loses himself and psycho-emotional control. Depression, tears, and aggression appear. Often it comes to suicidal thoughts.

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Situations are different. It is important to be able to forget a man and not remember, completely throw him out of your head and start living again. I will help you with this, to do this, sign up for my personal consultation. I will organize the thoughts in my head and find a way out to the long-awaited freedom from love addiction. You will regain peace of mind and self-confidence, life will be filled with new colors and impressions.

How to erase a guy from your memory

The task of how to forget your dearest, beloved person and stop thinking about him can rarely be accomplished in the shortest possible time. The best medicine is time. But by building the right tactics of behavior, you will make your existence easier.

Parting is a painful test on the path to new happiness. I will tell you further about the recommendations that you need to follow in order not to depress yourself with thoughts about your ex-boyfriend.

Why is it so difficult

Falling in love inspires and gives a feeling of euphoria. Experiencing this feeling, a person often embellishes the surrounding reality and endows his loved one with qualities that he does not actually have. It is very difficult to say goodbye to this condition and then be disappointed. The world that the lover has long built around himself is collapsing.

READ Relationships have exhausted themselves: how to understand that this is the end

But if you work with your consciousness and keep your thoughts under control, you can quickly change the situation. A person can control falling in love. When you find yourself thinking about the object of passion and don’t know how to forget your ex, try to direct this flow in the other direction.

If you can’t do this on your own, seek support from an experienced psychotherapist.

How to stop loving a married man

You should look at the disadvantages that will appear in the event of a successful development of a romance with an unfree young man:

  • Do not hope that he found his happiness and cheated on his wife as an exception. Perhaps, after a while, the same fate awaits you.
  • You may believe that such a relationship is not serious, and at any moment switch to another, free guy. In fact, you are simply wasting time and missing the opportunity to have a normal relationship, wasting your energy on an affair, without the confidence that your loved one will ever leave you.
  • At first, you will be pleased by the fact that a man chose you over his wife. Your consciousness is fueled by the thought that he is leaving his family and rushing to you. But, lonely holidays, weekends and conversations about his family await you. You will be second and the realization of this will come very quickly.
  • With such an affair, you will not be able to enjoy family holidays together, establish small traditions, or feel desired and unique.
  • Give other guys a chance to woo you. You don't need someone who has already been used, who has already experienced the joy of marriage or the birth of their first child. The second time his emotions will not be so sincere.

Methods and advice from experienced psychologist Daria Milai on how to quickly forget a dear and beloved man

This is what the standard sequence of correct actions after a breakup consists of:

  • Let go. Take the fact for granted, do not try to change anything, constantly tormenting yourself with thoughts of loss. Write down all the negative traits of your loved one and the unpleasant moments of the relationship. Maybe the list will be quite large, which will help you quickly part with the “less than ideal relationship.” Remove all his things and gifts, erase contacts.
  • Change. Work on your image, change your style, hairstyle, job, or sign up for advanced training courses. This will be a great distraction.
  • Fall in love again. When the first two stages are completed, do not be shy about meeting new people and communicating. Loneliness does not make a person beautiful.


It’s normal to adapt to the situation gradually, to be surprised, to be amazed at the accomplished fact.

It’s not normal to consider the situation reversible, demand an explanation from the guy, try to get him back in different ways.

Productive: Completely rethink your life. Yes, until now it was familiar, familiar, but now it has changed dramatically.

There is no point in bringing back your ex-loved one. He will not be able to marry a new, wiser, clearer girl.

What was needed before will no longer be needed. Everything is different. And it’s definitely better, because new experience has been gained and new opportunities have emerged.

How to erase unrequited love from your memory

“You can’t be nice by force” – you don’t immediately understand the deep meaning and truthfulness of this phrase. Refuse to act on emotions and rash actions that will show you not in the best light.

Ask a question

Don’t be under the illusion that your chosen one will suddenly remember you. Don’t look for dates with him and don’t sort things out. He doesn't care, but you're ruining your nerves.

Don't spy on the details of its existence. Do not plot and do not weave intrigues. This will not help you get your loved one back. There is also no need to cry over lost love. Find time for more interesting things.

What to do if feelings have cooled down, but he still can’t get out of his head

One of two things: either not enough time has passed, or the feelings still haven’t cooled down. Try to figure it out: do you want this relationship back? If yes, then you haven’t gotten over the breakup yet, and it’s normal to think about the person. If not, you might have something to say. There is some incompleteness left, and it needs to be sorted out. Visit our dating rating and start a new life.

If you're wondering why you can't forget the guy you liked, be more careful with the context in which he pops up in your thoughts. Find the reason why you are thinking about him and deal with that reason. Give yourself a little more time, meet with him, write and ask about what worries you - just resolve this situation.

How to forget the guy you love that you talk to all the time

It’s easier to erase from your memory a person who has disappeared from your sight, does not call, does not write. It's much more difficult if you work or study together. Constant meetings will only aggravate the bitterness of parting and pain. Use the following tips:

  • Don't act friendly, but don't be aggressive either. There is no need to be too persistently interested in his life, but it is also stupid to turn in the other direction. Be casual. Your colleagues should not know about the strained communication. Nobody needs rumors.
  • Don't turn the team against him. If they become interested, briefly say that the affair is over.

Behave calmly, without emotions. Give yourself the opportunity to be independent.

I can’t forget the man I love who left me

Do everything not to think about the breakup. As soon as this thought penetrates your consciousness, remember an interesting movie, trip, read a book. Constantly find yourself company and activities so as not to be alone with your reasoning. Go on a trip, go to a cafe, go shopping, visit your relatives.

Find the negative aspects of your relationship and the positive effect of it ending. Perhaps the partner was not decisive enough, soft, mumbled, absent-minded, forgetful, irresponsible. Focus your attention on the shortcomings.

Don't blame your old partner and don't hold a grudge against him, remove your bitterness

Some people like to continue texting their exes even a year after a breakup or calling them from time to time.

People hold onto anger and negativity from past relationships, which then manifest themselves and have an effect in the next relationship. Having the same type of thinking in a new relationship, all the old mistakes will be repeated again.

Don't get caught in this vicious, repeating circle.

A fine line. Instead of becoming angry with your partner, it is better to deeply thank him for what happened!

Through hatred, you yourself will maintain an energetic connection with your former lover, cling to him and why in vain give energy to negative thoughts. Do you need it?

We also talk about this in an article on how to protect yourself from energy vampires.

You can easily fall into such hatred. Get rid of it, and thereby remove the worries about how to forget the person who hurt you once.

How to help a friend forget another person

If you see a loved one suffering from unrequited love, show unobtrusive participation. Of course, there is no need to convince him that his ex is a negative character.

Invite him for a walk, to the cinema, offer to go to another city for the weekend or sign up for courses together. Or ask for help by coming up with a serious reason. If he wants to participate, he will distribute his thoughts and spend time on another activity.

Getting rid of feelings

If the meetings took place at your home, change the environment

Perhaps you had a friend who suffered after a breakup and said that she couldn’t forget her ex for a year. Let's look at how to speed up this process significantly.

  1. If you met at your home, it is recommended to rearrange it, you can put up new wallpaper, buy a bedspread or curtains. The main thing is to change the environment.
  2. Stop going to places you visited with your ex. After a while you can go there, but don’t forget to take your friends with you.
  3. There is nothing shameful in shedding tears for a while. But don’t get carried away with this process, otherwise you will fall into severe depression.
  4. Take up handicrafts or painting, sign up for dancing. Some kind of hobby or entertainment should appear in your life.
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