How to stop crying and why your eyes are wet

Why do my eyes water?

Tearing may be due to certain reasons. Common causes of watery eyes include the following:

  1. Damage or debris in the eyes.
    In case of uncontrolled lacrimation, it is worth carefully examining the condition of the mucous membranes. They may be damaged. Sometimes the problem is caused by a foreign object getting into the eyes. To cope with this symptom, you should thoroughly rinse your eyes with water. If this does not help, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist.
  2. Inflammatory process.
    Watery eyes often result from inflammation in the eyes. It is caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe eye drops.
  3. Allergic reactions.
    If allergy symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor and take an antihistamine.
  4. Onion cutting.
    To avoid tears, it is recommended to wet the knife and vegetable with cool water. The substance that causes tears is mixed with water and does not enter the air. This will help prevent tearing.
  5. Tired eyes.
    A tea compress will help cope with this symptom. To do this, you need to boil sponges in tea leaves and apply them to your eyes for 15 minutes. It is recommended to do this at night.
  6. Emotional overload.
    Stopping tears in this case is quite difficult. If something serious happens, don't hold back. In this case, you need to cry to release negative emotions. If the cause is conflict or resentment, it is better to switch thoughts and try to remember something good. This will help you take your mind off what is happening and contain your emotions.

Are tears good or bad?

Psychologists note that expressing your feelings in the form of crying is normal and even beneficial. By keeping everything to yourself, you can “explode” from an excess of emotions.

Tears can be beneficial:

  1. When watching a movie. It’s normal for girls to start crying during a dramatic moment in a movie.
  2. After a hard day. The day was mentally or physically difficult; when you come home, it’s not forbidden to cry a little. Everyone needs to love themselves and feel sorry for themselves.
  3. During the period of separation, parting. Sometimes crying about it will be useful.
  4. Happy moments of life. There is something to be happy about, something to cry a little. This is just a manifestation of your emotions and feelings.
  5. Laugh until you cry. If it involves funny moments, then there is nothing wrong with it.

This is how people free themselves from negative emotions or, on the contrary, show joy. If the process is uncontrolled and occurs frequently, then we can already talk about psychological problems of the individual. Crying uncontrollably can cause harm.

How to hold back your tears and not cry

Tears usually appear during times of increased emotional stress, which are associated with the influence of external factors. First of all, it is recommended to switch your attention.

To hold back your tears and not cry, you should discreetly pinch yourself, bite your tongue or lip. Pain will quickly distract you from tears. At the same time, it is important to remember a sense of proportion so as not to injure yourself.

Psychologists also recommend breathing evenly and deeply. If tears come, take a deep breath through your nose and then exhale slowly through your mouth. This breathing exercise is used by yogis and psychologists. It helps to achieve harmony and calm. With this simple exercise you can easily control your tears and anger.

Another effective method is the method of switching attention. If you want to cry, you should think about something else or start looking at various objects down to the smallest detail.

You can also count to 10 or 20 to hold back your tears and not cry. Mentally reading a poem or song is also an effective way.

If there are people nearby who are capable of empathy and begin to feel sorry, you need to try not to look at them. Otherwise, there will be no chance to hold back your tears.

Regardless of the situation, you should understand that tears are an important part of human life. They perform psychological and physiological functions. With the help of tears, it is possible to cleanse the body of toxic substances and cope with emotional overload.

Experts do not advise impressionable and melancholic people to hold back their crying. After a decent exit from a traumatic situation, you should retire and cry everything that has accumulated.

To strengthen your character and cry less, you need to do auto-training. Every day in front of the mirror, it is recommended to repeat to yourself that you are strong and smart, are not afraid of anything and can cope with any troubles in life.

It’s worth telling yourself that you can endure any suffering, nothing will break your will or force you to bow to others. This will help you become more confident and firm. Tears will not be able to overcome. Such auto-training helps you look at yourself from a different perspective and draw important conclusions.

Moreover, every situation has another side. Crying is a state that helps release emotions. In simple words, you should periodically let off steam.

If there is an urgent need, it is better to retire or cry. You can turn to a loved one who will be able to listen to you and treat you with understanding. This will help you speak out and share your impressions. If you have a good cry, it will become much easier.

Is it worth using medications?

How not to cry when you really want to? During times of stress or normal distress, some people use sedatives. They can help for a certain period of time. But if they are abused, the risks of harming yourself are very high.

  • Each sedative has side effects associated with drowsiness, slow reaction, and absent-mindedness.
  • When using sedatives, never drive a vehicle or operate other complex machinery.
  • Medicines do not literally bring peace. They have the function of blocking and dulling emotions, introducing a person into a peculiar state of inhibition. If you ask a person who often uses such drugs about his condition, he will tell you that he feels as if he is under the influence of alcohol.
  • Sedatives are highly addictive for some people.

Try not to resort to using medications on your own; it is better to visit a specialist.

How to learn to hold back your tears

There are several physical ways to learn to hold back tears:

  1. Change body position. If you were sitting before, it is better to get up and walk. You can move the chair and move the papers. In general, it is recommended to act according to the situation.
  2. It is recommended to take a slow and deep breath, straighten your shoulders and raise your head up.
  3. You can clench and unclench your fingers. It is also acceptable to pinch your palm.
  4. It's worth drinking some water. It is recommended to take deep and slow sips.
  5. It is permissible to shift your gaze. In this case, you need to look into the distance at the picture that hangs on the wall.

How to hold back tears when talking

Quite often there are situations when you have to hold back tears during a conversation. To do this, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Switch attention.
    To do this, you should use certain questions that will help distract you from tears. You can also try to remember the multiplication table or your favorite song. To switch attention, you should pay attention to a specific object. It must have many small details. It is recommended to carefully consider and recalculate them.
  2. Use your imagination.
    To do this, you should imagine your offender in an unusual image. At the same time, it is important not to laugh, so as not to aggravate an already difficult situation.
  3. Pinch yourself or bite your lip.
    To get rid of emotions, you should concentrate on physical sensations. You can do this by pinching your wrist.
  4. Concentrate on your breathing or stop it.
    To do this, it is recommended to take slow breaths through the nose. They should be quite deep. Then exhale air through your mouth. At the same time, it is important to concentrate on the process. In an emergency situation, the human body independently gets rid of unimportant matters. Therefore, it is enough to hold your breath for a while.
  5. Drink some water.
    If possible, it is recommended to drink some water. In this case, maximum attention should be paid to the process itself. Drink water slowly, taking small sips.
  6. Make a sudden movement.
    This will help relieve tension. To avoid crying, it is recommended to suddenly stand up or sit down. It is also acceptable to open a window or move a chair. If this is not possible, it is recommended to suddenly change your body position. To do this, you need to straighten your shoulders or raise your head. During the process, you should concentrate on breathing.
  7. Avoid looking at other people.
    Even a little sympathy can provoke a real flood of tears. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid such views if possible. It's better to look at a picture or out the window.
  8. Use a pen or phone.
    In a critical situation, you can write something nice on paper. This will help take your mind off stress. You are also allowed to use a phone or tablet. If tears come, it’s worth distracting yourself and looking at something on the Internet.
  9. Escape from.
    If the situation gets too tense, it is better to leave the room immediately. This will help you avoid tears and calm you down. When the tension passes, the conversation can continue.

How to hold back your tears when you want to cry

To hold back your tears when you want to cry, you should use the following tips:

  1. Try to normalize your breathing. To do this, it is recommended to take several deep breaths through your nose and take a couple of slow exhalations through your mouth.
  2. To stop tears, it is recommended to blink quickly.
  3. You can force yourself to smile. At the same time, you should look at yourself in the mirror.
  4. Drink some cold water and wash. You can also apply ice to your forehead or temples.
  5. It’s worth trying to switch your attention to something neutral. You can try to remember the alphabet or the multiplication table.
  6. You can pinch yourself or bite your lip. At the same time, it is worth remembering a sense of proportion, otherwise tears may appear from pain.
  7. It is permissible to do a little exercise. To do this, wave your arms and turn your head. You are also allowed to sit down or do push-ups several times. A good tip would be to stand in a plank position for a few minutes.
  8. If tears are literally choking you, you can scream. This helps to quickly cope with emotions.

About the causes of tearfulness: you can cry in different ways

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that among us there are 5% of people endowed with special sensuality and emotionality. These are the owners of the visual vector, for whom the eyes are a particularly sensitive area. It is these people who have “increased tearfulness.” But crying can be done in different ways: with beneficial or destructive effects on the psyche.

How to stop crying for any reason

By nature, all owners of the visual vector are constantly close to tears. Such people have a huge emotional range; they can subtly feel the states of other people.

Due to such sensuality, both a tragic love story and empathy for a sick person can actually provoke tears in them. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter whether this story is real or unfolds on the stage - the audience still reacts emotionally and sensually.

Stopping crying completely for the viewer is the same as stopping breathing. His receptive area (eyes) actually needs this periodic stimulation. The most important thing in this matter is the reason for which the tears arise.

When is it good to cry?

There is nothing wrong with crying during a sensual song or a soulful performance. But by nature, the carrier of the visual vector is given a special emotional sensitivity in order to realize it in empathy and compassion for other people. To those who have suffered real misfortune, who have experienced real grief.

We can see developed and realized owners of the visual vector among volunteers, working with seriously ill or disabled people. They help orphanages or are busy delivering humanitarian supplies to countries where there is war. They are always exactly where their compassion and active assistance to weaker sections of the population are most in demand.

The viewer may well cry out of empathy for his neighbor. But these tears are beneficial, and it is not difficult for a person to calm down in such a situation - he will quickly stop crying, switching to real help. Unfortunately, in conditions where the properties of the visual vector are not sufficiently realized, the situation is different.

When tears are destructive

With a lack of realization, the entire enormous emotional range of the viewer is closed in on himself, in his own experiences. This gives rise to constant hysterics and emotional swings, causing a person to break into hysterics and yell at loved ones. In this state, he sometimes cannot calm down and only winds himself up more and more.

Depending on the additional presence of other vectors, the reason may be torment over a guy or girl. A person may cry from jealousy, panic, or perhaps from resentment towards loved ones and fate. The reason in all these cases is the same - the emotional range of the viewer is too great to be directed at himself and his troubles.

Why holding back tears is harmful

Scientists say that holding back tears is harmful. With the help of crying, you can cleanse the body and renew your feelings through emotional arousal. This acts as a safety valve.

If an excessive amount of emotions accumulates, and internal tension reaches its highest point, discharge is carried out with the help of tears. This helps reduce tension, get rid of sadness, grief or resentment. Emotions become less acute and pain dulls.

Doctors say crying helps people bond. Tears weaken a person. As a result, he is psychologically drawn to someone who can comfort him.

To achieve more effective psychological relief after crying, you need to take into account certain recommendations. It will not be possible to cleanse the emotional sphere alone. Therefore, it is better to cry in the presence of a person who can listen and support.

In addition, experts advise crying in a comfortable place. Most people are embarrassed to show their feelings to others. Therefore, it is worth going to a secluded place and only after that giving vent to your emotions.

To get rid of increased stress, it is best to cry after solving problems. If you do this in advance, there is a risk of relaxation. This will not provide an opportunity to cope with a difficult situation.

Why do people cry

Tears are a fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland. It consists of water, salt, calcium, magnesium and sodium carbonate. In addition, tears contain a special enzyme, lysozyme, which has antibacterial properties, and oleamide, an oily substance that prevents the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the mucosa.

Tears perform several functions simultaneously. There are no blood vessels on the cornea, so they supply it with nutrients. In addition, they moisturize and wash the eye, clearing it of impurities. Those tears that are constantly secreted in small quantities are called reflex tears. But those that flow from the eyes during various experiences are called emotional. In the course of ongoing research, a close connection was revealed between the work of the lacrimal glands and the part of the brain that is responsible for emotions.

It used to be that only humans could experience emotional tears. But ongoing research has shown that many animals also cry during emotional distress.

Useful tips

To cope with a difficult situation and not cry, you can use useful advice from psychologists:

  1. Switch attention. To do this, you should ask yourself adrenaline questions. For example, did you turn off the iron or lock the apartment? A sharp increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood will help change emotions and avoid tears.
  2. Turn on your imagination. The offender can be presented in a funny or absurd way. The substitution method is also suitable.
  3. Wash with cold water.
  4. Go to the mirror and smile.
  5. Drink a cup of hot and sweet tea.

Crying is an important emotional state that helps solve many psychological problems and achieve release. However, tears are not appropriate everywhere, which is why it is so important to learn to hold them back. Psychological and physical methods are suitable for this.

Specialist help

If you understand that conventional methods do not help you, and you cannot help but worry about problems more than necessary, trust a psychologist. In this way, you will not only learn to control your emotions, but also part with a number of serious problems from the past that can ruin the future.

It is also worth checking the health of the endocrine system and the thyroid gland in general. A hormonal imbalance negatively affects the body's resistance to stress.

In addition, it is easy to check the level of protection of the body through DNA research. It will show how the main “conductors” of our emotional state - serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine - work, and you will find out how susceptible your body is to stress and vulnerable to external stimuli, and most importantly, you will understand what to do about it.

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