Contusions of the pelvis, hip joint and upper thigh

Bruise is one of the most common types of injuries. With such damage, soft tissues suffer, but the integrity of the skin is not compromised. Such injuries often occur when struck with a blunt object, falls from a height onto a flat surface and can be combined with fractures, dislocations, scratches, and abrasions.

In addition to bruises of individual parts of the body, there are also bruises of internal organs.

As a rule, special treatment for bruises is not required. However, if you have pain for a long time after the injury, for example, a sore elbow or back pain, you should consult a doctor.


Treatment of bruises and hematomas

2 Treatment of bruises and hematomas

3 Treatment of bruises and hematomas

Degrees of bruises

Bruises can be single or multiple. Depending on the severity, the following degrees of damage are distinguished:

1st degree - mild bruises, accompanied by the appearance of small abrasions and wounds. Recovery occurs on its own within 3-4 days.

2nd degree - moderate bruises, characterized by the appearance of edema and hematomas. The person may feel sharp pain. In this case, special treatment for bruises is not provided. As a rule, applying a pressure bandage is sufficient. In case of blood formations under the skin, you should consult a doctor.

Grade 3 - damage to muscles and tendons, likelihood of dislocation. Such injuries can be dangerous if there is injury to the knees, head, or tailbone. An examination by a specialist is required to determine further treatment.

Grade 4 bruises can lead to disruption of the functioning of all human systems and organs.
The doctor determines the type of treatment and the need for surgical intervention.

Symptoms of bruises

Bruises are accompanied by the appearance of the following clinical signs:

  • redness, swelling, or swelling;
  • hemorrhage (hematoma) or bruise (appears at the site of redness, the area of ​​​​appearance is subcutaneous fatty tissue, intermuscular and subfascial space);
  • severe or aching pain (the intensity of the pain depends on the location, force of the blow and the shape of the traumatic object).

You should pay attention to prolonged pain; it may indicate a fracture, bleeding in internal organs, or ligament ruptures.

1 Treatment of bruises and hematomas

2 Treatment of bruises and hematomas

3 Treatment of bruises and hematomas

Why is a hematoma dangerous?

A hematoma is a limited accumulation of blood in a damaged organ, tissue or muscle that appears as a result of rupture of blood vessels. Occurs as a result of a blow, bruise, as a result of vascular disease or abuse of certain medications.

Hemorrhage can be either small or extensive, leading to compression of internal organs. In some people, bruises on the skin may appear even with a light touch. For others, they occur quite rarely, but a strong blow can lead to significant internal bleeding.

Extensive hematomas can lead to various complications. Often, hemorrhages begin to compress various nerves or large vessels. In such cases, treatment of hematomas must be carried out in a medical facility.

Types of hematomas

Depending on the location, the following types of hematomas are distinguished:

  • intramuscular hematoma;
  • subcutaneous;
  • subserous;
  • cerebral hematoma.

Intramuscular and subcutaneous hematomas have the same symptoms and, most often, do not pose a health hazard. Usually such formations resolve safely. But sometimes they persist for a long time, interfering with the normal functioning of nearby organs.

Subserous hematoma is a hemorrhage localized in the chest or abdominal cavity. In this case, qualified medical care and surgical treatment of the hematoma are necessary.

Brain hematoma is one of the most dangerous. The accumulation of blood in the cranial cavity can lead to compression of the brain, as well as swelling and damage to brain tissue.

Any head injury can lead to serious consequences! Therefore, urgent consultation with specialists is necessary.

1 Treatment of bruises and hematomas

2 Treatment of bruises and hematomas

3 Treatment of bruises and hematomas

Increased body temperature

One of the serious signs of pathology in the body is an increase in body temperature. If numbers between 36.5 - 36.9 C are considered normal, then its rise is a signal from the body that an infection or virus has entered it and inflammation has begun. Doctors recommend treating this symptom as:

  • the ability of your immune system to begin fighting various irritants;
  • about the onset of various disturbances in the normal functioning of internal organs, as well as body tissues.

It is for this reason that it is worth considering the various factors and causes of body temperature fluctuations.

Causes of elevated body temperature

If you have a fever, do not immediately panic and start swallowing pills or calling a doctor. It is worth knowing that some causes of elevated temperature do not pose a danger to humans. Let's look at what you should pay attention to.

Non-dangerous causes include symptoms that will go away on their own:

  • if the temperature rise occurs in the evening. Very often, it is at this time that it can rise 0.5-1 degrees above normal;
  • as a result of emotional or physical stress. They will increase blood circulation, and with it heat exchange will increase;
  • during ovulation in women. Often before the start of the menstrual cycle, hormonal surges are possible, and with this the body temperature rises;
  • as a consequence of thermal loads. The presence of a body temperature of 37 and above can manifest itself as a result of eating hot food, visiting a bathhouse or sauna, taking a bath, or after sunbathing.

And now it’s worth talking about the pathological causes that can cause dangerous diseases:

  • development of acute or chronic infections;
  • various viral diseases, including influenza or ARVI;
  • all cases of inflammation or swelling;
  • for diseases of the respiratory system;
  • if there are disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • in case of injury to joints and muscles;
  • during the course of a sexually transmitted disease.

Symptoms of elevated body temperature

It is worth saying that a significant increase in temperature will be felt by the person himself. The main symptoms include:

  • feeling tired and weak;
  • chills appear. Moreover, the greater the heat, the stronger the chill will be;
  • the appearance of headache;
  • the appearance of body aches. The joints, muscles and fingers are most often affected;
  • the person begins to feel cold;
  • burning and dry eyes appear;
  • the mouth feels dry;
  • Appetite may decrease or disappear altogether;
  • increased heart rate, arrhythmia may appear;
  • sweating increases or, conversely, dry skin.

How and when to bring down a high fever in an adult

Body temperature above 38.5C should be of particular concern. And yet, doctors recommend starting to bring down the temperature with medications when it reaches 38C.

But you should focus, first of all, on your general well-being. If the high temperature is poorly tolerated, unbearable aches, chills, confusion, physical discomfort, vomiting, dizziness are felt, then the temperature should be brought down immediately.

But it also happens that even a high temperature occurs with barely noticeable discomfort, then you should focus on the thermometer mark and, if it exceeds 38.5, take an antipyretic drug.

During fever and throughout the entire period of illness, it is important to drink as much fluid as possible. Through the excretory system, it promotes the rapid elimination of bacteria and viruses and their metabolic products - toxins. As a result, you will recover faster from a high temperature.

If there is a need to bring down the temperature, it is worth adding antipyretic drugs. It is better to give preference to single-component products. Adults are recommended to take paracetamol or ibuprofen based products. The use of multicomponent drugs, where paracetamol or ibuprofen are only part of the composition, should be used in extreme cases. And even more so, exclude the joint use of both.

Damage diagnostics

A visual inspection of the damaged area and collection of anamnesis is the first step in providing medical care. If the injury is severe, an x-ray may be ordered.

If damage to internal organs is suspected, an ultrasound examination or magnetic resonance imaging is performed. Blood and urine tests may also be needed.

Treatment of bruises

First aid for bruised limbs begins with a thorough examination of the bruised area (flexion and extension of the arms and legs). In case of severe injury (before examination by a doctor), the injured limb must be immobilized.

If there are bruises to the chest, head or abdomen, you need to lay the victim on a flat surface, apply a cold compress and urgently call an ambulance. It is not advisable to take painkillers on your own so as not to miss the moment when your health worsens.

You need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of weakness and loss of consciousness (in case of a head injury, it is important to exclude intracranial hematoma);
  • severe pain (this may indicate internal organ damage or a fracture),
  • decreased breathing, blood in the urine (possible internal bleeding).

Treatment of hematomas

As a rule, the main part of the treatment of bruises comes down to the treatment of hematomas. In order to stop the bleeding, a cold compress is applied to the site of the bruise. Under the influence of cold, the blood vessels narrow and the hemorrhage stops.

It should be noted that cold is effective only for the first 12 hours after injury. On the second day, the best remedy for bruises (and a remedy for hematomas) is a warm compress, which, along with physical therapy, helps resolve hemorrhages.

Treatment of a hematoma in a hospital may consist of puncturing the skin on the damaged area and removing the accumulated blood.

Also, as prescribed by a doctor, medicinal treatment of bruises can be carried out, including the administration of anti-inflammatory, absorbable and vasodilating agents.

The MedicCity clinic operates a paid emergency room every day from 9.00 to 21.00. Day and night, our professional traumatologists are ready to provide you with the necessary assistance in treating bruises and any other injuries!

What not to do at high temperatures

You should react to an elevated temperature without panic, but with special care.
It is not recommended to bring it down in the first minutes after the increase; you need to let the body cope with the temperature on its own. At this time, the body’s defenses are mobilized and pathogens of various diseases die. But even when lowering the temperature, you should not strive for 36.6. In the first days of illness, this is unlikely to be achieved. Rubbing, especially with vinegar or alcohol solutions, is not recommended. However, this practice still exists at home. If a patient with a high fever is pale and his limbs are cold to the touch (so-called white hyperthermia), then any rubbing is contraindicated for him and, in addition to antipyretics, antispasmodics are recommended. The fact is that cold extremities are caused by vasospasm. And in this case, cold rubbing with vinegar or alcohol-containing liquids can only worsen the situation with the blood vessels.

Wiping with vinegar is not indicated for adults and children with respiratory manifestations of the disease or chronic pathologies of the respiratory system. Vapors can worsen the patient's condition and affect the breathing process. Also, intolerance to vinegar or alcohol, as well as the presence of damage and irritation of the skin, are contraindications to rubbing.

At high temperatures, it is not recommended to eat rich, fatty foods and sugar. An increase in glucose levels in the body reduces the number of white blood cells, which are responsible for destroying infected cells. Which can harm the process of fighting bacteria and viruses. And fatty foods create additional stress on digestion and the body devotes some of its energy to this process, instead of fighting the enemy.

Speaking about drinking liquid at a fever, it should be noted that hot drinking is strictly contraindicated! Especially coffee. Caffeine causes dehydration. A hot drink warms up the body even more. Only warm fruit drinks and herbal teas.

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