Symptoms of dementia in adults Treatment of dementia Diagnosis of dementia Dementia in adults Dementia in children
Autonomic dysfunction, vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD, SVD) is not a disease in the scientific sense of the word.
HOW TO TREAT INFLAMMATION OF THE TRIGEMINAL NERVE WITH MAGOFON-01 APPARATUS Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia involves pain relief
Thinking in general is the ability of the human psyche to fully reflect reality, objects, phenomena,
22 JAN 17 Vasilyeva Olga Articles Author: Vasilyeva O.B. From this article you will learn
Author Eremin Dmitry Sergeevich Radiologist (CT) Doctor Radiologist until October 31 Total Body Scan
Medical information is reliable Checked by Shaidullin Renat Flyurovich Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by
Atropine (anatropine) - what is it? Atropine is a m-anticholinergic drug (pharmacological group), dangerous
The role of the cerebral cortex In the posterior central gyrus, behind the central sulcus, there is a zone
Who had a dream Symbols and signs displayed by the subconscious in a dream, they are different for men