Who is a sanguine person? Let us characterize his temperament

It is known that a person’s behavior in a given situation is largely determined by his temperament. At the same time, it is customary to distinguish between four main types of temperament: sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic and choleric. Let's take a closer look at the type of temperament - Sanguine


Sanguine: type of temperament and its characteristics

I'm an optimist by nature.
Everything will be fine, but it’s better not to specify the date. Zemfira Ramazanova

  • 1.Who is a sanguine person: description
  • 2.Psyche and memory of sanguine people
  • 3.Emotional background
  • 4.Professional predisposition
  • 5.Home, love, friendship, family
  • 6. Famous people are sanguine
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Who is a sanguine person?

A sanguine person is a positive and sociable person, very energetic, but balanced and able to maintain composure in difficult situations. He adapts well, has high performance and endurance. A sanguine person is on the move almost all the time. Being a pronounced extrovert, he always strives for communication, and being alone for a long time depresses him.

People with this type of temperament are characterized by flexible behavior and the ability to adapt well to rapidly changing circumstances. In company, they stand out for their excellent sense of humor and positive perception, thanks to which they always exude positivity and, even in unpleasant situations, are able to cheer up those around them.

Origin of the term

The word “sanguine” was coined by the ancient Greek physician and philosopher Hippocrates, who believed that a person’s behavior is completely determined by the dominant fluid in his body. Based on this idea, he created a classification of temperament types, naming each of them according to the dominant fluid. In the case of a sanguine person, this is blood - sanguis (“sangua” or “sanguis”). It is interesting that this word has another meaning in Greek – “life force”.

How to recognize a sanguine person?

It is quite easy to recognize a sanguine person in your interlocutor. This is a cheerful, cheerful, never discouraged person who maintains composure even in difficult situations. Usually he is extremely positive, likes others and is the soul of any company, since he knows how to lift everyone’s spirits. If your friend has these qualities, he is almost certainly sanguine.

Sanguine people understand that they improve the mood of those around them, and strive to do this more often. They are charismatic and witty, love to joke and are not at all afraid of being considered frivolous. In any company, a sanguine person quickly attracts attention with witty statements and well-aimed jokes.

The main signs of a sanguine person:

  • fast but clear speech;
  • active, but not sweeping gestures;
  • bright facial expressions and smiling;
  • energetic gait;
  • straight posture, straightened shoulders.

Sanguine people are usually not particularly modest. They are very sociable and love to be the center of attention in large groups. Thanks to their curiosity, in most cases they are well-educated, so they easily win the attention of any interlocutor.

In life, a sanguine person is quite prudent, well understands the consequences of his own actions, but is not always able to resist laziness, excitement or temptations. However, he is a responsible and disciplined person who is able to concentrate on work for a long time. He knows when to work in moderation and does not allow himself to overwork, periodically devoting time to a good rest.



In most cases, a sanguine person is an extrovert; all activity is directed towards the outside world. He rarely withdraws into himself.

There is a dependence on information that comes from outside. Extroverts easily find friends, make contact, they are sociable; a sanguine person is most often an extrovert .


Introverts are thoughtful, most often their experiences are aimed at the inner world , they are not very sociable.

Such qualities are not characteristic of sanguine people, so it is very difficult to meet an introverted sanguine person.

But if such qualities are combined, then it will be a very interesting mixture of energy, cheerfulness with a rich inner world.

Who are lyrical sanguine people ? Sanguine people are often not susceptible to subtle experiences; they are usually quite superficial in relationships and affairs. It is rare for a sanguine person to occupy himself with lyrical experiences.

Often such sanguine people express feelings through some kind of creativity. If creativity is their passion, then such a person can achieve considerable heights in it.

Pros of a sanguine person

In general terms, we figured out who a sanguine person is. Now let's focus on what advantages it has. So:

  1. Optimism
    . A sanguine person copes with troubles better than others. In case of failure, he does not despair, does not become depressed, does not look for reasons and does not assign blame. He prefers to quickly navigate the situation and immediately begin to solve. He is also quite persistent, but if necessary (or having lost interest) he switches to a new task without regret.
  2. Communication skills
    . Sanguine people know how to speak beautifully and convincingly, their speeches inspire and encourage action. This allows them to become good leaders and managers. They also quickly find a common language with people with any other type of temperament. A sanguine person avoids misunderstandings and quickly suppresses any quarrels, thanks to which people with conflicts feel comfortable with him.
  3. Rationality
    . From the outside, sanguine people often appear emotional, but they are very practical and have excellent self-control. They tend to think about the situation and find the best way to solve it, so they are always rational and rarely give in to emotional impulses. Despite logic and rationality, sanguine people love to relax and have fun. At the same time, they differentiate between work and leisure as much as possible, so their emotions and reason do not conflict.
  4. Flexibility
    . Changes do not frighten a sanguine person, but even delight him. He quickly navigates the situation, quickly adapts to changing circumstances, and instantly finds a common language with new people. This trait is especially evident when traveling - sanguine people do not hesitate to ask questions of passers-by, even if they practically do not know the language they are trying to speak.

Cons of a sanguine person

In order to clearly understand who a sanguine person is, it is important to take into account his characteristic shortcomings. For all their positivity, determination and rationality, people with this type of temperament have quite pronounced disadvantages that interfere with their self-realization.

The main disadvantages of sanguine people:

  1. Superficiality
    . Instantly switching to new tasks, they often leave old tasks unfinished. Often they quit a business in which they have achieved significant success, simply losing interest in it. For example, a sanguine person can, without any hesitation, leave a profession in which he was very successful and was considered a recognized specialist. He often changes hobbies, quickly and deeply immersing himself in a new topic and just as quickly abandoning it. He has a superficial knowledge of many topics and rarely dives into anything too deeply.
  2. Selfishness
    . The life of a sanguine person is quite eventful, with many events constantly happening in it, so he has no time to think about other people’s feelings. Being a positive and strong person, he does not think that someone may experience failures painfully and need moral support. In addition, from childhood he gets used to being the center of attention, and this forms in him a rather selfish attitude towards others. Seeing that a loved one is sad, a sanguine person usually tries to entertain and cheer him up, without expressing sympathy and understanding.
  3. Problems with concentration
    . Most sanguine people are restless. They quickly concentrate on new interesting things, but as soon as they lose interest in them, they can no longer maintain their attention on them. In their professional activities, sanguine people strive to diversify their work, delegating routine tasks to subordinates or passing them on to more diligent colleagues.

General concept

Sanguine - what is it in psychology? Sanguinists - who are they? In short, in psychology there is a division along two axes .

The first axis “extraversion-introversion” shows whether processes are directed to the external world or to the internal one.

A sanguine person is an extrovert, all attention is directed to what is happening around him. There is also an axis “stability-instability” .

The sanguine type of temperament refers to a stable type that spends energy gradually, avoiding sudden bursts of activity and loss of strength.

Sanguinism is often called cheerfulness, an easy attitude to life, and sanguinists are the owners of such character qualities.

What kind of sanguine person is in a relationship?

As in other areas of life, in personal relationships the sanguine person is very fickle. He can get carried away by a person, giving himself completely to the relationship. But you shouldn’t expect serious affection from him, either in love or in friendship. Usually, sanguine people tolerate breakups well, quickly find replacements and easily forget people to whom they recently felt strong affection.

To build a successful relationship with a sanguine person, you must take into account that he has the following characteristics:

  • loves to experiment (in all areas of relationships);
  • loves to be admired, but is critical of unfounded flattery;
  • is both an excellent lover and a good friend, expects the same from his partner;
  • does not accept dominance in relationships, therefore does not strive to dominate himself, but does not allow himself to be commanded;
  • loves to spend time in companies, communicates kindly with everyone, often causing jealousy of his partner.

Usually, relationships with a sanguine person turn out to be quite pleasant and comfortable. He is always positive, strives to quickly resolve any conflicts, often gives gifts and arranges surprises. But you have to come to terms with the fact that he is positive with others and often provokes jealousy with overly friendly behavior. But the sanguine person himself is practically not jealous and does not create scandals on this basis.

Of course, differences in temperament types create certain difficulties in communication and interaction between people, but this problem can be solved, because communication is a skill that can and should be developed. If you want to significantly improve your communication skills in a short time, learn to understand the hidden emotions of others, sign up for the online intensive “Effective Communication” from Vikium. This course will teach you:

  • Manage your emotions
  • Communicate more effectively with your surroundings
  • Overcome difficult emotional situations
  • Manage conflicts
  • Understand the other person's feelings and thoughts on a deeper level
  • Build harmonious relationships

The author of the course is Oleg Kalinichev. Expert in nonverbal behavior, emotional intelligence and lie detection. Accredited trainer PaulEkman International. Managing Director of PaulEkman International in Russia (PEI Russia).

The online intensive “Effective Communication” will be especially useful:

  • Entrepreneurs, executives, top managers.
  • For those who work with clients, middle managers, and freelancers.
  • To everyone who is involved in raising children.
  • Anyone who wants to improve their communication with others.

The training consists of 4 blocks:

  1. Emotions. Basics.
  2. Emotional stability and emotional flexibility.
  3. Social efficiency.
  4. Building harmonious relationships.

How the training works:

  • Watch video lectures
  • Perform independent tasks to reinforce the material
  • Participate in webinars and discuss difficult issues
  • Take tests on the material you have studied

Complete the intensive course and receive a certificate

The cost of completing it independently is 990 rubles, with a curator – 2,490 rubles. If within 7 days you decide that the course is not suitable for you, your money will be returned.


A sanguine person is a person who is distinguished by his ability to work, which predetermines rapid career growth. He likes to do interesting, exciting work. If official duties are monotonous and routine, representatives of the sanguine type perform them superficially and reluctantly. They do not tolerate monotony, so they often change their field of professional activity. But having found a field close in spirit, they remain faithful to it to the end.

Flexibility of mind and originality, non-standard views make sanguine people interesting interlocutors. They are excellent speakers, skillful in speech - they easily find compelling arguments, know how to persuade, and speak to the point. Good nature, cheerfulness and an intuitive sense of tact help to establish strong communication ties. Good, warm relationships with a partner, friends, and colleagues are usually long-lasting and bring positive energy to both parties.

A sanguine person is a purposeful, proactive and active person, just like a choleric person. Unlike choleric people, people with a sanguine type of temperament are always friendly and emotionally balanced. It is difficult to get them out of balance. For this to happen, a universal catastrophe must occur. They do not tend to get hung up on problems; their mood changes quickly.

Now they are sad, and a minute later they laugh fieryly, because they have already forgotten about the difficulties. They diligently avoid trouble. If problems happen, people of the sanguine type deal with them without fuss or strong feelings. They skillfully adapt to new conditions and circumstances, simplify and optimize tasks in order to achieve results with minimal effort and cost.

A representative of the sanguine type often gives the impression of a superficial person, incapable of deep experiences. In his youth, he often behaves defiantly, denies the presence of authorities, and acts in defiance. Even in such serious life issues as starting a family, one does not bother to think long. With age comes experience and the habit of taking a balanced approach to decision making.

In short, a sanguine person is a person who highly values ​​the material side of life. Such people like to wear expensive, branded clothes, eat delicious food, and visit prestigious entertainment venues. They are in dire need of love experiences. Relationships with the opposite sex occupy an important part of life.

A sanguine person is someone who cannot imagine a single day without strong emotions associated with love relationships or recreational activities. Such people are responsive, capable of empathy, and relaxed when communicating with new acquaintances. They show miracles of endurance and efficiency if they are entrusted with a task that arouses genuine interest.

They will work tirelessly to see the result of their work and gain moral satisfaction from the awareness of their achievements. They prefer rhythmic, lively music that gives positive emotions and puts them in a positive mood.

Among the famous sanguine people are outstanding composers V. A. Mozart, G. Rossini, S. Prokofiev, A. Vivaldi. The portfolio of the listed authors is dominated by light, unobtrusive melodies filled with emotional shades of joy, delight, and jubilation. They encourage and inspire listeners to positive achievements. Signs of a sanguine person:

  1. Smiling, friendliness.
  2. Well developed speech.
  3. Wit, intelligence.
  4. Lively, moving facial expressions.
  5. Expressive, eloquent gestures.
  6. Sociability, desire to communicate with people.
  7. Endurance, performance.
  8. Artistry, creativity and hobbies.
  9. Leadership qualities, the ability to inspire and lead the masses.

Their mood is clearly reflected on the face of such people. It’s easy to guess by their facial expressions what emotions they are experiencing at the moment. The advantages of character include the ability to find an approach and quickly get along with different people, with which individuals of this type of temperament compensate for their disadvantages in the form of duplicity, narcissism and self-confidence. They act like hypocrites to stay in the limelight. For this purpose, they can behave tactlessly and defiantly.

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