Depression - Summer
Manic syndrome within bipolar disorder and mania as an independent disease
Manic syndrome (mania) is defined as a severe mental illness characterized by a triad of defining symptoms
Strong headache
Methods for diagnosing brain diseases
Magnetic resonance imaging combines high information content, safety and non-invasiveness. MRI of cerebral vessels
Toxicosis in late pregnancy (preeclampsia)
Last weeks of pregnancy - 37,38,39,40 weeks of pregnancy: what happens, development of pregnancy and fetus
What is toxicosis and gestosis in pregnant women? For many, the word “toxicosis” is strongly associated with pregnancy,
Anvifen: analogues - what to choose?
Nosological classification (ICD-10) F06.6 Organic emotionally labile [asthenic] disorder F10.3 Withdrawal state F41.9 Anxiety
Structure of the thalamus
Thalamus as a converter of impulses into information
Like any other organ of the brain, the thalamus has an extremely important and indispensable function for
Microcephaly. Do people survive with this pathology, and what is their life expectancy?
Microcephaly is a congenital anomaly, which is characterized by a significant decrease in the size of the brain (and due to
Doppler ultrasound of the great vessels of the head: indications, preparation and implementation
Home / Neurologist / Diseases of the cerebrovascular vessels Diseases of the cerebral vessels, unfortunately,
Discirculatory encephalopathy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis
Classification of discirculatory encephalopathy ICD 10 Group “I60-69” collected cerebrovascular diseases. Tenth International Classification of Diseases
Reasons for the development of syringomyelia.
Syringomyelia (clinic, diagnosis, treatment tactics).
The term syringomyelia is a collective term that includes various conditions that are characterized by damage to the spinal cord.
Querulants. Litigation - how it manifests itself and how it is treated
Only self-interests If we consider querulantism as a syndrome of litigiousness, then people suffering from this illness
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