Temperature increase
Symptoms of meningitis in children: photo, Komarovsky
Most often, meningitis occurs in children; doctors say that these cases occur in pediatrics.
Pain syndrome as a manifestation of sensory impairment in multiple sclerosis
Lhermitte-Duclos disease Diagnosis of Lhermitte-Duclos disease is made by identifying characteristic formations in the cerebellum using
Spinning and floating in my head
What is “Brain Fog” - a symptom that occurs in some diseases, as well as
Arachnoid cyst of the brain
Drug treatment There is no need for therapy if the neoplasm is small in size and does not cause
Sensory impairment
Sometimes, due to a variety of reasons, numbness in certain parts of the body may occur. If this happened
Liquor, what is it in simple words
Postpuncture syndrome Symptoms in this syndrome are not caused by the extraction of cerebrospinal fluid during the puncture itself,
Diagram of cerebral circulation on MRI
MRI of the head and brain - when prescribed
MRI of the veins of the brain is a modern diagnostic technique that allows you to obtain an accurate picture of the veins
Lissencephaly (smooth brain)
Lissencephaly (literally “smooth brain”) is a very large group of disorders in the development of the brain.
Physiology of the cerebellum and diencephalon. Limbic system Lecture 7. Prof. Yu.I. Savchenkov. - presentation
Vyacheslav Dubynin about the thalamus and hypothalamus About the similarities between the thalamus and the cerebral hemispheres, hyperactivity in
Parkinson's disease: causes, signs and symptoms, stages, treatment
What is Parkinson's disease (PD)? This is a chronic pathology of the central nervous system with a gradually progressive course, in
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