How to learn hypnosis yourself at home.

How to learn hypnosis. Today we’ll talk about how you can really quickly learn hypnosis on your own at home. We will also consider techniques and methods for putting a person into a trance using hypnosis and NLP, which you can master on your own. Let's study the lessons of NLP and practical hypnosis with a detailed description

A subject who is under the influence of hypnosis concentrates on the suggestions made by the hypnotist. This is precisely the essence of hypnosis, i.e. a person is immersed in a trance state for subsequent suggestion, although hypnosis without suggestion is acceptable, just as suggestion can be made without introducing a trance state.

Interest in how to learn hypnosis on your own is often due to the fact that experimenting with your own consciousness is extremely interesting, and the trance state is quite pleasant, allowing you to solve a variety of mental problems, “clear” your brain, activate brain activity or relieve tension by falling into state of relaxation.

It should be remembered that by learning the basics of how to learn hypnosis at home, we expose ourselves to potential danger.

You can fall into such a deep trance that you will not be able to get out of it without the help of a specialist.

But in order to learn how to enter a trance state so deeply, it will take more than a year of hard training.

In order to learn how to learn hypnosis, you need not only to study the relevant literature, but also to learn not only to record, but also to enhance the state of spontaneous trance.

The ability to independently fall into a trance comes gradually. A number of people, for example, some merchants, do not feel the need for training that provides knowledge on how to learn hypnosis on their own, but at the same time they are able to unconsciously hypnotize customers, provoking them to make unnecessary purchases.

The main task of immersion in a trance is to concentrate attention on the internal, and not on the external, state of a person.

After several such trainings, you can quickly and easily fall into a hypnotic state.

Hypnosis - the powers of the mind

A series of actions in which the patient's consciousness is involved in order to put him into a state of trance is called hypnosis. Any command given by the owner of hypnosis to another patient is necessarily carried out if it does not contradict the will of the hypnotized person.

Can all orders be carried out in a trance? It turns out that not all. Some patients are born unable to follow instructions from loved ones and strangers. Their head, like a bad radio receiver, works only on one wavelength and does not perceive anything extraneous. The effect of training them is reduced to zero. The technique cannot be used for that category of patients who may provide counter psychological resistance.

Losing weight with self-hypnosis

Psychology plays a major role in the process of hypnosis. Man is a lazy creature by nature, so an extra push allows him to act. But do not forget about the aspect of faith in a favorable outcome. As a result, surgical weight loss can be influenced by the following elements of suggestion:

  • believe in yourself;
  • force to take adequate measures;
  • learn to see promising results;
  • learn to analyze: what is fruitful and what is meaningless;
  • A “fat” person even sees this as a plus and loses weight without emotional pressure.

Practice for beginning magicians is banal. They learn to hear the inner voice, then their behavior is for their own good.

There are many masterpieces in art, literature and the film industry that are aimed at exploring the power of hypnosis. They describe the power of affirmations, the effect of improving reality thanks to one’s own thoughts, and paranormal abilities that an ordinary psychologist can explain.

This topic is very deep and is rooted in the study of subconscious processes of the brain. Biological beings demonstrate the ability to learn such techniques, which then prevents each person from being more attentive to himself and his own soul. The procedures for entering a state of hypnosis on your own are now accessible and understandable.

Hypnosis for life

Patients who are immersed in a trance state can be cured of the following diseases and bad habits, such as: smoking, speech impediments, nervous tics. Learning other languages ​​through trance is a new technique. Today, science is on the verge of using trance instead of traditional anesthesia during operations. The fact is that a patient put into a trance does not feel pain. This quality of the technique is suitable for many people for whom anesthesia is contraindicated. As a method that combines therapy and self-discovery, hypnosis shows people that not all of the brain's resources have been explored. Mental hypnosis demonstrates the patient's limitless capabilities.

Conspiracy yourself to success

How to hypnotize yourself for a happy life? The procedure depends on the current state of the person, his physical and emotional health. Hypnosis for success involves focusing on the positive aspects of life. You can design your own destiny by setting yourself up for a successful confluence of events, attracting people who are attuned to this wave, and the desire to develop pleasant relationships.

When an educated and balanced person independently adjusts to a favorable outcome, then reality promptly gives him the keys to the door.

If a dependent or inadequate citizen puts himself into hypnosis at home, then the situation can develop unpredictably. Preliminary confidence in the safety of the ritual will help its high-quality implementation.

What happens during hypnosis

While putting the patient into trance:

  1. The work of the left hemisphere of the head, which is responsible for logic and accumulated experience of knowledge, is completely disabled.
  2. Only the right hemisphere operates, which cannot control or analyze anything.

Conclusion: during trance, only the right half of the cerebral hemisphere is active in people. People, while in a trance, can see their past, even their distant lives. Sometimes people manage to travel back to past centuries and see the cause of their fears or pain. Having dealt with the cause, the pain goes away without treatment or visiting doctors.

An example of this is that if a patient was wounded in the thigh in a past life, then in this century he experiences pain for no reason. Having seen the battle and his own injury using the regressive method, the patient understands that this is phantom pain and instantly recovers. Thus, during life, the patient’s brain is given a command that for this century he has no injury - he is healthy. There are quite a lot of such phantom patients; they require a regressive approach.

Procedure for the session

Video instructions posted on the Internet show how to hypnotize yourself. The easiest way to not very deeply immerse yourself in a trance is based on repeating simple phrases that form an idea to be suggested; this self-hypnosis technique is suitable for beginning hypnotherapists. Operating principle:

  1. The main tool is affirmation - a short phrase that contains verbal information that helps to consolidate a certain image, idea, or attitude in the subconscious.
  2. Appeal to consciousness through repetition of phrases-affirmations.
  3. Appeal to the subconscious through self-suggestion.

If at first it is not possible to pronounce affirmations at a certain pace, use pre-prepared audio recordings. Immersion in a state of hypnosis requires the use of induction - a set of means of influence (monotonous, even voice, swinging pendulum, special words).

Another self-hypnosis technique for beginning practitioners involves mastering deep relaxation methods. More complex techniques include distraction or shock tactics. When undergoing self-hypnosis, it is impossible to determine the depth of detachment from external reality. To correct mistakes, you need to focus on the result of the impact.

If the session was successful, changes will be noticeable. Depending on the tasks of self-hypnosis, a person loses the desire to smoke or abuse sweets, loses weight, becomes calm and balanced, his blood pressure levels normalize, pain in the head area goes away, he easily and quickly masters a new science or skill.

Immersion depth

It is possible to hypnotize yourself; for this you can use one of the techniques. For successful suggestion it is not necessary to plunge deeply into a state of conscious detachment. However, deep trance allows you to quickly achieve the desired result in severe pain.

Muscle pain or migraines are often correlated with muscle strain. Being in a state of deep relaxation promotes complete relaxation of the muscles, which provides an analgesic effect. Regular practice is required to achieve great diving depths. Deep trance is possible as a result of long training. At the moment of relaxation of the body, mental sensations and feelings become more intense.

Improved concentration

The ability to concentrate plays a decisive role during the session. The inability to focus on an affirmation or other induction device is often a problem for achieving immersion, regardless of the autohypnosis method itself. The ability to concentrate can be trained.

Hypnosis to improve memory

You can improve your memory with the help of technology. There are often complaints from students and schoolchildren about lack of memory. Learning material by heart is difficult; some details of the material being studied are gradually forgotten. Learning hypnosis will help improve your memory. There are special systems that help you remember facts, faces, and numbers. All this helps improve learning in schools, higher education institutions, and special training centers.

With the help of trance, the volume of memorization of foreign words when learning any language increases dramatically. Don't think that after a hypnosis session you will come out with incredible abilities. This can't be true. Strong hypnosis for good study creates motivation or incentive to study. After all, any action must be subordinated to a goal.

How to learn hypnosis on your own?

It should be said that there are two types of hypnotic influence:

  • open (when a specialist puts a person into a trance with his gaze and he knows about it),
  • closed (when the patient does not even suspect that he has become the object of hypnosis).

To learn hypnosis, which can put a person into a trance against his will, it is carried out at the closest possible distance.

Having approached his interlocutor closely, the hypnotist begins to non-stop copy his gestures and poses.

Having achieved physiological connection, he finds out what type (auditory or kinetic) thinking his patient has, and then uses different methods to finally convince him.

Place the person being hypnotized on a chair, and sit opposite yourself. For hypnosis it is necessary that your eyes are above the level of his face. With your right hand, grasp the left hand of the person being hypnotized at the level of the pulse. Place your left on the right shoulder of the person sitting. Use your tone of voice to tell him to relax and look you in the eye. Look at the bridge of his nose for exactly five minutes. Then, during hypnosis, speak slowly and with careful intonation:

  • You feel exhausted
  • You feel sleepy, don't resist this urge
  • Soon you will fall asleep, but the sleep will be short-lived and beneficial for you
  • Then you will wake up and feel vitality in your body and a surge of good mood

After these words, remove your hands from the person being hypnotized, go around the person sitting, stand behind him and order the person to close his eyes. With your hand, move over the eyelids of the person being hypnotized from top to bottom. After 5 minutes, say the words several times: “Sleep! You are already asleep!

How to learn hypnosis techniques

You will be able to master hypnosis at home by independently performing various techniques. Nobody succeeds instantly.

Important information for those who decide to use the trance state:

  1. When introducing a patient into a trance state, be aware that this is dangerous. If the trance is brought out incorrectly, the patient’s psyche is disrupted.
  2. Learn the subject: the theory of hypnotherapy. You should be aware of the dangers and benefits of hypnosis.
  3. Not all people have the ability to hypnotize; there is an innate talent for this.
  4. The main qualities when conducting a session: attentiveness, concentration and self-confidence.
  5. A patient who wants to practice hypnosis should not smoke, drink coffee, drink alcohol or use drugs.

You can master the technique at home using special exercises. During training, you can seek advice from psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

Using special exercises, you can develop a hypnotic gaze.

To do this you need:

  • look in the mirror at your reflection, while selecting one point (for example, the right eye - the pupil);
  • there should be no extraneous thoughts;
  • mentally give the order to your assistant: “Get up and leave the room,” if he does this, the hypnotic method has worked.

How to train with the help of a second person

To learn, do the following:

  1. The second assistant should lie on the couch. Position yourself above him, carefully look at him eye to eye.
  2. Maintain complete silence. Remove pets from the premises in advance.
  3. The first experience will last a long time, this is due to the subconscious resistance of the patient being tested.
  4. If your assistant falls asleep, relaxes or falls into a trance, then this is your success.

Performing such a simple exercise teaches you how to use the hypnotic method. If successful, you will have to master complex training.

It is possible to use some objects that help immerse people in a relaxed state:

  • the presence of a special pendulum (any object on a rope), with the help of monotonous oscillations, immersing the patient looking at this object into a trance;
  • the use of a drawn circle fixed in such a place as to focus the eye at its center. The subject imagines rays coming out of the eyes and closing in a circle.

Preliminarily agree with your assistant that he will come out of a relaxed state as soon as he hears a clap.

Hypnosis for studying

In any society, society goes through the most important stages of development. Therefore, a person tries to hypnotize himself into studying. He monitors ways to improve education that are as close as possible to the field of activity that he wants to engage in professionally.

The process itself can take on various forms. Ideally, you should close your eyes and with pure consciousness hear a few targeted phrases from yourself:

  • “I set myself the task of studying the following sciences and subjects”;
  • “over a certain period I will become an expert in this field”;
  • “my teachers will always understand and guide me in the right direction”;
  • “I can learn something new”;
  • “every day the level of professionalism will grow”;
  • “I promise to complete the assigned tasks on time and not stop there.”

Creative Stimulus

Mikhail, Kostroma:Is it true that a person can learn a foreign language under hypnosis?

I.S.: – Some of my patients under hypnosis actually begin to speak a foreign language. And from time to time, students come to me asking me to relieve the feeling of fear before the upcoming exam. With the help of hypnosis, you can also activate the thinking process and increase memory capacity. And some people develop musical and artistic abilities after hypnosis sessions.

You can read the previous conversation with Igor Salyntsev here >>>

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