How to clean the blood vessels of the brain at home without harm to the body

In today’s article we will look at the most effective ways to cleanse brain vessels using folk remedies at home using clover, bay leaves, garlic and lemon, onion peels, pine needles, dead bees and walnuts. We will also figure out why it is necessary to clean the blood vessels of the brain, when it is dangerous to self-medicate.

The deterioration of the structure of blood vessels and their damage by cholesterol deposits can be directly associated with an unhealthy lifestyle and various diseases. Such growths lead to a slowdown in blood flow and the manifestation of turbulence in it, due to which the viscosity of the blood increases and clots are formed that can cause partial or complete blockage. This condition is dangerous due to many problems, which is why timely cleaning of the brain vessels is required. To normalize blood circulation, there are different methods of expanding the bloodstream.

Why cleanse the blood vessels of the brain?

So, why is it so important to clean blood vessels, including preventive cleaning? The pathology, as a rule, is associated with a violation of fat (lipid) metabolism; at the same time, the lumen of the cerebral vessels narrows due to the proliferation of connective tissue, the deposition of calcium salts and solid fats, including cholesterol.

However, this process develops quite slowly, and in the initial stages it is virtually asymptomatic. At this stage, the body no longer receives enough oxygen and nutrients carried throughout the body by the blood flow. Due to the turbulence of the riverbed, aggravating the situation, blood clots form that can break off and clog the arteries.

Even when in an attached state, such a clot blocks the blood flow, thereby causing necrosis of tissues deprived of nutrition, but with physical exertion, a sharp increase in pressure, stress or hyperthermia of the body, the clot clogs a cerebral artery, leading to a stroke.

And such a process can begin due to atherosclerosis, the main prerequisites for the development of which are:

  • an increased concentration of cholesterol is, perhaps, the main factor; other solid substances are also deposited on the wall tissues - lipoproteins and triglycerides;
  • the development of a dangerous phenomenon is facilitated by obesity, in particular as a result of a disease such as diabetes;
  • high blood pressure and hypertension worsen the condition of cerebral vessels, which contributes to the accumulation of harmful deposits in them;
  • genetic predisposition, for example, hypercholesterolemia in relatives;
  • the presence of diseases of the endocrine system;
  • increased level of blood density and its rapid clotting, that is, thrombophilia.

It is worth adding that physical inactivity and harmful addictions – smoking and alcohol abuse – are considered provoking factors.

Pathological metamorphoses with arteries during atherosclerosis occur in stages:

  • first, it is the accumulation of atherogenic fats in the blood, which provoke the occurrence of hyperlipidemia;
  • excess cholesterol forms nodules and larger plaques in the cerebral arteries;
  • accompanied by the accumulation of an inflammatory process in the walls and transformation into atherosclerotic deposits;
  • calcium is deposited on their surface, they are capable of rupturing - this is how blood clots form;
  • Subsequently, obliteration occurs - blocking of the vascular lumens, which is dangerous due to spontaneous ruptures of the arteries.

As a result, blood flow decreases and necrosis of brain tissue begins.

Depending on the different stages of atherosclerosis, a person experiences negative changes in his well-being to a greater or lesser extent.

Most often, the observed signs of the disease:

  • memory impairment, problems concentrating;
  • tremors of the arms, legs and chin;
  • fatigue and general weakness;
  • headache;
  • facial distortion;
  • decreased intellectual abilities;
  • mental disorders, low stress tolerance;
  • deterioration in the acuity of sound and auditory perception;
  • increased sweating and hot flashes to the head and face;
  • paresis of the limbs and half of the body;
  • sleep disturbance, waking up in the middle of the night, nightmares;
  • problems with orientation, impaired motor function, unsteady walking;
  • disturbance of speech function and gait.

Of course, the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves individually in all people, but with serious disorders of the cerebral arteries, almost all patients can feel severe pain in different areas of the head, which only increases over time. At the same time, motor function slows down and coordination is impaired.

At the primary stage, the disease has no obvious signs, with the exception of quickly occurring fatigue and headaches that occur periodically. Most often, a person gets tired after little physical exertion, has trouble falling asleep, and his ability to work gradually decreases.

When the disease begins to progress, these symptoms include nervous disorders, dizziness, tearfulness, constant irritation, unclear articulation and an unsteady gait.

When the development of atherosclerosis reaches its apogee, loss of self-care skills, memory loss, and paralysis are possible. The consequences of such conditions are discirculatory encephalopathy, chronic ischemia with episodes of acute cerebrovascular accidents and stroke.

Therefore, it is important to cleanse the blood vessels of the brain and the entire body in advance to prevent such phenomena.

Tinctures for cleaning

Nutmeg has excellent cleansing properties. Tincture from the nut can completely clean blood vessels in 1 month. To do this, a lot of nutmeg is poured with expensive vodka. The tincture should sit in a dark room for half a month.

The product is consumed once a day, a tablespoon. After the course of treatment, you must wait a month, after which it must be repeated.

For another recipe you will need fresh red clover flowers. A glass of inflorescences is filled with 0.5 liters of vodka. The product should sit for half a month. Before use, the drug must be strained. The course of treatment takes one and a half months. Drink 1 teaspoon diluted with the same amount of water twice a day.

After the course of treatment, you need to wait 10 days to repeat.

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Folk remedies for cleaning brain vessels at home

We all understand the importance of cleansing the cerebral arteries, but we have little idea how to clean the blood vessels of the brain using folk remedies. But the effectiveness of this method has been proven by time and numerous cases of recovery.

After consulting with a doctor, you can begin the procedures; the main thing is to prepare and use medicinal drugs correctly. Among the most effective means are the following:

Clover for cleaning brain vessels

Clover is used for cleaning brain vessels in the form of an infusion of medical alcohol (100 grams per 750 ml). The potion is infused for two weeks in a place protected from light. You can also prepare the drug with vodka using fresh red clover flowers. Taking an alcohol product involves 20 ml of solution at night for 15 days, the medicine in vodka is diluted with water (30 drops) and drunk before each meal.

Bay leaf for cleaning brain vessels

Bay leaf for cleaning the blood vessels of the brain is suitable when the patient regularly suffers from headaches, insomnia, deterioration of visual and auditory function, and increased blood pressure. The plant helps to dilate blood vessels, stimulates active blood supply to the meninges, saturating them with oxygen. A decoction of laurel is made by taking 10-14 leaves and one and a half glasses of water; you will need to boil the leaves for five minutes and then leave for several hours. Use a sip five times a day for three days with breaks of 12 days.

Cleansing brain vessels with garlic and lemon

Cleansing the brain vessels with garlic and lemon is a quick way to get rid of unwanted plaques; the medicine simply dissolves them. The components are taken in equal proportions, mixed, crushed and filled with water. 50 grams of the product should be taken for up to 40 days. The composition is stored in a cool place. It should be borne in mind that this recipe is contraindicated for inflammation of the pancreas, chronic kidney disease, epileptic seizures, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Onion peel to cleanse brain vessels

Onion peels for cleaning brain vessels are considered an effective medicine for high cholesterol levels. Thanks to its use, its amount is reduced, blood vessels dilate, hemoglobin concentration is normalized, and the heart works better because it receives such important substances as magnesium, calcium and sodium. In addition, other organs are cleansed of toxins. To prepare the decoction, use crushed raw materials (three large spoons) and cook for about 25 minutes. Before taking it, you can put honey in the potion and drink half a glass 30 minutes before meals.

Pine needles for cleaning brain vessels

You can use pine needles to cleanse the blood vessels of the brain; it is better to get fresh ones from healthy trees growing far from railways and highways. It is convenient to chop the needles with scissors, then it should be brewed with boiling water. The peeled lemon fruit will need to be crushed and poured with the prepared decoction. As a rule, take the drug before or after eating, about an hour. The course lasts three weeks, then the same break.

Dead bees to cleanse brain vessels

Dead bees for cleansing the blood vessels of the brain helps stimulate the functioning of the immune system, it also eliminates plaques, reduces inflammation of the vascular walls and improves metabolism in them. Thus, thanks to bee fat, venom, proteins, flavonoids and microelements, blood flow is activated and the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the brain is normalized. Podmore also contains heparin, which slows down blood clotting. The medicine is prepared from fresh raw materials and vodka (1:5) and aged for 15 days. The tincture is taken in an amount of 20 drops three times a day for one month.

Cleansing brain vessels with walnuts

Cleaning the blood vessels of the brain with walnuts is considered productive; first of all, it nourishes brain tissue and vascular walls with essential acids, stabilizes metabolism, and improves the rheological properties of blood thanks to arginine. It is possible to eat the oil of this natural product, but you can mix the peeled internal parts with liquid fresh honey, leave for a month and eat a small spoon three times a day.

Of course, it is possible to cleanse with the help of pharmacological drugs, but in this case it is necessary that they be prescribed by a neurologist.

Cleaning the blood vessels of the brain with walnuts is considered productive; first of all, it nourishes brain tissue and vascular walls with essential acids, stabilizes metabolism, and improves the rheological properties of blood thanks to arginine.

How to lower cholesterol levels

You can cleanse the blood of harmful lipoproteins using several methods or a combination of them.

  • Taking medications: slowing down the production of cholesterol in the liver;
  • accelerating the removal of LDL from the body;
  • regulating fat metabolism.
  • Switching to a diet that minimizes the intake of lipoproteins from food.
  • Cleansing the blood vessels of the brain with folk remedies.
  • Use of mechanical blood purification.
  • The latter technique is called extracorporeal hemocorrection and is carried out only in a medical hospital. From 200 ml to 500 ml of blood is taken from the patient, and cholesterol and other harmful substances are removed from it in a special apparatus. The blood is then reinjected intravenously. The procedure must be repeated 7-10 times. It is impossible to cure blockage of blood vessels in this way.

    Herbs for cleansing brain vessels

    Unfortunately, atherosclerosis is a problem affecting not only the elderly, but also young people who, already at the age of thirty, are familiar with chronic fatigue, headaches and other symptoms of damaged blood vessels. Despite the fact that most medicines are produced based on medicinal plants, they are quite expensive. Therefore, knowing how to cleanse the blood vessels of the brain with the help of plants, you can also avoid overpaying for medications.

    Such harmful cholesterol and other components of deposits can be dissolved and removed using the following herbs, which are well known to everyone:

    1. Mint has many healing properties , and it can be found throughout our country. Its main components are linoleic, oleic acid, glucose, and essential oil containing menthol. In addition to its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic properties, this plant is capable of dilating cerebral vessels, increasing their lumen, which is why it is often used for hypertension. The herb also stimulates the self-cleaning of arteries and veins, relieves attacks of irritation, and prevents nervous disorders. It is usually used in the form of an infusion (two spoons per glass of boiling water). Sometimes 8 grams of crushed valerian root are added. You can also take the pharmacy tincture three times a day, 20 drops. Two weeks are enough to feel an improvement after using this product.
    2. Dandelion rhizomes contain many useful active components - B vitamins, retinol, rutin and ascorbic acid. It also contains valuable microelements, carotene and tannins. Thanks to its antibacterial and strengthening effects, this plant is able to relieve inflammation of artery walls, dissolve hard fats and improve their structure. You need to drink 50 grams of the decoction before eating. To prepare, pour 200 grams of dry roots into a liter of boiling water.
    3. A plant such as lemon . It also stabilizes the functions of the nervous system and supplies the cerebral cortex with nutrients. Thanks to its medicinal properties, you can improve the activity of mental processes, memory, and increase stress resistance; in addition, correct use of this remedy will ensure blood renewal. This is explained by the fact that the leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, essential oil, copper, selenium, zinc and magnesium. Dried leaves can be brewed with regular black tea, or a decoction can be made from them.
    4. John's wort in the collection, which additionally includes lemon balm and motherwort, can be a strengthening agent for blood vessels You will need two large spoons of the dry mixture and 300 ml of boiling water; you need to infuse the composition for half an hour. It is necessary to treat blood vessels in this way for 7 days, drinking 100 ml of the drug three times a day. Do not exceed the dose or use it for longer. In addition, people with chronic hypertension are not recommended to use this collection.
    5. Tincture of wild garlic and vodka , prepared in a 1:2 ratio, consumed 10 grams for three weeks, can help cleanse the cerebral arteries and improve memory. The plant can be used as food fresh, or a mixture can be made in combination with lemon, horseradish and onions. All ingredients are thoroughly crushed, and the lemon is not peeled. Pour cold boiling water over it and leave it in a dark place for a month. The medicinal dose is a tablespoon three times a day before meals. Therapy should be carried out for about three months.
    6. Hawthorn berries are no less popular for cleansing blood vessels . Fruit-based products are relevant both for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerotic deposits. The plant contains pectins, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, vitamin K and valuable ursolic acid. The main benefit of a natural healer is to stabilize the heart rhythm, blood pressure, and cleanse vascular growths. For preventive purposes, crushed motherwort is added to the berries for infusion, poured with boiling water and infused. Drink a small glass an hour before meals. To reduce blood pressure, add valerian and cudweed in equal parts along with the fruits; otherwise, the remedy is prepared in the same way; 30 grams are taken orally.
    7. Not knowing how to cleanse the blood vessels of the brain with advanced atherosclerosis, you can use powerful medicines based on celandine , however, they are also suitable for preventing the disease. It contains saponins, flavonoids, essential oils, organic compounds that actively protect and treat blood vessels when they are damaged, reduce blood pressure and the frequency of hypertensive attacks, and stabilize the functions of the heart muscle. Typically, the plant is used in combination with peppermint, elderberry leaves, oregano, St. John's wort, sage, calendula or other ingredients. There is one spoon of the mixture per glass, and you need to take the medicine half a glass three times a day for 14 days.

    Herbs are a good alternative to pharmaceutical medications, but you should always pay attention to the contraindications that all medicinal plants have, and in this case, the doctor’s recommendations can be very valuable.

    Drug therapy

    The following groups of drugs can slow down the process of formation of atherosclerotic plaques and stop pathological changes in the vascular system:

    • Fibrates are medications that normalize fat metabolism, eliminate excess cholesterol, and are effective in preventing the formation of blood clots. Most often, doctors prescribe them to cleanse blood vessels.
    • Statins are pills that have a large number of positive reviews. Their pharmacological action is aimed at treating elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein, strengthening the epithelium of the circulatory system, and thinning the blood.

    Important! Taking statins reduces cholesterol levels by 50%. And the side effects and contraindications are minor.

    • Calcium antagonists are a group of drugs that regulate the heart rate, improve blood circulation in the brain, relax the myocardium, expand the channels, and inhibit the aggregation of blood clots. The main thing is that it cleanses not only the vascular system, but also the entire body.
    • Medicines containing nicotinic acid. Its therapeutic activity is aimed at stimulating enzymes that ensure the production of energy in cells from fats and carbohydrates. Normalizes the ratio of lipid fractions, increases the lumen of blood vessels, improves microcirculation in organs and tissues.
    • Bile acid sequestrants are used to correct lipid metabolism disorders. In complex therapy they act as an auxiliary drug. Their main function is to isolate bile acid in the body.

    Important! The doctor must prescribe an individual course of treatment for each patient. The wrong combination of drugs can lead to the development of severe complications. It is strictly forbidden to take medications yourself.

    Cleansing of brain vessels according to Neumyvakin

    Professor Neumyvakin offers his own methods of cleaning blood vessels from unwanted accumulations, in addition, with their help you can prevent the development of pathologies such as atherosclerosis.

    The soda that we use for cooking can be used as medicine, and it:

    • makes the blood more fluid, preventing the formation of thrombotic clots;
    • reduces the symptoms of varicose veins;
    • sodium cleanses the venous walls by changing the balance of alkali in the bloodstream.

    You can use a soda solution not only based on water, but also on milk.

    The following treatment algorithm is provided:

    • water or milk with soda (a quarter of a spoonful of powder per glass of liquid), drunk 20-30 minutes before morning and evening meals for three days;
    • then follows a break for three days;
    • it is necessary to carry out five such mini-courses, each time increasing the amount of sodium bicarbonate to one teaspoon at the last, fifth stage.

    In case of thromboembolism - vascular blockage, you can, simultaneously with the soda composition, use a solution with peroxide (one drop per glass), which is consumed 20 minutes after using sodium.

    A good remedy is to use a mixture of soda and lemon, then add the freshly squeezed juice of half a fruit and a spoonful of sodium to a glass of water. You should drink the solution immediately after preparation. The duration of therapy is 14 days, then a pause for two weeks. The addition of lemon, in addition to cleansing blood vessels, reduces flatulence, dissolves kidney and liver stones, and improves digestive processes.

    True, there are also restrictions on the implementation of such techniques:

    • Sodium salt should not be used for children under five years of age;
    • patients with hypotension;
    • for stomach and duodenal ulcers, inflammation of the colon and gastritis;
    • it is undesirable to do this while breastfeeding and carrying a child;
    • a predisposition to allergic manifestations is also a contraindication.

    In general, the use of sodium prevents disturbances in the frequency and rhythm of heart contraction, hypertensive attacks, eliminates salts of heavy metals and even parasitic worms - helminths - from the body. An important requirement before taking sodium salt is proper nutrition, which ensures cleansing of the liver, stomach and kidneys, and, in this regard, it is advisable to obtain important medical advice.

    Peeling with onions and garlic

    The onion needs to be chopped into a puree. Add honey in a 1:1 ratio and mix thoroughly. This remedy is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. The maximum dose is a tablespoon. The product is stored in the refrigerator. The course for cleaning is 3 months. The advantage of the drug is that it has an excellent effect on the human immune system.

    The garlic must also be completely chopped. The resulting mass is poured with vegetable oil. The elixir should steep overnight. Before use, the product is diluted with lemon juice in equal quantities. A tablespoon of the drug must be taken before meals.

    The course can also last 3 months, since this is also prevention against many diseases.

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    Good to know: Healthy food for the brain

    Diet for cleansing brain vessels

    Complete cleaning of the blood vessels of the brain at home without harm to the body can be carried out if the established nutritional rules are observed.

    In addition, the diet will help:

    • increase the elasticity of artery walls and increase their tone;
    • reduce blood cholesterol;
    • remove toxic compounds from the liver;
    • reduce body weight;
    • improve the functioning of the joint apparatus.

    A feature of proper nutrition is the consumption of mainly fresh fruits and vegetables, the amount of which should be half of all food used. It is also important to cook food from cereals and grains (porridge with water and milk with a minimum amount of salt, sugar and butter, or the absence of these components). Protein foods should also be present and make up 25% of the total. It’s also a good idea to go through “hungry” days with minimal food intake.

    The main rules for this diet:

    • small portions that will promote weight loss, while starving is unacceptable;
    • reducing the amount of flour products, rice, semolina, sugar, salt can be added to dishes daily, but not more than 7 grams;
    • It is best to use high-quality vegetable oils as fats for dressing - olives, flax seeds;
    • You should drink up to 2 liters of drinking water per day.

    Nutritionists and doctors recommend including the following healthy foods in your daily diet:

    • fresh garlic, which has blood thinning properties and lowers blood pressure;
    • natural varieties of honey, characterized by tonic, disinfectant and antioxidant effects;
    • onions and decoctions from the husks, this vegetable is important for the body for its vasodilating effect, in addition, it increases the concentration of hemoglobin, provides ascorbic acid, stimulates the synthesis of collagen, which makes the cerebral arteries more elastic and strong;
    • Beetroot is an effective cleaner, capable of clearing deposits from the bloodstream, lowering blood pressure and maintaining the functioning of the heart muscle;
    • citrus fruits, especially lemons, are an excellent remedy for vascular plaques due to their high fiber content and many beneficial vitamins;
    • Horseradish will also help cleanse the arteries, as it improves immunity, prevents weight gain and stabilizes blood pressure;
    • ginger root contains important vitamins, selenium and antioxidants, can improve the condition of blood vessels by neutralizing free radicals, nourish the heart and reduce the density of plaques;
    • Celery, which, in addition to vitamins, contains valuable enzymes, also has a similar effect;
    • Eating cranberries and viburnum has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and cerebral arteries.

    Along with these products, it is advisable to use high-quality green tea, fatty fish and seafood, including polyunsaturated fatty acids, fermented milk products, oatmeal, buckwheat and corn in the form of porridges, various types of nuts, soybean, pumpkin and sesame oil.

    At the same time, you will have to give up junk food, the consumption of which negatively affects the health of the cerebral arteries:

    • fatty, fried foods, in particular lamb, beef, pork, legs of chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese;
    • fresh baked goods, pastries, pies, confectionery products that increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
    • potatoes, fried and deep-fried, which usually contain a lot of calories and salt;
    • puffed corn cooked by heating (dangerous because of its high fat content);
    • alcohol, which reduces immunity, saturates blood vessels with toxins and poisons, and makes them less healthy and susceptible to damage.

    Any fast food, hamburgers, pizza and other products are a source of solid fats, which also interfere with normal vascular patency and active blood circulation.

    Numerous medical tests have shown that the use of these products causes the greatest damage to the blood vessels of the heart muscle and brain, so it is wiser to avoid them. You can supplement your diet by giving up cigarettes.

    Ginger root contains important vitamins, selenium and antioxidants, and can improve vascular health by neutralizing free radicals, nourish the heart and reduce plaque density.

    Features of nutrition and lifestyle

    It doesn’t matter how to cleanse the blood vessels of the brain, with herbs or medications, a positive result can only be achieved if you follow the rules of a balanced diet and review your lifestyle.

    Mandatory requirements for the daily diet include the exclusion or limitation of the consumption of fried, smoked, fatty foods, sausages, overly spicy seasonings and sauces, and animal fats. You can’t eat store-bought sweets (sweets, chocolate), baked goods, white bread every day. Avoiding sugary carbonated drinks and alcohol will be beneficial. As well as the amount of sugar, you should reduce your salt intake, so dried taranka, chips, and salted nuts are not delicacies for those who want to cleanse their blood vessels.

    At the same time, it is recommended to eat boiled, stewed, baked meat, cereal porridge, fish dishes, kefir, cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits, and rye bread. Proper drinking regimen helps cleanse the blood: 1.5-2 liters of liquid is the daily norm. This volume includes only ordinary water, not counting liquid dishes, compotes, tea and other drinks.

    To restore normal blood flow in the vessels of the brain and reduce the age-related risk of strokes and heart attacks, the diet will have to be followed throughout your life. This is especially true for people who already have atherosclerotic changes in the vascular system.

    Before cleaning the blood vessels of the brain, it is necessary to quit smoking and minimize the consumption of alcoholic beverages - otherwise the treatment will not be effective. A sedentary lifestyle negatively affects not only blood vessels, but also the condition of the entire body. It is not necessary to play sports, but walking in the fresh air will only be beneficial, because your metabolism speeds up and excess fat does not accumulate.

    Cleaning with lemon and soda

    To cleanse, doctors recommend drinking a glass of water with lemon juice or soda every day. Acids quickly dissolve salts and cholesterol, eliminating accumulated plaques.

    Taking the drink should be combined with drinking herbal teas. Clover, St. John's wort, linden blossom and other plants with similar properties are suitable for this tea. You can add honey for taste, but not sugar.

    During cleaning, lemon will be very useful, not only as a primary remedy, but also as an additional one. Lemon juice mixed with other nectar fills the body with vitamins and promotes accelerated breakdown of fats. The juice is healthy regardless of what other juices are included in the mixture.

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    Physical exercise

    In 2021, scientists conducted a series of experiments to study animal sleep. Research results have proven that physical activity promotes more efficient functioning of the glymphatic system and complete detoxification of the brain. These researchers' findings also apply to humans. Exercise helps clear your brain of harmful proteins.

    Experts recommend devoting at least 2.5 hours a week to physical activity. Ideally, you should exercise for about 30 minutes a day. Aerobic exercise is especially useful for cleansing the brain.

    If you can't go to the gym, then take up walking. Remember that any physical activity is healthier than a sedentary lifestyle. A daily half-hour walk will help your brain work better.

    Give your brain a break

    If you are engaged in intellectual work, then be sure to take a rest for your brain. Mental overstrain disrupts night sleep and impairs the self-cleansing of the central nervous system.

    Take a short break from work. Sit with a cup of tea or coffee, listen to music or watch nature. This will help you regain your strength and recharge your creative energy.

    Food and Brain Detoxification

    Nutrition plays an important role in detoxification and maintaining brain health. Avoid saturated fats and processed foods. Enrich your diet with vitamins, healthy proteins, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.

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    You don't have to go on a strict diet to detox your brain. You just need to include the following products in your menu more often:

    • broccoli;
    • leafy vegetables;
    • sea ​​fish;
    • olive oil;
    • fruits and berries;
    • green tea;
    • avocado.

    These types of foods help support brain health.

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