Inferiority complex: what it is, how to get rid of and overcome this feeling

Every person on our planet has had to face an obstacle at least once.
Immediately, anxiety arises, fear of varying degrees, a lack of understanding of what to do in this situation, and this is quite normal. A person overcomes all these sensations and solves the problem in one way or another. However, there are people who are so unsure of their own abilities that they are not ready to make any decisions. Sometimes, in order to get rid of the feeling of uncertainty, a person redirects his anxiety in another direction or closes it deep inside himself. And as a result, we can observe people who either become isolated on a permanent basis or splash out the energy of anxiety in the form of aggression, irascibility, etc. But why are such personalities formed? Our article will answer this question with the help of a story about an inferiority complex in a person’s life.

The concept of inferiority complex

First you need to understand the very concept of an inferiority complex.

The first scientist to research and explain the inferiority complex was Alfred Adler. The Austrian psychologist created his own system of individual psychology, in which he directly touched upon this concept.

A person with an inferiority complex feels different from everyone else, in a negative way. He feels abnormal, an order of magnitude lower than other people. Behind such feelings there is a vivid fear of being out of place in society, not accepted by people, lonely, unwanted by loved ones. Subsequently, we have a manipulative relationship with such a person, reproaches, devaluation, misunderstanding and frequent conflicts.

An inferiority complex often occurs when, at an early age, a child does not receive enough attention and emotional support from his parents. Other factors influencing such a sense of self include physical or cosmetic defects, psychological trauma, discrimination, parental suppression of the child’s personality, fears, and the like.

At the same time, Alfred Adler said that an inferiority complex is not a human shortcoming if compensation occurs, that is, the replacement of a feeling of abnormality with development in one area or another. An example of this is the famous psychologist Karen Horney, who considered herself absolutely ugly by beauty standards of the 19th and 20th centuries. She decided to compensate for the feeling of lack of external attractiveness by developing her intellect. And now Karen Horney's ideas and theories are used in psychology and taught in universities.

However, in cases where a person is unable or not ready to redirect the inferiority complex in the right direction, two situations arise.

The first option for the development of events is a person’s isolation. In this case, when for one reason or another an inferiority complex is formed, people do not put this energy of anxiety anywhere, plunging it into the subconscious. Then such a person closes himself off from the outside world so that nothing can remind him of, for example, certain traumatic events of the past. The problem is that anxiety does not disappear anywhere and from the back of our minds affects our lives. In such cases, a person does not even understand where protracted depression, suicidal thoughts, feelings of guilt, unstable emotional background, reluctance to do anything, and the like come from.

The second option is that the same energy of anxiety, arising from an inferiority complex, chaotically spills out into the surrounding social environment. In this case, a person often expresses aggression when faced with any difficulties due to a feeling of worthlessness, wrongness, and defectiveness.

At the same time, it is necessary not to forget that a person with an inferiority complex will definitely influence the people around him and his relationships with them. We will tell you about this further.

How does the disorder occur in men and women?

Men suffering from an inferiority complex always believe that no one cares about their opinion. They feel worthless. They do not make attempts for self-realization. They don't realize that they are blocking their own success. They only try to solve trivial problems that lead to nothing good.

Women worry more about their appearance. They believe that they are ugly and unattractive. They restrain themselves in everything. They don't take meeting men seriously. They are sure that no one can love them.

Living with a partner with an inferiority complex

Despite the fact that many people know about an inferiority complex, there is still a chance to get into a relationship with such a person. But what will life look like with a partner with an inferiority complex who is unable to redirect energy in another direction? It is immediately necessary to clarify that not many people like this kind of life.

Such people constantly claim that you don’t love them and don’t pay enough attention to them. A person with an inferiority complex in a relationship will often be offended and find reasons (and these reproaches may even surprise you with their absurdity). But this is not the main problem. No matter how much love you give, how much attention you pay, how many gifts you give, and the like, it will always seem to a partner with an inferiority complex that this is not enough. And the point is not that you are not delivering something in this relationship, but that the person does not know how to accept love and see it from you. Subconsciously, a partner with a feeling of inferiority has formed the attitude that he is unworthy of love. Due to his inadequate self-esteem, memories of how he lacked maternal warmth in childhood (for one reason or another) or aggressive attitudes from others in the past, a person no longer believes that he can receive love. Therefore, whenever it manifests itself, he has a fear that it will end. And it requires more and more heat. Sometimes, in aggravated cases, violence may even appear in a relationship with a person with an inferiority complex.

At the same time, it is important to clarify that people who enter into this kind of relationship are subconsciously ready to tolerate all manifestations of an inferiority complex in their loved one. The question remains open as to why we find ourselves in such relationships. It is possible that now someone will think that the obvious explanation for this phenomenon is strong and sincere love. And this is probably one of the factors that influences us to stay close to such people, despite our own discomfort. But why do we even develop feelings for people with an inferiority complex? A psychologist can best help you figure this out, because the answer to this question is probably stored deep in your subconscious. Perhaps you are a person with the same problem as your partner, or you have been taught since childhood that this attitude towards yourself and others is normal (for example, you have seen similar situations in your family). And in order to break out of a relationship with a partner with an inferiority complex or avoid it altogether, you need to work through your own psychological problems and traumas.

Inferiority complex – a death sentence or is there a way out?

We live in very interesting times , we have access to almost any information on any topic and for any need. One way or another, we all live in abundance and satiety , yes there are crises, there are various difficulties with work, prices, and something else, BUT if we remember the post-war period with its hunger and devastation, then we live in a more than abundant world. Our world is full of a variety of products for every taste , entertainment for every character, services and of course the Internet with a lot of gadgets and bells and whistles for its better use. At our core, we are limited only by our activity and the desire to get something ; there are no repressions or any harsh regimes or measures. It turns out that all restrictions on obtaining anything, be it benefits, education, a new profession, are located exclusively within each of us? It turns out inside.

I propose to figure out how this happens and where the legs grow from . Have you met in your life people who are very purposeful, lively and, I would say, with a great thirst for life? The kind of people who want something and achieve it, despite the excuses of loved ones and relatives, the sarcastic ridicule of anyone, or the real obstacles and difficulties along the way. Such people, as a rule, are successful in life , they have a good level of comfort and quality of life, and they are set as an example to us all. And there are other people about whom they say that he is not a confident person, timid . And when asked why he is not fulfilled in life, the answer is often that he has an inferiority complex, such people often complain about circumstances, the government, crises, etc. We also hear or think about an inferiority complex when we see when one person asserts himself at the expense of another person, often through his humiliation, receiving a feeling of superiority. Notice the one who asserts himself in this way is not only condemned and criticized, but is also not considered successful , realized, even if he holds a post and is endowed with some kind of power, his superiority is solely in his head. Intuitively, we see some kind of trouble within such people. Look how different the two life strategies are - some are in the state of a complaining, unhappy victim, weak, insecure and incapable, others are more like tyrants, manipulating and humiliating. What connects them? we talking about an inferiority complex in both cases ? Both there and there there is no constructive activity based on oneself and awareness of one’s significance and value, both the first and the second do little on their own, achieve little on their own. Remember an episode from your life when you, even though through certain difficulties and efforts you did something significant yourself , came to your success, what was the state inside, what were the feelings? Feeling like a winner, pride, self-worth and importance, a lot of energy, joy and even a feeling of superiority over others - I did it! I did it! I managed! Only at this moment is your feeling of superiority healthy. You did it. You did it. Did you think at that moment that you were living in the wrong country and that the government, prices, and the crisis were somehow to blame? Did you want to complain and look for an excuse? I'm sure not. Did you want to assert yourself at the expense of another person, to humiliate him? I'm sure not. Perhaps you wanted to talk about success, share joy. Perhaps you can encourage someone else – and you can do it! At that moment, you were based on your own achievement, on your success, through your experience you knew exactly what you could do, and not just someone told you that you were great, but you did nothing. And it’s not clear whether you’re doing great or just wanting to cheer you up .

So how are all three strategies of behavior in this life formed? It’s not just a choice, I got up in the morning and decided: I will achieve success myself; or I will whine about the circumstances; or I will humiliate others and, compared to them, appear successful for myself. It is obvious that a whole mechanism has been developed here. How exactly is such a mechanism developed? Before we get into this, it's important to understand one more thing. Do you think the desire to excel others is good or bad? And another question: is it good or bad to be aware of your inferiority relative to others? It depends in what context this happens. Imagine the situation - I am meeting with my classmate, whom I have not seen for many years. And he talks about how he succeeded in life . About the fact that he graduated from a prestigious university and his work gives him great pleasure, since he is doing what he loves and brings in a good income and everything in his life is good. And with sparkling eyes, he talks about his plans for the future, where and how he is going to go on vacation and how great it will be. I rejoice at his successes, I am infected by his passion and zest for life. And I think that's what I want too!!!! And not only do I want it, I want it to be even better!!! This is not about “getting the same job and going there ,” but about the quality and comfort of life, doing what I love and going where I want. And along with the joy for his success comes envy , but not corrosive envy, which is popularly called black envy, but just another kind of white envy, and also anger from the fact that she herself did not realize it earlier, and this same envy and anger gives energy to action . I'm starting to think. How can I achieve success? What needs to be done for this? What qualities and skills am I missing? Where can I learn them? What people can help me with this, etc. Life begins to seethe and boil and there is a lot of energy and a lot of action. Do you think this desire to surpass my classmate is good for me? Definitely beneficial. My desire for superiority over his achievements leads me to development ; it is aimed at my life and changes in it. And the feeling of my inferiority (what is wrong with me in life now, and I can’t do this, that, this and that, and this and that is missing) is to my detriment? No. A healthy feeling of inferiority brings development - what can I do to acquire the necessary qualities and skills, how can I change my life? Do I feel inferior, that all people are better than me, and I am the worst? What others can do, but I am not capable of anything and I won’t succeed? No. A healthy sense of superiority and a healthy sense of inferiority are the same feelings as others and they are important for our lives. Remember any competitions and competitions, preparation for them, all this is also there and everything is aimed at development and success .

So, when are we talking about an inferiority complex and a superiority complex? Both concepts were first explored and described by A. Adler. We can talk about an inferiority complex when a person sincerely believes that he is worse than all other people, that he is flawed, insignificant and incapable of anything. And since I won’t succeed anyway, then there’s no point in trying. And when such a person decides to try or is forced to do something under the pressure of the environment and circumstances, then he is pre-set for failure, there is a conviction in this and a doom to failure. “... Every person has a feeling of inferiority It is not a mental disorder , but rather stimulates normal aspirations and healthy development. This feeling becomes pathological only when a person’s feeling of inadequacy overcomes, and this inhibits his useful activity , making him depressed and incapable of development. In such a situation, a superiority complex can become one of the methods to avoid one's difficulties . A person with an inferiority complex pretends to be better than he really is, and this false success compensates for the feeling of inferiority that has become unbearable for him. A normal person does not have the slightest trace of a superiority complex . Of course, he strives to surpass others in the sense that we are all not alien to ambition and the desire to succeed, but as long as this desire is expressed in work, it does not lead to false assessments that underlie mental disorders...” A. Adler. This is where the connection between the inferiority complex and the superiority complex comes from. Some, driven by an inferiority complex, choose to live in the position of a victim, complain, suffer and do nothing. Others cannot stand their inferiority, push it out of their perception and follow the path of lying to themselves, first of all, that they are better. And he proves this through humiliation of others and manipulation , or he lives in fantasies on the topic “I know that I am better and if I started doing it, then I would do better than everyone else, but they didn’t do it very well,” only this “started to do” thing doesn’t happen. Neither one nor the other acts for their own benefit ; their activity through complaints or manipulation or fantasy leads to the destruction of their lives, since even inaction is not development, it is degradation. The consequences of an inferiority complex can be deep depression , suicidal tendencies, poor quality of life, lack of fulfillment, various types of addictions (alcohol, drugs, gaming) and even criminal behavior.

I propose to agree that both strategies about the victim and about the tyrant with his very statement should be called an inferiority complex , since a superiority complex follows, as a consequence, from an inferiority complex. Why are some successful and even their sense of inferiority leads them to development and success, while others are inactive at best, or even harm themselves and their lives due to an inferiority complex? Is it that some have a happy fate, while others have an unhappy one? Doubtful, right? How can a person know that he is valuable and significant and successful, or that he is flawed, worthless, weak? From his formation and development, just as he learns that the iron is hot or that there is no need to stick his fingers into the socket, a newborn does not know, but an adult already knows. Children are very active, they strive to learn a lot , they explore this world, they take risks, their curiosity is always stronger than their fears. Parents, looking at this fountain of energy and barely keeping up with their child, are very afraid for their health and safety. And they are right in this, children do not yet know how to take care of their own safety . Trying to protect the child from injury and pain (not only physical), parents often stop their children in their impulses and the older the child, the more often this happens and often with punishments. For children, what their parents say is true, since even the most disobedient rebels, after touching a hot iron, are convinced that their parents did not lie. Often, the desire of parents to “spread the straw” turns into restraint that is harmful to his development , the child is not allowed to do much, he is still small, then he will do it at random, then redo it anyway, it’s better to do it myself right away, then in my childhood I was overloaded with work and childhood I haven’t seen it, so at least let my children be free from this, and I’ll take care of them. As a result, the child has very little experience of doing it , and if he has it, then at the initial stage it is unsuccessful - after all, when you just start doing something for the first time, it is rare that it turns out well right away. Who isn't afraid of failure? The one who has a good margin of victories. That is, I did it many times and a lot of it, a sufficient number of times, turned out well. Where will these victories come from if there simply weren’t enough repetitions to achieve success? And were they scolded for failure, and often ridiculed ? The phrases are familiar to everyone - “hands don’t grow from there”, “crooked hand”, “clueless”, etc. As a result, the child grows up and almost every attempt to do something ends in criticism , failure, feelings of guilt and shame, and often humiliation when ridiculed. This is often done by parents (and parents, as we found out, are for the child an authoritative, knowledgeable person who tells the truth), or close relatives (older brothers and sisters, for example). After some time, the child begins to believe that he is worthless , incapable of anything, defective, because others can do it, the same parents know how to do it well, but I can’t. Think about it, even if you as an adult start constantly telling you that you can’t cope, and even do this at moments when there is a failure or mistake on your part, how soon will you start to believe it? Even an adult may have doubts about his success with this approach. Children and teenagers, including those still growing, are not sure of much; they rely on their experience and what their loved ones tell them; their world is their loved ones, and what they do and say. It never even occurs to children not to believe their relatives and doubt their words; on the contrary, perceiving these words, they draw within themselves their own picture of the world, their attitude towards themselves, towards other people and choose models of behavior. This is where this unconditional belief comes from: that I am worthless, weak, defective, and everyone else is strong, capable, significant. And if for an ordinary person different tasks and affairs can cause reluctance to do them or even difficulties, then for a person with an inferiority complex these same tasks and affairs cause fear , horror, remind them of their worthlessness, in principle, they are obviously associated with failure and humiliation. Do you feel the difference? An example of the formation of an inferiority complex is one of the possible options, there can be a lot of them, in each family it is something different. It may, on the contrary, be associated with the child being overloaded with activities. When excessive demands are placed on a still fairly young child to help around the house and with chores, remember the fairy tale Cinderella; this story is not so rare in our time. Imagine a child or teenager who, in general, still wants to go for a walk and play, and his parents give him a big list of things to do every day that must be done. The child really tries and does these things, but he is a child and can’t do all of them, he just gets tired. And if parents do not pay attention to what he has done and do not praise him for it, but see only what was not done or was done incorrectly and scold him for it, and often punish him, then it is quite natural that after some time the child will break down and give up. Since it is impossible to please, it is impossible for him to emerge victorious in such a situation , and for a child this means that no matter what he does, he is a loser, nothing works out for him, no matter how hard he tries. So what does that mean? He is worthless, flawed and weak, but others succeed, their parents praise them, I saw them, and they also set other kids as an example for me, how wonderful and successful they are, and how they study better than me. The child begins to believe in his own inferiority and the importance of others . And the child begins to hate both other people and himself. And these feelings are unbearable for both the psyche of a child and an adult. What is the way out of this situation? Get away from reality in any way possible. Through computer games - there he becomes a hero, the electronic brain awards points and gives statuses, he is seen, accepted, noticed and rewarded as an electronic hero, and he himself loses the sense of reality, the one in which he is not capable of anything. Through the use of alcohol or drugs - a physical change in consciousness, in which there are no these feelings and this pain from what I am and what the world is like, and here too it is accepted and understood. Suicide is also a way for such a person to end his suffering and rid this world of someone as worthless as me.

The strategy of a successful person is formed through his own experience of achieving success , gradually from small to large with the support of loved ones. In this case, failure is seen as an opportunity to gain experience, learn from mistakes and do things differently. In this version, the experience of failures and mistakes is assimilated and applied; in those described above, the experience is not assimilated, there is no analysis of mistakes, there we are talking about a vicious circle of guilt, shame, reproaches , humiliation and there is no support.

What should parents do who, in some sense, have seen themselves in these examples and are already faced with the question that their child has an addiction? You can fall into guilt and shame and start looking for an excuse for what happened, going into suffering. The goal is not to find the culprit . Being a parent is not easy; you have to solve a lot of issues related to providing for your family, raising children, their development and health; parents are often very overloaded. And all this in the context of constant changes in our country, different social impacts on both you and your children. Life is much more multifaceted and complex than we all would like . So what can be done to improve the situation? First, admit that in reality things are the way they are and you are involved in this. Secondly, realize that your child has the right to his choice , and needs to gain his own experience of activity and achievements, even if this experience is difficult and long, this will be his experience, which he will definitely receive while in the rehabilitation center undergoing according to the 12 step system . Thirdly, realize and accept that your child has developed a stereotype regarding you and this stereotype is about his inferiority complex (the family was the group in which he received this inferiority complex) and now he needs a new group experience that will help him from this get rid of the complex. In the new group they will learn to receive support. The stereotype about you can be changed , and this requires time and new behavioral strategies, first of all, your behavior and your attitude, but for now, trust the professionals who have walked this path many times and helped. Realize that your child is the child of his father and mother, and if you are an independent and successful person with a good standard and comfort of life, then by your example you will motivate him to do the same. Your behavior pattern is much more important than the words you say . Pay attention to your life and its quality. What can you do for yourself? How can you take care of yourself? Are you satisfied with your life? Does she make you happy? Do you have a lot of energy and a good mood? Assess the real state of things in your life and go improve it, replenish your piggy bank of successes and victories, joys and pleasures. If you focus on suffering and guilt, what will this give you and your child? How will this help? No way. This will deprive you of energy and quality of life . Switch from thinking “how could I let this happen? It’s my fault” to “what can I do to correct the situation?” Arranging your life in the best possible way, despite the fact that your child is undergoing rehabilitation, is not selfishness or betrayal of your child, it is trusting him and believing in him that he can handle it! Why is parental example important? Remember your parents, you are also the children of your parents, what did they give you as an example, how did this help you? What can you pass on to your child, how will it help him? The example of parents of taking care of themselves and the comfort of their lives is very important , this is a kind of permission, an encouragement for me, as a descendant, to also be successful and take care of myself and the comfort of my life. What happened has already happened, we cannot influence it, we only have control over what is now and what is ahead. Use this power for the benefit of yourself and the world!

Rules for taking care of yourself in a relationship with a partner with an inferiority complex

If, after reading our article, you realized that you are in such a relationship, then we suggest that you take into account the main rules of self-care in a relationship with a partner with an inferiority complex:

  1. The most important thing is that being without a relationship is better than being in a relationship with a person with an inferiority complex. You need to understand that you are the closest and most important person. Self-care is one of the most important parts of your life.
  2. If you still want to stay in a relationship with a partner with an inferiority complex, then learn to say the word “no” without changing your mind, and to defend your own boundaries. This is important for your own comfort.
  3. Don't be afraid to tell your partner the truth, even if it may cause conflict. (if a person with an inferiority complex introduces violence into conflicts, then seek help from other people and learn to live without your partner).
  4. Don't force yourself to do anything. If you do not want to fulfill your partner’s request at the moment, which is uncomfortable for you, then do not force yourself and take care of your emotional state.
  5. Notice the manipulations of a person with an inferiority complex. Draw his (her) attention to the fact that manipulation has just occurred on his (her) part, devaluation of you, and the like. This will help open your partner's eyes to his behavior.

A huge number of similar rules can be derived, but the main thing is not to forget about yourself and do not try to save a partner with an inferiority complex at the cost of your own happy life (especially when he doesn’t want it himself).

Vdovin Ivan

  • More than 15 years in psychology
  • Owner of 2 successful businesses
  • Developed his own method “Key Therapy”
  • Certified NLP Practitioner
  • Certified Hypnotherapist
  • In practice I use: Gestalt therapy, imagery therapy, body therapy, art therapy, hypnosis, Hellinger constellations
  • Helped over 100 clients
  • I invested more than 500,000 rubles in my education
  • My blog is visited by more than 1500 people per day

But if you have an inferiority complex due to compassion and self-pity, then you need to start with these problems, since they are the basis and, having pulled out the root, you can easily solve your problems associated with inferiority complexes. Psychologists will help here again.

We get such a thing that an inferiority complex is an internal picture of ourselves that we compare with others. With those whom we consider better than ourselves. Looking at another, we understand that we do not correspond to the person and become disappointed in ourselves. Or rather, subconsciously we begin to get angry at ourselves, swear and suffer. This is the main negative reason for the inferiority complex.

The more we get angry and hate ourselves, the stronger the complex develops and the more suffering manifests itself. Vicious circle. Accordingly, if we compare ourselves with others, we also look for people who are worse than us and communicate with them out of the concept of arrogance, pride and emotional distress.

Hence the conclusion, an inferiority complex is a violation of an adequate assessment of oneself and one’s strengths; starting to accept ourselves as we are with all the shortcomings, we in the same way begin to accept the whole society and people with their shortcomings. And that’s it, I consider the inferiority complex closed. But, unfortunately, not everything is so simple. To adequately evaluate yourself, training is necessary, more on that below.

How to get rid of an inferiority complex?

But what should you do if, after reading the article, you caught yourself thinking that you have this complex? You can use a small list of rules that will answer the question: “How to get rid of an inferiority complex?”

  • Contact a specialist. In order to determine the causes of an inferiority complex, it makes sense to seek the help of a psychologist.
  • Adequately evaluate yourself. One of the main signs of an inferiority complex is often low self-esteem. Be honest with yourself about your own strengths. And development in those areas in which you think you are not successful enough will help raise your self-esteem.
  • Talk about the problem with loved ones. Very often, in order to understand the causes of an inferiority complex and ways to get rid of it, a person needs the support of family, friends or other close people.
  • Find a role model. Usually, examples for a person are those people who are somewhat similar to him, but have achieved more in life. This will become an incentive for development and overcoming life's difficulties.
  • Take time to relax. When you spend the day with a fun company or in an entertainment center, for example, you unload yourself emotionally. It is as if you are breathing in life and finding joy in it. In the fight against an inferiority complex, such relief will help stabilize the emotional background.

As we see, a person with an inferiority complex is not doomed to a lonely life and rejection by society. There are opportunities to compensate for the feeling of wrongness in various areas or to get rid of the complex altogether.

When in a relationship with a partner with an inferiority complex, always pay attention to yourself. And if a loved one turns to you for help in fighting this complex, then support him, because this process requires great effort.

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What it is?

Every person is familiar with the feeling of self-doubt, doubts about their own abilities and capabilities.
This phenomenon is observed at the peak of emotional experiences before important life events, before the start of a new, previously unknown business. Usually, the fight against such fears in people with a normal psyche ends within a few days, and they continue to move forward and achieve their goals.

To an inferiority complex, i.e. Few people are prone to a constant feeling of inferiority and uselessness, but the discomfort from this condition can significantly worsen the quality of their personal and social life. After all, people who are insecure cannot objectively assess their capabilities; they constantly underestimate their qualities and are prone to self-criticism; it is very difficult for them to find a partner, make a career, or realize their talents and abilities.

The term “
inferiority complex ” and its definition were introduced by the Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler ; he characterized this concept as a strong feeling of self-doubt and a constant feeling of superiority of others.
The scientist believed that it was against this background that depression and neuroses arise in people. Video:

How do the manifestations of an inferiority complex differ among different people?

Each person's inferiority complex can be felt and manifested differently. For some, it can be expressed in the form of a thirst for power - such people often become tyrants at home or humiliate their subordinates at work. Often men and women solve the problem of inferiority complex in different ways. However, for example, implementation in the professional field can affect them equally. Typically, those who compensate for feelings of inferiority in the professional sphere are people who were subjected to ridicule in childhood due to poor performance in school. It often happens that in men, overcompensation for love manifests itself in the form of promiscuity. However, this does not help to fully compensate for the lack of love and attention and experience satisfaction from life.

An inferiority complex is always formed in the process of interaction with others.

Often people compensate for their own inferiority complex by taking the position of a victim and flaunting this role. Young men often become more aggressive or drink large amounts of alcohol to repress feelings of inferiority, which can lead to treatment for alcoholism. They may also display status symbols such as gold jewelry, sports cars, expensive clothes, etc. Excessive arrogance may also indicate an internally damaged sense of self-worth.

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