Instant hypnosis. How to induce trance in a few seconds

  • Areas of application of instant hypnosis
  • Nuances of use
  • Instant Hypnosis Techniques
  • Verbal suggestions
  • Nonverbal suggestions
  • Immersion in hypnosis
  • Conclusion

One type of suggestion—instant hypnosis—is encountered by many people in everyday life. Some of them are not aware of such an impact, but use the technique independently on an unconscious level. In medicine, it is often used to treat seriously ill patients who require long-term rehabilitation. Significant factors in hypnotic manipulation are intonation and tempo of the voice.

Areas of application of instant hypnosis

Instant hypnosis differs from the classical technique in the speed of obtaining the desired result. With the help of a special lightning-fast hypnosis technique, unlimited influence is exerted on consciousness. A person is put into a trance state in 2–3 minutes.

Experienced practitioners are able to hypnotize people under different conditions and for a short time. This method is characterized by the use of various effective techniques. They help provoke confusion, loss of control over one’s actions and thoughts, and a state of shock.

The technique of instant hypnosis can be learned. There are a huge number of life circumstances in which the acquired knowledge can be useful. Specialists in various fields of activity use technology to convey their own thoughts and desires to their interlocutor.

These are social workers, lawyers, doctors, teachers, businessmen. They regularly communicate with other people who have a certain social status. This type of hypnosis is often used in advertising or trade.

In these areas of activity you have to direct or subordinate your client. The instant hypnosis technique will definitely come in handy for parents who are trying to find contact with teenagers. Suggestion will help regulate relationships and come to a common opinion.

Nuances of use

Instant hypnosis has unlimited possibilities. It shows a high level of performance and apparent ease. The hypnotist will be able to achieve many of the goals.

Only a complete understanding of instant hypnosis will help you subjugate another person to your own will, force him to do actions that often do not correspond to the desires of the person being suggested. This type of hypnosis is distinguished by its complex execution. A novice practitioner will not be able to put a person into a trance using the quick hypnosis technique.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that instant hypnosis helps to change the character and habits of another person. Not a single programming technique sets completely new and unusual settings for the subconscious. This effect is only possible if a person himself wants to change by changing his thinking.

The presented technique does not help to completely impose your desires and will on other people. Hypnosis opens up enormous possibilities for the practitioner, but they are not limitless. Even when immersed in a deep trance, a person will not perform actions that may contradict common sense. Especially if internal installations pose a threat to life.

Practitioners must remember that rapid hypnosis can only influence people who are highly emotional and have a high degree of hypnotizability. They will respond quickly to installations. Phlegmatic people who lack a rich imagination cannot be hypnotized.

Description of instant suggestion

Instant hypnosis is impressive in its effectiveness. Manipulations with someone else's consciousness require:

  • experience;
  • constant practice;
  • the ability to control your consciousness;
  • skills to distinguish the states of the suggestible, recognize his desires and reactions.

It is a mistake to believe that after one or two influences it will be possible to change preferences and behavioral line. This myth arose due to a misunderstanding of the laws of mental processes. The object of submission subconsciously agrees with the influence: if the brain resists, then it will not be possible to suppress it.

Hypnosis does not allow you to control a person like a puppet, forcing him to fulfill other people's desires.

The possibilities of any hypnosis technique are colossal, but not limitless. While in a trance, the consciousness turns off and cannot perceive information critically, that is, everything that is imposed on it is accepted as one’s own beliefs.

The hypnotist can instill insensitivity to pain

Hypnosis affects people predisposed to suggestion. These are emotional individuals with a high degree of hypnotizability and a developed imagination. They obediently accept any instructions. Phlegmatic people, lacking imagination, are less susceptible to hypnosis. Instant suggestion may have a delayed effect on them or may not have an effect at all.

Instant Hypnosis Techniques

The distinctive feature of this technique is that the person is immersed in a deep state of trance at a certain moment. The practitioner must evoke strong feelings. They can be positive or negative.

The effectiveness of instant hypnosis increases under the following conditions:

  • unexpected joy;
  • irritation;
  • strong fear;
  • doubt;
  • uncertainty in making a specific decision.

Such states lead to the fact that a person begins to quickly plunge into a trance. His consciousness is partially shut down, leaving him unable to control his actions. Brain activity is involved in the processes of catalepsy.

While under hypnosis, you can give different instructions. The mentee can follow certain instructions, and the commands are perceived as an immutable truth. When attempts to challenge or comprehend information begin, the subconscious mind turns off.

There is a certain sequence for immersing yourself in a trance state using the instant hypnosis technique:

  • gaining trust;
  • to attract attention;
  • creating a feeling of excitement;
  • submission to one's own will;
  • changing the habitual perception of thoughts and actions.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to additionally use other techniques. The hypnotist selects images and words that promote vivid emotions. The result is severe stress or shock.

You can use sudden movements or sounds that cause fear. To quickly immerse yourself in a trance, entanglement of thought processes is used. The information must be mutually exclusive. There are several effective ways to help put a person into a state of rapid hypnosis.

  1. Classic Faria technique. This is a simple and affordable method that has worked well in practice. The person quickly falls into a trance state. You don't need much experience to use it. A hypnologist can have a good effect on people who have an increased degree of suggestibility.
  2. American method. When using this rapid hypnosis technique, the person is given instructions that are accompanied by a slow countdown of time. It takes 40 seconds to put you into a trance. The effectiveness of suggestion is about 93%.

To learn the American method of hypnosis, it is not enough to study various books or watch video tutorials. Theoretical knowledge provides only superficial information. For training you will need the help of a hypnotherapist.

What can cause instant hypnosis?

This can be information that significantly changes our ideas about people and the world around us. It may be an encounter with the unexpected that we cannot explain. This may be a state of shock and disorientation that arose after we were placed in extremely uncomfortable conditions.

Today the boss shook your hand, smiled and addressed you by name. Another day, he nodded dryly. Do you have a desire to find and correct your mistake?

A young man in love experiences a similar feeling when his beloved, who only yesterday dreamed of a happy future with him, suddenly begins to behave unapproachably and coldly. The young man is ready to do anything to understand what happened and how he can regain the affection of his beloved.

The peculiarity of the instant hypnosis method is that it perfectly breaks through the opponent’s defenses, instilling in him confusion and a feeling of complete loss of control over the situation.

. Confusion is used to: attract attention; surprise your opponent; cause confusion; psychologically suppress.

The negotiator will experience something close when his interlocutor, continuing to speak in a businesslike tone, begins to straighten his tie.

I remember one businessman wearing a tie to important business meetings, on the reverse side of which there was a picture of a naked woman. He walks, communicates, and suddenly turns his tie with the “right” side towards his opponent. He freezes for a couple of seconds with his mouth open, but this is all the businessman needed, and he instantly takes advantage.

And another entrepreneur installed an impressive Aladdin-style lamp in his office. Of course, the partners often joked about her, in response to which the entrepreneur offered to... rub her. And grown, serious men diligently rub this lamp... for about three minutes. Until the owner laughs: “Well, haven’t you played enough yet?”

A classic technique of instant hypnosis in business is telling your opponent before the start of negotiations important news that directly affects him and requires serious analysis. But there is no time for this analysis...

Placing an opponent in conditions that are unusual for him, for example, staging a detention and delivery to a pre-trial detention center, has an overwhelming psychological impact.

Confusion is when a situation unfolds in a way that pulls the rug from under you.

Here is a gopnik in front of you. He intends to “pinch” you. Gopnik does not even suspect that he has a picture of the world in his head, in which his and your roles are spelled out, your possible actions and his responses to them - a set of templates. But if you break these patterns, then you will become the master of the situation.

I remember a situation from my student life:

- Hey, kid, give me fifty dollars!

- I'm not giving it.

- Why are you such a greyhound?

- In terms of plan, greyhound, please explain?

- Well, why are you answering so borzoly!

-What does greyhound mean? Did I send you a three letter sentence or something, or just turn away and ignore you, huh?

- Yes, if you had sent me, I would have snatched you up!

- Nobody sent you, and don’t go far from the topic, so what about my greyhound?

- No, well, I could have at least said, “Sorry, I won’t give it to you, I don’t have any extra.”

– Should I apologize for not giving away my money to everyone?

- Well, no... Well, you can stop ratting...

– What do you mean, don’t rat? Do you want to charge me with a rat?

- Well... no... we can share...

>- No? Why then rant? And do you think I am obliged to explain my financial situation to someone and explain what I need or what? Think carefully, should you or should you not?, I shouldn’t...

- That’s right, that’s how it was, you asked for money, I just said I won’t give it, because I don’t have to apologize and explain why I won’t give it... And now, can you explain about the greyhound, about the rat, huh?

- Well... uh... uh...

When planning shock therapy, observe the following conditions:

  • Never prepare your interlocutor in advance. No warnings.
  • Never try to soften the shock. If you shock, then to the maximum.
  • Never repeat the old trick.

Shock with a word. Shock with behavior. Shock with action. Sometimes one emotional “attack” will yield more than a dozen conversations. Intelligence officers and investigators know this: a sudden demonstration of aggression by a usually calm person unsettles people. Many big bosses also use this.

For example, your colleague is sure that you are a reserved and calm person by nature. Over the years, he has developed a template for how to communicate with you, what can be expected from you, and what you are not organically capable of. But if you suddenly suddenly yell, the clarity of your interlocutor’s consciousness will instantly be replaced by internal chaos, and until he comes to his senses, you have time to introduce the suggestion you need into his broken consciousness.

Verbal suggestions

Such suggestions can be direct, indirect and open. If the therapist uses direct suggestion, his intentions are clear. The practitioner explains what he wants to achieve and what his goals are. Direct suggestion is often used during surgery when the patient cannot be given pain relief.

In the case of indirect suggestion, the specialist does not talk about the desired results. Actions will depend on the will of the other person. With indirect suggestion, clarity of thoughts is disrupted. This method is used in cases where it is necessary to direct a person to the path that he is avoiding.

To achieve maximum results, the double bind technique is used in most cases. A person is offered two options to choose from, which he will not be able to distinguish when immersed in a trance. In reality, these options are identical, so the person chooses from two identical offers.

To gain focus on a specific aspect, it is necessary to use the technique of suggestion with the absence of mention. The practitioner begins to list different situations without touching on important topics.

The result is an emphasis on attention. This type of suggestion opens up a wide choice of actions. Psychotherapists often offer several specific frames that you can fill out at your own discretion. This technique involves the use of mobilizing suggestions. In another case, the specialist will provide several answers to choose from.

Nonverbal suggestions

To use the technique of suggestion on a non-verbal level, not words, but gestures are used.

There are several types of techniques:

  1. Catalepsy. The patient needs to take a forced position, which came from the hypnotist. There is catalepsy of the whole body or a separate part of it. It is not recommended to practice this technique frequently.
  2. Pauses. This is one of the important forms of nonverbal suggestion. With the help of short pauses, a specialist will be able to change the meaning of the conversation.
  3. Levitation. When using this technique there is no physical impact. The suggestible person uses his own imagination. The advantage of this type of hypnosis is that it is an easy process of immersion in a trance state.

Levitation is often used in self-hypnosis. In a state of hypnosis, you feel lightness, joy and comfort. For this reason, this technique is becoming more popular, but people may encounter various side effects.

If hypnosis was used to treat patients, then after the therapy session an allergy occurred on the skin, which was accompanied by a rash and severe itching. Studies have confirmed that these symptoms arise due to the weak psyche of patients. In addition, such hypnosis can cause central nervous system disorders.

Secrets and myths about hypnosis

When we talk about hypnosis, most likely, a certain hypnotist appears in your head, who makes mysterious passes with his hands and in an impressive voice commands you to “sleep,” and your eyes close, and close, and at some point you are already you can’t open them... Well, if you are still reading this article, then my hypnosis did not work on you J

Let's figure out what hypnosis is. And first, I’ll dispel a few myths.

Myth one. Hypnosis is zombie-like behavior. A hypnotist can force a person to do something that he does not want to do. Examples of this are when, in pop hypnosis, a person on stage begins to pick imaginary mushrooms or run under an imaginary umbrella, being sure that it all exists (so-called positive hallucinations, i.e. he sees something that does not exist). As one of my hypnosis teachers says, “as soon as they show me a poor student who has been zombified by an excellent student, I will immediately believe in zombification.”

The question arises: if hypnosis is not zombification, then why did this man still run around the stage? The answer is simple. A stage hypnotist is like a magician-illusionist. When you see a magician on stage taking a hare out of a hat, you don’t think that this is against the laws of physics, and the hare appeared out of thin air. You know there is a secret trick behind this. If you knew the secret, it wouldn't be interesting to watch. So why, when the same illusionist manipulates people and not hares, do you somehow decide that he has magical powers?

That he can, in some unknown way, “get into” a person’s head and change something there? This is a common trick. If you're interested, I'll tell you how it's done someday. And if you want, you too can, with a little practice, manipulate people. I’ll just give you a hint of one of the secrets: not everyone is allowed on stage. And you, after reading this article, if you find yourself at a performance by a pop hypnotist, you will definitely not get on stage, no matter how much you would like it. Because you already doubt this myth, and a professional hypnotist will be able to read this doubt on your face.

Myth two. The person can be either under hypnosis or in a normal state. This is the same as saying that water comes in two temperatures: plus 1 and plus 99 degrees. And instantly moves from the first to the second under the influence of hypnosis. And water temperatures from 2 to 98 degrees simply do not exist. In fact, hypnosis is only a tool for inducing a trance state, in which we can be at any point on a scale from 0 to 100.

The hypnotist does not flip the switch, but helps us deepen the state in which we already find ourselves 80% of our lives. For example, when we read a book, when we tell someone about something, when we sing, dance, when we ride on a bus and look out the window, “thinking” and in millions of other cases. Simply, if we take the analogy with water, we are not at 99 degrees, but 10, 20, 35, etc., depending on the situation.

The deeper state is usually called hypnosis, but this is incorrect; any of these states is hypnosis. Moreover, it does not matter whether it was caused by a hypnotist or by the uniform swaying of the bus while moving.

Myth three . In a hypnosis session, the hypnotist induces a state of hypnosis (or trance). No, the hypnotist only uses tools that allow you, if it is the will of your subconscious, to enhance your natural state of trance, make it, say, 35% of 5%.

He makes you offers (they are also suggestions). And not the kind that you can’t refuse, like in “The Godfather.” And only if you accept them (on an unconscious level), you deepen your condition. The phenomenon of hypnosis belongs to the person to whom it is done. At best, 20 percent depends on the hypnotist, the rest depends on the client, on his unconscious trust, first of all - in himself and secondly - in the hypnotist.

Myth four. People are divided into hypnotizable and non-hypnotizable. This myth was specially created by pop hypnotists and insufficiently professional hypnologists to justify those cases when they are unable to agree with you and your subconscious to cooperate and deepen your natural state of trance.

You know, there is a phrase: there are no women who disagree, there are only men who do not know how to ask. If you look at the previous myth, then you understand why there are no non-hypnotizable people. It’s very funny to me when in the CIS countries I say that I do hypnosis, and they immediately answer me: but I’m not hypnotizable. Or “don’t look me in the eye.”

Myth fifth. Hypnosis is pressure. Since it is impossible to enter a person’s head and change something there without the help of hallucinogenic substances, although many people really want to believe in it, there is no pressure. It simply cannot exist. But experts know how to create a beautiful illusion of pressure.

Myth six. Hypnosis is prohibited in Israel. The fact is that in Israel there is a law that has no analogues in the world, prohibiting the use of hypnosis by everyone except a very narrow category of people. Moreover, the law does not provide a definition of hypnosis, not to mention the fact that there are different types of hypnosis, and there is not even a mention of them in the law either.

Those. The law prohibits what it does not name! But in order not to break the law, many real and imaginary specialists, instead of hypnosis, use in their practice what is loosely translated into Russian called controlled imagination, i.e. a very simplified and lightweight version of hypnosis. And since these specialists could not study hypnosis in Israel (they can’t even take such a course, only abroad, which very few do), they themselves often have no idea what kind of beast this is, “controlled imagination.” True, there are those who still studied (not in Israel) and understand the difference. And they do not apply what is not named in the law within the state with such a strange law.

More information about this is on my website:

Good luck and good trance state!

Immersion in hypnosis

To hypnotize a person using instant hypnosis, you can use different methods of influence. The use of verbal formulations is typical. They help to describe in detail the sensations into which the suggestible person will be immersed. The practitioner can apply pressure to analyzers and strong stimuli. In the first version, the hypnotist begins to speak monotonously. In the second case, entering a trance is carried out using shock techniques and the power of words.

Practitioners can induce a hypnotic state by fixating on an object. The patient must look intently at any object without taking his eyes off it. For this purpose, you can use a key, a pencil, or coins that are hung on a rope. You don’t have to be limited when choosing a subject. The optimal distance from the eyes is 25 cm.

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