Moral qualities of a person: their formation and examples

From a very early age, parents teach us what is good and what is bad. This knowledge helps people exist without problems within society and build successful relationships with others. Following such laws allows us to determine the maturity of a person. And about what it is - the moral qualities of a person along with its definition, read on.

Hard work

Moral qualities are different. One of them is hard work. A person who does not shirk from work always has weight in the eyes of society. What kind of work should it be? It doesn't matter. Each individual must work to the best of his ability and ability. If he can earn money through intellectual work, then he should work as an engineer, programmer, etc. If a person has not received a special education, he can always get a job as a driver, dispatcher, builder, etc.

Fostering hard work should begin in childhood. Some parents protect their children. They do not force their children to work and argue that the child should have a normal childhood. But if you don’t teach children to work, they will grow up to be lazy. Teenagers from the age of 14 can already go to work. Moreover, this is often practiced in families with good incomes. In this way, parents teach their children to work. Hard work is a habit, and if it is not there, a person will have a very difficult time in life. In order not to be considered lazy, you need to work not only at your main job, but also at home. You should also help friends and relatives as needed.

Moral assessment

An act is an element of moral behavior. An action can be active or passive (the absence of any action in a situation that requires an active response). The moral assessment of actions is the determination of the degree of conformity between the behavior of a particular individual and generally accepted behavioral models encouraged by society. To adequately evaluate an action, they rely on the following criteria:

  • The result of the action.
  • Ways to achieve the goal. If a person resorts to antimoral actions to achieve what he wants, even if the result is positive, the overall impression of the individual’s behavior is negative.
  • Motives that prompted an individual to act. If a person was motivated by noble impulses even in the event of a negative result condemned by society, the negative assessment is softened.

By adhering to chosen models of behavior, an individual finds a balance, a point of balance between his own aspirations, beliefs and standards established in society.


The laying of the foundations of moral qualities occurs in childhood. It is the parents who must explain to the child what respect for elders is. Children may be shy and afraid of adults, but this feeling of fear should be eradicated. Replace it with respect. The child must understand the difference between himself and his grandparents. Older people have less energy and less strength. For this reason, they need help carrying heavy bags and giving up their seat on public transport. But politeness is not only what a person flaunts in the form of behavior. Respect is shown in relation to the older generation. A child, and then an adult, must respect not only those who are older, but also those who are younger. Talking on “you” with all strangers is a tribute to the person. You should not neglect simple rules of decency, so as not to be branded as an impolite person.

List of moral personality criteria

First, let’s look at what positive qualities a person has, the presence of which determines his moral and ethical level:

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  • Humanism (philanthropy);
  • Responsibility (in relation to people; taking responsibility for one’s actions, decisions, choices, etc.);
  • Honesty;
  • Loyalty;
  • Respect for others (understanding and accepting their characteristics, for example, caring for a pregnant woman, attentive attitude towards the elderly);
  • Tolerance (accepting the fact that no one has to be perfect);
  • Politeness;
  • Discipline (ability to keep your word, fulfill promises);
  • Chastity;
  • Honoring elders;
  • Cleanliness, respect for other people's work.

Negative personality traits that relate specifically to the moral side can be designated as the opposite of those listed. Moreover, this means their absolute opposite . Since man is not a deity, there are periods in his life when he violates his own moral boundaries. For example, it is not always possible to tell the truth, because sometimes it can cause harm. Or a person may become rude in response to rudeness. When we talk about immorality, we mean a complete lack of morality or significant moral qualities.

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It should be understood that morality and ethics are relative. At different times and among different peoples, they were formed and changed in their own way. Observance of high morality is important in religious cultures and families, since believers believe that for non-compliance with these laws they will be punished before God.

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Before emancipation, women's morality (especially such qualities as chastity and fidelity) was practically a cult. In the modern world, the situation has shifted and now such moral convictions are no longer expected from the weaker sex.

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The boundaries of morality in today's society are quite blurred, which causes a lot of controversy. Does this indicate human degradation or evolution?

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People around you will judge you for your lack of moral qualities and, as a result, may stop communicating with you. To prevent this, you need to be extremely frank with everyone. Naturally, you should dose your frankness within the bounds of decency. A person must be honest. Lying is bad, but for some reason people forget about it. Today lies can be found at every step, so many people believe that this is normal. You need to try to be above this. Some people try to be honest, so they prefer not to lie, but to keep silent. Is this form of behavior considered lying? Counts. Imagine that you are on trial. You are being interrogated on some issue, and you are withholding some important information. In this situation it seems unacceptable. Why do you think differently in life? Frankness makes people's lives easier. They don't have to remember all the lies they make up, and this helps them keep their face in front of family and friends, as well as strangers.


In our age of the Internet, every person dreams of becoming famous. To do this, people try to flaunt their talents or their good looks. But why then are children still taught lessons in politeness in kindergarten? For the reason that a person must be well developed and be able to distinguish bad from good. Modesty is a character trait that makes a person mysterious. If a person does not put himself on display, it is more interesting to talk to him. People who try to show off look too unnatural. Modesty is decorative. She helps people succeed. This quality is especially relevant today. Thanks to modesty, a person can successfully stand out from his surroundings. For some reason, people who behave too openly and overly liberated are encouraged by our society. It is worth noting the simple truth that it is thanks to such individuals that people degrade faster and faster every year.

Basic moral qualities

Qualities of a man - bad and good character traits, what to cultivate in yourself
The division of qualities into good and bad is only conditional. The same characteristic is considered useful or harmful depending on the situation. For example, prudence can develop into indecisiveness. Lack of conflict can develop into weak character. Thrifting can seem like stinginess. Pride develops into arrogance. In any case, there are a number of qualities that are considered positive or negative.

Positive character traits

A quality that helps a person live and benefits people is considered positive. Such high, worthy characteristics from a spiritual point of view are considered:

  1. Determination. The ability to make drastic changes in life, readily accepting the possible consequences.
  2. Courage. The quality with which a person can do something despite fear.
  3. Strength of will. The ability to resist momentary temptations in favor of a prosperous future.
  4. Generosity. When a person easily partes with his resources for the benefit of another. Although generosity is usually associated with money, there can be other resources, such as time. Sometimes the latter is valued even more by loved ones. In general, you can be generous in a broad and narrow sense.
  5. Determination. This quality is considered especially positive when a person and his immediate environment strive for the same results. Then he becomes a leader, thanks to him, all members of the group begin to live better. If goal-orientation is focused solely on one's own goals, it can be destructive because it does not take into account the interests of other people.
  6. Decency, honesty. This includes the lack of desire to hide something from your loved ones, openness to them.
  7. Empathy. The ability to sense another person's emotions and act on them.

All these positive qualities can play a cruel joke, both on the person himself and on other people. Therefore, it is important to remain flexible and adapt to the situation.

Negative qualities

By analogy with positive qualities, those personality traits that harm oneself and others are considered negative. Many of them are the opposite of positive aspects: squandering, indecisiveness, callousness, deceit and others. Here are some other negative qualities:

  1. Inappropriate careerism. The case when excessive determination has a negative impact on other people.
  2. Aggressiveness. When a person does not know how to competently redirect negative emotions, causing harm to others.
  3. Irresponsibility is the thoughtless commission of actions that obviously have negative consequences.
  4. Parasitism is when a person takes the resources of another person without giving anything in return.
  5. Corrupt practices.


A politeness lesson in kindergarten and school should begin with teachers talking about criticism. It is rare for young children, but the older a person gets, the more often he encounters critical opinion. Few people know how to normally perceive a condemning opinion about themselves or about their work. But you need to keep in mind that everyone around you has the right to freedom of speech. For this reason, people can criticize everything they see. Every individual must become self-critical from childhood. For what? To learn to distinguish useful criticism from slander. Sometimes people around you don’t want to offend you or the subject of your work. They want to help and express their opinion, which may turn out to be competent. For this reason, it needs to be listened to and taken into account. And a negative statement that is not supported by any arguments should be learned to be ignored. And most importantly, you need to learn not to respond to slander and not to take revenge in return. Every person must understand a simple truth: it is impossible to fight human envy. An envious person is an unhappy person who needs compassion and love.

What are the standards?

Moral standards can be represented as a scale with two poles , one of which displays encouraged behavior patterns, and the other condemned.

Moral norms can be divided into two types: about what is permissible and what is unacceptable (about good and evil).

The concepts are opposite and mutually exclusive, which means that each norm has its own antipode.

This forces a person to take a stable position, since it is impossible to maintain neutrality in conditions of polarity (unless inaction is a conscious choice of a person who is ready to be condemned by others).


The moral qualities of a person have been developed since ancient times. Without them, people would not be able to exist in one society. One of these qualities is conscience. A person can live without it, but in this case it will be very difficult for him. The pangs of conscience, which are familiar to every adult, are similar to an internal censor who says that a person is going the wrong way or doing a bad thing. Without this inner compass, it is very easy to stray from the noble path. Therefore, it is necessary to develop this feeling in a child from childhood. How? If a child acts badly or ugly, he must not only be scolded, but also reproached by appealing to his conscience. By doing this every time, parents install a censor in a little person who will guide the individual on the right path all his life.

Landmark, position, principles

A moral guideline is the goals and prohibitions (existing in the mind) that a person uses as a model for constructing a line of behavior.

Those. a moral guideline represents a clear framework beyond which a person does not allow himself to go.

Moral position is an assessment of the norms of social behavior and their compliance. A person passes this assessment through an internal “filter”, realizing it and accepting it as a guide for his own actions. Moral position includes:

  • behavioral motives;
  • self-regulation and control of one’s own actions;
  • conscientiousness;
  • a sense of human dignity (from the position of a person who has chosen a certain moral position for himself).

Moral principles are the framework on which social and interpersonal relationships are built.

At the same time, it is fair to assert that moral principles are universal, support social foundations through an external mechanism of influence (public approval or censure of behavior patterns), and can be expressed in moral norms.


What have people always valued in each other? Courage. But why then is this quality not inherent in everyone today? Courage and cowardice go hand in hand. Even though people began to show off their lives, they became more cowardly. They are afraid not only of what they really need to be afraid of, but even of some trifles, like asking the seller in a supermarket where the desired product is. Why is this happening? Courage and cowardice are qualities that are developed in childhood. They are produced by the child independently. Parents can mentor their child, but they will not go to kindergarten or school instead. Therefore, the little man has to solve problems on his own, and sometimes this is not always possible. And if it doesn’t work out over and over again, the person becomes cowardly and is afraid to get into an argument or fight. Such a person cannot protect either his own or others’ interests. How do cowardly people live? Difficult.

Ways to develop moral qualities

The development of any positive characteristic is based on the development of appropriate habits. The easiest way to start is with one good deed a day, even a small one. After some time, this will become a habit; helping people will begin automatically.

You can reward yourself for strong-willed victories. For example, if you managed not to show a negative quality, you can praise yourself and do good.

So, moral and ethical qualities are characteristics of a person that can be described through the concepts of good and evil. The same qualities may manifest themselves differently in different situations, but there is a certain set of characteristics that people consider predominantly positive or negative.


Moral qualities of an individual are formed in childhood. Compassion is one of them. Unlike many others, a person needs compassion infrequently. But it is its presence that can be used to judge how kind or open the person next to you is. Receiving sincere sympathy in our world is very rare. A person does not know how to empathize with someone else's grief. People become more and more selfish every year, they move away from each other and think that grief will always bypass their home. But misfortune and happiness are two close friends. Therefore, sooner or later both will visit a person. How to survive a difficult situation? Call compassionate friends. When a person talks about what worries and depresses him, internal cleansing occurs. But this only happens if the narrator sees sincere compassion in the eyes of the interlocutor.


How to distinguish a good person from a bad one? Look at his life values. If you ask a friend to help, and he asks you for some kind of payment for it, it means that the person next to you is unworthy. You need to surround yourself with selfless people. Such persons will never betray you. They will be able to stay close both in sadness and in joy. But those individuals who are around only when everything is fine with you are false friends.

The formation of moral qualities begins in childhood. How to raise a selfless person? Mom and dad should ask their child to help for no reason. Many parents promise their children candy or other bonuses for helping them around the house or walking the dog. This approach to education lays the foundation in a child’s heart for the formation of self-interest.

Love to motherland

A person must respect the place in which he was born. It is clear that the saying: “where you were born and where you came in handy” is no longer relevant today. But still, patriotism is a feeling that should be embedded in a person’s soul. People who love their homeland will try to work for its benefit. Thanks to this, Russia will develop and grow rich. As a result, people will receive their dividends for love and work. Of course, you need to love wisely. In order for citizens not to be ashamed of the object of their adoration, he must be worthy of love. It is also possible to love something wretched out of compassion, but still such love is not worthy of respect. Patriotism must be present in a person’s soul, just like conscience or kindness. We must not forget about this, because children are the future of our country, and it is on them that adults place their hopes.

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