Psychiatrist, psychologist and psychotherapist - what are the differences?

Who is a psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats mental illnesses.

Mental illnesses concern disorders associated with higher mental functions (for example, thinking and perception) and human behavior (increased excitability, aggressiveness, inadequacy, etc.).

An important criterion for the norm of mental health is a person’s ability to adapt to environmental conditions, that is, if a person cannot cope with everyday tasks, for example, finding a job, or communicating within the family, or organizing his own vacation, then we can talk about mental illness, the key word here "Maybe". In any case, it is best to discuss this issue with a specialist.

What, for example, do people turn to a psychiatrist for:

  • with complaints of inappropriate behavior (a person laughs for no reason, talks to himself);
  • looks strange;
  • has persistent night sleep disturbance;
  • has pathological hobbies (alcoholism, use of psychoactive substances, gambling addiction);
  • for severe depression;
  • regarding schizophrenia;
  • after severe brain injuries;
  • due to developing age-related disorders (senile dementia).

When does an older person need a psychotherapist?

A psychotherapist is a specialist with a higher medical education. His profile is addiction, apathy, phobias, chronic depression, obsessive states (feelings of constant persecution, intrigue and conspiracies). It helps older people cope with chronic various mental and emotional problems of moderate severity, that is, those that can be dealt with without medications or with their minimal use. In his work, the psychotherapist uses such treatment methods as psychoanalysis, hypnosis, narrative therapy, morita therapy, bibliotherapy, gestalt therapy and others.

The main psychological problems of older people are related to the feeling of their own aging and the inevitability of death. Many psychotherapist patients are so absorbed in waiting for care that they stop noticing and appreciating life. The psychotherapist returns the person to an active lifestyle, a positive way of thinking and a feeling of satisfaction. It helps you see opportunities, find your place in life, realize your dreams, plans, and creativity.

Older people themselves often do not realize that they have problems. They and their relatives tend to attribute bad mood and irritability to character traits, even when the problem is much more serious. If you do not consult a specialist in time, the condition will worsen and then you cannot do without drug treatment.

Who is a psychologist?

This is a certified specialist who has received professional education in the field of psychology. Psychologists work with mentally healthy people who have experienced various difficulties in life and need support.

Psychologists can be narrowly focused (family, children's, school, business consultants) or work with a wide range of problems. In addition, in their practice they use various methods and techniques of psychotherapy (gestalt therapy, body-oriented practices, art therapy, fairy tale therapy, play therapy, group therapy, metaphorical cards).

Where can I find a psychotherapist?

You can get an appointment with a psychotherapist both in clinics and in private medical centers. Unfortunately, due to certain specifics of work and standards of medical care, a doctor at a clinic may have limited time, so patients often prefer to receive care in private medical centers. However, this is not a guarantee that you will find “your” psychotherapist there. Therefore, you should pay more attention to the first visit and first impression.

Here are some tips on how to choose a specialist with whom you will be comfortable working.

When should you contact a psychologist?

Each person decides for himself when he needs the help of a specialist. It is recommended to contact a psychologist in the following cases:

  • severe stress (death of a loved one, divorce, violence, etc.);
  • feeling of depression, sleep problems, appetite disturbances;
  • a feeling of walking in circles, when it seems that all situations are repeated according to a similar scenario, for example, in personal relationships, or in relationships with superiors;
  • when it is difficult and scary to make an important choice;
  • prolonged loneliness, difficulties in relationships with loved ones;
  • difficulties in finding a loved one;
  • difficulties with self-determination;
  • fears, anxiety states.

Principles of working with a psychologist

A psychologist is not a doctor. This is a specialist who received a humanitarian, not medical education, and does not have the right to prescribe medications. How to carry out complex diagnostics necessary to identify the causes of the disease.

It makes sense to contact a psychologist if you have strong emotional experiences that you cannot cope with on your own. If the problem is much deeper, then it is more important to find out which clinic has an experienced psychotherapist who can provide the necessary assistance, including drug therapy.

Who is a psychotherapist?

This is a person who has received education in the field of psychotherapy. This education can be obtained on the basis of higher medical education, then this is a psychotherapist, and also on the basis of psychology, then this is a psychologist-psychotherapist.

Psychotherapy is a profession that deals with very subtle and specific infusions of the human psyche: relationships with other people, understanding oneself and one’s own needs, the ability to make informed choices, and the ability to experience strong unpleasant feelings. A professional psychotherapist is a person who, in addition to professional education, has himself been “in the client’s shoes” and worked through his personal problems in his therapy.

In addition to talking, psychotherapists like to use various exercises, create game situations, joke and sometimes even assign homework.

The difference between a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, neurologist and sexologist from each other

Many people confuse a psychotherapist with a psychologist and psychiatrist, and sometimes with a neurologist. I'll try to explain what the difference is...


A psychologist is a person with a higher humanities education in the field of psychology.

A person is sometimes well-versed in the theoretical part, but nothing more.
To make it more clear, this is a comparison between a biologist and a doctor. A biologist knows a little bit of botany, zoology, genetics, etc., while a doctor treats. Those. changes a person, and does not say that something is wrong with you, try seeing a doctor. In other words, if you want to get advice, use the services of a psychologist, and then it’s your own fault..), and if you want to change and change your life, then you need the services of a psychotherapist. However, a clinical psychologist can sometimes provide invaluable assistance to a doctor in diagnosing a particular disorder. As a rule, this is necessary in cases of forensic medical examination and to resolve issues related to the patient’s legal capacity in psychiatric clinics (more about the difference between a psychologist and a psychotherapist).


A psychiatrist is a doctor who treats mental disorders with medications, this could be psychosis, delusions, hallucinations, etc.

These are, as a rule, manifestations of such serious diseases as schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis (MDP), organic disorders, etc. The drugs used belong to the category of psychotropic drugs and belong to such groups as antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers. Many psychotherapists also use medications in their practice, most often as an additional means to psychotherapy. But if a medication is prescribed as the main therapeutic factor, then the psychotherapist is simply demonstrating his professional powerlessness in the face of the disease.

I am a categorical opponent of the use of these drugs in my category of patients, which include people with such nosological forms as neurosis, situational depression, a number of addictions, and sexual problems.

The thing is that the main reason that led to this category of disorders is formed by personality characteristics. More precisely, the peculiarities of thinking and attitude towards oneself and life in general. And, unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to change personality chemically. We only know how to slow down or activate certain manifestations of these features. For example, emotional. But even then, not without side effects. As an example, I will give the use of the tranquilizer phenazepam for anxiety. Those students who took it before the exam become calm, but cannot remember anything and with peace of mind receive a “failure.” And besides, with prolonged use it causes the development of addiction.


A psychotherapist is a doctor who has appropriate education in the field of psychotherapy and psychiatry.

(i.e. he is a doctor with the right to make a psychiatric diagnosis and is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 438 “On psychotherapeutic assistance” dated September 16, 2003). At one time, many psychoanalysts and simple psychologists tried to classify themselves as psychotherapists. But their basic education and the existing amount of knowledge demonstrated complete inconsistency in a number of purely medical issues with which psychological counseling and psychotherapy are associated.


A neurologist is a doctor who treats diseases of the nervous system not associated with changes in the mental area.

These are neuritis, encephalitis, vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD), spinal diseases, consequences of traumatic brain injuries, etc. But neurological diseases such as headaches, insomnia, VSD are caused by psychological problems.


A sexologist (sex therapist) is a doctor with a psychiatric and sexological education who treats diseases in the sexual sphere.

This, as a rule, is homosexuality, frigidity, premature ejaculation (premature ejaculation), anorgasmia (lack of orgasm), etc. The above disorders are based on deep-seated personal problems.

Sexology arose at the intersection of several disciplines. This is primarily psychiatry, gynecology, andrology, neurology, endocrinology. To my deepest regret, recently, a number of universities have begun to award the qualification of sexologist to people who do not have a medical education.

Psychologist, psychiatrist and psychotherapist - what is the difference, who should you contact?

Having studied what issues such specialists consider, it is not at all difficult to understand how a psychotherapist, psychiatrist and psychologist differ. To decide which of them is required in each individual situation, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the problem:

  1. Psychologist. His services should be sought by people who have personal problems, but do not have any mental disorders.
  2. Psychotherapist. This specialist will be useful to those who suffer from various psychosomatic pathologies.
  3. Psychiatrist. Such a doctor helps people with serious mental illnesses and people prone to suicidal behavior.

In most cases, it is not difficult to figure out who the patient needs, a psychiatrist or a psychologist, a psychiatrist or a psychotherapist . However, in some situations it is necessary to involve a competent specialist.

There is an obvious difference - psychologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist. They all perform their own functions and can work with people of different ages. Today, services are provided by both children's specialists and adults.

What disorders does a psychiatrist treat?

A psychiatrist is a certified doctor who provides assistance to patients with severe forms of mental disorders:

  • schizophrenia;
  • paranoia;
  • psychopathy;
  • manic-depressive psychosis;
  • hallucinations;
  • Alzheimer's disease and others.

Note! A psychiatrist and a psychologist are completely different specialists who should not be confused. The first is a doctor, the other is a humanitarian. A psychiatrist and a psychotherapist - the difference between them is obvious, since the first doctor does not deal with issues of psychosomatics.

Psychiatrists can provide services in specialized clinics, psychoneurological dispensaries, and private offices.

Specifics of activity

The problems of patients who need the help of a psychiatrist are mostly serious. That is why such a doctor cannot limit himself to only conducting conversations and consulting.

Many people are interested in a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist , what is the difference between the treatment they provide. Psychiatric specialists focus on drug therapy and prescribe psychotropic drugs. Many of them are strong enough that they are only available from pharmacies with a prescription. The treatment course can be carried out in different conditions.

You should know! If a patient behaves aggressively and poses a danger to others, the psychiatrist has the right to forcibly hospitalize him.

Activities of a psychiatrist

A psychiatrist, unlike a psychologist, has much broader and more complex functions. This is not just holding consultations and conversations, but also determining an accurate diagnosis, competent treatment and constant monitoring of the patient’s condition. In this case, problems may arise already at the first stage.

Diagnosing mental illness is often much more difficult than diagnosing physical illness. Not only does the patient have to be under observation for a long time, he also needs to establish basic treatment. A psychiatrist often deals with inadequate people. Working with them is very difficult. This is the main difference between specialists such as a psychiatrist and a psychologist. The difference between them can be said to be colossal. However, there are some general points. This could include, for example, tests. Thus, the patient is asked to answer a number of questions, talk about something, create an associative series, etc. This technique is the most qualitative diagnosis of any abnormalities.

Clinical psychologist

A clinical psychologist also has a psychological rather than a medical education. But he underwent special training that allows him to work not only with healthy people, but also with sick people. He can diagnose mental disorders and, if necessary, refer patients to psychiatrists or psychotherapists. In addition, he has the right to conduct individual consultations and provide family counseling.

A clinical psychologist should be contacted in case of constant anxiety, obsessions, increased irritability or, on the contrary, apathy, lethargy and loss of strength, as well as psychosomatic diseases. Please note that a clinical psychologist is not a doctor and cannot prescribe medications. Therefore, if your condition turns out to be too serious and requires the intervention of a doctor and the prescription of medications, you will be referred to another specialist - a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

Who should I go to for treatment?

The modern rhythm of life is accompanied by regular stress, nervous tension, and our psyche is subjected to powerful stress. Someone is able to cope with this by relaxing in time, giving the body rest. But sometimes your internal resources run out, and you realize that something incomprehensible is happening to you, something that you are not able to cope with on your own. And this means that it is time to seek help from a specialist.

To whom exactly? Let's try to figure it out. A psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist have one goal - to help the patient restore his damaged psyche. But they do it in different ways.

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