Fever, vomiting, abdominal pain...

Causes of high fever, nausea, headache

This set of symptoms can appear even in a person without any diseases. Nausea, headache, temperature up to 37 degrees occur during severe fatigue, stress, nervous or physical tension. In addition, these signs are characteristic of heat stroke. They pass in a few days, provided proper rest. However, these symptoms may also indicate more dangerous disorders that require treatment, medications and regular examinations by a doctor.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Fever, nausea, and headache are typical signs of inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines. They are also accompanied by abdominal pain, indigestion, and intolerance to certain foods. There are several main diseases that are often diagnosed in patients of any gender and age.

  1. Gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. Its main cause is considered to be the opportunistic bacterium Helicobacter pilori; other pathogens can also be detected. Inflammation develops as a result of poor nutrition, impaired secretion of gastric juice, as well as long-term systematic intake of alcohol and certain medications. When the cause is eliminated, gastritis goes away without consequences.
  2. Gastric ulcer is a consequence of frequent exacerbation of gastritis, improper and irregular nutrition, taking certain groups of drugs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), as well as increased secretion of gastric juice. Defects appear on the mucous membrane and increase in size. Without timely treatment and adherence to a diet, the ulcer may perforate with the formation of a defect in the stomach wall and the release of its contents to the outside.
  3. Crohn's disease is a chronic disease whose cause remains unknown. It affects the mucous membrane of certain areas of the large, less often small, intestine. During the diagnosis, inflammation of the mucous membrane, the appearance of ulcers and neoplasms, and narrowing of the intestinal lumen are detected. Treatment is symptomatic and surgery may be required to remove the affected area.

Diseases of the stomach and intestines require timely treatment. They quickly become chronic and progress. The doctor will determine the cause and stage of the disease and prescribe a treatment regimen. In most cases, a gentle diet is prescribed, in which it is recommended to eat food in small portions. Fatty, sweet, flour and fried foods, as well as offal, should be completely excluded from the diet.

Infectious diseases

A simple seasonal cold, ARVI, is a common occurrence. They are associated with a decrease in the body's immune defense during the off-season, bad weather conditions and a deficiency of vitamins in the diet. When you have a cold, you have a headache, nausea, the temperature rises to 37 degrees or more, and general weakness appears. However, these symptoms last no more than a week. Rest, bed rest, and drinking plenty of fluids helps you quickly return to normal.

Infections that affect the digestive tract pose a great danger to humans. These diseases occur with signs of nausea, vomiting, and general weakness. There are several diseases that can be contracted by consuming poorly washed vegetables and fruits, low-quality products, and contaminated water.

  1. Rotavirus infection – also called stomach or intestinal flu. The disease occurs with general weakness, fever, nausea, and can manifest itself in an acute form. In most cases, treatment takes place at home, but hospitalization may be required.
  2. Salmonellosis is a disease caused by the Salmonella bacterium. Infection often occurs when eating meat and eggs that have not been heat-treated. The infection causes severe pain in the head and stomach, nausea and vomiting. After confirmation of the diagnosis, the patient is placed in an infectious diseases hospital and treated with antibiotics.
  3. Botulism is a dangerous disease caused by a bacterium. In the human body, it releases toxins that cause severe pain, nausea and vomiting, weakness and fever.
  4. Clostridiosis and staphylococcosis are no less dangerous toxic infections that occur with similar symptoms. They affect the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, and toxins cause general weakness and poor health. Treatment takes place in a hospital.

Infectious diseases are characterized by an acute onset. Nausea, vomiting, and headache occur abruptly, but in some patients the clinical picture increases gradually. It is important to consult a doctor and begin treatment at the first symptoms in order to reduce the risks to the body and the likelihood of complications.

Parasite infestations

Helminths are parasitic worms that enter the body with water or food and can be found on environmental objects. After entering the body, they go through a development cycle and multiply. Their waste products are toxic to humans, so helminthiases are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and general weakness. In addition, a large accumulation of parasites in the intestinal lumen is dangerous due to rupture of its wall.

To confirm the diagnosis it is necessary to undergo tests. Blood, feces or other liquids are used as research material. It is important to pay attention to the first symptoms indicating the appearance of helminths, including:

  • sudden weight loss without changing your diet;
  • frequent attacks of nausea;
  • pain in the head and stomach;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, possibly a yellowish tint.

It is important that helminths can live not only in the human gastrointestinal tract. Some representatives affect the liver, lungs, heart, and can migrate with blood and lymph. The smallest ones affect blood cells and cause their destruction. Treatment is prescribed individually, depending on the type of parasite and the degree of invasion. The scheme includes several stages, during which the patient needs to take specific drugs, and then - means to restore normal microflora.

Brain diseases

Fever, nausea, weakness, headache - these signs can be a signal of various brain diseases. They are based on inflammation or mechanical compression of tissues, as a result of which the innervation of certain parts of the body is disrupted. These are dangerous disorders that require treatment in the early stages - this is the only way to prevent dangerous consequences.

  1. Meningitis is an inflammation of the lining of the brain. The disease has a viral or bacterial origin, less often it is caused by fungi. Fever and headache are the first symptoms for which it is important to immediately consult a doctor. Treatment takes place in a hospital, with the use of antibiotics and drugs to improve blood circulation in the brain.
  2. Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. The process develops when exposed to infectious agents and can manifest itself in polio, rabies, smallpox and other diseases. Encephalitis can also be caused by bites from infected ticks. The disease is particularly dangerous and can be fatal. At home, you can prevent it by treating blood-sucking insects and timely vaccination.
  3. Stroke is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation. It can be caused by insufficient blood supply to brain cells (ischemia) or rupture of a vessel with the formation of a hematoma. The first symptoms may be slight weakness, headaches, nausea, but the condition is life-threatening. The chances of full recovery are especially high if you see a doctor in the first 2 hours after the attack.
  4. Traumatic brain injuries are the reason why fever, nausea and headache bother a person even after a long time.

Symptoms of inflammatory diseases of the brain appear sharply and immediately cause an acute clinical picture. Headache and nausea do not go away even after taking medications, and only get worse over time. Doctors at the Clinical Institute of the Brain warn: the effectiveness of treatment depends on the timeliness of first aid. Otherwise, there may be irreversible disruption of many brain functions and death of nerve tissue.


Intoxication of the body with food, alcohol and medications, as well as various gaseous substances is a dangerous condition. Toxins penetrate the bloodstream and quickly spread throughout organs and tissues. The patient’s well-being deteriorates immediately, within several hours after exposure to toxic compounds. The clinical picture of poisoning includes the following symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • acute headache, dizziness, fainting;
  • indigestion, diarrhea;
  • pallor of the mucous membranes;
  • possible increase in temperature;
  • arrhythmias, increased heart rate.

In case of poisoning with certain substances, you can use antidotes. These are compounds that neutralize the effects of toxins and promote rapid improvement in well-being. However, for most types of poisoning there are no antidotes. Treatment consists of drinking plenty of fluids, fasting, and drips of electrolyte solutions. These measures will restore normal blood balance and reduce the concentration of toxic substances.

Other reasons

Deterioration in well-being can be caused by various factors. Nausea, fever, headache indicate various inflammatory processes, disruptions in the functioning of various organs and systems. It is important to pay enough attention to diagnosis to determine the exact cause of deterioration in health. Additional tests may show the following disorders:

  • increased blood pressure - in the chronic form, attacks can be triggered by stress, fatigue, and changes in weather conditions;
  • diseases of the inner ear - labyrinthitis, Meniere's disease and other pathologies are manifested by acute headache, hearing impairment, and possible discharge from the ear canal;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland - they can be determined by the results of blood tests;
  • migraine - the disease manifests itself as attacks of headache, which are associated with cerebrovascular insufficiency.

Headache, nausea, deterioration in health, fever are common symptoms that can occur in the absence of any diseases. They often occur in the warm season, as a result of heat stroke. After prolonged exposure to the open sun, a person’s temperature rises and weakness appears. It is important to monitor your well-being in the summer and protect your head and skin from direct sunlight.

Causes of high fever, nausea and vomiting, headache

The patient has a high temperature, nausea, headache - these signs do not provide a complete understanding of the reasons for poor health. To determine them, additional examinations are prescribed that will help identify hidden pathologies. Doctors at the Clinical Institute of the Brain insist that during the examination it is important to tell all the details, when the first signs began, in which area the pain occurs and with what frequency.


The first reason why headache, nausea and vomiting can occur simultaneously, and the temperature rises is poisoning. The clinical picture is associated with the entry of toxins into the body by any means. They can penetrate with food, inhaled air, through the skin and mucous membranes. Depending on this, there are several main types of poisoning. They cause similar symptoms, so it is important to promptly determine which substance caused the intoxication.

  1. Food poisoning is the most common option. Symptoms appear several hours after eating poisonous or spoiled foods. The patient experiences nausea, vomiting, headache and general weakness. In case of food poisoning, taking sorbents and gastric lavage are indicated.
  2. Poisoning with drugs and alcohol develops according to a similar pattern. Their main cause is overdose. Both the metabolic products of ethyl alcohol and medicinal substances are strong toxins. In excess, they accumulate in tissues, poison nerve tissue, and affect brain function.
  3. Poisoning with pesticides is one of the dangerous types. The reason may be a violation of the rules for using preparations for treating soil and premises against pests. If they come into contact with the skin, wash them off immediately with water. If they enter the body with food, you should immediately consult a doctor and take a saline laxative.
  4. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a specific situation that can occur during a fire, as well as during inhalation of this gas in transport, industry or agriculture. When the first signs appear, the victim is evacuated from the danger zone, oxygen and symptomatic agents are used for treatment.

Mild poisoning can be treated at home. For this, bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids are indicated to reduce the concentration of toxins in the blood. Moderate and severe cases of intoxication require hospitalization and hospital procedures. The patient may be prescribed IVs, gastric lavage, and medications to restore the balance of electrolytes in the blood.

Infectious diseases

One of the most common causes of nausea, vomiting, headache, weakness, and fever is infectious diseases. Viruses and bacteria penetrate the gastrointestinal tract and multiply on the mucous membrane. Children are at risk because their immune system is not strong enough and cannot fully fight infection. There are several diseases that can cause a typical clinical picture.

  1. Stomach (intestinal) flu - the causative agent is rotavirus. The disease develops when consuming poorly washed foods (often vegetables and fruits), as well as contaminated drinking water. Characteristic symptoms are fever, acute abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and headaches. Treatment is symptomatic; the patient may need to be admitted to a hospital.
  2. Enteroviruses are diseases caused by enteroviruses. The pathogen is very stable in the external environment, so a person can easily become infected through food or water of questionable quality. At the onset of the disease, fever, abdominal pain, fever and weakness are observed. Over time, the infection can spread to the muscles, heart, nervous system and other internal organs.
  3. Toxic infections are a group of diseases caused by bacteria. The clinical picture is provoked by toxic waste products of microorganisms that poison organs and tissues. Toxins enter the bloodstream, spread throughout the body, causing a sharp deterioration in health, headaches and digestive disorders. Toxic infections include salmonellosis, staphylococcosis, clostridiosis, botulism.

Treatment is prescribed individually. If a bacterial infection is present, a course of antibiotics is prescribed and a regimen of symptomatic therapy is selected. The patient may need to be hospitalized and treated in an infectious diseases hospital.


Under stress, prolonged tension, and fatigue, a person may experience high fever, nausea, and headache. The state of health deteriorates sharply, while the test results are within normal limits. In addition, pain in muscles and joints appears. The disease must be distinguished from pathologies of the thyroid gland, infectious diseases, and disturbances in the functioning of the thermoregulation center in the brain. For this, all the necessary studies are carried out, and a diagnosis can be made only after excluding other diseases. A characteristic sign is that after taking aspirin, the temperature does not decrease, as with viral infections and inflammatory processes.

Thermoneurosis usually goes away on its own within a few days. The main recommendations are rest, proper nutrition and moderate exercise. However, it can develop as a consequence of traumatic brain injury. In this case, treatment includes taking medications to improve cerebral circulation, physiotherapy and other techniques.

Brain diseases

Symptoms such as high fever, nausea, vomiting, and headache can signal dangerous disorders of the central nervous system. They can be caused by infectious pathogens, injuries, and various abnormalities in the development of structures. In addition, with such a clinical picture, it is important to exclude the possibility of tumors in the brain.


Meningitis is an inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord. It can manifest itself as an independent disease or as a complication of other pathologies. Its cause is a viral, bacterial or fungal infection, and mixed varieties are also isolated. The greatest danger is bacterial meningitis, as it can lead to purulent inflammation.

The disease manifests itself in a characteristic picture:

  • acute headaches, which are often concentrated in the back of the head;
  • a sharp increase in temperature to critical levels;
  • neck muscle tension;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • fainting, unconsciousness, lack of coordination.

According to the nature of the course, they distinguish between chronic, acute and fulminant meningitis. The latter option poses a danger to the patient's life. It is severe and requires immediate medical attention. Even if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, there is a possibility of complications in the form of hearing loss, vision loss, and constant headaches.


Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. This is a dangerous condition that can lead to disruption of vital functions and death. In most cases, encephalitis is caused by infectious agents and occurs in an acute form. Its main symptoms are headache, nausea, fever, hearing and vision impairment, as well as other signs.

Encephalitis can develop as a complication of viral or bacterial diseases, as well as as an independent pathology. There are two main types of it:

  • encephalitis in epidemic form (caused by various viruses that spread quickly, including polio);
  • sporadic cases (consequences of herpes, rabies, chicken pox and other diseases).

Tick-borne encephalitis poses a high degree of danger. The pathogen enters the bloodstream during the bite of an infected tick, spreads throughout the body and reaches the brain. 1–2 weeks after the bite, the victim begins to have a sharp headache, nausea, and the temperature rises to high levels. The disease is dangerous due to extensive damage to brain tissue, as well as inflammation of the cranial nerves.

Traumatic brain injuries

Headache, nausea and vomiting are common signs of traumatic brain injury. It is caused by a fall or blow, which leads to damage to nerve tissue. The most common form of traumatic brain injury is a concussion. The condition can be diagnosed by the following signs:

  • acute pain in the area of ​​impact, which spreads to the entire surface of the head;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • possible loss of consciousness, short-term amnesia;
  • pallor of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • arrhythmia, cardiac dysfunction;
  • The duration of symptoms is no more than 7–10 days.

Traumatic brain injury is characterized by fainting and memory loss. Recovery time depends on the severity of the damage, the patient’s age and other factors. Headaches can persist long after the injury. The reason is prolonged hypoxia (oxygen deficiency), as well as insufficient blood supply to brain cells.

Inner ear diseases

It is important to distinguish diseases of the inner ear from disorders of the brain and acute infectious diseases. They also manifest themselves as headache, nausea, loss of coordination and other symptoms. This organ has a complex structure and is responsible not only for hearing, but also for balance. There are several pathologies that can develop in adults and children.

  1. Labyrinthitis is an inflammatory process that affects the inner ear. It often develops as a complication of otitis and can occur in a purulent form. The patient experiences acute headache, nausea and vomiting, and hearing loss. In advanced cases, purulent discharge from the ear may occur.
  2. Vestibular neuritis is an inflammation of the nerve that innervates the inner ear. The disease most often develops with viral infections, including those that affect the upper respiratory tract. The main symptom of vestibular neuritis is a sharp headache, weakness, and possibly fever. Hearing acuity remains within the same limits.
  3. Meniere's disease is a rare disease that causes headaches, nausea, and vomiting. An increased amount of fluid forms and accumulates in the cavities of the inner ear and exerts additional pressure. The patient may experience symptoms such as impaired coordination of movements, memory lapses, deterioration or complete loss of hearing.

Diseases of the inner ear are very dangerous and can lead to complications if not treated promptly. Hearing loss and chronic headaches are common consequences of inflammation of the labyrinth. In addition, during infectious processes, there is a possibility of bacterial infection spreading to the tissue of the brain and its membranes, and the development of meningitis or encephalitis.

Diagnostic methods

Nausea, headache, temperature of 37 degrees or more are good reasons to undergo a full examination. It is important to identify infectious diseases at the initial stage, isolate the patient in a hospital, or explain the rules on how to prevent further spread of the infection. After the examination, the doctor may prescribe additional tests and examinations:

  • ultrasound examination of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract;
  • examination of the brain using MRI or CT to identify areas of ischemia, neoplasms, aneurysms and other pathologies;
  • clinical, biochemical blood tests - will indicate inflammatory processes in the body, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs;
  • X-ray of the cervical spine - the cause of headaches may be associated with vascular spasms in this area.

At the Clinical Institute of the Brain, it is possible to conduct a full diagnosis of headaches, which are accompanied by fever and nausea. Our center has modern equipment - thanks to it, you can get the most accurate results.

Treatment methods

The treatment regimen is selected individually, depending on the exact diagnosis, the patient’s age, additional pathologies and other factors. Doctors at the Clinical Institute of the Brain will select the optimal methods for treatment in a hospital or at home. The patient may be prescribed:

  • antibiotic therapy - treatment with antibiotics brings results for bacterial infections, as well as as a preventive measure for purulent complications;
  • a gentle diet is a prerequisite for disorders of the digestive tract, gastritis and peptic ulcers, as well as for poisoning;
  • drip administration of electrolyte solutions - prescribed for dehydration, acute intoxication and other pathologies;
  • sorbents - drugs that bind toxins in food poisoning and remove them naturally;
  • other medications - in different cases, medications may be prescribed to improve brain nutrition, to strengthen blood vessels, anti-nausea medications and painkillers;
  • surgical intervention is necessary only in cases where drug treatment does not bring results, including to remove tumors.

At the Clinical Brain Institute, you can undergo a complete diagnosis for headaches, fever, weakness and nausea. Doctors strongly recommend not to self-medicate and to seek medical help when the first symptoms appear.

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What to do if you are vomiting due to fever

First of all, you need to establish the cause of the disease, for this you should consult a doctor (call a doctor at home). Effective treatment will provide both a decrease in temperature and the elimination of attacks of vomiting.

The most common cause of fever and vomiting is rotavirus infection. In some cases, the combination of symptoms of vomiting and high temperature may be due to a disease requiring hospitalization (appendicitis, exacerbation of pyelonephritis, severe poisoning, etc.). If the patient's condition is serious or is getting worse, an ambulance should be called. In any case, the patient should be examined by a doctor; do not try to determine on your own whether hospitalization is needed or not.

Make an appointment Do not self-medicate. Contact our specialists who will correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

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