Brain: Brodmann's cytoarchitectonic fields

A little about history

Many scientists were involved in constructing a map of the surface of the brain: Bailey, Betz, Economo and others. Their maps differed significantly from each other in the shape of the fields, their size, and number. In modern neuroanatomy, Brodmann's brain fields have received the greatest recognition. There are 52 fields in total.

Pavlov, in turn, divided all fields into two large groups:

  • centers of the first signal system;
  • centers of the second signaling system.

Each center consists of a core, which plays a key role in performing the function of a specific center, and analyzers surrounding the core. It is noteworthy that centers in the cerebral cortex regulate the functioning of organs on the opposite side of the body. This is due to the fact that the nerve fiber pathways cross on their way from the center to the periphery.

Brodmann's brain fields are designated by Arabic numerals, some also have a designation from which the function of a particular field can be understood.

History of the study

In Germany in 1909, the physician-scientist Korbinian Brodmann first constructed and described maps of Brodmann's cytoarchitectonic fields.
Ten years later, O. Vogt and C. Vogt studied and described more than a hundred myelo-architectonic areas in the cerebral hemispheres. As a result, at the State Scientific Center for Neurology I.N. Filimonov and S.A. Sarkisov released a map of the brain hemispheres according to Brodmann, which describes 47 fields.

Brodmann fields are most often used in studying the neural organization of the brain and its functioning. The division of one or another area of ​​the brain into a specific section of the fields was carried out on the basis of histological analysis - Nissl color staining.

First Signal System: Location

The centers of the first signaling system are located in Brodmann's fields, which are present in both animals and humans. They are responsible for a simple reaction to an external stimulus, the formation of sensations and ideas. These centers are present in both the right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. Brodmann fields of the first signaling system are present in humans from birth and normally do not undergo changes throughout life.

These fields include:

  • 1 - 3 - are located in the parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex behind the central gyrus;
  • 4, 6 - located in the frontal lobe anterior to the central gyrus, they contain Betz pyramidal cells;
  • 8 - this field is located anterior to the 6th, closer to the frontal part of the frontal cortex;
  • 46 - located on the outer surface of the frontal lobe;
  • 41, 42, 52 - located on the so-called Heschle convolutions, on the basal part of the temporal lobe of the brain;
  • 40 - located in the parietal lobe behind 1 - 3 fields, closer to the temporal part;
  • 17 and 19 - located in the occipital part of the brain, most dorsal from the other fields;
  • 11 is one of the most ancient structures, located in the hippocampus.

Groups of brain fields according to Brodmann

Description of Brodmann fields in the cerebral cortex by zone:

  1. The first zone is motor , responsible for reactions of active movements. This zone includes 4, 6, 8, 9 Brodmann fields. 4 is responsible for motor skills and is located in the precentral gyrus. 6 is allocated in the anterior regions of the precentral gyrus and in the area of ​​the middle frontal gyrus. 8 coordinates voluntary eye movement and is located in the posterior parts of the superior and middle frontal gyri. 9 is located in the prefrontal region.
  2. The second zone is affective . Includes areas of the cerebral cortex posterior to the Rolandic fissure. Here are fields 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7. The upper part of the zone is responsible for tactile sensations of the legs and genitals. The underlying areas are for sensations in the hands, skull and mouth. The second zone directly interacts with the first. The first zone contains afferent nerve cells that receive stimuli from proprioceptors - these are motor sensory areas. The second zone contains motor components - these are sensorimotor areas that regulate the formation and intensity of pain sensations.
  3. The third zone is visual , located in the occipital region of the cerebral cortex. It includes 17, 18, 19 Brodmann fields. The 17th belongs to the primary visual area, and the 18th and 19th to the secondary visual area. From the secondary areas, visual stimuli come to the primary areas and are already processed there. With pathologies of the 17th Brodmann area, cortical blindness occurs - loss of visual perception. In case of violation of 18, the function of identification and perception of written speech is affected. In pathologies 19, hallucinations and disturbances in figurative memory are noted.
  4. The fourth zone is auditory , located in the temporal zone of the cerebral cortex. It includes 22, 41, 42, 52 fields. With damage to 22, auditory hallucinations are noted, orientation to sound is affected, and musical deafness occurs. With pathologies 42, sound recognition suffers, and lesion 41 causes cortical deafness, that is, a complete loss of auditory perception. 52 is a zone that is responsible for the spatial perception of voices, sounds and speech.
  5. The fifth, olfactory zone, includes fields 11 and 29, which are located in the pyriform gyrus. Responsible for recognizing different odors.
  6. The sixth zone is the taste zone , which includes the 43rd field.
  7. The seventh zone is speech , in right-handed people it is located in the left hemisphere. This includes field 22 - Wernicke's speech center, field 37 - controls voluntary speech and its understanding, field 47 - singing areas, 44 and 45 - Brocca's speech centers.
  8. fields 24, 25 and 26 perform the task of recognizing mismatches and errors.

Brodmann field diagram:

First signaling system: functions

The functions of Brodmann's fields in the first signaling system differ depending on the location of the center and the characteristics of its histological structure. In general, these kernels perform the following functions:

  • implementation of the motor process;
  • recognition of objects by touch;
  • hearing;
  • vision.

To carry out precise movement, simultaneous activation of several Broca's areas is necessary:

  1. Centers 4 and 6, whose pyramidal cells carry impulses to skeletal muscles and ensure their contraction.
  2. Field number 40, where the centers for performing complex movements that are stereotypical for a particular person are located. These centers are formed during the life of an individual, as a rule, during professional activity.
  3. Sometimes it is necessary to activate field 46, which is responsible for the synchronous rotation of the eyes along with the head.

Fields numbered 5 and 7 are involved in recognizing objects by touch, or stereognosis.

Fields 41, 42 and 52 are necessary for a person to perceive the sounds of the surrounding world. Moreover, fibers from two ears at once approach the center of hearing on one side. Therefore, damage to the cortex on one side does not lead to hearing impairment. The center located in field 41 is responsible for the primary analysis of information. In field 42 there are auditory memory centers. And with the help of field number 52, a person can navigate in space.

In fields 17 to 19 there is a visual analyzer. By analogy with the auditory centers, primary analysis of information occurs in field 17, visual memory is located in field 18, and evaluation centers and orientation are located in field 19.

In field 11 there are centers of smell, in field 43 there are centers of taste.

Torsion fields of the brain and magnetism of the palms of the hands

The work of our compatriots, physicists Boyarshinov and Shipov, who are working on the effects of torsion fields on the human body, is informative on this topic. Moreover, Einstein's Theory of Physical Vacuum , which was sold out as a best seller in India, also addresses these aspects.

The energy created by the entire human body is of an electromagnetic nature , similar to the Earth's field. The human field is oriented along the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field. When a person's hands are clasped together in a posture of prayer, the person's magnetism causes energies to flow in a closed circuit from the right palm to the left. The hands send information to the subtle bodies of etheric space using torsion fields.

Human hands are capable of generating spin-torsion-axion fields. These fields have the shape of a rotating funnel emanating from the center of the palm.

The hand, as a source of field generation, is energetically connected with the human heart by the intention and ability of the brain to generate torsion fields. The human body is a living receiver and transmitter (emitter) of all kinds of frequencies.

The toroidal shape of the electromagnetic field is the main characteristic of the fields that are generated by the human heart and palm. This field shape is the main factor influencing the nature of the spiraling rotating vortex, which captures or emits various energies and light. There is probably a relationship with the spiral field of the hand and the spiral energy of the crystal lattice (memory shell) of the Life Code (DNA) of the human body cell.

The human brain is a source of magnetic fields, which also have the shape of a torus with a vortex funnel. The torus is an interdimensional vortex (funnel). The cross section of the torus is a figure-eight loop - this is a universal characteristic of magnetism. It is symbolic that DNA also has the shape of a loop.

Chinese masters of the Tai Chi technique can generate magnetic fields in the brain that are very large and span the entire length of the vertical vortex tube inside the torus (Einstein-Rosen bridge).

The powerful field generated by the brain, as well as the power of Will, expressed in a certain Intention, allows them to resonate with the VKS and with the help of a radiation source - the palms of the hands, to heal the patient and, if necessary, even defeat the enemy with a powerful release of an energy impulse.

The brain can be imagined as a crystalline resonating organic structure, controlled by the mind of Consciousness as the etheric component of the Soul. The magnitude of the brain's generation field depends on the joint work of all individual parts of the brain: the thalamus, hypolamus, hippocampus, tonsils, as well as the joint functioning of the pituitary gland, pineal gland and carotid gland. Ideally, the brain field should tend to be extended over the entire length of the cylindrical torus tube.

Naturally, the maximum activity of the brain and the ability to generate a field of ideal configuration is determined by the degree of its spiritual development and training of the activity of its brain activity. Information that is stored in space in the form of collapsed holographic patterns (microinformation fields) is received by the brain as a receiver and transmitted to electrical signals of the brain, where it is further deciphered and translated by Consciousness in the form of images.

Most likely, it is the microtubular structure of brain cells and the water contained inside the microtubes that can become highly structured and organized, capable of remembering the information received.

This process is called mental activity of the brain. The process of storing and issuing information by the brain is similar to the hard disk memory of a modern computer, made on hard crystals. Modern scientists have already created a memory hard drive based on a biological cell. This device copies the activity of the human brain.

The process of structuring water in the microtubes of brain cells can be carried out by the person himself with the help of his Willpower and a certain Intention, as well as by the source of the external field of the Healer and the energy pattern created by him. The energetic ability of the Patient's brain in this case is enhanced with the help of a technique introduced by the Healer (EMF Balancing Technique).

The general activity of the brain plays the role of setting for its further activation and modulation, transmission of the energy pattern. Consciousness poses the question being solved, creates a certain Intention and Volitional mood, which increases the intensity of generating the electromagnetic field created by activated (excited) brain activity.

The brain begins to emit, as a transmitter, an energetic pattern of encoded information. The energetic value and parameters of this pattern are determined by the joint activity of the body and Spirit, brain and Consciousness as the etheric correspondence of the human Soul. The more human brain cells are activated, the greater the magnitude of the energy message - the pattern. In modern humans, the brain is poorly developed: no more than 15% of the total cell volume is involved in real activity. Thus, with the growth of mental activity, the energy power of the brain increases, the ability to receive and send a larger volume of information pattern.

GOD is the Universal Consciousness , which saturates the Space under its jurisdiction with its pattern! The activity of the brain, short-term, can be increased by the use of chemicals (brain doping, stimulants), but no more than for the duration of their action.

We can say that the brain, together with the human cranium, is a magnetic and acoustic resonance chamber that has the function of receiving, amplifying, and transmitting signals from external information fields, thanks to the biological composition of brain cells and the crystalline structure of the cranium.

During the process of thinking , biochemical processes occur in the brain , certain molecular structures arise in the brain fluid, which generate torsion radiation. The brain produces radiation of torsion fields of its individual frequency, which polarize the physical vacuum (ethereal environment).

With a strong external influence of a torsion field from an irradiator, a psychic or a magician , a grandmother-witch , on the individual human brain, spin structures appear in it, oriented along the field of the external source.

These spins from an external source carry out a reverse cycle in the body: they stimulate certain biological processes in the cells of the body's body. In this case, the external source is that Conspiracy, Word, Deed that brings either healing to the body, or vice versa – damage, the evil eye, deterioration of health .

The quality of the influence of the magician’s external field depends on the type of torsion field superimposed on the individual field of a person: the external right field, synchronous with the personal field, carries energy recharge , the external left field, counter to the personal right, carries selection in the energy body.

When exposed to an external torsion field, the right direction of rotation, which is a “setting for healing,” the elementary particles of the brain are oriented along the external field. This “installation” from an external source is transformed into biological processes of the brain, in which new paths, conductors, paths arise. In the process of activating the work of the body's systems, it releases an excess amount of endorphins (neuropeptides) , which behave like hormones or chemicals that change brain activity.

These elements can also splash into the body when consuming a large dose of drugs. One of the consequences of the influence of endorphins, and as a result of the appearance of many additional channels, paths on the outer surface of the brain, is that the brain becomes a more conductive mechanism, which allows it to process more information per second. There was a so-called initiation, activation of brain activity .

There has been an expansion of human Consciousness. Technically, this is similar to replacing a board in a computer with one high-speed RAM with a more modern one, as a result of which the computer began to “think” faster.

As a result of a different quality of the influence of endorphins, hormones are released into different vital systems of the human body. When influencing the immune system, the resistance of the entire physical body to disease increases. Physiologically, a person feels an influx of joy, happiness and health. Thus, from the Good Word and Thought of a Kind and Strong Person, the Health of the people around him improves and the Mind becomes clearer! Let’s not write or say the opposite, let’s give ourselves a “only positive attitude”!

An independent “attitude towards a positive attitude towards life, the desire for health and good luck” produces treatment using the method of self-persuasion. Every thought produced with a strong Volitional Attitude, with the words - I will do it, I can, I know!!!, leads to the creation of its own spin structure in the brain, which radiates outward and creates its own attitude towards achieving the task.

Initiation from an external source occurs during the purposeful work of the Teacher of esoteric knowledge with the Student. Communication with the Teacher, being in his torsion fields is a beneficial, stimulating factor on the Path of expanding the Student’s Consciousness. The student may experience temporary phenomena of the opening of the higher centers Ajna (Third Eye) and Sahashara (Higher Head Center). When they are opened, the Student can temporarily begin to see in the etheric and astral planes, and even build his own channel of communication with the Higher information field - the mental and buddhic planes. With constant training and a strong Volitional Intention, the Student will be able to independently activate the activity of his brain without the external field of the Teacher. He develops a certain “memory” of the state of being in the Teacher’s aura. And this is very important - to remember this state of your own psyche and the organics of your body!

The student switches to autonomous work without power from an external source. If we draw an analogy, this is the operating mode of an electrical station, which, at the first start-up, receives the necessary energy to start its life support mechanisms from an external starting-backup transformer, and when its turbogenerators reach the nominal parameters and provide them with normal power supply to the mechanisms for their own needs, the starting-backup transformer is turned off, and the station switches to autonomous mode of production of thermal and electrical energy.

To summarize the above, each person has the opportunity to influence his own spin structure and the emitted torsion field with regular use:

strong-willed attitude to carry out the plan ;

- control over thoughts, words and deeds (correct thoughts, words and deeds);

meditation practices ;

It is important for every person to exclude from his consciousness thoughts about possible failures and bad outcomes of events in his life. Generating thoughts, mental forms about success in all your endeavors will attract your positive torsion fields to their corresponding positive fields in the general information egregor of happiness and good luck. More broadly, the task of all humanity is to generate only thoughts about light, happiness and joy . This will allow the collective consciousness of humanity to form and “pull out” a happy, successful scenario for the development of events at the level of our entire Earthly civilization.

The concept of scientists about the processes of Consciousness leaving its physical vehicle (body) at death is in full accordance with esoteric knowledge. From the many different variants of this process, we can distinguish three main streams of transition of Consciousness in the Soul from the physical body, the dense world to the “otherworldly” world.

The first path is the path of Holiness . This is the path that highly spiritual Consciousnesses take when leaving their physical vehicle. They overcome the barrier separating the gross, dense and subtle worlds without difficulty, since the matrix of the Soul of such a person is filled mainly with positive energy.

Consciousness filled with positive high-frequency energy is rapidly attracted by similar energy – positive, light, and the Soul quickly flies from darkness to Light. For such Souls, both direct and reverse transition is possible when setting a Volitional Intention.

The second path is the path of the average person , who has, albeit a little spirituality, but also a small supply of negative energy. The Soul Matrix of such a person has approximately half half positive and half negative energy. This category of Souls can make a direct transition from the physical to the subtle world in the case of the use of drugs (forced release of Consciousness from the body), a stressful situation (death in accidents, wars), through meditative practices (the correct volitional attitude).

The third path is the path of entities with low Consciousness and Spirituality . The matrix of such a Soul is filled mainly with negative, negative energy. These Souls can cross the line separating the dense and subtle worlds only with a strong dose of drugs or using dark magic.

The general, simplified picture of the exit of the Soul with the Consciousness contained in it is as follows: At the moment of death, the Personality experiences severe stress, and if death occurs due to an accident, accident, etc., then the physical body releases a huge amount of energy, the etheric conductor converts this energy into energy the exit of the Soul from the physical body and the breaking of the connecting thread of life - the Sutratma.

The break of the Sutratma means the separation of a person’s subtle bodies from his physical vehicle. And so, immediately after death, the Soul finds itself pushed out by a burst of energy from the physical body. It is located in the etheric frame of the body. After three days, the etheric frame is attracted by the matter of this plane and is disassembled into the elements that leave it. The soul rises to the astral plane , the world of emotions and sensations.

Over the course of nine days, the astral component of the Soul is analyzed into elements of this plane. After forty days, the mental component of the Soul’s shell is disassembled, and now it is in no way tied to the Earth and its former, physical body. At the first moment after the Sutratma breaks and the Soul enters the etheric plane, it begins to fly through certain energy tunnels to the Distributor of Souls. These tunnels are located throughout the surface of the Earth, and small tunnels are combined into large ones. A network of tunnels that trap Souls entangles the entire Earth and not a single Soul can escape it. Therefore, many people who have experienced clinical death capture in their Consciousness visions of flying through tunnels towards the light, which means the end of the road. The Soul Separator (filter) acts as a certain magnet that attracts the energy matrix of the Soul. The higher the energy potential of the Soul matrix, that is, the more positive, light energies it contains, the faster it flies through the tunnels to the Soul Separator. Many Souls, when the Sutratma breaks, have a very low energy reserve, so certain Essences help them. They immediately provide a certain supply, a salvo, after receiving which the Soul flies into one of the tunnels, where already certain forces and energies carry it to the goal of the final movement - the Soul Separator..

The movement of Souls through the tunnels is controlled by the service of the System Director . This is a specific service that distributes Souls, acting as “regulators”, allowing Souls to go in different directions, or even leaving some to wait in the waiting rooms. Many Souls that were knocked out of their bodies in the event of violent deaths (disasters, wars, etc.) have deep stress.

So that they don’t feel so lonely, the service of System Directors creates holographic pictures of meetings of these newly arrived Consciousnesses with the Souls of relatives close to them, but who have previously passed on to the “other world”. Once in the Separator, the Soul, depending on the quality of filling its Soul Matrix, the percentage of positive or negative energies, begins to be attracted by the level of energies that prevails in its matrix set.

In this way , Souls are separated, separating from one another, rising to higher levels, middle ones, or falling into areas of low energies . Having reached their level, Souls await their Supreme Court. The judgment consists in the fact that the goal, the program of its given incarnation is revealed to Consciousness, the frames of its life are scrolled and an analysis of actions is performed. Depending on the set of pluses or minuses by the Soul matrix, Consciousness is sent either to Purgatory or for decoding . And only high Souls can bypass Purgatory and immediately get to higher levels . The memory of all deeds carried out in the physical world is recorded on the highest mental shell of the Soul ( causal body ), from which reading is carried out. In a living human body, the events of his entire life are recorded in the physical brain, in its deep layers. At the moment preceding death, the Determinant of a person, his Highest Guardian Angel, leading throughout life from the first breath to the last exhalation, gives a command to rewrite the information of Consciousness from the memory blocks of the brain (hard storage medium) to the memory blocks of the subtle astral body (removable disk - flash drive ). Therefore, immediately before the Soul leaves the body, the film of life scrolls in a person’s consciousness from the end to the beginning of life. With further loss of the astral body, rewriting occurs on the mental body and, even further, on the buddhic, causal body.

So, having arrived at the Supreme Court , Consciousness is allowed to watch the film from its last life again and is sent to Purgatory. They cleanse the matrix of the Soul from negative energy, which is always present in the life set. The soul perceives the cleaning process as painful, approximately as the process of cleaning a hollow tooth with a drill without anesthesia. All that negativity and slag that corresponds to the set of energies of the negative system is removed. With positive purification, the Soul rises to the region of higher energy frequencies - “towards the Light” for further evolution. If the Soul is at a high level of Consciousness, but has gained a lot of negative energy , its preponderance is more than half of the positive, then such a Soul is interesting to the Hierarch of the negative system, and he takes it to himself for further development.

Souls with a low level of Consciousness and a large amount of negative energy, which are difficult and time-consuming to clean out from the accumulated dirt, are of no interest to either positive or negative systems; these are worthless, empty Souls who have lived a dirty and empty life on Earth. These are mostly drug addicts, alcoholics, murderers. Such Souls undergo complete decoding and the zero matrix is ​​launched into life from scratch. Information about the path of the soul and all incarnations is completely erased, as an unsuccessful one means absolute destruction. The Crystalline Cosmic Lattice is the single source of energy for everything in the Universe. It is found in all planes of the Universe and is present both in the electron cloud of the atom and in mega-Galaxies. This energy, which has a single Consciousness “now” , for it there is no concept of distances. That is why GOD is present everywhere and in everything; at any point in the Universe he knows about the state of the peripheral space under his tutelage - a single field of Consciousness, torsion.

The cellular structure of the CR is a single whole, reacting as one organism. This is vacuum energy, a source of infinite power. If you create such conditions as to bring this source out of balance, then it will begin to generate and release energy. KR is a giant cosmic magnet that deflects energy flows. KR structure: it is not a network with permanently closed circuits. These are isolated chambers (a volumetric sphere with many planes, similar to oxahedrons), of completely different sizes, which do not touch each other, but are in close interaction. They exist on all planes of existence of GOD - the Prime Creator. The energy of the Kyrgyz Republic reacts to TIME. This means that it reacts to human consciousness, which in recent decades has actually drawn the Kyrgyz Republic to planet Earth and a time shift has begun to occur on it.

Man and the planet began to vibrate at a higher frequency and some external processes in the Universe. The external manifestation, the visible effect, was a changed picture of the starry sky: what was visible disappeared, and what was invisible appeared. The consciousness of humanity has changed the physical picture of our reality!

What is one person's intuitive feeling of another person's state? This is a connection between the consciousness of the person who sent the Intention for knowledge, this message becomes heard by his Determinant (the Spirit leading him in this incarnation), which connects him to the communication channel of the Cosmic Lattice, and the consciousness according to the CR instantly enters the zone of action of another person about whom ask a question.

When a person mentally sends a command, the CR receives this generated impulse of energy and obeys it. This is how the Supreme Beings communicate with each other in the Universe - through the CD.

A person, with his INTENTION, causes a surge (suction) of energy from the CR, which is similar to the process of opening a tap (valve) of a pipeline from which water begins to flow. The psychophysical effect of the influence of human Intention on the CD will allow in the future: - traveling through the Universe: sliding along the threads of darkness; — obtain the energy necessary to move heavier loads over short distances; — obtain energy for a long time for the needs of humanity: an alternative to modern sources of bioenergy fuel..

This is confirmed by work with torsion generators. The CR is in a balanced state, but not at rest. Through it, the minimum flows of energy necessary to create the rotating moment of the Galaxies flow within the Universe and the Universe itself around its center.

Energy entry and exit valves are usually in the centers of galaxies. The distance between the energy input and output determines the torque. The process of transmission through the Raman wave: from one chamber to another, and since the energy medium is identical, the transmission occurs without loss of energy, and therefore instantly. Thus, the transmission of light photons in space occurs with energy losses, which means it is limited in time and speed by no more than 300,000 km/sec. This phenomenon confirms the position of the unified field theory about the instantaneous transmission of information in torsion fields.

Each cell (chamber) of the CR contains mutually compensating energies, the sum of which is equal to zero. These are polarized energies - mirror reflections of each other. The works of G.I. Shipov talk about “a component of the vacuum - phyton, which contains two annular packages rotating in opposite directions (right and left spin). Initially they are compensated and the total torque is zero. Therefore, the vacuum does not manifest itself in any way.”

Esoteric knowledge says: each cell (chamber) of the CR contains mutually compensating energies, the sum of which is equal to zero. These are polarized energies - mirror reflections of each other. When a certain force is applied at the location of the CR, having such a magnitude that can bring several nearby cells out of equilibrium, an imbalance of energies will occur, and a certain amount of free energy will be released from the CR. The power of this energy is determined by the time of application of the disturbance force and its magnitude.

That is, the force of disturbance is a kind of “valve” to the energy pipeline of infinite power, the opening of which produces an outflow from the main highway. When the force of disturbance is eliminated, the energy balance is instantly restored. The actually existing small flow of energy between the chambers (cells) of the CR is similar to the no-load current of a transformer, or the operation of a car at idle. This minimum energy consumption is necessary to maintain stable operation of the device, which is ready at any time to deliver full power. This energy is spent on the operating device’s own life support.

GOD uses the physics of the Kyrgyz Republic in the mechanism of creating “miracles ,” and man, in his original plan “God in the flesh,” can also create “miracles.” Christ did this 2000 years ago. This Request (Volitional Order) - Answer (Implementation of the message) can be presented in this way:

1. Request (prayer) of a believer: - A believer, with a desire coming from the heart, sends a request to God to “heaven” for the fulfillment of a desire . That is, with his brain he generates secondary torsion fields, which fall into the general information field of the Earth (the highest mental level) and are attracted by the corresponding egregor (energy soliton, corresponding vibration).

Higher Spiritual Beings exercising supervision and control over various egregors may notice this information request. The strength of the request, that is, its energy component, is determined by the degree of faith, spirituality, and the radiation power of the person who sent it.

If the Highest Spiritual Essence noticed this call and considered it necessary to give an answer to this request, then it issues a certain message-command to the Spirits of Nature, the Virgos, to fulfill the request coming from the physical plane to those praying. The spirits of nature produce a “miracle”: getting rid of a disease (for example, replacing diseased tissue in the energy frame of the body with healthy one), etc. The Highest Spiritual Essence can also turn to the Lords of Karma with a request to change something in the fate of the person praying in the future. In this case, the Determinant (Guardian Angel of a person) will correct the person’s events. There are millions of options for implementing requests coming “from below” from people.

2. Volitional order (Intention) coming from a conscious Cognizer (Aspirant, Disciple, Initiate, Mystic):

- a powerful energy message generated by the brain, in the form of secondary torsion fields, reaches a certain egregor, where it directly affects the Spirits of Nature, who cannot fail to obey this Order. Spirits of Nature, Virgos carry out the order.

The stronger the torsion fields generated by the brain, which are in synchronism with the torsion fields of the universal information field, the higher the ability of the earthly Personality to realize their desires. (c) Scientists think like this:

Awareness of the obvious fact that always and everywhere neutrality is the presence of opposite fields (charges), and not the absence of any fields (charges), is absolutely necessary for understanding the mechanism of gravity. There is nothing “truly neutral” in the world; neutrality is the result of statics. The earth, for all its neutrality, consists of charges, which means it has two electric fields of enormous intensity. If you think a little and do the math, then these powerful fields lead to weak forces acting on external masses (or rather, on charges, including “neutral”). Oddly enough, these forces are equal to Newtonian, “gravitational” ones. However, this is not at all strange: nature is simple and does not luxury with unnecessary reasons. Doing complex things with simple means is difficult, so people come up with an appropriate entity for each case. Caloric liquid, light liquid, magnetic and electric liquids are already a thing of the past, but in their place came more modern entities - gluons, Higgs bosons, and many others. Unlike theorists, who produce essences without measure, nature knows what “Occam’s razor” is, it is brilliantly inventive - just remember that all the infinite diversity of the world - hundreds of atoms - hundreds of thousands of molecules - flowers and stones, planets and galaxies - nature I managed to build it from almost two or three particles. It cannot be done any simpler than what nature has done. So electrogravity is not strange; it is much more strange to believe that elementary particles, which are electromagnetic formations, create two potential fields that are different in nature. So not only in magnetism can a neutral field work, but also in gravitation: from the neutral electric field of the Earth follows the acceleration of neutral masses equal to g = –9.81 m/s2, which is clearly not accidental. However, only neutral masses, starting from the hydrogen atom and above, experience such acceleration. In the microworld, gravitational forces, like electrical ones, have two signs, which confirms the universality of the philosophical principle of unity and struggle of opposites; polarity is the basis of the material world.


Second Signal System: Location

The presence of a second signaling system is characteristic only of humans. It is these centers that provide higher thinking, which includes generalization of information, dreams, and logic. In fact, for normal thinking and speech, activation of all Brodmann fields is necessary, but centers can be distinguished that have their own specific functions:

  • 44 - located in the posterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus;
  • 45 - located anterior to field 44, in the anterior portion of the frontal gyrus;
  • 47 - located below the two previous fields, closer to the basal part of the frontal lobe;
  • 22 - one of the most anterior parts of the temporal lobe;
  • 39 - located in the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus.

Second signaling system: functions

As noted above, Brodmann’s cytoarchitectonic fields of the second signaling system are necessary for the implementation of higher nervous activity. And the main difference between a person and an animal is the ability to speak.

In field 45 is the Broca Center. It is necessary for normal speech motor skills. It is thanks to the presence of this center that a person is able to pronounce words. When it is damaged, a condition called “motor aphasia” develops.

In field 44 there is the center of written speech. Impulses from this area of ​​the cortex travel to the skeletal muscles of the fingers and hand. When it is destroyed, a person loses the ability to write, which is called “agraphia.”

Field 47 is responsible for singing. It is during the normal functioning of this center that a person can pronounce words into a chant.

In field 22 there is the Wernicke center. This is where auditory speech analysis takes place. Thanks to the normal operation of the 22nd field, a person perceives words by ear.

Field 39 is the center of visual speech. The functioning of this field allows a person to distinguish between characters written on paper. When it is damaged, a person loses the ability to read, which is called sensory alexia.

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