Suggestion of thoughts: how to do it? Telepathic hypnosis technique!

The essence of influencing the subconscious

Suggesting thoughts at a distance requires special skills and abilities. It is used in rare cases, because it is difficult to perform such manipulations without the patient’s consent. It is necessary to create a number of favorable conditions and enter into a close telepathic connection with the object of suggestion.

In essence, hypnosis is the targeted suggestion of one’s own thoughts and feelings regarding specific issues.

Areas of use:

  • Correction of behavior in mental disorders provoked by certain events that are difficult for the perception and adaptation of the suggestible.
  • Memory loss, complete or partial.
  • Treatment of complexes and fears.

The principles of hidden suggestion consist in the projection of certain images hidden in standard phrases. The impact is made through the use of a telephone, PC, and other communication devices. A prerequisite is the sound or visual perception of the suggestible hypnotist. The patient is in a semi-trance state and concentrates only on the images given by the doctor.

The method is based on understanding the materiality of thoughts and self-hypnosis.

Conditions for the procedure

The suggestible person should feel relaxed and calm at the time of performing hypnotic actions. The right moment is sleep or mild alcohol intoxication. In this state, the psyche does not work as usual, there is no critical thinking, and the subconscious is not able to evaluate the real picture of the world.

The hypnotist works not only with the patient’s subconscious, but also with his own. He must be able to quickly adapt to a certain wavelength, be confident in his capabilities, and subtly sense the client’s condition.

At the moment of making the suggestion, the hypnotist presents very vivid and realistic images that he transmits to the client’s subconscious. Controls his breathing, visualizes the transition of his energy flows to the client.

Remote hypnosis techniques

There are several influence techniques:

  • By photo.
  • At a short distance.
  • For the treatment of animals/plants.
  • For human treatment.

Such manipulations are easy for people who have imaginative thinking and skillfully control the state of their mental balance. Treatment with hypnosis at a distance is not used for mentally ill people or epileptics.

By photo

The technique is intended to influence people located at a great distance from the hypnotist. During the manipulations, the hypnotist should be alone and feel relaxed.

Concentrate on the image of the suggestible person while looking at the photograph. Plunge into a semi-trance state. When you realize that the connection has been established, begin repeating the intended command out loud. When pronouncing words, you need to be focused on the result, your own feelings at the moment of achieving the goal. This flow of energy, a whirlwind of thoughts will be transmitted to the suggestible, and he will perceive the command positively, as if it were his own decision to do so.

At a short distance

The reception is designed more for practice in pairs with mutual consent. The hypnotist is in one room, and the suggestible is in another. In this situation, it is important to learn how to interact. The hypnotist mentally sends his feelings and desires, and the suggested one fulfills them. This technique allows you to quickly acquire telekinesis skills. Both participants learn to read minds.

Treatment of animals and plants

The method is intended not only for treating pets and plants, but also for communicating with them. Sit down opposite the person in need of help and put yourself in a state of semi-trance, relax your subconscious and body muscles. Look at your pet, close your eyes and visualize its image.

Repeat the manipulation until the subconscious image completely coincides with the real one. At this point you will establish a telepathic connection with your pet. Exhaling air, give the setting. Pay attention to how you feel at this moment. Close your eyes and you can see the picture sent by your pet’s subconscious. Over time, with constant practice, you will be able to ask your pet questions and receive specific answers to them, displayed in pictures.

Methods of suggestion

All techniques for inducing thoughts at a distance allow you to achieve the desired result. It is recommended to start with the main one, and only then switch to additional ones. Gradually, with regular repetitions, the skill of suggestion will develop, which will make it possible to influence even strong people.

Basic method

Instilling a thought is not an easy task, but no special training is required to put the abilities into practice. You just need to remember how to do everything correctly and practice. If you have a friend who has the skill of suggestion, you can turn to him for help. Even without teaching abilities, he will be able to increase the effectiveness of training.

What you need to do for suggestion:

  1. Sit in a comfortable chair, relax as much as possible so that every part of the body becomes free, and take a few deep breaths.
  2. Close your eyes, calmly think about the thought that you plan to inspire in the suggestor, make sure that it is clear and concise.
  3. Imagine the person you want to hypnotize as if he is nearby, and you will need to feel him.
  4. Start slowly pronouncing your order; you need to repeat it several times, avoiding the appearance of extraneous thoughts in your head.
  5. Imagine how the suggestor does what is suggested to him, visualize everything in as much detail as possible.

This method is considered the main one and can influence most people. At first, nothing may work out, but with regular practice, the result will appear. When choosing a suggestor, you need to take into account his psychological characteristics, because a personality that is too strong will not be influenced by a newcomer.

Additional Methods

If desired, you can use other methods that will bring no less effect. In some situations they will be even more effective. Therefore, you should not neglect them. However, it is not recommended to train all methods of suggestion at once, because this will seriously slow down progress.

What methods of instilling thoughts can be used:

Photo teams. A fairly simple method that will be effective for beginners. To use it, you will need to have a photograph of the person you want to telepathically hypnotize. The advantage of this method is that there is no need to hold the image for a long time. The application occurs in the same way as in the main technique, but instead of a figurative representation you just need to look intently at the photograph. You need to say the command many times in a row. Impact on animals. The technique will allow you to influence your pet

It is important that the pet is your own, and well known, and not just purchased. When you establish a connection with him, you will be able to receive telepathic answers from your pet

To do this, you just need to sit next to him, relax, distract yourself from everything extraneous, close your eyes and imagine his image. These actions are repeated many times until a feeling of full contact appears, after which communication can begin. Therapeutic hypnosis. With the help of suggestion, you can help a person cope with illness or pain. You need to imagine that a ball filled with warm energy flies towards the suggestor, which can heal him, and then the patient inhales it, which leads to the spread of heat throughout the body and the manifestation of happiness. The hypnotist is required to feel the sensation that fills the body of a loved one.

Each method requires separate training. Therefore, you should choose one of them and engage in regular practice.

It is recommended to pay special attention to the first method of suggestion, because it is this that often leads to positive results for beginners

Human treatment

The method acquired the name “positive telepathy”. The technique is often used subconsciously by people in everyday life: lovers often feel when their other half is sad or in trouble; mothers, with the power of thought, can send a positive emotion or activate defense mechanisms in the child’s subconscious.

Visualize the image of the desired person in front of you. Imagine as if a sparkling ball is emerging from the solar plexus area and moving towards the suggestible.

Penetrating into his body, it heals the disease. Positive energy fills every cell of his body and displaces everything that interferes with him, removes blocks. At this moment you need to feel the transmitted state.

Energy techniques for telepathic sending of love and energy

1. You can send love to a person and surround him with love. You can fill the room in which this person is now with love. This method works great in a variety of circumstances, such as a party that isn't going well. It is enough to surround everyone present with love, and you will find that the general mood quickly changes.

This method is also great for business meetings, job interviews, or even meeting a friend. It’s as if you are wrapping a person in a warm blanket of love. Who would refuse this?

This method also works extremely well when you find yourself next to a nervous, excited or irritated person. You will find that he will calm down noticeably, and this will happen very quickly. If you thought this was similar to controlling others, let me repeat that love has nothing to do with controlling. This effect, rather, can be compared to a friendly hug, only the effect of sending love will be a hundred times more beneficial.

2. You can send love directly to a person, fill him with love, and also send love to problem areas of his body. If you decide to do this, imagine that love is sent to that part of the body and completely fills every cell until the cells themselves begin to glow and radiate love. Then see the disease, whatever it is, leave the body

You can imagine it in any way, what is important is your intention to send love, and visualization is just a method of attracting intention

3. You can send love directly to a person's heart center. This will help him open his heart and enable him to be filled with love from his own heart center. This is extremely effective in helping those suffering from a recent breakup or life crisis. The effectiveness of sending love under such circumstances is explained by the fact that one of the main reasons for this person’s suffering is the beginning of the process of closing the heart. There is nothing more painful.

4. When you wish to become more attuned to another person, such as a loved one, lover, or partner, you can send love directly to his or her heart center. You will find that this creates a strong bond and even allows you to feel like he or she is there for you, no matter how far apart you may be. If two people agree to send love into each other's hearts, it can be the most beautiful love experience for them. This message creates an incredible connection between people who at the same time maintain their individuality.


Instructions for the hypnotist

The practice of telepathic influence is a complex and multifaceted method, which is completely impossible to study. The hypnotist must carefully prepare for the procedures and learn how to enter a trance. Without the ability to manage your own emotions and body, you will not be able to instill your thoughts and feelings in other people.

Find a position that is comfortable for you. Relax each part of the body, gradually turning off the head, neck, arms, back, lumbar region, legs. Imagine yourself dissolving among other energy flows. Inhale and exhale 3 times.

While in a state of half-asleep, half-awake, formulate phrases that should convey information to the person being suggested. They should be short, without unnecessary words.

Visualize the suggestible person. Remember all the little things: how he stands, walks, smells, what he does during this period of time. Speak your phrase slowly. For example, you need to hypnotize a person so that he stops drinking. Try to evoke in yourself the most disgusting memories associated with drinking alcohol. After saying the phrase, think about how the individual reaches out again to the bottle, but does not take it, his hand drops, he feels persistent disgust.x

The hypnotist should practice for 15–20 minutes. per day, develop your skills. Practice your abilities on a person who will agree to help you. Having used all possible variations of influence, you can begin to try your power on other people.

Methods of suggestion

Suggestion can be either positive or negative. It all depends on what goals are pursued by the person who is trying to influence others, as well as the methods he uses to do this. They are:

  • Verbal. Done using words.
  • Non-verbal. It is carried out through voice intonation, posture and facial expressions. Divided by:
  1. Catalepsy.
  2. Levitation.
  3. Pause.
  • Intentional. Occurs when the suggestor has specific goals and objectives, while taking all the actions that will help him in suggestion.
  • Unintentional. Occurs when the suggestor does not have any intentions of suggestion, but at the same time performs actions that influence the interlocutor.
  • Positive. After the impact, changes occurred for the better.
  • Negative. After exposure, negative properties, behavior, and traits appeared.
  • Exposure in an alert state.
  • Exposure in a relaxing state.
  • Hypnotic.
  • Mental. Carried out in the absence of human contact.
  • Pressure.
  • Persuasion.
  • Indirect suggestions. When the person being influenced still retains the right to choose whether to accept information or not. There are these types:

Sequence - the beliefs that are reinforced by the installation are listed one by one. Implication is a prediction of a possible result to which a person is tuned. A double bind is an offer to make a choice between two similar options. Listing possible options for events, omitting the most important, and focusing on one thing.

  • Emotional-volitional influence.
  • Mechanical – impact on a person by various sounds, objects, colors, etc.
  • Mental.
  • Magical - the use of healing magnetism.

The goal of all methods of suggestion is to introduce specific ideas, thoughts and emotions to another person so that he perceives them as his own, after which he begins to act and change behavior in the right direction.

Additional tricks

Establishing a connection with a person who actively opposes your actions is difficult. The patient should not understand the essence of what is happening, so additional manipulations are used.

  • The effect of surprise is a slight trance. The technique involves taking the suggestible person out of their comfort zone with a sharp, inappropriate question.
  • Distraction - during a friendly conversation, the hypnotist makes certain movements with his hands, uses facial skills, pronounces certain words of attitude, which are perceived on a subconscious level as a signal for a certain action.
  • Verbal/non-verbal methods of induction into trance - stroking the palm, shoulder, changing the tone to a half-whisper, highlighting the necessary contextual words in a monologue with intonation.

After active actions, the suggestible person is not left alone. The hypnotist must monitor his condition and, if necessary, adjust the setting.

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