Comparing Glycine and Glycine Forte - important differences

In the modern world, with a large flow of information, the human brain is overloaded. For optimal functioning, it needs additional nutrition for nerve cells. One of them is glycine. It has many advantages and can simultaneously solve several problems for the proper functioning of the brain and central nervous system. We will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the drug, the rating of quality drugs, what analogues there are and what the drug is needed for. We'll tell you how to choose and where to buy.

Glycine is a non-essential amino acid of Glycine. There are practically no negative consequences from it, and the price is affordable for purchase. It is part of various biologically active compounds and enters the body with food and in the form of medicines. Used to treat neurological diseases. Can be used as an antidepressant.

According to doctors, it has calming, antidepressant properties, has a sedative effect, improves memory, has the properties of a nootropic substance and is not addictive. The body also needs it to build muscles and connective tissues, to maintain skin tone and elasticity. Without this amino acid, the breakdown of fats in the gastrointestinal tract is not possible.

This is the first amino acid that could be isolated from protein hydrolysates. Reduces attacks of aggressiveness, helps cope with social adaptation, reduces VSD, helps with head injury, epileptic seizures.

It is registered in the food industry as a food additive E640 and has permission to be sold throughout Russia.


Typically, this drug is prescribed for stress, psycho-emotional stress, increased mental stress, to relieve hyperactivity syndrome in children and adolescents, chronic alcoholism, and lesions of the nervous system (neuroses, encephalopathy of various origins) as part of complex therapy. Prescribed to athletes before competitions to improve training results and recovery after exercise. The attached instructions for use will tell you about the indications for use, contraindications and features of administration. Prescribed for the treatment of psychiatric diseases and to improve brain function.


If taken as prescribed by a doctor, the dosage will be prescribed by the doctor. If you purchase the drug yourself, then follow the instructions in the instructions. The tablets are usually placed under the tongue and dissolved until completely dissolved. The drug penetrates the blood quite quickly, so it easily reaches the brain in a short time. The course depends on the specific situation.

  • For chronic alcohol dependence, use 1 tablet up to 5 times a day. The course of administration is 1 month, during the year it is necessary to repeat the administration 4-5 times.
  • In case of damage to the central nervous system and in case of sleep dysfunction, use 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day, for a course of up to two weeks; if it is necessary to enhance the effect, the dose can be increased, but here it is necessary to consult with your doctor.
  • For brain disorders after an ischemic stroke, take 1000 mg 3-5 hours after the attack, then 1000 mg every day for 2-5 days.

Errors in the choice are practically excluded; it does not have negative consequences if the instructions for the medicinal product are followed.

Indications for use

Both drugs are effective in normalizing brain function during stress. This does not apply to cases where serious pathological processes occur in the organs of the central and peripheral system, but even then the drugs can be used as auxiliary ones. The tablets have many indications; they can be prescribed to children, adults and the elderly, as well as pregnant women and breastfeeding women.

Glycine can be used effectively for the following indications:

  1. frequent stress and nervous tension;
  2. problems sleeping, insomnia, frequent awakenings at night;
  3. vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  4. suffered traumatic brain injuries;
  5. conditions that are accompanied by impaired cerebral circulation;
  6. intrauterine disorders of the nervous system;
  7. alcoholic delirium;
  8. encephalopathy of the hypertensive type;
  9. stuttering in a child;
  10. head injuries of various types;
  11. affective-respiratory syndrome at an early age;
  12. hyperactivity and deviant behavior in children;
  13. previous ischemic stroke;
  14. encephalopathy.

Glycine Forte with a higher content of the main active ingredient also helps to cope with increased irritability and loss of strength. The drug can be prescribed without obstacles to young children and the elderly to improve their psycho-emotional state.


Glycine has practically no contraindications. Not recommended for pregnancy and lactation, children under 3 years of age, and hypersensitivity to glycine. There are no disadvantages either.

Side effect

Considered safe, side effects are rare, mainly due to overdose of the drug. No deaths were identified.

An amino acid overdose can lead to low blood pressure, increased heart rate, hyperexcitability or, conversely, feelings of depression and weakness, sudden mood swings, and allergies (redness and itching of the skin). If you do not stop using the drug, anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema may occur. It is not permissible to use the drug and coffee, they have the opposite effect, and a malfunction may occur in the body against this background.

This once again proves that even a harmless medicine, if used incorrectly, can cause harm to the body.

Most often produced in tablets. Packaging of 10 or 50 pcs. But some manufacturers produce the drug in powder form.

Contraindications and possible adverse reactions

There are practically no restrictions on the use of these funds. Glycine Forte, in turn, is not recommended for use on its own during pregnancy. You should first consult with your doctor.

The most serious contraindication to the use of tablets is intolerance to the components in the composition.

The medications also have few side effects. Neurological phenomena such as drowsiness and lethargy may occur extremely rarely. Even less commonly, a decrease in blood pressure may occur. The drugs do not affect psychomotor reactions and attention, so they can be taken by drivers and people engaged in potentially hazardous activities.

There is a very low chance of developing the following complications from taking Glycine:

  1. Quincke's edema, when swelling of the face, larynx, lips occurs, which interferes with normal breathing;
  2. allergic symptoms in the form of rash, itching, urticaria, rhinitis;
  3. difficulty breathing due to a sharp narrowing of the upper respiratory organs;
  4. decreased blood pressure with resulting symptoms;
  5. dyspeptic symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea;
  6. cyanosis or pallor of the skin.

An overdose of amino acids in medications is almost impossible. It is quickly neutralized by liver cells, without posing a threat to health. The substance is deactivated and transformed into carbon dioxide and water.

The amino acid in the composition is a natural substance for the body, so it does not accumulate in tissues and is quickly eliminated from the body without undesirable consequences.

It is worth noting that when used simultaneously with antidepressants, anticonvulsants and antipsychotics, their activity decreases. When there is a need to combine several medications, the possibility of this should be checked with a doctor.

The effect of glycine on humans

  • Arterial pressure

When taken regularly, it causes a slight decrease in blood pressure. Due to the fact that it has a sedative property, which reduces the number of heart rhythms, and therefore increases blood flow to the heart. Do not take as the main remedy in the treatment of hypertension.

  • Heart

The effect of the amino acid on the central nervous system avoids heart failure and protects the arteries. Reduces weather dependence.

  • Head

Helps relieve headaches associated with increased mental stress (for example, during an exam), weather dependence, and VSD. Helps avoid migraine attacks.

  • Memory

Memory can decline for many reasons, mainly due to the large amount of information processed by the brain, due to stress, lack of sleep and other reasons. Taking glycine has a beneficial effect on the activity of the central nervous system, which helps improve memory.

  • Dream

Insomnia leads to a deterioration in a person’s general well-being, performance and activity decrease, and mood disappears. The amino acid has a mild hypnotic effect and helps normalize sleep, regardless of age.

  • Sport

During increased physical activity, it is recommended to use glycine for greater endurance of the body. The drug increases energy, performance, and improves the overall well-being of the athlete.

  • Potency

Very often, the cause of impotence is the emotional failure of the body due to stress and overwork. Glycine relieves overexcitation, helps restore sexual strength, removes toxic substances from the body, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and increases tissue elasticity. Taking amino acids should be carried out together with the main therapy, which will be prescribed by your attending physician for your individual case.

  • beauty

The drug is increasingly used by cosmetic companies. It is added to shampoos, hair conditioners, to add shine to hair and relieve static tension, to shower gels, and to moisturize the skin. Used as a thickener for various creams to protect the skin from aging.

Biorevitalization – which drugs are better?

Hyaluronic acid is included in both preparations for biorevitalization and fillers - preparations for contouring. This is one of the main ingredients in creams, skin serums, and the basis of rejuvenation products. What preparations of unstabilized hyaluronic acid exist that are used for biorevitalization and bioreparation? Which ones have proven to be effective and safe? Let's consider the main preparations of hyaluronic acid for the face, registered in Russia, approved for use and time-tested.

What are the main hyaluronic acid preparations that have proven themselves well in the cosmetic services market?

Preparations for biorevitalization containing only hyaluronic acid

IAL-SYSTEM, Ial-system (made in Italy). Contains unstabilized hyaluronic acid at a dose of 18 mg/g. At this point in time, it is the leader among modern drugs for biorevitalization, the “gold standard”. Ial System is an effective, reliable, high-quality biorevitalizant for combating dehydrated skin.

Clinical effectiveness: skin hydration.

Indications for use: recommended for patients of any age and any skin type, especially dry and thin.

Features: marks from injections disappear quickly, after 4-5 hours or the first day.

Basic course: 5 procedures with an interval of 14 days.

IAL-SYSTEM ACP (Italy). Contains partially stabilized hyaluronic acid (HA) at a dose of 20 mg/g, that is, the density of HA in this preparation is greater, therefore, it is contained in the dermis longer and acts for a longer time. Most often, IAL System ACP is used after 3 facial biorevitalization procedures with IAL System to enhance the effect. It is also possible to combine these two drugs for injection into different areas.

Clinical effectiveness: moisturizes, creates a “depot” of hyaluronic acid in the skin to maintain tone and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Recommendations for use: recommended for patients of any age and any skin type, especially thick and severely dehydrated.

Features: papules last longer than after injections of other drugs.

Basic course: 3 procedures once a month

Teosyal Meso, "Teosyal Meso" (manufacturer Switzerland). The main active ingredient is unstabilized hyaluronic acid at a dose of 15 mg/g. Its molecular weight in Teosyal Meso is 1 million Da, which leads to ideal absorption in the dermis.

Clinical effectiveness: moisturizing, improving skin tone, preventing aging.

Indications for use by age and skin type: thin skin, including young skin, due to its low density, can be used for the skin around the eyes in patients prone to swelling.

Basic course: 4 procedures every 2-3 weeks.

Viscoderm "Viscoderm" (produced in Italy). Also contains hyaluronic acid in concentrations of 8 mg/g, 16 mg/g or 20 mg/g. The higher the content of hyaluronic acid in the syringe, the longer the papules persist after the procedure.

Clinical effectiveness: prevents the formation of wrinkles, smoothes fine wrinkles, improves the tone and color of the skin.

Recommendations for age and skin type: Viscoderm 0.8% is designed for young and middle age; 1.6% - for thin skin 30-40 years old, 2.0% - for correcting age-related skin changes after 40 years. But do not forget that biological age does not determine the choice of drug; it depends on the condition of the facial skin and the desired effect in the patient.

Features: The higher the percentage of hyaluronic acid, the longer the papules last (from several hours to several days)

Basic course: 4 procedures once every 2-4 weeks (depending on concentration)

Princess Rich – Princess Rich (made in Austria). A preparation based on hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 18 mg/g

Clinical effectiveness: activates collagen production in tissues, improves tone, retains moisture

Recommendations by age and skin type: suitable for all skin types

Basic course: 3 procedures once a month

The preparations described above contain only hyaluronic acid. Preparations of “pure” hyaluronic acid can be used from the age of 18 to improve tone, protect against ultraviolet radiation and premature aging.

Preparations for biorevitalization and bioreparation containing hyluuronic acid and additional ingredients.

Hyalrepair, “Hialrepair” (made in Russia) - contains unstabilized hyaluronic acid at a dose of 14 mg/g or 2 mg/ml, as well as vitamins + amino acids.

The effect of injections: smoothing the relief of superficial wrinkles, improving skin color and texture, increasing skin turgor, and has a lifting effect.

Recommendations by age and skin type: for middle and older age.

Features: the group of drugs “Gialripayer” includes several types that differ in indications and composition.

Basic course: 3 sessions every 3 weeks.

Meso-Wharton P199, “Meso-Wharton” (produced in the USA). A biological agent based on unstabilized hyaluronic acid at a dose of 15 mg/g + a peptide isolated from the umbilical cord and artificially synthesized, regulating the activity of stem cells by stimulating the release of growth factors. + complex of vitamins, coenzymes, antioxidants and growth factors.

The result of the procedure: fights age-related changes, improves cellular renewal, tightens contours, smoothes folds and wrinkles.

Recommendations for use: recommended for patients over 40 years of age.

Basic course: from 4 to 8 injections with an interval of 1 week, followed by monthly maintenance therapy.

Features of the period after the procedure: redness and swelling are possible 2-3 days after the procedure.

Meso-Xanthin F199 “Meso-Xanthin” (USA manufacturer). The drug contains hyaluronic acid + Fucoxanthin (derived from seaweed and maintains the stability of the DNA chain under various external and internal stresses) + Growth factors + peptides + amino acids + vitamins + nucleic acids

Clinical effectiveness: has a restorative effect not only at the cellular, but also at the gene level. After a course of procedures, wrinkles are smoothed out, skin elasticity and tone improve, pigment spots disappear, the severity of vascular patterns decreases, and a noticeable lifting effect.

Age recommendations: after 25 years

Main course: 4-6 sessions every 1-2 weeks

Jalupro, "Jalupro" (made in Italy) is a drug containing hyaluronic acid 1% or 2% + amino acids (lysine, proline, glycine, leucine).

The result of the procedures: effective in the presence of small and medium-sized expression and age wrinkles, post-acne and stretch marks, pigmentation and dry skin.

Recommendations for age and skin type: after 35 years.

Main course: 4-5 sessions at intervals of once a week.

NCTF 135, or NSTF 135 (made in France, Filorga). Also a drug that includes unstabilized hyaluronic acid + 12 vitamins + 20 amino acids + 6 minerals + 6 coenzymes + 5 nucleic acids + 2 antioxidants.

Clinical effectiveness: moisturizes, improves tone, elasticity, has antioxidant properties, fights post-acne

Recommendations for age and skin type: there are three drugs, which are conventionally divided according to the patient’s age:

“Innovative cocktail” NCTF 135+ for persons under 30 years old,

"Enriched" NCTF 135 HA for ages 30 to 35

“Extra-enriched” NCTF 135 HA+ for skin over 35 years old.

Main course: 4-6 sessions once every 1-3 weeks, depending on the composition of the cocktail.

JUVEDERM Hydrate , "Juvederm Hydrate" (made in the USA) is a preparation based on hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 13.5 mg/g with the antioxidant mannitol. This combination of the drug provides the greatest reinforcing effect. Mannitol shields cells from free radicals and prevents the breakdown of hyaluronic acid, thereby prolonging the effect of skin hydration and rejuvenation.

Result: moisturizes and increases skin elasticity, lifting effect

Recommendations for age and skin type: any skin of any age.

Basic course: once every 3-4 weeks, 4 procedures

It is worth remembering that it is better to focus your energy on preventing skin aging than correcting its manifestations. Based on the needs of the skin and lifestyle, the cosmetologist will select an effective drug and recommend a course of injections.

Glycine analogues

There are drugs containing another active ingredient, but they affect the body in the same way as glycine. In terms of price, these analogues are also more expensive. Let's look at the most popular models (types) and how much this or that analogue costs.

Low price category (budget)

MexicofinThe active substance is 2 ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine succinate. Used as a membrane protector. Prescribed for epilepsy. Dispensed with a doctor's prescription. It has a number of contraindications. Price range: 172 - 268 rub.
MexidolActive ingredient: ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate. Has an antioxidant effect. Improves memory, increases the body's performance. Reduces viscosity, increases blood fluidity. Price from 132 -516 rub.
CombilipenContains 3 active ingredients: benfotiamine, cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine hydrochloride. It is a multivitamin complex, saturates the body with B vitamins. It also has an analgesic effect. It has a number of contraindications. Price 153 - 390 rub.
PiracetamIt is a nootropic drug. Active substance: piracetam. Used to stimulate cerebral circulation. Helps protect the brain from the effects of negative environmental factors. Should be applied as a course. Price: 29 - 66 rub.

High price category

GliatilinA centrally acting drug based on choline alfoscerate. Improves brain activity, memory and attention. Used to restore the central nervous system after stroke and traumatic brain injury. Suitable for complex treatment of cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease and dizziness. It can also be used to improve performance during intense mental stress. Average price: 609 rub.
CytoflavinThe composition contains: vitamin PP, vitamin B2, succinic acid and inosine (riboxin). Used for hypoxia, depression, cerebral circulation disorders. Average price: 750 rub.
InstenonImproves blood circulation and enhances metabolism. Active ingredients: etophylline; hexobendine dihydrochloride; etamivan. Available in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. It has a number of contraindications. Average price 465 rub.
KelticanComposition of the drug: uridine monophosphate (in the form of sodium salt); folic acid and vitamin B12. It is a biologically active additive. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Average price 900 rub.
TekfideraContains the active substance Dimethyl fumarate. Dispensed with a doctor's prescription. Used for multiple sclerosis. It has immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. Price from 9,500 to 55,000 rubles.

Glycine Forte – features

The product is also available in pleasant-tasting tablets. It contains B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the nervous system and activate the body's natural forces to increase resistance.

The use of tablets helps the body in the following:

  1. normalize sleep, get rid of insomnia;
  2. reduce mental and nervous tension;
  3. increase mental performance.

They are easy to use and, due to their sweet taste, are easy to give to children. The effect is achieved almost immediately after resorption, because beneficial substances penetrate most quickly through the mucous membrane.

Components in the composition and features of their action:

  1. amino acid glycine - its deficiency in the body causes constant fatigue and psycho-emotional stress, so replenishment in the form of tablets helps protect the nervous system from negative external factors, the psyche becomes stronger, and brain function improves;
  2. B1 – important for the normal functioning of the nervous system, increases mental performance, improves the perception of information, promotes mental activity and cognitive activity;
  3. B6 – improves brain function, is important for preventing drowsiness, irritability and lethargy, promotes better absorption of other vitamins in this group;
  4. B12 – is needed for the natural renewal of cells of the nervous system, improves concentration, prevents irritability, its deficiency can cause serious changes in the structure of the nervous system.

Despite the fact that the drug is very useful for the brain and the entire nervous system, it should not be abused. The tablets should be taken as recommended by your doctor.

Availability of amino acids in food

Contained in many products. Let's look at the main ones.

The best herbal products:

  • buckwheat grain;
  • oat groats;
  • nuts;
  • ginger;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • soy;
  • gelatin;
  • pasta;
  • bread.

Animal products:

  • fish (especially cod liver);
  • eggs;
  • liver, kidneys, heart of animals;
  • cottage cheese;
  • jellied meat, jelly (found in the joints and cartilage tissue of animals).

A person needs to consume 4-7 grams per day. of this amino acid. About 3 gr. The human body is capable of producing on its own, and about 2 grams. must be taken with food. The type of drug is not very important, although natural glycine is more natural, no laboratory material was used for its preparation. During physical or mental stress, as well as during injuries and cardiovascular diseases, the consumption rate increases.

What problems arise from a lack of glycine?

If the body stops receiving the element through food or medications, the body will begin to use its own reserves. This can cause blood levels of the substance to drop markedly, which can cause a number of problems, such as:

  • Exhaustion;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Insomnia;
  • Increased nervousness;
  • Decreased concentration;
  • General decrease in the immune system;
  • In children and adolescents, the processes of growth and development of the body slow down.

However, before you start taking the drug yourself, you should consult your doctor and get tested to confirm the lack of this particular substance. Because such problems may not be related to the amount of glycine in the body. It is especially important to do this if you want to use the drug for a child.

More serious problems with memory, attention, concentration, increased fatigue, dizziness, headaches, etc. symptoms may indicate the presence of hidden disorders of the nervous system. In such cases, the doctor may suggest the use of more intense drugs. For example, the nootropic drug Gliatilin (choline alfoscerate). It improves the functioning of the cholinergic system of the brain, which is responsible for brain activity, memory, attention and other cognitive functions (the ability to perceive, sequential actions, speech, etc.).

Problems in the functioning of the cholinergic system lead to disturbances in intellectual and daily activities. For the most effective treatment, the doctor may prescribe a course of Gliatilin. The phosphate form of the drug allows for rapid and safe delivery of choline alfoscerate to the cells of the central nervous system and promotes its absorption in maximum concentration. Thus, there is active stimulation of nerve cell membranes and normalization of brain function.

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