9 signs that a bad mood may be depression

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How to distinguish temporary blues from a dangerous illness.

If we list the possible symptoms of depression, there will be more than one hundred of them, because almost any discomfort in the body or change in the psyche can be its manifestation.

We took the most common symptoms and grouped them into nine groups. They are somewhat similar to the Hamilton Depression Scale, a template questionnaire that psychiatrists, psychotherapists and general practitioners can use to screen for depression. This scale contains a minimum of standard questions that help the doctor not to forget anything and collect as much information as possible.

Remember that the most accurate way to rule out depression is to talk to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

Here is a list of signs that may indicate depression.

Why do you want to cry in church?

Tears within the walls of a temple are not something unique, but the reasons for this do not lie in the realm of the supernatural. These emotional reactions are quite understandable from a psychological point of view. This is how a believer, coming to church, opens his soul and emotional sphere. Usually we come either for help or with repentance - in both cases, the human psyche is vulnerable to any words. Therefore, the words of the sermon can raise one’s own feelings of shame or guilt for the sins committed.

If a person comes in order to be forgiven by higher powers, then the feeling of guilt in him is so strong that no one is able to free him from this experience. It’s impossible to live with a feeling of guilt, it eats you from the inside, and when you come to church, it becomes brighter, all your misdeeds seem even more terrible against the backdrop of the goodness of the temple. Following the actualization of his bad state, a person who sincerely asks for deliverance and receives it may again begin to shed tears, now from positive emotions. This is similar to the positive and negative stress experienced in everyday life.

The second component of the acute emotional reaction is that the atmosphere of the church strongly contrasts with the surrounding reality. The world begins to seem more cruel and imperfect, and the place of service against its background becomes even more sanctified. People usually aren’t rude in such places, they listen to each other, help, or just be patient. Having not found such support from the outside for a long time, a person can be touched to the depths of his soul by such manifestations.

Coming to a wake, people mourn their loved ones anew, and if at home the memory of them can be experienced calmly, then in church you can usually communicate with those who have passed on, listen to a blessing about their ears, which ultimately creates the feeling that the person is alive, but simply far. Having lost someone once and finding him again, we experience joy, but the stress reaction of the body is so strong that it is expressed in tears. This is exactly what happens during liturgies and even when lighting a candle for repose.

Why does a pregnant woman want to cry?

Tearfulness in pregnant women is a normal condition, which neither doctors, nor relatives, nor pregnant women themselves are surprised by, but it is quite difficult to bear and I would like to understand what is causing this. Initially, a physiological component plays a role, namely a change in hormonal levels, so strong that the body experiences great stress overload. Each cell and organ system begins to work in a special mode, when sensitivity to any environmental influences increases.

Additional stress is added by constant worries associated with your condition and the condition of the baby. An attachment to the child is formed, and for many it is still impossible to see in this a feeling of anxiety and care, but only increased sensitivity and experience, manifested in tears. For many, there is an inherent change in self-perception and self-esteem as new roles are now added to accommodate this.

A huge number of fears that haunt a woman throughout her life are not only actualized during pregnancy, but increase and attract new ones. Watching a program can make you worry all day, work yourself up to the worst forecasts and, accordingly, cry over nothing. But only the absence of a true reason for crying can be noticed solely through an analysis of the situation or the help of loved ones who explain that everything is fine.

Among the psychological components that provoke tears is entering into complete uncertainty. A woman understands that now her body, relationship with a man, work and ability to provide for herself, main activities and even her regime will change. There will no longer be anything that clearly corresponds to her previous life, but an understanding of what the new round, stages, and especially details will look like has not yet appeared. This is where all the existential crises and fears associated with the unknown arise, which means that the number of tears can be reduced by maximizing and organizing a new space of the future.

Factors causing crying

You need to think about the source of the crying. If a person notices the systematic manifestation of tears, then this may signal deep problems. It is worth finding the reasons that contribute to crying:

  • you can capture this on the paper of a personal diary: a person can record and then analyze his negative thoughts;
  • some people start crying because of music, photographs - in this case it is rational to remove these things out of sight;
  • It is worth doing an analysis of your personal reaction to quarrels and bickering: if you boycott scandals and discord, you will be able to avoid the moment of resentment and tears;
  • You need to keep your emotions under control: you should behave more energetically and be the master of your life.

A person makes someone guilty: he becomes angry with a teacher for a bad grade, he is offended by his parents or a friend for misunderstanding, and negativity appears after breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend. You shouldn’t shift responsibility, then you won’t have to shed tears. Emotions and thoughts can influence actions and actions.

Negative emotions and thoughts destroy a person’s inner world. Systematic irritation contributes to the development of fears and nervous breakdowns, stress and uncertainty in loved ones. Have you ever wondered whether crying is good for you when you're stressed? This is often necessary because low mood and crying can lead to prolonged depression. If a person is forced to cry by some situations from the past, it is necessary to realize that the past is unchanged, it is better to think about real events.

Have a heart-to-heart talk with friends

In order to stop crying for any reason, you should have a heart-to-heart talk with a loved one. This helps to rethink the worldview. There are also psychological help services. You can seek the help of a specialist who will help you stop crying every day and prevent mental anguish. If the situation is critical, you can seek help from a knowledgeable specialist in the field of psychology.

The doctor will determine the factors behind crying and recommend how to quickly calm down and keep emotions under control.

How tears regulate our behavior

Crying has features of the so-called displaced activity - like the “unmotivated” licking of fur in cats or the desire to drum your fingers on the table or bite your nails in people. Displaced activity is a protective mechanism of the psyche during an insoluble stressful situation. Usually we react to danger by wanting to attack in order to defend ourselves, or by trying to escape, but when this is impossible, we can only hide: this is a biological mechanism for “waiting out” stress. Long-term hiding threatens depression, which is dangerous to health, so that in tense situations “protective” nervous activity appears. Perhaps crying was originally one of its types - it distracted us, occupying the body with important things: deep breathing, screaming or howling.

Temple University psychology professor Jay Efran has put forward a two-phase theory of the origin of crying. According to her, crying is a reaction to relaxation after tension. When faced with a stressful situation, the body becomes activated to make extra efforts. After some time, the nervous system is inhibited. If a solution is found and successfully implemented, the body is again out of danger and can therefore rest and recuperate. If it is impossible to find a way out, he decides to save his strength, since everything is useless.

Tears come precisely at the stage of inhibition, and not in the most acute situation, when all strength is spent on “survival.” That is, according to Efran, it is not tears themselves that cause relaxation: we can cry only when we have managed to relax. When we cry, we inhale short and exhale for a long time, which slows down our breathing and heart rate; the throat, muscles and even the intestines relax. However, relaxation cannot be induced simply by shedding tears from an onion. So, when they say that it is harmful not to cry and keep everything to yourself, they mean not so much the absence of tears themselves, but the willingness to give yourself a break.

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