Why do women have mood swings, what to do and how to deal with it

Mood swings: what is the reason for frequent mood swings in women and how to cope with it?

A woman’s mood is a very delicate and unpredictable thing. Scientists say so, and it’s hard to argue with it. Probably every woman, at least a couple of times in her life, has experienced moments of a sharp transition from joy to sadness, from laughter to tears. It would seem that this process is impossible to control, and it is completely unrealistic to predict the next turning point. Is it really?


In men, it depends mainly on fluctuations in testosterone secretion. In women, the root cause is more complex.

  • Mood swings may be associated with:
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Physical condition;
  • Taking certain medications, including birth control;
  • Presence of diseases;
  • Using alcohol or drugs;
  • Stress.

They influence:

  • Moon phases;
  • Change of weather;
  • Seasonal changes (autumn and winter when there is not enough sunlight);
  • Lack of sexual relations;
  • Environmental, genetic factors, or both.

Research shows that each person has their own mood level. Even with depressive disorders, it is possible to talk about a typical level of depression and restore it to normal with the help of treatment.

Advice from psychologists

You can significantly improve your mood for the next few hours simply by exercising. Physical activity helps not only the production of serotonin, but also endorphins. Psychologists assure that any activity related to the pleasure of achieving a goal helps to stabilize good health. That is why they advise having a favorite hobby, the positive emotions from which will regularly raise the level of “happiness hormones” in the body. In reality, our mood does not depend on the weather, but on how we relate to it. The same goes for music, surrounding people, events and everything else. To be happy, you just need to learn to enjoy the little things, and not strive for unattainable heights.

Also, the best cures for all diseases are laughter and sex, only separately. Watching your favorite comedies will definitely increase your endorphin levels, and being close to your loved one will have a positive effect not only on your mood, but also on your health.

Hormones and mood

Mood changes during hormonal imbalance are associated with:

  • Puberty;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Menopause;
  • The beginning of menstruation.

During adolescence, young people experience psychological and emotional changes. Boys experience this moment in life more difficult. This is because the amount of testosterone produced can increase 18-fold within a few months. The result is hormonal shock.

For girls, this period is more gentle. The level of estrogens, female sex hormones that determine the development of secondary and tertiary female characteristics, increases only 4 times over several years.

Like boys, girls also become nervous and hypersensitive during puberty.

Mood fluctuations before menstruation are accompanied by:

  • Increased excitability;
  • Irritability;
  • Tearfulness;
  • Nervousness.

Many women during this period experience a feeling of “pity” and “compassion” for themselves. In medicine, this condition is called premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Occurs in 3 - 8 percent of women. A less severe form is called premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Affects about 30 percent of women.

Hormonal fluctuations begin in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, that is, approximately 7 days before the start of menstruation. Symptoms intensify two days before the onset.

Emotional disturbances during this period of the cycle are physiological and do not require treatment. For severe abdominal pain or headaches, doctors recommend using painkillers.

There are two more important periods in a woman’s life when mood swings are normal. In fact, the lack of this type of response can be cause for concern. These are pregnancy and menopause.

Menopause, which occurs after 40 years, is caused by a decrease in the level of female hormones. Estrogens influence the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood. This is why women during menopause experience alternating sadness, depression, joy, and euphoria.

Scientists have discovered what determines a woman's mood

It's no secret that representatives of the fairer sex are very interesting and sometimes amazing creatures. Scientists also paid attention to women and found out what mood girls are most often in.

The study was global in nature, as it covered various sectors of society. His goal is to understand what causes the mood. Let's go directly to them.

As it turned out, women are in a bad, depressed mood for 5 hours during the week (on average), and only 10 days throughout the year. But the opinion of the stronger sex is much more interesting and even predictable: men responded during the survey that a bad mood accompanies women more often: up to 8 hours. But we know the truth! Therefore, when men say that their wives, girlfriends, sisters and other representatives of the fair sex are constantly in a bad mood, then you should believe them.

The study showed that most often we are still in a good or neutral state. As for the causes of sadness, sadness, first of all these are financial problems, excess weight and misunderstanding with the other half. The expected reason for the appearance of despondency was the environment, namely the weather. It goes without saying that in the rain there is sadness and melancholy; When the sun is shining, you want to live! Also a reasonable motive for a bad mood is malaise, deteriorating health. At the time of illness, the level of emotional satisfaction decreases. This is where despondency arises.

Another reason why girls’ moods may deteriorate is food. Overeating, which many people have already become a habit of, is harmful to their physical and emotional well-being. The point is that not all food has time to be digested, and the process of “rotting” may begin. And as a result, substances are formed that are quite capable of leading to poor health and mood.

But optimists are saved by walks in the fresh air. The body is saturated with oxygen, the brain begins to work actively and other advantages. If you are really stressed over time, then simply airing the room before going to bed is quite suitable. The air at night becomes clean and fresh. And you are just in a state of sleep.

But don't forget about your surroundings! Scientists say that by being with like-minded people, with whom it’s not even stressful to keep silent, you will ensure that you have not just a good, but an excellent, wonderful mood twice as much! Therefore (if possible) try to change your social circle if you are depressed by your current one.

You must remember the following: a bad mood will not benefit either your body or your family and friends. Smile more often, look at the world with open eyes. “And your good mood will never leave you!”

Pregnancy and postpartum period

Emotional fluctuations during pregnancy are caused by dynamic and constant changes in hormonal levels.

During the period of bearing a child, all cells of a woman’s body are focused on the development of the fetus.

In addition to the hormonal aspect, mood swings during pregnancy may be associated with:

  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Headaches

And so on.

At this time, the woman’s body gets very tired and needs rest, walks or sleep.

Changing a pregnant woman's appearance also affects emotional control.

Mood changes in the 3rd trimester may be associated with:

  • With a big belly that was still flat;
  • Extra kilos;
  • Skin changes (affected by progesterone);
  • Hair loss.

Emotions during this period are influenced not only by hormones, but also by the woman’s personal situation. The more desirable the pregnancy, the expectant mother is cared for not only physically, but also mentally, the higher the likelihood of good health.

More than 80% of women suffer from mood swings after childbirth.

Typical symptoms:

  • Problems falling asleep;
  • Tearfulness;
  • Anxiety;
  • Feeling helpless;
  • Hypochondria and doubts about one's motherhood.

A woman is constantly tormented by the thought of whether she is a good mother, whether she is coping with her responsibilities.

Doctors generally do not recommend pharmacological treatment. In most cases, this condition goes away quite quickly.

After about 2 months, the woman gains more experience in caring for her newborn baby.

It is important that after giving birth the young mother receives a lot of warmth, love and understanding from her relatives. I had time to rest.

Mood swings during pregnancy

There are jokes about changes in a woman's mood and tastes during pregnancy. Undoubtedly, they have a logical basis. After all, from the first minutes of the birth of a new life, serious physiological changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. And they, in turn, are directly related to the emotional state of the pregnant woman.

Sharp changes in mood, when cheerfulness and cheerfulness suddenly, without apparent reason, changes to tearfulness, irritability, and withdrawal can occur already from the first week of pregnancy, and the birth of a new life can be diagnosed even before a missed period and a “striped” test.

The physiological reason for the unstable mood of the expectant mother is simple - the woman’s hormonal system is being rebuilt. The hormone progesterone is intensively produced, which has a depressing effect on the psyche. Against this background, depression, tearfulness, nervousness, anxious thoughts, dissatisfaction with oneself and loved ones appear. But for the normal course of pregnancy, this hormone is simply necessary, so there is nothing scary or supernatural in the mood swings of the expectant mother.

The body of a pregnant woman undergoes global changes. Often, expectant mothers experience early toxicosis - unpleasant states of dizziness and nausea. Many foods, often previously loved, become simply impossible to look at, let alone eat. How can you eat fully and properly if your body only accepts crackers and water with lemon? Of course, such tests also do not contribute to a harmonious emotional background.

Fortunately, toxicosis in most cases goes away by 14-15 weeks of pregnancy. The most blessed time is coming for everyone - both for mom and for her family. Hormones return to normal, the state of health stabilizes, the baby begins to communicate itself with barely noticeable movements - and the woman is filled with joy.

But already at 7-9 months, mood swings become quite frequent. The baby has grown significantly, the mother may experience discomfort or even pain in the back, bladder, stomach, poor appetite and insomnia. Let's add here the ever-increasing anxiety for the baby and a favorable outcome of the birth - and it becomes clear that the reasons for the frequent changes in the mood of the expectant mother are quite objective. And it is very important that relatives understand this and support the pregnant woman in every possible way.

How can you help the expectant mother be less upset and experience peace and joy longer? Experts recommend:

1. Physical education classes, but only those permitted for pregnant women: yoga, Pilates, meditation. All this will help mommy take her mind off obsessive desires and disturbing thoughts.

2. A positive attitude, watching family films, studying thematic books, attending courses and trainings, buying a dowry for the baby, communicating with other pregnant women, being kind to everyone around – all this will help the expectant mother harmonize her condition.

3. Complete healthy nutrition. Smoked meats, cakes and sweets, products containing additives and dyes must be replaced with vegetables and fruits. It is also important to follow a diet and avoid prolonged feelings of hunger.

4. If a pregnant woman cannot independently cope with the fears and anxieties that have fallen on her, you can seek help from a specialist - a psychologist.

It is important to remember that all this is not forever. Very little time will pass, and all your worries will be replaced by the great joy of communicating with your child! And the relatives and friends of a pregnant woman should not forget that she is, first of all, worthy of understanding, respect and care!

Mental illness

Frequent mood swings may indicate mental illness. These are serious diseases that should not be underestimated. You can't cope on your own. This requires the help of a qualified psychiatrist.

The reasons for such changes may be:

  • Hyperactivity syndrome;
  • Depression;
  • Bipolar disorder;
  • Personality disorder.

Hyperactivity syndrome is characterized by:

  • Hyperactivity;
  • Impulsiveness;
  • Frequent changes in mood.

Such people act first, then think about the consequences of their actions. They cannot control their behavior, emotions, reactions.

Depression is often understood as a temporary deterioration in mood. In fact, it is a disease that causes pathological mood swings.

Bipolar disorder (cyclophrenia) is the most severe form of depression. Doctors call this condition manic-depressive psychosis. Difficult to diagnose. Patients tend to engage in dangerous behavior.

Borderline personality disorder is characterized by frequent mood swings. The feeling of love quickly changes to hatred. Aggression, fits of anger, severe fear, and behavior that is difficult to control appear. This makes it difficult for them to establish close relationships.

Is this condition dangerous?

Experts say that, first of all, such manifestations have a negative impact on general functioning. Work and rest become unbearable over time, as mood swings impair perception of the environment and social activity. In the absence of long-term treatment, this negatively affects the ability to fully communicate with others.

Even a short-term depression can ruin any plans and neutralize the smallest joys in life.

In the absence of long-term treatment, it is common for people to experience suicidal thoughts . About 35% of those who committed suicide suffered from either full-blown depression or mood swings. The negative consequence of this condition is a manic episode. It is characterized by a sharp increase in mood against the background of general depression. The release of hormones and an attack of euphoria are dangerous due to uncontrolled behavior. To celebrate, a person may come to the attention of law enforcement agencies or employees of a psychiatric hospital.

Causes not related to hormones

Although mood variability is common among women, it is not always related to hormones.

Some medications may cause temporary mood swings, such as hormone replacement therapy, medications for epilepsy, and others. In this case, you need to consult a doctor to adjust the treatment of the underlying disease.

People who often experience stress may feel like no one understands them, no one sympathizes with them, and everyone has turned away.

Alcohol affects the central nervous system, causing changes in mood, thinking and behavior. Immediately after consumption it causes relaxation, a feeling of euphoria, and excitement. This is due to the suppression of control mechanisms. Then comes fatigue, drowsiness, irritation and even aggression. Drugs act similarly.

Thyroid diseases

Thyroid disease and mood swings are an explosive mixture. A decrease or increase in thyroid hormone levels can cause sudden changes.

In addition, patients often experience:

  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Poor concentration;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Drowsiness.

Unfortunately, such changes in emotions cannot be controlled on your own. Constant monitoring by an endocrinologist and appropriate treatment are required.

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