“I’m not very happy”: Netrebko spoke about depression, aging and visions

Depression is a condition that can be caused by somatic or nervous disorders, or be a consequence of stress, family troubles, or other problems in personal or social life. It can also develop absolutely without any external reasons, against the background of complete well-being - in this case, the cause, as a rule, is a violation of the level of neurotransmitters in the brain.

To receive quality treatment, the patient must realize that bad moods can occur in absolutely healthy people. While with depression, low mood or depression lasts for at least two weeks and may be accompanied by sleep disturbances, appetite, decreased performance and other symptoms, which we will discuss later.

Depression can occur in people of any age, regardless of gender. The death of a close friend, relative, loved one or child can be a catalyst for progressive feelings of sadness. Sometimes the only beloved child, unexpectedly for those around him, becomes unsociable and withdrawn. We need to try to figure out the reasons as quickly as possible and help him gain faith in himself. A simple misunderstanding among classmates and friends or the appearance of another child in the family can disrupt the psychological balance and become the root cause of depression.

Prediction and distribution of depression

It is safe to say that depression is the most common psychological illness. It has been successfully treated for a long time; a specialist is able to restore the patient’s faith in himself in a few sessions. Most often, women who seek help are those who, due to their mental characteristics, are more susceptible to stress. Of the four ladies, one had to seek specialized medical help at least once in her life. Men are more resilient in this sense; only one in ten bothers psychologists with requests for help with a depressive episode. This prevalence of the disease is compensated by the fact that in 90% of cases, people who consult a doctor completely get rid of the disease.

Under the pressure of depression

– What are the causes of depression?

– Depression is essentially a protective reaction of the body. It slows down direct destructive actions and gives a person time to think. Sometimes its reasons are clear: a person has lost loved ones, lost a job - these are, of course, very difficult situations. But often physiological disorders of the brain that activate a program of indirect auto-aggression in a person have an unclear origin.

The finale of self-destruction is one’s own death, and in order to prevent it, the body slows down all internal processes. Hence - apathy, lethargy, inability to get off the couch.

Men are at risk

– Suicide is the worst ending to depression. How should others behave in such a situation in order to help a person cope with his condition?

– Suicides are unlikely to happen out of the blue. Killing in principle, and killing yourself in particular, is very difficult. Inside a person there is an exhausting struggle between the desires to live and die. And he, in fact, gives signals, asks for help. Another thing is that we are really not always ready to take them seriously.

As a result, men are three times more likely than women to follow through on their promises to “commit suicide” to their logical conclusion! Therefore, a man’s words about his intention to commit suicide should be treated several times more carefully. The female body is better adapted to life, more filled with survival programs, and the self-destruction program is launched less often than in men.

– What about postpartum depression, a purely female phenomenon?

– In addition to all the hormonal changes, female postpartum depression is associated with the fact that reality does not meet expectations. The woman thought that with the birth of a child happiness would come automatically. And came sleepless nights, anxiety for the baby, a major restructuring of life priorities. And the young mother is at a loss because of this. This condition is corrected through psychotherapy sessions.

Modern approach to treatment

– How is depression treated?
– Depression, like any disease, is easier to treat before it gets started. When the world has not yet become completely bad for a person, the doctor has more opportunities. Dealing with depression means working with the patient’s value system. The goal of the work is to change the attitude “I am bad” to the oppositional “I am good.” When a person perceives himself as “I am good,” the self-destruction program is no longer activated.

Depression is a disease of lack of meaning. And it heals well when we begin to understand “why.” Then any “how” can be tolerated.

Speaking of treatment, systemic family psychotherapy is indicated for some types of depression. A family is still a single organism. What about the body? My head hurts, but the injections are not given to my head.

– Is it necessary to take antidepressants for depression?

– Yes, it is appropriate to take antidepressants along with psychotherapy. But the drugs and course of treatment must be selected by a doctor. For some, it may be enough to smile every day without taking antidepressants: smiles, even if artificial at first, still produce endorphins. Vitamin E also reduces the symptoms of depression, especially if it is associated with anxiety.

But the fact is that depression can also be hidden. It seems that my mood is normal, however, my memory suddenly began to fail me, and insomnia plagues me. In this case, it is better to find out the cause of insomnia rather than experiment with sleeping pills. Perhaps insomnia signals hidden depression, and then antidepressants are indicated.

About depression with optimism

– Do people change after experiencing depression?

– People who come out of depression appreciate life better. I do not rule out that someone is reading this text for a specific purpose: to help themselves or loved ones relieve the heavy pressure of the disease. I would like to support such people with the statement of Absalom Podvodny: “In the depths of depression, like mushrooms under spruce paws, the fruits of wisdom grow.”


The first thing that catches your eye when talking with a person who is depressed is joylessness and pronounced depression. Melancholy and anxiety can be read on the patient’s face. In this state, people feel abandoned and forgotten, it seems to them that friends and relatives have turned their backs, and the world around them wants to get rid of their presence as quickly as possible. When talking with such patients, you can find that they most often complain about:

  • A sharply decreased appetite or a complete loss of interest in food (although with the so-called “atypical depression”, on the contrary, the appetite increases and there is a craving for sweet, starchy, and sometimes fatty foods - the person “eats” depression and can gain several kilograms in a relatively short period of time) .
  • Having problems sleeping. Constantly haunted by nightmares, night's sleep becomes superficial and light, not bringing a sense of rest. In order to fall asleep, you need to take strong medications. After waking up, such people do not feel relief; fatigue does not leave them.
  • The feeling of joy goes away. Even ordinary physiological pleasures become inaccessible.
  • Interest in the events happening around is lost, even if they directly concern the person.
  • Loss of strength is expressed in the reluctance to do the usual work. A little tension causes an attack of mortal fatigue.
  • It is difficult to concentrate on simple life situations.
  • Symptoms are often expressed in absolute helplessness and a feeling of uselessness to loved ones.
  • A painful feeling of guilt that arises for any reason (or “the beginning of a feeling of guilt” - the feeling “I’m disturbing everyone,” “it would be better without me”) is a very dangerous symptom from the point of view of the risk of a suicide attempt.

How apathetic depression affects family and work

Regardless of the form and neglect of the situation, apathetic depression affects everyday life, work and family. For example, a caring mother and loving wife, until she became psychologically ill, was actively involved with her children, preparing them for school, and trying to pamper them with delicious dishes. But with the onset of apathetic depression, the person lost motivation along with vital energy. He can continue to do the same thing, but without the positive emotions, as it was before.

An apathetic state encourages you to work only because of the need to get money. And previously favorite things and hobbies may disappear from everyday life.

All this needs to be observed. Family members and friends are usually the first to notice problems.

How depression physically manifests itself

People who are depressed often experience headaches, accompanied by dizziness and sometimes loss of consciousness. Aching pain in the heart area and heaviness in the abdomen may appear. Patients begin to complain of aching muscles and joints. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by unsystematic changes in diarrhea and constipation. In women, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and men may completely lose interest in sexual activity. Many somatic diseases can be a manifestation of depression. It is for this reason that among specialists there is the concept of masked depression. A similar term explains the condition when the disease is hidden behind somatic disorders. Statistics paint an alarming picture, stating that at least a third of patients visiting surgeons, internists, endocrinologists, gynecologists and other specialists, in fact, suffer from depression.

“I’m not very happy”: Netrebko spoke about depression, aging and visions

On September 18, Anna Netrebko turns 50 years old. The artist will celebrate her anniversary on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace together with world opera stars and domestic singers. Shortly before the important date, Anna gave an interview in which she talked about her attitude to the pandemic, supernatural abilities and the fight against aging.

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When the coronavirus pandemic hit the whole world, Anna Netrebko, along with her husband Yusif Eyvazov and son Thiago, settled down in her Viennese apartment. There the family waited out the quarantine. As Netrebko admitted, she was unable to avoid the depression that many people faced last year. However, Anna quickly found a way to come to her senses.

“The best way to overcome depression is to do something, find something to do. And you can find it even in your own home. It would probably be difficult to stay at home for a whole year. But we started working pretty quickly because we tried to be active and didn’t sit still,” Netrebko noted.

Now Anna has no time for depression. The artist has returned to the stage a long time ago, and she has many new performances ahead, including at the Bolshoi Theater. In addition, Netrebko is busy preparing her anniversary concert, which will take place on her birthday in the Kremlin Palace. Anna is looking forward to meeting friends and colleagues from all over the world and, it seems, is not at all worried about the fact that she is already in her sixth decade.

“Thoughts come about life, about age. Values ​​change. I can’t say that everything is fine with me now; at the moment I’m not very happy. But I am happy about how many people love me. And I know that I will have a wonderful anniversary concert,” said Anna.

As the opera diva noted, she is normal about her age. The star considers herself to be one of those few, as she says, women who are not going to do anything with their face. Netrebko is sure that at some point youth cannot be returned, so she can only age gracefully.

“You can’t jump over your head. You can’t bring back your youth, and you don’t need to. I am one of the few women who does absolutely nothing with her face and does not intend to do anything. “I decided that I would age naturally, whether you like it or not,” the artist said.

At the same time, Netrebko clarified that she does not plan to launch herself. To maintain her beauty, the opera diva is going to exercise, eat well and take care of her health. As for wrinkles, Anna doesn’t pay attention to them.

“Sleep well, dear daddy!”: Anna Netrebko’s father died

Anna Netrebko, 49, has always been close to her parent and regularly communicates with him, despite her busy schedule. Her sister reported the death of the famous artist’s father.

The singer also commented on rumors about her alleged psychic abilities. There are indeed rumors about the star that she can work miracles, but Anna herself laughs at these conversations. She admitted that she does not believe in extrasensory perception. But at the same time she did not deny that she was still different from ordinary people. As Izvestia managed to find out, Anna often sees prophetic dreams.

“I know that I can do some things that others cannot do. But, of course, I don’t use it, everything happens by itself. Yes! I see prophetic dreams, and sometimes I have some strange premonitions. Before the pandemic, I had a huge number of dreams that predicted this whole situation. And illness, and disaster, and changing the world,” shared Anna Netrebko.

Yulia Raevskaya
Anna Netrebko career personal life anniversary

Depressive episode and its dangers

In this state, a number of patients have an irresistible desire to commit suicide. Severe depression can lead to suicide. An inexplicable feeling of anxiety or melancholy pushes people between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five to take rash, spontaneous actions. This is the most dangerous period of life, when a lack of worldly wisdom can push you to a terrible point. Every day, about fifteen people die attempting suicide. Experts say that depression most often leads people to suicide. If you are plagued by feelings of anxiety, joylessness, or depression of an inexplicable nature, do not delay visiting a specialist.

“And you hang blacks!”

Stories about the terrible famine that occurred in the United States during the Great Depression, about 90 years ago, are extremely popular on the Internet.

Food lines in New York 1932

Allegedly, five or even seven million people died from hunger in the United States in just a couple of years. They readily quote the memories of one boy of that time, Jack Griffin: “We replaced our usual favorite food with more accessible ones... instead of cabbage, we used bush leaves, ate frogs... within a month, my mother and older sister died...”

What actually happened?

Censuses did not show millions of deaths. The official population of the United States in 1930 was 122,775,046. And 1940 - 132,164,569 people. That is, over nine million more.

“So the authorities are hiding and falsifying everything!”

The real United States at the turn of the 20s and 30s was a very interesting place. There, the arrested banged their heads against telephone directories, rubber hoses and interrogators' shoes. Or they even fell from the window of the FBI office - on the 19th floor. The miners exchanged fire with the police using machine guns. And especially annoying robbers could simply be “shot to hell.”

The Great Depression did bring down the US economy. Unemployment soared from three million in 1929 to 12.5 million in 1932. In just four years, from 1929 to 1933, the average income of an American family fell from $2,300 to $1,500.

Desperate investor offers his limousine for one hundred dollars

In Oakland, California, homeless families lived in sewer pipes. In Arkansas - generally in caves. In total, about 200 thousand children wandered around the United States.

While President Hoover insisted that “no one is really starving,” there was famine.

Only in New York in 1931, according to modern research, 20 cases of death from starvation are known. In 1934 - one hundred and ten. But where are the millions of dead?

Let’s say that modern works were also forged. What did they write at that time?

In 1935, the pamphlet “Tenant Farmer” was published. The author described how a six-year-old farmer's child, dying of hunger, licked a meat wrapper. In a neighboring house, a farmer, having worked half a day for the first time in two weeks, bought his family a pound of corned beef and two pounds of cornmeal with this money.

Mother of seven children, California, 1932

That is, even in the mid-30s, the facts of famine could no longer be hidden. But millions of deaths?

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MYTH No. 6 Antidepressants are forever

Many people do not want to start treatment with antidepressants because they are afraid of addiction, they are afraid of getting hooked and staying on the pills forever. Antidepressants are not addictive!!! You can be sure that these drugs are not addictive, unlike alcohol, drugs or nicotine. Most often, during an attack of depression, you need to take antidepressants for 6 months to a year, but not necessarily throughout your life. Because of the fear of addiction, many patients “terminate” therapy on their own, making a big mistake. Remember, a psychiatrist should prescribe and discontinue antidepressants.

Types of depression

Once you see a doctor, you can count on a correct diagnosis and quick treatment results if the specialist can objectively determine the form of the disease. Timely recognition and application of proven treatment methods guarantee a quick exit from an anxious state.

  • Neurotic depression is a patient’s condition when he reacts painfully to various problems and becomes withdrawn and depressed for any reason. With neurotic depression, patients have difficulty getting out of a traumatic situation.
  • Situational or reactive depression differs from neurotic depression in that the patient responds more quickly to treatment. A correct diagnosis and strict adherence to the specialist’s recommendations make it possible to quickly cope with the disease.
  • With endogenous depression, not only personal qualities and people’s reactions to changing situations are involved in the process of formation of the disease state, but also metabolism, genetic characteristics, and heredity. The disease sometimes manifests itself without any reason or pressure from external factors. In this case, the trigger can be not only stress, but also a common cold or a banal change in the weather. Women during menopause should pay special attention to sudden mood changes. Endogenous depression manifests itself most clearly in the morning, and neurotic depression in the evening.
  • Bipolar depression has its own dangers. A severe form of the disease leads to a painful, manic, elevated state, when inexplicable joy makes one perform wonderful deeds. Often such an unreasonable rise in mood sharply turns into a feeling of melancholy.
  • Unipolar types of depression are not accompanied by sudden mood swings. In this case, joylessness and depression constantly weigh on the patient’s shoulders.

Diagnosis of depression

Treatment of depression is the sphere of activity of a therapist, psychologist and psychiatrist, optimally their collegial cooperation. Special questionnaires and complaints from patients and their relatives about characteristic changes in well-being and mood make it possible to recognize the signs of depression and make an accurate diagnosis. In personal communication with the patient, the doctor clarifies the duration of the disease, and also delicately clarifies the emergence of possible thoughts about causing harm to himself or others. Also, concomitant pathological conditions are subject to mandatory study: tendency to use alcohol and drugs, smoking, excessive eating, etc.

Of great importance is the differential diagnosis of depression, which makes it possible to distinguish this disease from other similar mental pathologies: bipolar disorder, anxiety, demoralization, signs of dementia or hormonal disorders associated with dysfunction of the thyroid gland. At the same time, a number of clinical examinations are carried out: a general blood test, measurement of thyroid hormone levels, electrolyte balance, and the content of prohibited psychotropic substances in the blood.

How to identify depression

If a person close to you is constantly gloomy and sheds tears for any reason or without it, he is overcome by thoughts about the imminent end of his life, he constantly looks at everyone as enemies, take him to the doctor or invite a specialist to your home. Treatment will be more effective if you start fighting the disease in a timely manner. This is the case when it is impossible to play it safe. It is easier to fight the disease if a person is aware of the danger and is ready to listen to the doctor’s recommendations. A severe form of the disease requires hospital treatment. If you notice frequent mood swings, lethargy, lack of appetite, or the appearance of unexplained pain in different parts of the body, do not delay, visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Where to look for help

Remember that even though the disease may seem unserious, only a highly qualified psychiatrist with sufficient practical experience can cure it. If you find these symptoms in yourself or your loved ones, we recommend that you contact a specialist.

It is important to convince the patient that help will be effective if the specialist’s recommendations are fully followed. CELT employs doctors who will help you quickly cope with any manifestation of depression. Treatment will always give a positive result if you start working with the patient in a timely manner.

Depersonalization-derealization syndrome is a fairly serious mental disorder that can easily be corrected. If you find these symptoms in yourself or your loved ones, we recommend that you consult a specialist. To clarify the diagnosis and receive qualified medical care, you can contact CELT. This is one of those conditions in the treatment of which our psychoneurologists achieve good results.

Make an appointment through the application or by calling +7 +7 We work every day:

  • Monday—Friday: 8.00—20.00
  • Saturday: 8.00–18.00
  • Sunday is a day off

The nearest metro and MCC stations to the clinic:

  • Highway of Enthusiasts or Perovo
  • Partisan
  • Enthusiast Highway

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MYTH #9 Antidepressants are happiness pills

Antidepressants don't bring happiness. This group of drugs increases the level of mood with a obviously reduced depressive background. They do not increase mood levels above normal and have virtually no effect on a healthy person.

Depression does not discriminate and can affect anyone's life. Contacting a psychiatrist is as simple as contacting any other specialist. Thanks to private psychiatric care, there is no need to worry about the anonymity of the visit or any restrictions in terms of “registration with a psychiatrist.” If you need to talk to someone about depression or a crisis in your life, call us, we will help you get out of a difficult situation.

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