Sweating and chills, cold extremities, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, drowsiness, anxiety, digestive disorders -
Otolaryngologist for adults and children Manevich Igor Semenovich Experience 26 years Otorhinolaryngologist of the highest category,
Various pathological conditions of the brain are accompanied by moderate external replacement hydrocephalus of the brain. Hydrocephalus –
Folk remedies for cleaning brain vessels at home We all understand the importance of cleansing
Strokes are severe lesions of brain tissue caused by acute disorders of cerebral circulation. On
In love, as in war, all means are fair, so women in love think, trying
Home>Articles>Dangerous consequences of simultaneous use of antidepressants and alcohol quick menu (hide) Functioning of antidepressant drugs
Antidepressants help restore normal levels of chemicals in the brain that are involved in
Learn more about diseases starting with the letter “P”: Panic attacks; Duchenne-Erb's palsy; Todd's palsy; Parasomnias;
Find out more about other diseases starting with the letter “Y”: Juvenile parkinsonism; Juvenile absence epilepsy; Juvenile myoclonic