Fear from a psychological point of view Fear is an innate emotion that contributes to the preservation of the race.
More about the encephalogram The essence of the examination is to record the electrical activity of neurons in the structural formations of the brain
Is it obligatory to carry out polio vaccination in Russia for children under 14 years of age?
Why do you need to develop auditory memory? Many parents are familiar with the situation when they have to
Motherwort is a plant that has long been famous for its pronounced sedative (calming) effect. Unlike
Every second person in our material world thinks about how to become rich from scratch. ABOUT
The danger of stress for a pregnant woman Sedatives Herbal medicine Vitamin therapy Calming activities Psychological mood Stress can
Advice from a priest The Church regards death as an inevitable period in the life of every person who
General information Parkinson's disease affects men twice as often as women. In most cases she
Atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities leads to narrowing of the lumens of blood vessels. Such atherosclerosis is called obliterating (used