How to help your wife survive pregnancy: 10 simple tips (plus a little life hack that can make your life even better)

  • The dangers of stress for a pregnant woman
  • Sedatives
  • Phytotherapy
  • Vitamin therapy
  • Calming activities
  • Psychological attitude

Stress can cause irreparable harm to mother and child, but it cannot be avoided. There are many ways to calm your pregnancy nerves.

Lack of stress is an important condition for a successful pregnancy

The easiest way to relieve nervous tension is to take sedatives. It is much more difficult to rebuild your worldview, to learn perseverance and calmness. A positive attitude will help not only to safely bear a child, but also to cope with the role of a mother in the future.

The dangers of stress for a pregnant woman

The body of a pregnant woman is vulnerable to external influences. This is due to hormonal changes and suppression of defense mechanisms.

Pregnant women in the early stages overreact to ordinary everyday troubles. They are frightened by new sensations, they are afraid for the child’s health. Many women have a fear of childbirth.

When stressed, the concentration of glucocorticoid hormones in the blood increases; this is a necessary protective mechanism. If stress is prolonged, the activity of hormones is steadily increased. Why is it dangerous for pregnant women:

  1. The synthesis of proteins in growing and dividing fetal cells is inhibited.
  2. The load on the liver increases. It activates the synthesis of glucose and glycogen. The liver does not fully cope with filtration, fatigue, pallor or yellowness of the skin are observed, and the symptoms of toxicosis intensify.
  3. The excretion of potassium and calcium in the urine increases. The child does not receive enough elements necessary for his healthy development.
  4. The activity of immune cells is inhibited. A pregnant woman's body becomes even more vulnerable to infections.

The likelihood of premature birth during a calm pregnancy is significantly reduced. If a woman has been regularly exposed to stress, the child may in the future experience an increased sense of fear, anxiety, hyperactivity, and mental retardation.

Give her compliments

“Yesterday I was an air fairy/a mountain of muscles/a normal person, and today I woke up as a cow/a piece of jelly/strikingly similar to Aunt Valya”—something similar happens to every pregnant woman at some point. The body changes, sometimes suddenly, and these changes are not always a reason for emotion. Your job is to say that a pregnant woman’s body is a treat for the eyes, nature’s best invention, and that you have always dreamed of her gaining those sixteen kilograms.


You can combat stress during pregnancy with the help of certain medications. Plant-based sedatives help relieve nervous tension without harm to health.

What sedatives can pregnant women take:

  • valerian (tablets);
  • motherwort (tablets);
  • "Novo-passit" (for one-time use);
  • "Persen."

The remedies help you quickly calm down after experiencing a shock. If you suffer from insomnia, there is a feeling of anxiety, or there is a sudden change in mood, you need to consult a specialist. Taking medications on your own, especially in early pregnancy, is not recommended.

Extracts of valerian, motherwort, passionflower, and mint are safe for pregnant women.

The preparation "Novo-Passit" contains St. John's wort and hops. The first caused miscarriages or the birth of weak offspring in experimental animals, and the second affects hormonal levels, so you should not take sedatives regularly during pregnancy.

Motherwort and valerian are allowed to be taken only in tablet form. Alcohol tinctures are contraindicated during pregnancy. Tranquilizers and barbiturates are strictly prohibited: they have a teratogenic effect on the fetus.

The drug "Novo-Passit" contains St. John's wort and hops

Neurotic state during pregnancy

A neurotic state during pregnancy is quite common. Here a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the psyche of each woman. If the expectant mother herself is impulsive and has problems adapting to the environment, then pregnancy will occur in combination with neuroses.

Many pregnant women experience neurosis

Statistics say that neurosis during a woman’s “interesting” situation is a common occurrence; about a quarter of all pregnant women face this problem. The main reason is changes in hormonal levels.

For most women, the neurotic state occurs in its own way: tearfulness, irritation over small things, aggression.

You can identify neurosis while carrying a baby by noticing the following changes:

  • constant apathy and indifference to everything
  • prolonged lethargy and decreased performance
  • insomnia
  • stress
  • lack of appetite
  • causeless anxiety, sadness and nervousness
  • cardiopalmus
  • tremor (shaking) of the hands or feet
  • decreased immunity (manifested by frequent colds)

Taking medications to relieve a neurotic condition is contraindicated. But neurosis cannot be ignored - the disease negatively affects the health of the unborn child.

If neurotic symptoms appear, you should consult a specialist. Relieving symptoms on your own is dangerous for the baby’s health.

Learn about neurotic conditions during pregnancy from this video.


You can calm your nerves during pregnancy with the help of herbs. The main thing is to choose the right plants.

Treatment of increased nervous excitability can be carried out using recipes:

  1. Mix one tablespoon of hawthorn fruit, oregano herb and motherwort. Pour the mixture with a glass of hot water, leave in a water bath for 15–20 minutes, and strain after cooling. Drink the infusion twice a day, a few sips.
  2. In a teapot, mix a teaspoon of green tea, 10 chamomile flowers, 5 mint leaves and lemon balm. Pour boiling water over the mixture and leave for 15 minutes. Drink tea before bed.
  3. In a cup, mix a teaspoon of valerian and motherwort, pour boiling water over it, and leave for 20 minutes. Drink the strained tea throughout the day.

Valerian and motherwort have the strongest calming effect. Mint and lemon balm help you fall asleep easily. Chamomile relieves the symptoms of toxicosis and tones the body.

You should not overuse concentrated herbal infusions. You can add a little herb to regular tea.

Motherwort is a great stress reliever

Features of sexual life during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there are periods of decline and rise in sexual activity. So, for example, in the first three months, sexual desire often decreases somewhat. The reason for this is the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and the presence of such signs of toxicosis as nausea, vomiting, intolerance to certain foods and odors. The changeable mood of a pregnant woman can lead to conflicts in the family. The woman has the feeling that things will only get worse.

However, this is not so, because already in the second trimester your health improves. Fears pass. The child begins to push and this lets you know that everything is fine with him. A rounded tummy looks very beautiful. Sex life “blooms” during pregnancy. In the third trimester, the belly increases significantly in size and sex becomes difficult. In addition, worries come again, but they are already associated with an imminent birth.

Vitamin therapy

Stress and nervousness in pregnant women are often the result of a lack of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. The problem can be solved with proper nutrition and vitamin-mineral complexes.

The main element is ascorbic acid. All cells and tissues need it for normal functioning. Vitamin C is found in all vegetables and fruits. The leaders are bell pepper, black currant, Brussels sprouts, parsley.

Vitamin E works in tandem with vitamin C: they form an antioxidant complex. It is found in beef liver, spinach leaves, almonds, olive and sunflower oil.

For the normal functioning of the mother’s nervous system and its formation in the child, vitamin B6 and magnesium are needed. The latter is found in bananas, spinach, almonds, cashews, and walnuts. Beans, beef liver, pork, lamb, pistachios, and celery root are rich in vitamin B.

Vitamin and mineral complexes can be taken only after a doctor’s prescription. It is prohibited to drink drugs uncontrollably.

How to deal with a pregnant woman’s worries about the baby’s health?

Sometimes a pregnant woman begins with fear to go through all the risk factors that she has been exposed to since the beginning of pregnancy and think about how they will affect the child. Memories of drinking a glass of wine or taking aspirin when you were not yet aware of pregnancy, thoughts about the polluted air of your hometown or radiation exposure from the computer monitor on your desktop are used. You never know what else can affect the baby’s health. There are dangers here and there.

Psychologist's advice.

Do not exaggerate the degree of risk. Congenital defects are very rare. Think that unnecessary worry is much more harmful to your child than the mistakes you made. Don’t indulge in feelings of guilt, it’s better to find a way that can compensate for your “misses” - be it active walks in the park or a balanced diet or listening to classical music. Also, try to imagine more often how healthy, strong and beautiful your baby will be. Such fantasies have a very beneficial effect on the development of the baby.

Calming activities

To cope with nervous tension, pregnant women do not have to take pills or herbs; they can change or adjust their lifestyle, or find something they like.

How to calm your nerves during pregnancy without pills:

  1. Walks in the open air. You can walk through the forest or park, admire nature, without thinking about problems.
  2. Healthy sleep. You need to go to bed and get up at the same time every day (ideal time to fall asleep is 22:00, to wake up 6:00, 7:00). A nap after a light lunch is very beneficial for pregnant women.
  3. Physical training. It is best to practice yoga for pregnant women with a professional instructor.

Developing new talents will help you relax and get rid of the blues. You can learn a foreign language, learn how to draw portraits, crochet, embroider with ribbons, etc.

It is useful to start the day by listening to music. She can be calm or cheerful, but not sad or aggressive.

How to cope with stress during pregnancy?

Worries and anxieties overcome every person. For a pregnant woman they have a special meaning, as she begins to feel responsible for two. As a result, the expectant mother experiences enormous stress, which can greatly ruin her mood and well-being. How to protect yourself from unnecessary worries and easily survive 9 months of waiting for a miracle?


– take a walk, walk every day, this is especially useful to do in the evening.

Sleep more

– a daily full night’s sleep can be supplemented with an afternoon sleep if you feel the need for it. The closer the date of birth, the harder it is for a woman to get enough sleep: a growing belly, frequent urge to urinate and anxious thoughts about the baby keep her from falling asleep. A comfortable pillow for pregnant women, limiting fluid intake in the afternoon, and a calm, cozy home atmosphere will help you cope with this condition.

Treat yourself more carefully

– you shouldn’t hush up your emotions and accumulate them within yourself, only to eventually explode over a trifle and throw out an avalanche of feelings on your husband, mother, mother-in-law or cat. Worries, anxieties, and fears are completely normal when expecting a baby, and it is best to share them with your family. Your loved ones will support you and help dispel disturbing thoughts. An excellent way to calm down is breathing exercises, meditation, and journaling. You can channel your emotions into creativity - draw, sew, knit.

Get support from others

– not only relatives and friends, but also those who are in your position. Among pregnant women, you can easily discuss the most pressing issues (for example, choosing the color of a nursery or finding a suitable ultrasound specialist) without worrying that your interlocutors are not interested in such topics.

Seek help from a psychologist

. Sometimes it happens that a woman is unable to cope with the stress that has fallen on her. As a result, not only she suffers, but also her husband, parents, and loved ones, the situation in the family becomes tense, and the woman feels more and more unhappy. Don’t be embarrassed or afraid: the timely participation of a therapist will help you relieve anxiety and worries, regain lost peace of mind, enjoy the time you are waiting for your baby and prevent postpartum depression.

All information is for informational purposes only. If you have any health problems, you need to consult a specialist.

Psychological attitude

If you can’t cope with stress with walks and herbal tea, you need to work on yourself. A positive attitude will help you easily cope with any stressful situation.

It is very difficult to get rid of despair, fear, resentment and irritation with one effort of will. You need to program yourself. You can do this yourself or work with a psychologist.

For independent work, psychologists recommend using a set of simple phrases for different life situations. You need to repeat them to yourself every time there is a reason to be nervous. What are these phrases:

  1. “My husband (mom, dad, etc.) is the best, he only wants the best for me. I will not quarrel with him, even if he is wrong today. I am calm, wise and balanced." This does not apply to cases of assault.
  2. “I’m happy that I live, that I have a home, that I have freedom. I am strong and I can protect myself, I have nothing to fear.” The verbal form helps to drive away unreasonable fears.
  3. “There are no perfect mothers, I have the right to make mistakes. I can handle everything." Suitable for cases when strangers begin to give advice on how a pregnant woman should and should not behave.
  4. "I won't react to it, I'll remain calm." Suitable for any unpleasant situation.

You should not try to specifically limit yourself from stress. If the situation requires participation, it must be accepted. Yes, you need to react calmer, but a state of complete detachment is also not beneficial.

A healthy lifestyle, vitamins, an interesting hobby and a positive attitude will help a woman calmly get out of any stressful situation and stop being nervous during pregnancy. These methods have a long-term effect. Sedatives help to cope with nerves for a short period.

Talk to her

Most likely, you will have new topics for discussion: how many times and how exactly did she vomit today, what specific color was the mustache of the laboratory assistant who took her blood, and why she considers your presence at the birth important. Yes, expecting a child is a whole separate matter, very exciting and responsible, so discuss with her everything that worries her as many times as she needs. After all, this woman carries a whole person inside her with arms, a head, legs and your dimple on the chin!

Nature has created all the conditions for a successful pregnancy, but the human brain has predetermined a lot of problems and obstacles. The frantic rhythm of everyday life has made its own “adjustments” to the physiological process of gestation in the form of social norms and foundations, the status of a woman and moral aspects. Despite strong external pressure, a pregnant woman in a new role becomes a hostage, first of all, of her own experiences. How else? After the birth of your baby, you can forget about your previous life; a person will be born who is completely dependent on you. Fundamental changes require moral readiness, tolerance, and the ability to adapt to a new role from a young mother.

Depression does not always occur in women during pregnancy - it is the exception rather than the rule.

The main causes of depression during pregnancy are:

  • the conception was unplanned and entails enormous changes for which the woman is not ready;
  • household and housing problems;
  • lack of financial resources (for example, the expectant mother does not have a permanent job);
  • negative attitude of relatives and husband towards the “addition to the family”; debilitating toxicosis;
  • circumstances of a physiological and psychosocial nature;
  • experiences associated with the loss of a loved one, job, etc.;
  • endogenous factors (internal changes in the body);
  • long-term use of medications (sedatives, sleeping pills, etc.);
  • hormonal changes;
  • failures in the past when trying to give birth to children (miscarriage, abortion, frozen pregnancy, etc.);
  • increased fatigue and weakness.

Symptoms of depression during pregnancy

Signs of depression during pregnancy are anxiety about the physical condition and upcoming birth. Mood swings and excessive tearfulness lead to sleep disturbances and the inability to wake up in the morning. As a result, serious problems arise with the well-being of the expectant mother.

The following symptoms of depression during pregnancy are distinguished:

  • irritability;
  • fatigue, feeling of constant fatigue;
  • increased feeling of hunger or lack of appetite;
  • chronic sadness;
  • lack of joy and pleasure from life;
  • no desire to communicate with anyone;
  • low self-esteem;
  • feelings of guilt and lack of self-confidence;
  • apathy;
  • persistent drowsiness;
  • suspiciousness and anxiety for any reason;
  • heightened sensitivity and tearfulness.

It can manifest itself in different ways during different periods of pregnancy.

At the beginning of pregnancy:

  • In the first trimester, depression begins, and the so-called period of denial, when the baby is already growing, but the expectant mother does not yet think about her situation and does not take it into account during her normal daily activities.
  • She can plan business trips or travel for a long time in advance. But it is at this time that a woman’s body begins to rebuild.
  • All body systems change and get used to a higher load. During this period of time, depression in pregnant women may occur due to the inability to engage in a favorite hobby or due to the abandonment of habits that are inseparable from normal life.

In early pregnancy:

  • In the early stages of pregnancy, changes in the emotional background begin to appear. The woman becomes more irritable and nervous. These phenomena are also considered an indirect sign of pregnancy. But with minor changes in the emotional background, you should not immediately suspect depression if they are of a short-lived nature.

At the end of pregnancy:

  • The closer the time of childbirth, the more a woman may be susceptible to depression due to pressure both from the outside world and due to internal dilemmas about the loss of her usual way of life.
  • The causes of depression at this time are hormonal changes, misunderstandings from loved ones, financial problems, and insomnia.
  • Also at this time, a woman’s appearance changes greatly. She gets better, feels heaviness in her legs and pain in the lower back, she goes to the toilet more often, her mammary glands become engorged - all this becomes the reason for the appearance of negative thoughts.
  • Various kinds of hobbies help to survive depression at such a moment - drawing, learning foreign languages, doing handicrafts.


Diagnosis of depression during pregnancy can be based on the symptoms that appear. A woman must experience negative conditions all day long for two weeks or more. A woman may also lose interest in daily activities for a long period of time (at least two weeks).

The state of pregnancy requires, first of all, emotional support from relatives and a loving spouse. Experts have proven that depression during pregnancy develops in those women who are often criticized in the family and face a wall of misunderstanding. It is important for the expectant mother that her fears and experiences are listened to by those closest to her, who will help her feel positive emotions and restore the joy of life.

The expectant mother should understand that depression and neurosis during pregnancy are common and should not be feared; it is important to adequately perceive your condition and, if necessary, seek medical help.


For prevention, a pregnant woman needs to pay a lot of attention to herself:

  • have a good rest;
  • Healthy food;
  • get enough sleep;
  • take care of yourself;
  • find yourself a hobby;
  • communicate with friends and like-minded people;
  • take a walk in the fresh air every day;
  • think positively and be optimistic;
  • go on maternity leave on time.

It is IMPORTANT not to self-medicate and not to take medications on your own, because... it can harm the unborn child.

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