Who is a visual person: external signs and psychological portrait

The Internet is replete with psychological tests that encourage you to know yourself. How is this useful? Having an idea of ​​your type of perception, it is easier for you to work with information, and most importantly, it is easier for you to choose a profession. Adukar has already written about types of temperament, rationals and irrationals, now he will talk about visual, auditory, kinesthetic and digital. Find out who you are.

Who is a visual person?

A visual person is a person with an extremely active visual-associative function of the brain, i.e. those who perceive the world through visual images literally feel reality with their eyes. The eyes are the dominant sensory organ of such a person , and therefore all other visual senses are not so acutely developed, although they also participate in processing information entering the brain, but not to such a significant extent as the eyes.

The characteristic and most noticeable features of a visual person include developed facial expressions, which are especially activated when he tries to remember something - the reality of such a person is represented by many pictures, they are constantly scrolling in his brain. It is living facial expressions that are called the most striking external feature of this psychological type.

Fixing a visual image in memory, its color, shape, order of numbers or pages of text, is the best way for a visual learner to remember information. At the same time, one more important fact should be noted - in terms of knowledge of the surrounding world, visualists are the most common psychotype, since a person receives almost 90% of the information about what is happening around him thanks to vision.


When interacting with the world around us, we receive information about it through sensory channels (representational systems) - visual, auditory, kinesthetic and discrete (logical).

A science such as NLP (neurolinguistic programming), by studying oculomotor reactions (trajectory of movement of a person’s eyeballs), analyzing speech predicates, coupled with the study of his postures and gestures, very effectively determines the leading representative system of a person.

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This is the dominant sensory channel through which information about the environment enters the human brain.

External signs of the visual

A visual person almost always operates on an external, visual image, trying to transform his oral speech into a picture. Representatives of this psychotype have excellent visual memory; in addition to it, the characteristic external signs of a visualist are:

  1. A speech rich in external images and numerous comparisons, in which the appearance and clothing of the interlocutor, the environment, the weather outside the window, etc. are vividly and in detail described, but other important points are often lost sight of, for example, the very essence of the conversation that took place, the result business meeting, etc.;
  2. When talking, the visual will try to position itself opposite the interlocutor in order to be able to constantly observe him, look him in the eyes, and at the same time examine the interiors and surroundings;
  3. Prefers spectacular and bright, but often not very comfortable clothes. However, visual artists carefully check each of their images , trying to fit harmoniously into the reality around them, while simultaneously emphasizing their own strengths and masking figure flaws;
  4. The speech of a visual person is filled with words and phrases such as “you should have seen”, “look”, “we can consider this obvious.” Such turns of speech help them better reproduce and describe the picture that has arisen in their head;
  5. Such individuals do not like telephone conversations , because they quickly lose the thread of the conversation without the image of the interlocutor in sight. When communicating on the Internet, a visual person will always prefer a webcam to regular text messages;
  6. They perfectly remember people's appearance, clothes and faces, but often cannot remember their names or other important information about a particular person;
  7. They do not like to come too close to the people around them, preferring to communicate at a distance of a meter or more. Thus, the visual not only does not invade someone else’s personal space, but also receives a more favorable viewing angle of the interlocutor;
  8. The visual gaze is not able to linger for a long time on a specific person or object; it is in constant search of new visual information;
  9. Having heard or read a text describing the beauties of nature or some interesting or unusual situation, the visualist will very vividly and plausibly imagine all this visually , without even wanting to;
  10. When equipping his own workplace, he gives preference not to comfort and functionality, but to beauty and external aesthetics . Will not refuse to sit by the window, but only if there is a beautiful view.

Features of each type of perception


The peculiarity of this type of people is that they are receptive to what is visible. They appreciate beauty in the surrounding space and do not tolerate disorder or dirt well. In the life of a visual person there are many ideas, dreams, dreams. They are often generators of ideas, since they can create completely unusual associations and connections in their imagination.


They perceive the world around them, paying especially close attention to sounds. They love music, melodies, and can often hum to themselves and hum songs. Sensitive and receptive to conversations, auditory people have acute hearing and good memory, especially auditory memory. They often choose as their occupation everything related to music, melodies, and oratory.


Kinesthetics are very sensitive to everything that happens around them. Their bodily and emotional sensations are closely intertwined. They love bodily comfort, the convenience of the surrounding space. Uncomfortable clothing or a thread tickling their neck can irritate a kinaesthete student. They love deep personal discussions, communication with emotional exchange, discussion of how others feel. For the kinesthete, touch has the deepest meaning and great value.


People of this type of perception are rarer. They tend to perceive the world around them through inner speech, through dialogue with themselves. Such people are primarily focused on the perception of meaning, logic, and consistency. Digital people always strive to understand and comprehend the essence of what is happening. They may be sensitive and vulnerable, but the world is interesting to them from the point of view of understanding meaning and logic, patterns. In a stressful situation, it is digitals that best maintain composure and calm, and can maintain clarity of thought and perception of the surrounding space.

Strictly speaking, the distribution of people into visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, and digital types is very simplified. In fact, each of these types can be mixed, or maybe with a different leading hemispheric system, which increases the number of options. But we'll talk about this later.

Of course, in each of us there is no pure one type of perception, sometimes they are mixed, sometimes the type of perception is different in a calm and emergency environment, in different situations. But understanding your leading system will allow you to better assimilate any information, understand your interlocutor and better convey your thoughts to him. Understanding your type of perception (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, digital) will allow you to understand how to study specifically for you, taking into account your individual characteristics.

Psychological portrait of a visual person

Often a person’s appearance is deceptive, but almost no one manages to hide their own habits and temperament. Thus, the most noticeable character traits of a visualist include:

  1. Tendency to order and cleanliness. The apartment or house of such a person may even surprise strangers with its cleanliness bordering on sterility; all things in the visual’s home are laid out strictly in their designated places, and the slightest disorder is instantly eliminated.
  2. Extremely selective memory - such an individual will fill in the smallest details of a person's clothing and face, but may completely forget about what he said. Visual learners are often advised to write down what they hear or important information; such a habit can make their life much easier (for example, when going shopping, it would be a good idea to take with you a list of necessary products and things).
  3. They can find fault with various little things , especially gifts. Even an expensive and sophisticated item, but carelessly packaged, will not make the proper impression on the visual eye; on the contrary, it will awaken negative emotions in him. But a simple, but decorated and tastefully presented gift will cause in him a storm of undisguised joy from the aesthetic pleasure received.
  4. Ease of communication. People of this psychotype are distinguished by a fairly easy-going character, and therefore communication with them will not bring the slightest discomfort to the interlocutor.

Professions suitable for visual people

One of the main conditions for a happy life is rightfully considered to be a favorite activity, for which a person has inclinations and abilities. Visuals are distinguished by excellent visual memory, as well as a rather specific and original manner of perceiving information; these qualities can be applied in various spheres of human life.

A visual artist can make an excellent artist, photographer, colorist, fashion designer, architect, designer, painter, costume designer and interior designer. Many visual people have a penchant for the humanities and are capable of becoming good specialists in the field of psychology and sociology; in addition, people belonging to the described psychotype make qualified and capable teachers and lecturers.

Rules for communicating with a visual person

The process of communicating with a visual person may seem quite difficult and problematic for an unprepared person. It should be understood that the overwhelming majority of visualists are not only aesthetes, but also ardent perfectionists who strive for the ideal in everything that concerns not only their own, but also other people’s appearance. But there are no people in the world who are examples of pure, absolutely standard psychotypes, and besides, we are all influenced by external factors, which greatly facilitates the communication process.

When communicating with a visual person, you can resort to some simple tricks. For example, in a conversation with a visual person, try to use phrases related to the visual perception of the world: “let’s look at it from the other side,” “your point of view is clear to me,” “I saw everything right away” - this will definitely interest him.

When choosing a gift for a visual artist, pay special attention to its packaging - it must be stylish and attractive in appearance. Remember that representatives of this psychotype, when meeting a person, largely judge him by his appearance and clothing. They also do not like long telephone conversations, and during a conversation they do not like to get too close to their interlocutor.

In addition, visual learners are extremely sensitive to the color scheme of the rooms in which they are located. Finding themselves in a room with an unpleasant color scheme, they feel awkward and uncomfortable, and their mood and performance are significantly reduced.

Content for kinesthetic learners

It is most difficult to interest kinesthetic learners, because online they will not be able to hold or taste anything. But various lead magnets, demo versions, and samples are created for them. With their help, a person has the opportunity to “touch” the product.

However, kinesthetic learners love more than just physically touching things. Internal sensations are also important to them. Therefore, content should touch the reader's feelings. Only then will it make a strong impression on kinesthetic learners.

People with tactile perception appreciate texts with meaning. They don't need fancy descriptions. They are more interested in processes and events. Therefore, when writing selling texts, it is worth giving kinesthetic learners simple and specific instructions for the actions that a person needs to do to get results.

In the text you should use all those words that evoke tactile sensations:

  • verbs - touch, touch, clap, take, smooth, squeeze, hold, feel, relax;
  • nouns - breathing, feelings, effort, heaviness, load, blow, pressure, touch, movement, temperature, fatigue;
  • adjectives - weighty, calm, sincere, unbearable, strong, durable, hard, flaccid, soft, icy, hot.

Since there are no pure visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners, a copywriter needs to combine his techniques so that they are suitable for all types of perception. Otherwise, he may lose part of his audience.

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