Causes of neck pain when turning the head and methods of treatment

Intervertebral hernia is a common pathology associated with the musculoskeletal system. With this disease, protrusion or prolapse of fragments of intervertebral discs into the spinal cavity occurs. The danger of this condition lies in its practically asymptomatic occurrence at an early stage of development. However, if treatment is not started and care is not taken, the disease begins to progress rapidly. You can make an appointment for treatment of a cervical hernia at ArthroMedCenter.

Where does neck pain come from?

The occurrence of painful manifestations in the neck area is most often noted against the background of:

  • pathological changes in the spinal column - osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, scoliosis, neuralgia, intervertebral hernia;
  • injuries associated with vertebrae, discs, joints, ligaments and muscle tissue;
  • immune diseases of the ridge;
  • infections of the musculoskeletal system;
  • neoplasms of benign and malignant nature;
  • intracranial hemorrhages, tumors and abscesses;
  • physical activity, overwork during training, lifting heavy objects.

Types of pain on the right

When a patient comes to the doctor and says that his neck hurts on the right side, at the first stage of diagnosis, a neurologist

trying to find out what exactly the nature of this pain is.

Sharp shooting pain

If pain in the right neck resembles a lumbago, most likely it is a pinched nerve ending. Since the neck is the most mobile segment of the spine, next to which there are many nerve endings, the resulting muscle spasm can cause pinching of any of these nerves. The result is a sharp “lumbago” in the neck on the right side. A muscle spasm in the neck and then a “lumbago” can occur due to injury, inflammation (of the lymph nodes, trachea, thyroid gland and other organs), or hypothermia.

Pressing dull pain

If the pain in the neck on the right is pressing and dull, then the most likely causes of its occurrence will be infections or inflammation in the cervical spine: osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, osteoporosis and other similar diseases. In addition, pressing dull pain can be a sign of heart failure, rheumatism, and various types of cancer. In other words, neck pain becomes an indirect symptom of diseases not directly related to the neck. Particular attention should be paid to pain in the neck on the right, which occurs in parallel with pain in the thoracic region. In this case, there is a possibility of a heart attack - you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Drawing/pulsating pain

The cause of throbbing or nagging pain in the neck on the right may be:

  • injuries to ligaments, muscles, vertebrae;
  • degenerative changes in the bone tissue of the spine (for example, osteoarthritis);
  • osteomyelitis and other infectious diseases of bone tissue;
  • oncology;
  • referred cervicalgia.

Types and causes of discogenic pathology in the cervical spine

Any problems with the integrity of the intervertebral disc with the contents moving beyond its boundaries is considered a disease. Protrusion and hernia form against the background of a critical increase in mechanical pressure on a certain area of ​​the disc. As a result, the nucleus pulposus, located inside, protrudes. The nucleus puts pressure on the annulus fibrosus tissue, which can lead to its rupture.

Doctors distinguish the following stages of the disease:

  • A slight protrusion of the disc without damage to the fibrous ring with a displacement of a maximum of 2-3 mm. The clinical picture is mild.
  • Development of disc protrusion, which is accompanied by more pronounced protrusion of the pulp up to 3-5 mm. The patient begins to complain of periodic pain. Most often, the ability to work at this stage of the disease is preserved.
  • The formation of the hernia itself, which is also called prolapse or extrusion. At this stage, the fibrous ring in the intervertebral disc ruptures with the pulp falling out beyond the boundaries of the disc tissue, for example, into the spinal canal. This is due to the localization of the damaged area.
  • At the last stage of pathology formation, the prolapsed fragment of the nucleus pulposus is separated from the disc tissues with possible displacement under pressure. The separated element can move along the spinal canal. This leads to damage to the nervous structure and serious complications in the form of compression of the spinal canal. This condition is called sequestration.

Naturally, as the pathology progresses, each of the listed stages is not always observed. Sequestration develops quite rarely, although the mechanism of formation of the pathology is the same. In any case, the producing factor is increased pressure, leading to the destruction of the discs. This is most often associated with injuries, falling in slippery weather and hitting the head.

The most common cause of herniated intervertebral discs in the cervical spine is an accidental blow to the head in a low doorway. Healthy discs will not erode immediately. This will require prolonged exposure to negative factors or a sharp increase in pressure, for example, when hitting your head. This can cause a severe “explosive” fracture of the spinal elements in the neck, damage to the spinal canal, leading to disability of the patient.

Causes of pain

A lot of conditions and pathologies can provoke pain. Sometimes the cause of pain in the left or right side of the neck is muscle strain, or the neck remaining in an uncomfortable position for too long. But at the same time, the most common reasons why the neck hurts when turning your head, or when you can’t turn your head back, are:

  • osteochondrosis
  • uncomfortable position while sleeping - too high a pillow, uncomfortable mattress, etc.;
  • injuries and mechanical damage;
  • radiculitis

In any case, the diagnosis must be made by an experienced specialist who, after a series of procedures, will be able to tell what is the cause of the pain syndrome and how to get rid of it.


Injury to the cervical spine is a common reason why the neck hurts when turning the head to the left or right. It should be understood that this condition is not a joke at all. If the injury concerns the bone structures of the neck, it can be very serious - leading to pinching of nerve tissue and disability. However, the problem is not necessarily related to the vertebrae; the cause may also lie in soft tissue injuries.

Immune system disorders

There are a lot of diseases that are associated with disturbances in the functioning of the body’s defense system and lead to neck pain when turning the head to the right or left. It could be:

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis.
  2. Psoriatic arthritis.
  3. Bechterew's disease.
  4. Polymyalgia rheumatica.
  5. Arthritis that is provoked by intestinal diseases.

Each of these diseases requires timely diagnosis and proper treatment, since they are fraught with consequences and complications. In this case, neck pain will become your constant companion and will significantly reduce your quality of life.

Spinal diseases

Most often, neck pain is caused by diseases that are associated with wear and tear of the facet joints, as well as cartilage in the intervertebral discs. If your neck hurts when you turn your head, only a specialist can tell you how to treat the pathology and what’s wrong. Pain can also be caused by vertebral instability or herniated discs between the vertebrae. However, it is worth noting that a hernia in this section appears infrequently and, as a rule, is a consequence of injury.

Pinched nerves

In this case, how to treat the condition when the neck hurts when turning the head will be decided by a neurologist

. As a rule, such pains are quite specific - they can arise and disappear during the day on their own, and are often unpredictable. In addition to pain, there may be other troubles - impaired sensitivity of the upper extremities, a feeling of pressure in the chest, and even problems with hearing.

Cold muscles

Sharp, severe pain in the neck when turning the head may be a consequence of hypothermia of the neck muscles. In this case, you need to use warming ointments and rubbing, since without treatment the pain will not only cause severe discomfort, but will also spread to neighboring tissues. However, you should not treat yourself, as you risk incorrectly identifying the cause of pain in the neck and aggravating the situation.

Risk factors for exacerbation

The formation of an exacerbation during protrusion and hernia in the cervical spine is most often observed against the background of:

  • Poor posture, stooping, flat feet or walking in uncomfortable shoes. The spinal column has a powerful compensating mechanism that protects the brain from shock during walking and running. However, any uncompensated shock is transmitted upward with amplification. The occurrence of the greatest amplitude and traumatic potential is observed at a considerable distance from the place where the vibration is localized. As a consequence, poor posture, dehydration in the intervertebral discs with possible destruction form in the cervical region.
  • Tonic tension in the deep muscles of the dorsal and cervical region, which is accompanied by muscle spasm with the formation of a protective posture. Due to the increased load on the head and neck muscles caused by wearing high hairstyles in women and heavy winter fur hats, blood circulation in the muscle tissue of the cervical region is impaired. As a result, the nutrition of the intervertebral discs deteriorates and their tissues become dehydrated.
  • Over time, osteochondrosis develops and progresses, and osteophytes appear on the elements of the spine. This causes poor blood circulation and the development of muscle spasms with limited motor function in the neck.

As a result, a rapid increase in pressure on the spinal tissue leads to its transmission to the intervertebral disc. Against the background of uneven, eccentric and undistributed pressure, a destructive process in the disc begins. This provokes the formation of a protrusion or a hernia itself.

Symptoms of exacerbation of hernia

Uncomplicated cervical hernias are often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Shooting pain in the upper extremities, similar to an electric shock, increasing with coughing, moving the arms and sneezing, sometimes radiating to the elbow, wrist or fingers. This is due to the infringement of certain nerve endings, their swelling and inflammation.
  • Impaired sensitivity in the form of numbness or hypoesthesia, formication or a sensation as if goosebumps are crawling. Such symptoms often appear at a significant distance from the intervertebral disc, for example, in the area of ​​the fingers of the upper extremities.
  • Constant aching pain in the cervical region associated with a muscle reaction. This phenomenon is called secondary myofascial syndrome. The pain syndrome sometimes radiates to the back of the head and manifests itself in the form of cephalgic syndrome - persistent pain in the head.
  • Secondary symptoms of a hernia in the form of progressive weakness and muscle hypertrophy in the arms and shoulder girdle on the side where the damage is localized. Peripheral or flaccid paralysis (paresis) may develop.

Due to the close proximity of a large neurovascular network, as well as the autonomic nervous structure, the formation of so-called neurovascular symptoms is possible.

Possible complications

Long-term progression of cervical intervertebral hernia can cause the appearance of radicular symptoms, which are accompanied by sensory and motor disorders. It can also cause compression of the spinal canal. As a consequence, compression myelopathy and sometimes tissue necrosis in the spinal cord may develop. This may lead to disability for the patient.

There is information that the development of such a pathology in some cases contributes to compression of the vertebral arterial vessel on the right or left side. This is an auxiliary source in which ischemic stroke can form, especially at a young age.

Often, protrusion and hernia in the acute stage due to sudden movements of the head and neck lead to a significant narrowing of the walls of the vertebral arterial vessel. As a result, an ischemic focus develops in the brain area. The likelihood of the formation of such a condition increases significantly if the patient has a congenital anatomical feature in the structure of the circle of Willis. This is accompanied by its openness and absence of posterior communicating arteries.

With a closed circle of Willis, increased blood flow can be quickly redistributed from the posterior vertebrobasilar bed to the anterior (carotid) or in the opposite direction.

In cases where the posterior communicating arteries are completely absent or are underdeveloped, it will not be possible to quickly redistribute blood flow. This often ends with the transformation of the ischemic focus into a necrotic area, and as a result, the development of a stroke is noted.

Help at home

If you are thinking about why your neck hurts on one side when you turn your head, you should understand that treatment does not involve solely taking medications for pain relief. After we stop the attack of pain, we need to use other methods that, together, will completely get rid of unpleasant sensations and restore mobility to the neck.


At least, it is better to entrust the first massage sessions to a specialist - this will allow you to understand what the effect on the neck area should be. It is worth understanding that you cannot put pressure on the vertebrae, so as not to provoke a worsening of the condition. You need to massage your neck with stroking, pinching and patting - this will improve blood flow to the tissues and speed up the healing process.

Classic self-massage

If your neck hurts when you turn or tilt your head, sit on a chair, straighten your back well and place your hands on your knees. Once you have relaxed your body, begin to raise your arms up and behind your back. Then place your palms on your neck, stroke it, then start rubbing it. After relaxing the muscles, place your right hand on the opposite shoulder and knead it to increase blood flow. Do the same actions with your left hand with your right shoulder. You need to finish the self-massage by stroking your neck and patting it.

Spot impact

Performing such an effect is possible only after studying biologically active points, massaging which will improve blood circulation, relax muscles and relieve pain. If you don’t know what to do when your neck hurts when bending or turning, place your hands on paired points and press on them while massaging clockwise. Relieving the pressure slightly, repeat the same thing, but in the opposite direction. Biologically active points are always a little painful, but you should not put pressure on them so much that real pain appears.

Physiotherapy and exercise therapy

To relieve neck pain, you can use Almag or DENAS physiotherapeutic devices. They have certain contraindications, so you need to decide on the possibility of using the devices in consultation with a doctor. Exercise therapy becomes possible only after the most acute condition has been relieved. It is recommended to practice yoga for several weeks as preparation. It is worth noting that yoga itself also has a good effect on the body and strengthens muscles, which will be useful for relieving pain in the neck.


The doctor conducts a visual examination of the patient to identify problems with posture and lack of sensitivity in the area where the nerve is pinched. By palpating the spine, the doctor will identify the level of spasm and soreness in the muscles and the location of the disease. The patient may be required to bend and stand to assess for limited mobility. Next, the reflexes of the knee and Achilles tendons are assessed.

To accurately determine the size and location of an intervertebral hernia in the cervical spine, the doctor prescribes a CT, MRI and radiographic examination in 2 projections.

Treatment of physiological pain


The most common causes of pinching are physiological factors. These include:

  1. Uncomfortable body position during sleep
    . A bad pillow and an uncomfortable sleeping place keep the neck muscles tense even during sleep.

  2. Sitting for a long time
    . Sedentary work leads to poor posture, redistributing the main tension from the back muscles to the cervical spine.

  3. Physical overexertion
    . Strength exercises and hard physical labor keep muscles in constant pathological tone.

Muscle hypertonicity is often observed after waking up. The symptom complex can be acute or chronic.

Neuralgia is a serious disease that can affect any part of the body. Treatment of neuralgia should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor, but it is quite possible to carry it out at home. Read more in the article: “neuralgia: what to do at home.”

Treatment of physiological muscle-tonic disorders consists of relieving pain and optimizing loads. At home, ointments, compresses, and medications are used to alleviate the condition. To alleviate the condition and prevent nociceptive cervicalgia, self-massage is performed.

Elecampane is a medicinal plant that is widely used in various fields of traditional medicine. Its beneficial properties have been known to mankind for hundreds of years and help against various diseases, from colds to cardiovascular and gynecological diseases. Read more in the article: “elecampane: medicinal properties and contraindications.”

Ointments and compresses

Since the source of pain from physiological pinching is increased muscle tone, the main aspect of treatment is relaxation of tense muscle fibers. As a local remedy, it is recommended to use warming or cooling ointments and compresses.

You can buy such products at a pharmacy or make them yourself.

Cooling agents reduce the activity of nociceptive receptors, which are responsible for pain.

There are several gels, creams and ointments that can be used for home treatment. These include:


  • balm Zvezdochka;
  • Capsicam;
  • Finalgon;
  • Apizartron;
  • Reparil-gel;

  • Refit;
  • camphor ointment.

External soft agents help restore normal blood flow, reduce swelling and relieve the feeling of stiffness. Apply them 2-3 times a day until the condition improves.

Features of compresses

The therapeutic effect of compresses is similar to the effects of ointments. The difference between lotions is the way the active ingredients penetrate the skin. Compresses are made on the basis of liquid products that penetrate the epithelial layer more easily. Compositions made from the following components have a warming effect:

  • alcohol-containing liquids (medicinal and formic alcohol, vodka);

  • medicinal herbs (mustard, angelica, ginger, sage, mint).

The compress is applied to the neck in the area where the pain is most intense. To enhance the effect, the lotion is covered with plastic wrap and secured with a warm woolen scarf or scarf.


The product for compresses and rubbing Menovazin has a complex effect. Immediately after application, the solution cools the skin, providing a mild analgesic effect. When completely absorbed, the medicine begins to warm up the tissues. Heat relaxes muscles, relieving pain and restoring normal tone of muscle fibers.


To reduce hypertension and relieve attacks of cervicalgia, medications can be used. Pharmacological agents for home treatment and their purposes are given in the table.

Group of drugsName of tabletsPurpose
AntispasmodicsDrotaverine (No-shpa)Elimination of muscle spasms, restoration of normal blood flow
PainkillersKetanovPain relief

The use of tablets should be minimized. Taking medications orally is recommended only if there is no improvement after using external remedies.

Neck massage

If your neck is stuck after sleep or physical activity, self-massage of the collar neck will help restore normal condition. It is performed while sitting, with a straight back and legs. If the pinching radiates from the right side, massage is done with the left hand; if the pain is localized on the left, then the right hand is used. During the first procedures it can be very painful, so the massage is carried out with the utmost caution.


The self-massage technique is very simple - with an open palm, clasp the opposite side surface of the neck and gently rub it. The movements should go from the middle of the base of the skull to the throat. At the next stage, you need to place your palms on the top points of your shoulder blades, bending your elbows and raising them up. In the starting position, stretch a little and spread your bent arms, pressing your elbows to your sides (palms will be at shoulder level).

Features of treatment for stress

Among the physiological factors that provoke increased muscle tone, stress is also highlighted. A state of increased tension occurs when the body’s adaptation mechanisms to the effects of stressful situations are activated. In this case, additional methods are introduced into the treatment complex for cervicalgia:

  • meditation;
  • yoga classes;
  • aromatherapy.

Such methods allow you to minimize the negative effects of stress factors and significantly alleviate your general condition.

Therapy methods

Typically, patients diagnosed with cervical intervertebral hernia suffer from the pathology for more than one year, and exacerbations and remissions are regularly observed. Often, painful sensations weaken over time or disappear on their own a couple of weeks after a subsequent exacerbation.

Conservative methods of therapy will not help to completely get rid of the problem; it helps to cope with the consequences of the hernia’s impact on the soft tissue, muscles and nerve endings. Often, as a residual phenomenon, the presence of a vegetative reflex effect on the tone of vascular tissue - neurovascular symptoms - is observed.

Complex therapy involves taking the following pharmaceuticals:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (COX-2 inhibitors);
  • muscle relaxants with central action;
  • As auxiliary methods, medicinal electrophoresis using vitamins and aminophylline is prescribed.

When the exacerbation subsides, the use of physiotherapeutic procedures is indicated. To activate blood circulation in muscle tissue, it is recommended to perform physical therapy and massage of the cervical-collar region (movements must be extremely careful).

Treatment of cervical intervertebral hernia with relatively crude methods, such as manual therapy, traction, can cause a significant aggravation of the condition. This will lead to the development of serious negative consequences.

As an emergency measure, it is recommended to wear a Shants collar if pain occurs. The device is used to support the head and helps prevent sudden bending and turning of the head, which can lead to the development of compression symptoms and sometimes fainting.

After the collar is applied, it is better to immediately consult a neurologist and have an MRI of the neck performed; then you may need to consult with a neurosurgeon. This will help to assess the possible risk for a similar location of the pathology and determine the choice of treatment regimen.

Features of therapy

The main question for patients is what to do if the neck hurts on the right side, how to treat such pain and how to get rid of its causes? There are several methods of therapy.


To treat neck pain, various medications are used that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. These can be tablets or gels (ointments). To suppress severe pain syndromes, injections are used that have a chondrostimulating, blocking pain impulse transmission and anti-inflammatory effect.

Manual therapy, massage

Manual therapy and massage have a beneficial effect on the movement of blood in the vessels, on the condition of muscles and bone tissue. There are acupressure, reflex-segmental, hardware, etc. massages.

Gymnastic exercises

Special gymnastic exercises can be prescribed both as prevention and as part of treatment. As a rule, the complex includes simple exercises (turns, tilts of the head, and similar actions) aimed at developing muscles.

Traditional methods

Even with the active development of medicine, folk remedies for treating diseases continue to be popular among many patients. Why not if it really has an effect? Various compresses can be used as treatment - from cabbage leaves, vodka and honey, horseradish. Homemade ointments are also used, which may include coltsfoot, parsley, apple cider vinegar and other components. It is worth noting that self-medication, even using folk methods, is unacceptable. Any therapy must be coordinated with your doctor. For example, compresses cannot be used for inflammatory and infectious diseases, as they can only provoke an even greater development of the disease.

MBST therapy

This modern technique is used for joint pathologies to restore cartilage tissue and discs. The treatment mechanism is based on high-pulse magnetic resonance at the cellular level.

The procedure promotes:

  • increasing the volume of cartilage tissue due to cell restoration;
  • increased cartilage density due to increased collagen levels;
  • relieving pain.

You can treat a hernia of the cervical spine in Moscow at ArthroMedCenter. MBST therapy will help eliminate pain and spasm, as well as the underlying causes of the disease.


To prevent the formation of a cervical hernia in patients at risk, you should adhere to these simple rules:

  • Avoid forced, uncomfortable head positions.
  • If possible, do neck exercises frequently, especially if your job involves spending a lot of time at the computer.
  • Walk and sit straight, do not slouch.
  • For rest, use a hard mattress and a small, medium-firm pillow.
  • Do not overload the spinal region, regardless of which area the load falls on.

A cervical hernia is a rather dangerous disease; it is difficult to treat. You can count on a positive result using only conservative treatment methods only if the patient promptly seeks help from a specialist. In addition, it should be taken into account that for a cervical hernia larger than 6 mm, surgical intervention is required.

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