If a man constantly calls a woman by name - Psychology

What the subconscious hides under all sorts of nicknames

Psychology allows you to reveal the secrets of the male subconscious and provides answers to the questions of why a guy doesn’t call his girlfriend by name.
But it also lifts the curtains on the true motives and hidden desires of male representatives, depending on the nickname they choose. According to experts, every coined term for a chosen one carries a double meaning that can only be discerned by the woman nearby:

  • animal names (feline, herbivorous, furry, cold-blooded, aquatic, etc.) have 2 interpretations: either a man has a gentle character and is ready to put the whole world at a woman’s feet, or he treats you superficially;
  • children's addresses (baby, baby, girl, baby, baby) indicate that the man is ready to bear responsibility and sees in you a tender, vulnerable chosen one, or that he himself is an immature partner;
  • warm nicknames (native, sweetheart, beloved, dear) carry the mood for a long-lasting union, or he subconsciously asks you to show more feelings towards him;
  • cosmic names (sun, star, moon, universe) indicate that a man emphasizes and wants his woman to shine brighter - the partner wants to be proud of you;
  • poetic speeches (the light of my soul, my life, the dazzling empress, a woman from the past) usually speak of a man’s idle talk, which is rarely supported by actions;
  • natural, sensual concepts (stream, joy, happiness, aspen tree, birch tree) are interpreted by strong love on the part of the partner;
  • nicknames such as “golden”, “precious”, priceless” should alarm women - perhaps the man is looking for benefit in her for himself (not necessarily in material terms);
  • delicious names (donut, bun, candy, marmalade) do not at all mean that there is a hint of curvaceous figures - such compliments indicate that you give a man warmth, positive energy and support, or he misses your thriftiness;
  • if a man has given you a special nickname that is associated only with you (appearance, habits, character, surname) - this is a sign of real deep feelings, a willingness to share the rest of your life with your partner.

Why does a guy call his girlfriend a diminutive name, declining it in different cases or inventing creative additional words for it? So he says that he is looking for a special emotional connection with her, which will be understandable only to the two of them.

What does the guy call him and what does it mean? How to understand how a guy feels?

Of all the possible options, he decided to call you the sun, and not baby, for example. Why? The point is that he himself enjoys the sound of this word.

Sometimes a man can call it differently. It depends on what mood he is in today and what he wants to convey.

In addition to the semantic load, each sound carries a certain effect on a person’s feelings:

Listen to what and how your partner tells you. After all, even the sound of a word will tell you a lot about your chosen one’s feelings for you.

Reasons why a man doesn't call a woman by name?

Before we understand the psychology of a man who speaks kind words to his beloved, let’s remember who we ourselves like to call not by name. That's right, small and stupid children who behave like cats, bunnies, and mice. Adults associate babies with soft animals or toys, but they understand their responsibility for their lives. Parents do not consider their children to be independent individuals who can manage their own lives.

So why doesn't a man call a woman by name? The psychologist’s opinion on this matter is already clear to everyone: a man considers a woman an unintelligent child. Could such a judgment about a girl’s personal qualities indicate indifference or reluctance to have a serious and long-term relationship?

If a guy is looking for a reliable companion whom he can rely on in difficult moments of life, then the “cute bunny” is unlikely to be able to count on a marriage proposal. True, some men are accustomed to completely relying only on themselves. Perhaps the stupid “kitten” is the person who will suit them as a wife and mother of their children.

Although such a statement is very controversial. After all, every man is looking for a woman similar to his biological mother to act as a mother for his future children. It is unlikely that in the eyes of a child the mother is a “bunny” or “cat”. Most likely, “tiger” or “dog”.

There is another factor due to which a man avoids calling a woman by name. It's all about the character and life principles that guide a person. An independent man, as a rule, wants to see a woman next to him who will obey him.

With affectionate nicknames, he “programs” her for a subordinate position. After all, if a girl calls herself a “little rabbit,” it is unlikely that after this phrase she will be able to reproach a man for something or force him to do something. A woman with a cute nickname is obliged, like a child, to obey a serious and adult man.

According to the psychologist, if a guy doesn’t call a girl by name, it means he doesn’t consider her a person to be reckoned with. If a man pronounces the name of his beloved, he treats her with respect, and considers the relationship serious and promising. After all, is it possible to make plans for the future with a stupid “sweetie”?

True, there is one more nuance that explains the reluctance to pronounce the name of your beloved. Perhaps in childhood the guy suffered a strong mental shock when he was punished by a woman named Anna. She could have been a kindergarten teacher or a school teacher. Since then, all women called Anna evoke unpleasant associations in a man’s subconscious. Without thinking about the meaning of his actions, the guy tries not to say this name out loud. Mental trauma received in childhood can be the cause of discomfort in the relationship between lovers.

Main types of love nicknames

Guys don't think twice about calling girls this or that nickname. They do this unconsciously. Nicknames reflect a man’s experience, his personal feelings, embedded deep in the subconscious. Psychologists believe that the more nicknames a guy has in his vocabulary, the more sincerity there is in the couple’s relationship.

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By calling a woman beloved, a partner shows that he needs her care for him, affection and tenderness. Most likely, he is tired at work and needs more attention. If he gets it, he will move mountains for his partner. A gentleman who calls a girl his beloved is confident in himself and achieves his goal. He is cunning, ready to take responsibility for the lady. But, as they say, there is an exception to every rule. Perhaps the partner is simply accustomed to calling all women his beloved.


If a partner calls a lady darling, this speaks of him as a boring person. And in everything: in sex, in everyday life. He won’t even realize that something new can and should be added to life together. When a woman offers to diversify everyday life, he will most often refuse. Romance is not to his taste; he prefers to restrain his feelings.

Practicality comes first for him; he values ​​certainty and confidence in relationships. The advantage of this type of person is that he will be faithful to his beloved. Her partner will expect the same from her.


A gentleman who calls his passion sweet has a negative attitude towards intrigue and gossip. He does not like scandals and quarrels and tries to avoid them in relationships. Such a person is reliable and caring. He loves to please a lady: giving gifts, paying attention. It is difficult for him to express his feelings in words alone.

A guy who calls his beloved sweetheart builds a strong relationship and shows tender and warm feelings towards her.

My love

A partner who prefers to call his chosen one “my love” knows how to court. He puts his beloved's interests above his own. It is very easy to find a common language with such a person and communicate at ease. Next to them, there will be no fear about what topic to talk to him about. It will not be possible to control and command such a gentleman. When he feels that they are trying to change him, he will leave.

How to name a child - a responsible choice - first name, patronymic and last name

How to name a child - a responsible choice - First name, patronymic and last name

When choosing a name, you need to consider how it will harmonize with the child’s middle name and last name. Otherwise, you may end up with some pretty funny, or even ridiculous, combinations. The combination of foreign names with traditional patronymics and surnames sounds especially strange.

If you cannot guess from the last name which gender it belongs to, it is better not to give the child so-called “universal” names - Zhenya, Sasha or Valya. Otherwise, misunderstandings are possible when a boy is mistaken for a girl, and vice versa.

If you can still choose a name for the child, and there are different options with the surname (for example, you can give the baby the surname of the mother, not the father), then it is unlikely that it will be possible to change the patronymic. Therefore, very often parents try to match the child’s name to his patronymic. At the same time, they often pay attention to how the name and patronymic are in harmony from the point of view, for example, of numerology. Those who believe in the meanings of names try to choose combinations of first and middle names that will reinforce each other.

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