Topics for conversation with a girl: TOP 100 best questions

During the first meeting with a girl or on the next date, if there were few of them, uncomfortable hesitations or pauses in the conversation arise. The reason for silence is often excessive excitement, which causes even a very sociable person to awkwardly fall silent at the most crucial moment.

To avoid such problems, it is worth preparing in advance for conversation topics that will come to the rescue in difficult times.

Interesting and unusual topics for conversation with a girl

What can you talk to a girl about in order to attract her attention and make the impression of an interesting person? Choose current and unusual topics for conversation from our TOP!

1. Imagine that you have 1 day of absolute freedom. How will you spend it: going on a mini-trip, going to have fun in clubs or lying in bed watching your favorite films?

2. What music can instantly wake you up even after a sleepless night? Name 5 songs that fill you with energy and optimism.

3. If you had the opportunity to choose, which country would you prefer for permanent residence? Why?

4. Can you be called a good housewife? How often do you cook various dishes and which one do you consider to be your signature dish?

5. If you could choose a new profession right now, what would you prefer?

6. Tell me about the funniest bad habits that you can’t get rid of. How much do they interfere with your life?

7. Can you drive a car? What kind of driver are you - sharp and aggressive or calm and balanced?

8. How many pets would you like to have and what kind? Do you consider yourself a typical cat lady or, on the contrary, do you prefer dogs?

9. Do you have a sweet tooth or do you prefer salty foods? Name a dish that you can't refuse.

10. Do you like to be photographed? Do you store successful photos in a virtual gallery or do you print them out the old fashioned way and paste them into an album? 11. How much of a place does sport occupy in your life? Do you prefer fitness, jogging, gym classes or other types of training?

12. Do you have a list of things to do by age 30/40/50, etc.? Name at least a few points that you have not yet implemented.

13. What style of clothing do you prefer? Is femininity, attractiveness or comfort more important to you?

14. Do you have many friends? How do you usually spend your time - at parties or in a more relaxed environment?

15. Tell us about your favorite holiday that you look forward to every year. Why do you love him more than others?

16. If you choose a resort, which one would you prefer - a sea, ski or excursion tour to historical places?

17. How do you fill your time when you feel lonely? Does this feeling depress you or, on the contrary, does the calm and silence relax you?

18. Do you maintain close relationships with your parents, brothers/sisters and other relatives?

19. What is the most memorable gift you have ever been given? What was special about it?

20. Name a significant or life-changing event that happened to you over the past year. How dramatically has it changed your life?

21. Are you able to spend 24 hours without gadgets, including your phone? Will you feel uncomfortable offline?

22. Which housing do you like best: a country estate, a comfortable city apartment or a stylish townhouse in a quiet elite area?

23. What throws you off balance in a matter of seconds? How do you usually calm down?

24. Are you by nature an adventurer or a homebody girl? What adventures from the past still make you smile?

25. Did you have a happy childhood? Would you like to take back some moments to relive them or perhaps do things differently?

How interesting it is to tell about yourself

To get a girl to talk, you need to know how to present yourself. Show your best side at the very beginning: how communication will develop in the future depends on this.

I’ll give you some tips on how to best present yourself when meeting someone:

  • Be confident. Speak clearly, don’t be afraid to joke, and take tricky questions calmly. Make fun of yourself, don’t be shy about any topics, Try to be charismatic.
  • Be polite. Don't ask the girl something too personal right away, don't interrupt, use active listening techniques and be interested in her. The ability to be a good conversationalist is half the success.
  • Tell us about what you succeed and like. This way you will show passion for your business, skill, dedication - and give the impression of a person who loves life and knows how to find interesting things in it.
  • Try to talk as little as possible about shortcomings and problems. But do not try to pretend that they are not there at all - this will most likely arouse suspicion. Keep a balance: don't only talk about problems and your negatives, but don't avoid these topics if they happen to be brought up. Speak little, but without much embarrassment: a person who admits his weaknesses inspires trust.
  • Be interested in the girl. You didn't just want to get to know each other, did you? Maintain your interest. Ask her questions, be surprised, offer help, build associative chains - and such communication will be pleasant for both of you.
  • Turn the sad moments of your biography into a joke. Don't devalue them, but don't present them as drama. The wording you need is something like “actually, it was a pretty hard moment, but never again in my life have I had to think about how many Snickers it would take to run away from home for a week.” This approach typically characterizes mature individuals who have come to terms with their own traumas and made the most of them.
  • Share your plans. Tell us what you would like and what you already know how to get.
  • Show your best moral principles - everyone has them one way or another. And when there are not too many of them, and they are really useful for life, girls respect such conservatism.
  • Just kidding. Sharp, subtle and on time. Humor will turn even the most inarticulate and chaotic thing you've ever said into a stunning story. Brewing discontent can always be corrected with humor.
  • Be optimistic. Not by those who do not take off their rose-colored glasses, but by those who believe in their ability to provide themselves with a happy ending and a life with which they can be satisfied. They love optimists: they don’t complain, don’t scare you with gloomy forecasts, and don’t tire you out with whining.

Serious topics and questions to discuss with a girl

To find out how smart and serious your friend is, you don’t have to check your educational diploma - a list of meaningful and deep topics for conversation will help you assess her psychological maturity and level of intelligence just as well.

26. How do you prefer to spend your free time - reading a book, watching TV or online?

27. Do you consider yourself a versatile person? Or, on the contrary, have you been interested in one or two hobbies for many years, in which you have already reached certain heights?

28. What literature do you prefer? Which book made a lasting impression on you, and which did not live up to your expectations?

29. What role do you assign to career growth in life? Are you ready to sacrifice something for the sake of advancement at work?

30. What impressions did you have from studying at school? Were you the teachers' favorite or, on the contrary, did you constantly receive criticism?

31. If there were 25 hours in a day, what would you do with your free time?

32. If you were offered a free trip, which country would you go to and why?

33. Where do you find out about events happening in the world: from the Internet, news programs on TV or newspapers?

34. Imagine that you need to spontaneously occupy the audience for 10-15 minutes. What topic would you prefer to speak on?

35. Are there people in the world of science, literature or cinema that you admire? For what achievements?

36. Tell us about your favorite films or television series. What useful or positive things did you learn from the story? 37. Would you like to change your profession or do you consider your choice successful? Why?

38. Do you like theatre, opera, ballet or other forms of art? When was the last time you attended a production?

39. Do you pay attention to modern trends? Or do you prefer timeless classics?

40. Which area is easier for you – humanitarian or mathematical?

45. If you had to tell tourists about your city or country, what facts would you mention first?

46. ​​Are you interested in the political situation in the world? What is your opinion and why?

47. Do you think that artificial intelligence will eventually replace humans in many areas? Which area, in your opinion, is least susceptible to technological progress?

48. What environmental initiatives are you ready to support or do you already support?

49. Are there traditions in your family or close circle that you have carried through many years and still observe?

50. If a time machine were invented, what century would you like to plunge into for one day? 51. Are you able to learn from other people’s mistakes or do you prefer to “make mistakes” yourself?

52. If the financial issue did not play any role, would you be able to retrain as a housewife in order to devote all your attention to your family and children?

53. Do you notice any significant differences between generations? What from the past would you like to bring back to show today's children?

54. What achievements are you most proud of?

What not to talk about

You can really discuss almost anything with a girl.

However, there are taboo topics with which it is better not to take risks:

  • Former relationships
  • Financial issues (only if you are not at the family budget stage)
  • What she thinks is disgusting
  • Gossip about friends
  • Things that definitely don't interest her at all.

Go to the rating of the best dating sites and start communicating with girls now.

  1. What would you dream about talking to a girl?
  2. And are the topics of conversation very different when she suggests them and when you offer them?
  3. Do you think that you can talk to a girl about a very limited number of topics?

Share your opinions in the comments.

Romantic and slightly vulgar topics for talking about relationships

Topics for talking with a guy about sex, love and relationships are an endless space where you don’t need to choose words or think about wording. With a friend, especially an unfamiliar one, you have to be more delicate. If you want to “test the waters” about the prospects, take on the best romantic themes with a little vulgar or, conversely, serious overtones. 55. Tell me about your ideal first date. What would you prefer: a candlelit dinner, a walk in the park, a chic restaurant or a fun party?

56. What is the first thing you pay attention to when meeting a man? Does his appearance, clothing style, hairstyle, etc. influence your choice?

57. Do you believe that accidents are not accidental? Are you ready, succumbing to the signs of fate, to commit some kind of madness?

58. What do you listen to more often in relationships – the voice of the heart or cold reason? And do they often conflict, causing conflicting emotions in you?

59. What do you mean by the concept of intimacy? Does this necessarily imply intimacy?

60. Do you always adhere to the “five dates” rule or do you act according to circumstances? What influences your decisions?

61. What masculine quality can push you “into the deep end,” and which one causes the greatest disgust?

62. How do you feel about cheating? Have you ever experienced betrayal from a loved one or been unfaithful yourself?

63. Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman? Do you have male friends who, under no circumstances, will be able to get out of the friend zone?

64. Describe in three words what you mean by the concept of love. Without what is this feeling impossible in principle?

65. Is it acceptable for you to have sex without commitment if both partners are not in a relationship?

66. How jealous are you? Do you consider jealousy to be an obligatory part of a relationship, or is it a sign of mistrust for you?

67. Which of your past relationships would you like to return to correct the mistakes you have made? Why? 68. In a couple, do you usually play the role of leader or follower? Do you often show flexibility or do you usually insist on your own without changing your decisions?

69. Are you able to forget about everything in the world when spending time with a man?

70. Which relationship format is closer to you - calm and predictable or explosive and reckless?

71. Do you think you are ready for marriage and family? What would your ideal family life look like? What do you expect from your future husband and what compromises are you ready for?

72. Tell us about what you would like to achieve over the next five years? What place does family have in your plans?

73. How do you feel about civil marriage? For you, is this a full-fledged family or temporary cohabitation?

74. What kind of wedding do you dream of: a fabulous banquet with a hundred guests or a modest party with your closest ones?

75. Do romantic actions done for you captivate you? Or are you a pragmatic person who prefers a freshly prepared dinner to a luxurious bouquet of roses?

76. What feelings should family relationships be based on? Are love, understanding and good sex enough to build it?

77. How long did your most serious relationship last? Was the breakup difficult, or did you part as friends?

78. How many children would you like to have? How do you feel about childfree and large families?

79. Could you break off a relationship without explanation, by phone or SMS? Because of which?


It’s best to have these conversations early. These topics are the basis and foundation of future relationships.


The years and events we have lived through make us who we are. Only very often we forget about these important points. If you pull out pleasant memories from her depths, the young lady will again experience those feelings and associate them with you.

The next step will be your story about your experience, but you cannot completely pull the blanket over yourself. The girl should be the center of your meeting.

questions will help bring the young lady into this type of conversation :

  1. Have you been to any interesting cities or countries?
  2. Have any interesting stories happened to you?
  3. How did it happen that you went to this country?

While developing the conversation, you can immerse yourself in its history using the following auxiliary questions:

  1. And what did you feel/think at that moment?
  2. Were your expectations about this city confirmed?
  3. What do you think absolutely needs to be done in this country?
  4. Dreams.

An ideal topic for getting to know a young lady better. Nothing characterizes a person more than what he dreams about. Find out what your chosen one wants.

The knowledge gained will also help you in choosing a gift or a romantic date.

What questions will be useful in this topic:

  1. What do you want to achieve?
  2. Is there something you would like to do, but haven’t decided to do until now?
  3. What did you want to become as a child?
  4. What's first on your bucket list?

Additional questions to develop the conversation:

  1. What's stopping you from doing this?
  2. How did it happen that you are here now, and not where you dream of being?
  3. How do you feel when you do this?

If a girl talks a lot on the first date about her dreams or plans, do not stop her under any circumstances. This way you can understand how self-confident she is, what ambitions she has, as well as her interests.

Without this knowledge, it is impossible to get close to the young lady to the fullest. Be sure to try to increase her confidence on the path to her dream. Perhaps you can help her with this. Put it in the girl’s head that she can do anything, especially if she has a man like you next to her.


Every person has hobbies that are his passion. Even lying on the couch can be considered a hobby if you like it. When choosing a young lady for a long-term relationship, it is advisable that your hobbies intersect. This will help you spend more time together and relax your soul with each other. Many people dream of such a connection. Therefore, you need to start these conversations in time on a date with a girl in order to determine the points of contact between your passions.

questions will help you with this :

  1. What do you like to do?
  2. What are your hobbies?
  3. What do you do in your free time?

Additional questions to deepen the conversation:

  1. What exactly do you like about this business?
  2. How do you feel when you succeed?
  3. How did you realize that you wanted to do this?

Learn to listen “between the lines” to what your companion says. For example, if she is interested in yoga, this means that the young lady is constantly working to improve her physical and spiritual shape.

Such “tips” will help you create a complete portrait of the girl. You will recognize her characteristics, even those that she will not say directly. A useful skill, right?


Surprisingly, information about where the young lady lives also says a lot about her.

If you don’t know what to talk about with a girl, then a conversation about your companion’s hometown will be a win-win.

Let's say she's from a small town or village. This suggests that the young lady has little experience in relationships and is most likely open to something new in this regard.

Residents of megacities will take control of the situation upon themselves. You will have to measure yourself against such people with you know what. If you find yourself weaker, she will take control over you and it will be very difficult to change anything.

Questions that are needed to start a conversation on this topic:

  1. Where did you grow up?
  2. Where you're from?
  3. Are you local?

Additional questions:

  1. How did you live there?
  2. Why did you decide to move?
  3. Have you always wanted to move to a bigger city?
  4. Have you decided to move to a big city forever or would you still like to live in a city similar to yours?

This way you can learn a little about where she would like to live in the future. If she dreams of settling in the countryside, and you cannot live without the delights of the metropolis, then you should think about the potential of your relationship. You must be prepared for such a turn of events. It would be a shame if this information came out before the wedding. Then conflict, and possibly separation, cannot be avoided.


This example was given in the section on experience, but these topics for conversation with a girl require detailed study.

Each of us dreams of visiting somewhere. Abroad attracts everyone. Some are looking for cultural countries, some for places washed by seas and oceans, while others go for thrills and challenges. What exactly your companion prefers is up to you to find out.

This topic is universal, since you will definitely find common ground with your chosen one here. Perhaps she wants to visit a country where you have visited.

Tell interesting facts and stories that happened on the trip. Be sure that she will be happy to listen to you.

It is also possible that you want to visit the same country. Then you can discuss why this place interests you.

Questions that may be needed to raise this topic:

  1. Where would you like to visit and why?
  2. What kind of holiday do you like?
  3. Do you like cultural holidays or beach holidays?

Additional questions:

  1. Why this country?
  2. What would be the first thing you would do when you got there?
  3. What places should you definitely visit?
  4. Favorite hobby.

Any topics for conversation with a girl should be pleasant to her and evoke positive emotions.

Then these feelings will be associated with you. This is what we need.

To find out what to talk about in order to achieve this result, you need to ask her the following questions :

  1. What do you like to do?
  2. What do you do in your free time?
  3. What will you never stop doing in your life?

Additional questions that will be useful to delve deeper into the topic:

  1. Why do you like doing this?
  2. What do these classes give you?
  3. Do you see the benefits of this activity?

The knowledge gained will help you plan your time together. For example, she loves to play sports. Why not organize joint training?

Make the most of her stories. Any little thing can be a reason for the next date or regular meetings together doing something you love.


Work is who your companion is during this period of her life.

If she is a lawyer, then it is impossible to argue with such a young lady. Her conversations will be balanced and thoughtful. Such a person will be able to stand up for herself.

If she is a kindergarten teacher, then the girl loves children, has nerves of steel and knows how to control her emotions. You can’t really hysterical in front of children, and the little one knows how to make even the most balanced adults go crazy.

Whatever you say, work brings many changes into our lives, both physical and psychological.

Be sure to pay attention to this and draw up a professional portrait of the young lady.

It would be inappropriate to make barbs about your woman’s type of activity. It is better to refrain from making any conclusions on this matter.

Here are a few questions that will be appropriate in this conversation:

  1. Where do you work?
  2. What do you do at work?

You can also draw some conclusions based on behavior and previous information:

  1. Judging by your stories, you must have a very interesting job...
  2. Your profession is probably related to creative activity?

Additional questions:

  1. Why this particular job?
  2. Do you like working here or would you like to change something?
  3. Do you plan to continue doing this in the future?


The main mistake guys make is that they only go through topics to talk to a girl, but do not go deeper into them. It is much more important to understand why the young lady does what she does.

It is these deepenings that help men move from ordinary conversation to a more personal and emotional dialogue. And this is the first step to sympathy and relationships.

Since guys often ask general questions of the same type, young ladies already have prepared answers to them. They won't even think about them and therefore won't remember the man. But if you dig deeper and make her think about the question a little, you will automatically attract her attention.

What can you ask:

  1. Why did you decide to move here?
  2. Why did you decide to be...?

Additionally you can ask:

  1. Why do you want to achieve this?
  2. What excites you about this matter?

With the help of these answers, you will see the very essence of your chosen one and her true motivation for certain actions. Even her friends may not know about this, which automatically makes you special and attentive.


It is not always possible to choose topics for conversation with a girl successfully. You can talk about family and awaken unpleasant memories in the young lady.

Therefore, I advise you to start with equally important people in her life, namely friends.

Where to begin:

  1. Who do you usually relax and hang out with in this city?
  2. Who are your friends, maybe I know them?

Additional questions to develop the topic:

  1. How did you meet them?
  2. Where do you usually spend your time?

Listen carefully to all her friends and try to understand whose opinions she listens to. This way you will know who exactly needs to be liked in order to get good advertising.


This information will help you avoid jail time for molesting minors. If the age of the chosen one is unknown, you can use a cunning trick and ask her leading questions :

  1. What school did you go to?
  2. Do you communicate with your classmates?
  3. Are you currently studying somewhere or are you already working?

To develop the topic, you can use additional questions:

  1. Did you like the school you went to?
  2. Why did you choose this university?

Perhaps you will be lucky and it turns out that you graduated from the same school or studied at the same university in similar specialties. Similarities like these make a woman trust you.

Funny and cheerful topics for communicating with a girl

You will be surprised, but most of your friends are also often lost and don’t know what to talk about with a guy when there are no more topics. A list of cool questions to keep the conversation going with a girl will help brighten up the situation. 80. What comedy makes you laugh even though it’s not the first time you’ve watched it?

81. Do you know a lot of jokes? Tell me the funniest one.

82. Will you watch modern cartoons if they accidentally appear on TV? Or will you immediately switch to something more “adult”?

83. How do you feel about amusement parks? Which rides do you prefer: roller coasters, cars, Ferris wheels or dynamic carousels?

84. If you want to relax in the evening after a busy day, what will you choose to watch: a tearful melodrama, an action movie or a program like KVN or Comedy Club?

85. If you were allowed to take one thing from a joke store for free, what would you choose? Would you use these trinkets to prank your friends?

86. Imagine that on the beach you accidentally lost your swimsuit top. How do you react to an awkward situation?

87. How do you feel about friendly jokes and jokes, including not the most harmless ones? Do you get offended, laugh, or immediately start planning a retaliatory prank?

88. Do you like to make toasts and congratulations? Do you prefer to get away with platitudes or prepare a text with a twist?

89. What will you be more pleased with – a pre-prepared gift that you know about, or an unexpected surprise?

90. Do you often have to laugh at your shortcomings or mistakes? How easy is it for you? 91. What would you name your restaurant or hair salon? Would you choose something classic or memorable?

92. Are you afraid of looking stupid, ridiculous or funny in the eyes of others? Do you always control your actions, or sometimes the desire to fool around takes over?

93. How prone are you to depression and self-consciousness?

94. Imagine yourself as a toastmaster. Is it difficult for you to immediately come up with a couple of competitions or mini-quests to entertain your guests?

95. Do you often laugh sincerely and uncontrollably? Or do you usually limit yourself to a polite half-smile?

96. Tell me about the funniest or most ridiculous situation that happened to you. How did you feel at that moment?

97. What superpower would you like to have: to read other people's thoughts, to be agile like a catwoman, strong like a ninja, or immortal like vampires?

98. Do you know how to fill awkward pauses with funny remarks or funny stories?

99. Do you consider yourself an open and optimistic introvert, or do you limit yourself to a few trusted friends for communication?

100. How do you react to other people's tactlessness? Can you laugh even if you are offended in your heart?

101. Do you strive for everyone's attention or do you prefer to be a “gray mouse”? How comfortable do you feel in front of an audience?

102. Do you know how to get out of an unpleasant situation with dignity, relying on your sense of humor? Have there been times when it failed and anger took over?

103. Do you easily find a common language with children? Can you communicate with them on the same wavelength?

104. How do you feel about circus performances? Do you think clowns are funny?

Best topics to talk on the phone

The topics listed in the first two categories are suitable for telephone communication. Unlike correspondence, here you can understand the mood of the interlocutor by intonation.

If you get the impression that the girl is trying to avoid the conversation, you should immediately change the subject.

There is no need to “put the pressure on” or stubbornly ask questions that she is reluctant to answer. The conversation will be pleasant for both if you follow the rules.

It is forbidden:

  1. Always talk only about yourself.
  2. Interrupt the girl.
  3. Discuss exes.
  4. Ask too frank questions.
  5. Treat the answers with disrespect (her hobby may seem funny or ridiculous, but this is the choice of the girl you like - you need to respect it).

What to talk about with a girl depending on the situation

The selection of questions for communicating with a girl will change dramatically depending on the circumstances, the degree of acquaintance, the depth of the relationship and the format of the conversation. Agree, what you can easily discuss with a classmate or childhood friend is unlikely to be appreciated by yesterday’s acquaintance from the club. Don’t forget to take this point into account - this will allow you to maintain the limits of decency and decide on the most suitable topic for discussion with the girl.

By phone

Not every guy knows how and likes to talk on the phone for a long time, but at a certain stage of a relationship it’s practically impossible to do without it. The list of topics for communicating with a girl on the phone is quite extensive: ask how her day was, find out her plans for the upcoming evening or plan them together, discuss the latest movies or music - there are a lot of options. True, it is better to postpone too frank or unpleasant moments until a personal meeting - this way you can track your friend’s reaction and, if necessary, direct the conversation in the right direction.

On the Internet

Online communication is a simple and convenient format that allows you to think through every next step and not blurt out too much. Use this chance wisely, thinking in advance about topics for conversation with a girl on the Internet - you can even make a list from the selection above so that the pauses between messages are minimal. By the way, it is not necessary to avoid personal and too frank questions; the main thing is not to cross the line and not be too intrusive if the interlocutor is clearly trying to avoid answering.

In contact with

VKontakte is one of the social networks where you can communicate about almost anything. What topics to talk to a girl on VK about besides those already suggested above? Find out how much time she spends online, how often she changes her avatar, how many friends she has and what gender they are, what groups she subscribes to and how often she scrolls through the news - in short, study her page “from the inside” and build on what you see there .

Vulgar and anonymous topics for heated conversation

Similarity in sexual preferences with a girl is an excellent connecting link for a couple’s relationship.

To get a more vivid picture, several situations can be suggested:

  • Alone with the guy, excitement grows, but he makes no attempt to get closer. Will you take the initiative?
  • The guy is not your type, but he is nice enough and offers to get intimate. Would you have sex out of pity?
  • A friend and girlfriend are hinting at a threesome, but you are not attracted to the girl. What will you do?
  • You're dating a guy who turns out to be a virgin. Will you help him become a man?
  • In a compartment alone with a guy, desire arises between you. Ready to have sex with a stranger without obligation?
  • Imagine that for one day you turned into a man. What will you do? Who would you like to try new sensations with?
  • The guy suggests using sex toys. How do you feel about this? Do you like role-playing games?
  • You understand that the only thing connecting you with a young man is sex, there are no other interests. Will you continue the relationship? For a long time?
  • He invited me over to watch a movie. We agreed to watch a comedy, but obscene photographs suddenly appear on the screen. What's your reaction? Will you take a look?
  • Is it nice when they seduce you, talk openly about their desire to engage in intimacy? Do you like intimate compliments?
  • I found out about a sale in a sex shop with a crazy discount (90%!). What will you buy?

Answers to frequently asked questions

Even if you memorize all the possible questions for a conversation with a girl, this does not mean that an interesting conversation will develop as if by magic. Classic tips on how to behave in a particular unforeseen situation will help eliminate possible difficulties.

What to do if there are no topics to talk about?

Don't know what to chat about with a girl? Then talk about it yourself - if not everyone, then very many like this win-win option. Ask questions about her interests and hobbies, dreams and aspirations, listen carefully and clarify details - this way you will look like an attentive and interested listener who cares about his interlocutor.

How to find a common topic of conversation with a girl?

A prepared list of topics for conversation with a girl melts before your eyes, but the conversation still doesn’t work out? Show off your creativity by filling an awkward pause with an anecdote or a funny life story. Some complex or original topics will not be suitable in this case - they require the involvement of both interlocutors. As a last resort, try inviting your friend to the cinema - you won’t have to talk during the screening, and afterward you can discuss the film you watched.

What to chat about with a classmate or friend?

Yes about anything! If a girl is so close to you and has known you for a long time, you don’t have to filter topics for conversation and choose words. But even in this case, try not to violate her personal boundaries, so as not to leave an unpleasant aftertaste from communication.

Topics for conversation at the first meeting (date, walk)

Before a first date, guys and girls are nervous, so they prepare for it carefully. But at the time of the meeting, so that worries do not develop into panic, it is better not to allow long pauses in the conversation. Awkward silence will only increase the excitement.

Topics to talk about on a first date:

  1. Favorite food. A good topic for discussion with many areas: national cuisine, the best restaurants, etc. When food preferences are not yet known, you should not speak negatively about a certain dish, because it may end up on your interlocutor’s list of favorites.
  2. Animals. It is not necessary to discuss only pets; conversation about wild animals will also be interesting.
  3. Rest, leisure. Methods of relaxation, preferred options for filling free time.
  4. Art (cinema, music, theater, painting). An extensive topic with a 100% hit on the interlocutor (there are definitely preferences).
  5. Trips. You can discuss your recent travels: where you went, what you liked, talk about your vivid impressions.
  6. Social connections. Do you have any friends? One or two close people or a large company - it is important to find out at the first meeting; perhaps the interests do not coincide.
  7. Interests, hobbies. An excellent topic for rapprochement if there are common points (both are fond of swimming, reading, games). In the absence of these, there will be a reason to learn something new, perhaps change your formed opinion.
  8. Anecdotes, funny stories. On the first date, it is better to talk about harmless situations in life. Black humor and vulgarity should be avoided, since the reaction of the interlocutor is unknown.
  9. Study, work. You need to know where a girl studies or who she works in order to avoid getting into an awkward situation. You shouldn’t immediately talk about the hated profession, in case she works in exactly this field or studies in a similar direction.
  10. Future plans. What goals do you want to achieve? Imagine your life in 5 or 10 years, invite her to do the same and describe the picture of the prospects.

Psychologist's advice

When communication is just starting, follow the simple advice of psychologists:

  • Try to talk freely, because feeling constrained interferes with open dialogue.
  • Let's talk to the guy, but don't forget to talk about yourself.
  • Lighten the mood with jokes.
  • Don't get distracted while talking.
  • Try to understand your interlocutor.
  • Be attentive to his words.
  • During your interlocutor's monologues, gently interrupt him with insignificant phrases so that he understands that he is being listened to.
  • Don't try to give advice unless asked.
  • Learn to put an end to the conversation. Endless conversations are exhausting. Such communication does not bring pleasure.

Now you have 150 topics in stock that you can talk about with a guy by correspondence, by phone or live. It is not necessary to use all the points. Select only those that you think will be most interesting to your interlocutor. Don't forget about yourself. When a girl always takes the initiative and goes out of her way to liven up communication, but does not feel any return, it is better not to waste your time on this guy. The situation here is the same as with a serious relationship - both must give their all.

When to text a girl

Once you have a girl's phone number, you must write to her within 24 hours. Not later than.


Because if you wait more than a day, she will decide that she is not interested in you and will switch her attention to other events in her life. And when you show up in a couple of days, she won’t need it anymore.

It wasn’t such a super-exciting acquaintance that you had that she would sit and sigh for several days, thinking about you and abandoning everything. True, if you are Bradley Cooper, you can show up in at least a month, she will be happy. But only in this case.

Modern life is very mobile and hectic, many new events happen during the day, and you will get out of your head. And then she will not want to communicate again with a person who disappears from the radar for a long time.

And it’s very easy to write an SMS. Why not do it while she remembers you and while you both are interested?


Any conversation, meeting or date must be ended correctly. This is a decisive factor in further communication and development of relationships.

But also, the information received will be very useful when making a new meeting or continuing a date in a more intimate setting.

You need to understand what to talk about with a girl when you meet, but no less attention should be paid to completing the conversation.

So, how to set her up for further pastime?


Don't make hasty conclusions about her time and availability. If you invite a young lady to your place without even asking if she has time for this, then refusal is guaranteed.

Even if she is free, due to her inattention and indifference, you will have to look for a new companion.

Perhaps the girl needs to get up early and this will be the main reason for the meeting to end quickly. But you don’t know this, you don’t ask and you prolong the evening. As a result, you won’t see this chosen one in bed.

Having the necessary information, you can shorten the meeting and proceed to the final stage, followed by continuation at your home.

What questions to use to determine a woman’s workload level:

  1. What are you doing tonight?
  2. Are you working tomorrow?
  3. Do you like to sleep long hours or get up early?

Why is it important to start dating correctly?

The answer is simple: because further communication depends on it. You can't make a first impression twice, and you can't beat an acquaintance. We form a primary opinion about a person within 15 seconds of interaction, and everything else is simply layered on top of it. Of course, there are situations when the first impression is deceiving, but you need to at least earn a chance to prove it if the acquaintance goes wrong.

How you look, how and what you say is the main thing that a girl remembers about you at the very early stage of dating. For the first time, it is this image of you that will be fixed in her mind. And if this image is not good enough, you will not get a chance to continue acquaintance.

This is the importance of an original, competent and catchy first phrase. Even if it does not provide half of the success, then it depends entirely on it whether there will be an opportunity to show one’s best side. Try to make a good impression on the girl right away - and in the future communication will be much easier.

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