Does massage and acupuncture help with migraines?

Indications for head massage procedures

Massage helps get rid of problems that cannot be cured even with the help of pills: for example, headaches, migraines, insomnia.

For good health:

  • Relaxation of the nervous system;
  • Increasing the level of immunity and performance;
  • Reducing headaches;
  • Relaxation of the muscles of the cervical-collar area, relieving spasms;
  • Normalization of blood pressure.

For beauty:

  • Accelerating hair growth, increasing its thickness;
  • Getting rid of the problem of oily hair;
  • Improved complexion;
  • Reducing the severity of wrinkles, creases, solving the problem of drooping facial oval.

What types of headaches does acupuncture treat?

However, it must be remembered that not all types of headaches can be treated with acupuncture. If a patient experiences an acute increase in intracranial pressure, the so-called occlusive intracranial hypertension, vomiting, and decreased vision, then he does not need acupuncture or treatment with pills, but an urgent neurosurgical operation.

If a patient has a bursting headache that is not relieved by medications, a sharp increase in sensitivity to light, sound, or a rise in temperature, then it is necessary to call an ambulance, since, most likely, we are talking about meningitis. And here, too, you don’t need acupuncture or taking medications.

Finally, even if we are talking about migraines, acupuncture can be used for preventive purposes. It helps to reduce attacks in the future and reduce their duration and intensity. In the same case, if a migraine attack has already begun, then it must be stopped as usual: taking intranasal triptans, taking ergotamine drugs, as well as other special drugs for the treatment of a migraine attack. After all, it is impossible to predict a migraine attack in every patient; not every attack pretends to be a migraine aura. And in a state of a full-blown attack, when the patient is irritated by a loud sound, bright light, when he wants to retire in a cool, dark and quiet room, when he experiences a severe throbbing headache, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, visiting an acupuncturist is physically impossible.

Self-massage of the head at home

You can conduct a session according to this scheme every day, returning tired from work. The self-massage procedure can be carried out even in the office: in a quiet environment, massage has a relaxing effect, in a work environment it helps to concentrate and improves performance.

Place your fingertips on your scalp and move them in a circular motion while applying slight pressure. Work the hair growth area located on the neck and move upwards.

Contact with hair can also have a relaxing effect: lightly tug on it, of course, to make it pleasant. Already in the first seconds of the procedure you will feel the flow of blood. At the end of the session, gently stroke the scalp and hair with both hands. Duration 1-2 minutes, but if you want more, we're all for it!

Many people do not attach importance to the process of combing, but in vain: it can have a positive effect on blood circulation and improves hair growth. By brushing your hair 2-3 times a day with a massage comb for a minute, you won’t experience hair loss!


This Japanese type of impact on bio-points is performed with the fingers using pressure of varying strength and duration, the following methods are also used:

  • light tapping;
  • pressing;
  • circular rotations;
  • vibrations;
  • rubbing;
  • longitudinal and transverse strokes.

What makes it special?

This type is different in that it can be used at home without outside help . It will not only relieve pain, but can also help prevent another attack.

Japanese experts are confident that by applying periodic pressure on certain points of the body, you can save yourself from serious diseases, as well as prevent their development in the early stages.

The number of approaches, intensity and duration of Shiatsu massage should be discussed with your doctor.

This technique not only relieves migraine pain, but also:

  • increases immunity;
  • harmonizes the internal state;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • relieves stress.


A properly performed massage will contribute to the patient's recovery. But for this you must meet a number of requirements:

  1. Conduct sessions at least two hours before after meals.
  2. With a gradual increase in intensity.
  3. The total duration is as prescribed by the doctor, but not more than 40 minutes.
  4. Maintain sterility of hands and office.
  5. Comfortable relaxed patient position.
  6. Setting up for recovery.


Contraindications are approximately the same as for other types of massage for migraines:

  • malignant tumors;
  • infection and inflammation;
  • elevated temperature;
  • any disease in the acute stage;
  • skin problems.

How to do?

Pressure is applied with the pad of the thumb placed perpendicular to the surface of the skin. Sometimes the index and middle fingers are used.

The duration of pressing on the selected point is up to 7 seconds. If in the neck area, then no more than 5 seconds.

During an attack

Japanese Shiatsu acupressure during a migraine attack is performed at certain points on the face, feet, and hands.

Using pressure and spiral movements clockwise for 5-7 seconds, you can relieve yourself of pain.

The exposure time for each zone is 3-5 minutes:

  • simultaneously at points that are located above the middle of the eyebrows at the same distance from the scalp and the eyebrow line.
    First with soft stroking, then move on to pressing and massaging clockwise two points at the same time;
  • in the hollow of the temple - with two thumbs of both hands at once;
  • an active point on the top of the head, which is located (conditionally) at the intersection of the midline of the head and the line that connects the upper tips of the ears.
    Another 4 points are located at a distance of 2 fingers below, above and on the sides of the main point. It’s better to put pressure on all 5 at once;
  • point above the bridge of the nose;
  • active massaging circular movements on the crown;
  • the point between the nose and upper lip;
  • points on the feet - pads of the big toes;
  • The procedure is carried out by experienced massage therapists to eliminate the consequences of injuries and normalize the functioning of several systems at once.

To prevent headaches

In addition to applying fingers to individual areas, Japanese Shiatsu massage of the whole body is practiced - this helps to touch all the vital points of the body and prevent the development of diseases of various systems and organs, and prevent the development of migraine attacks.

So, for example, by massaging the feet using the Shiatsu method, we relieve ourselves not only of migraines, but also diseases of the joints or lower extremities, as well as problems with:

  • respiratory tract;
  • digestive tract;
  • heart;
  • kidneys.

In any case, you should first consult a doctor, he will determine which massage method you need for migraines.
And in order to prevent the disease from developing, visit a massage therapist for preventive purposes , this way you will protect yourself as much as possible from the unpleasant manifestations of migraines.

Classic head massage

  1. Help the client get into a comfortable position.
  2. Begin the procedure by moving the straight palm of your right hand in the direction from the right ear to the left. Halfway through, intercept the movement with your left hand and continue it to your left ear.
  3. Using massaging movements with your fingertips, work the area of ​​your forehead and temples.
  4. Using zigzag movements, work the entire surface of the head.
  5. Superciliary arches, depressions at the outer end of the eyebrows, behind the ears, mastoid processes, occipital protuberance - work all these points by pressing symmetrically on them with your fingertips for 5-10 seconds.
  6. Using straight palms, move from the forehead to the back of the head (when performing such movements, be careful not to catch the hair and cause discomfort to the client).
  7. Gently pull the hair, retreating 1 centimeter from the root. Work this way across the entire head.

Want to add a few moves to enhance the rejuvenating effects of your session?

Repeat these techniques (perform each movement for a minute):

  1. Use your fist to work the forehead area.
  2. Getting rid of crow's feet, bags under the eyes and drooping eyelids: from the outer corner of the eye, go to the inner corner, and then back under the eyebrow.
  3. Work on the wings of the nose.
  4. We tighten the oval and make the facial features more sculpted, working with the main massage lines:
      from the center of the chin to the ears;
  5. from the corners of the lips to the ears;
  6. from the wings of the nose to the temples;
  7. from the outer corner of the eye to the temples.

The procedure time is 10 minutes. The frequency of sessions is 2-3 times a week, usually they are combined with the main procedure.

Self-performing acupressure massage

It is not necessary to influence absolutely all the points listed below. It is enough to choose those that really have a positive effect on headaches. The points that help get rid of it, which you can massage yourself if necessary, are listed below:

  1. The entry point into the zhe-gu valley is on the characteristic bulge between the thumb and the next one.
  2. The Feng Chi gate of consciousness is under the skull above the spine.
  3. The third eye yin-tang point is on the border of the bridge of the nose and the frontal bones between the eyebrows.
  4. Feng Chu wind lock - above the spine.

Massaging the last of these points for migraines is prohibited during pregnancy, because manipulation often provokes contractions. During labor, massaging will be more useful, since the effect relieves the pain that occurs during contractions.

The impact on the points has another name - acupressure. To carry out this procedure, other points may be required, but they are located throughout the body. For example:

  • 1 – on the forearm approximately three fingers above the wrist. To apply the effect, a person suffering from migraine needs to sit down and place his hand palm down, then apply it alternately on both hands;
  • 2 – in the temporal region at the border with the scalp. To carry out the procedure, the person should be seated so that the elbows are on a hard surface and the head rests on them. This point is symmetrical and will need to be massaged in the same way as in the previous version;
  • 3 – in the outer corner of the eye. The position of the person experiencing the headache and the massage should be consistent with the previous variation;
  • 4 – under the zygomatic arch at the base of the ear, manipulation is carried out as for point 2;
  • 5 – at the end of the eyebrow, the area should be worked on both sides and at the same time;
  • 6 – from the corner of the eye three centimeters to the nose. Manipulations are carried out similarly to massage of point 2;
  • 7 – on the back of the hand between the second and third metacarpal bones;
  • 8 – you can find this area when bending your arm near the elbow, namely at the end of the fold. To do this, you need to sit down with your hand palm down. Massage alternately;
  • 9 – on the foot three millimeters from the big toe nail towards the second. They massage it at the same time;
  • 10 – on the shin four fingers above the ankle. They also massage at the same time;
  • 11 – on the back of the foot, approximately between the second and third toes, but massage it alternately;
  • 12 – on the second toe three millimeters from the nail, the pattern is similar;
  • 13 – on the back of the leg between the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones, also overnight;
  • 14 – on the bridge of the nose above the sixth point, massage in the same way as in the previous version;
  • 15 – on the foot three millimeters from the corner of the nail on the little finger, act alternately;
  • 16 – under the inner side of the ankle, but massage in turn;
  • 17 - on the temple, but to find it you will need to bend your ear forward.

All of the above acupuncture points for migraine and pressure are symmetrical, the following are single points:

  • 18 – on the stomach two fingers below the navel. To do this, the patient must lie down and relax;
  • 19 - on the stomach eight fingers above the level of the navel, approximately above point 16. Manipulations with this area should be carried out similarly to the previous option

But this knowledge is not enough; to treat migraine you will need to take into account the nuances listed below.

Massage of 15, 16 and 18 points turns out to be only tonic movements. With it, manipulations involve rotation and pressure, and each of these areas needs to be worked on for a minute. All other areas are stroked and massaged with gentle rotation for four minutes.

To eliminate pain with acupressure, not all of the listed points will be needed. It will be enough to use those that have the maximum positive effect.

Thai head massage

This technique is known throughout the world for its relaxing effect on the body. Masters who have mastered the technique win the hearts of clients, because in 5-10 minutes they can relieve stress that has accumulated for months. Even one session solves the problem of insomnia, soothes headaches and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the body.

  1. Warm up the skin using simple movements with your fingertips and straight palms.
  2. Using shock movements and pressure, work out all biologically active points. This is precisely the secret of the powerful anti-stress effect of technology.


When a doctor has diagnosed migraine, the type of massage will depend on the main causes of the disease.

When is it shown?

Massage for migraines can be:

  • relieving pain symptoms;
  • preventing an attack.

In any case, the doctor will recommend different types of mechanical stimulation. If pain occurs suddenly, the following will be taken into account:

  1. Presence of other chronic diseases.
  2. Patient's age.
  3. The main cause of the pain symptom.
  4. Features of physiology.
  5. Genotype.

The doctor may prescribe a light massage of the neck area or stroking from the top of the head to the shoulders, since exacerbation of migraine in the form of pain occurs due to dilation of the carotid artery. These manipulations will bring her tissues to a normal state.

Important aspects to consider

To prevent massage from causing harm, the following requirements must be met:

  • it should only be performed by a specialist;
  • hands must be clean;
  • Do not use scented oils;
  • the room must first be ventilated;
  • the patient must lie on a special couch;
  • The duration of the session is determined by the doctor.

It is advisable to have a tonometer nearby to monitor the patient's pressure.


If there is an inflammatory process in the patient’s body and the temperature is elevated, this is the main contraindication.

Also, massage should not be done:

  • without a doctor's prescription;
  • on one's own;
  • for any skin diseases;
  • with bleeding;
  • at high blood pressure.

Any manipulations related to human health must be carried out by a specialist or they must be carried out under his supervision.

How is it done, can I do it myself?

Classic massage for migraines includes the following actions (you can perform it yourself at home):

  1. You need to start from the back of the head - carefully massage the skin on the head for 3 minutes, movements are smooth, directed away from the ears. Then rub the area in a circular motion for a couple of minutes until the skin becomes slightly red.
  2. Place your index and middle fingers on your temples and make circular movements 10 times in each direction.
  3. Next you need to massage your forehead with both hands in a circular motion.
  4. Place your hands on the crown of your head, palms down, and make circular movements for 5 minutes, pressing lightly.
  5. Take a wooden comb and smoothly comb your hair in different directions for 20 minutes.

To prevent attacks, a full body massage will help to activate blood circulation and increase overall tone.
The technique for performing a regular massage is as follows:

Type of movementsEffectMethod
Squeezingtones the nervous system, eliminates blood clots and swelling, improves lymph flow and muscle tissueperformed with the edge of the palm and fingertips, with weights - the free hand is placed on the working one
Vibrationtones muscle and skin tissue, improves blood circulationsmall frequent tapping of fingers
Pincer-shapedimproves blood circulation and stimulates mental and physical activitywrap your fingers around the muscle and make a rotational movement, possibly with weights
Longitudinal kneadingmaximum deep penetration of fingers into the massaged areawith one hand - with weights or with both hands at once
Shakingtones the muscles of the legs or arms, improves blood circulation in the extremitiesshake the leg in a relaxed state, while leaning on the other leg, movements should be short and quick
Effleuragetonic effect on the nervous systemwith the edge of the hand, with a clenched fist, at a fast pace, but without effort
Triturationimproves the functioning of the circulatory system, activates cell functionuse the pads of your fingers to make circular and spiral movements in different directions

Main points when performing a head massage:

  • Parietal fossae;
  • Center of forehead;
  • Occipital cavities;
  • A point located above the center of the eyebrow;
  • Hollows behind the ears;
  • Whiskey.

Movements should not cause discomfort for the client. Paired points are processed simultaneously. The procedure ends with stroking.

Indian head massage

It differs in that it affects not only the head area, but also the cervical-collar area, which gives a complex relaxation effect and allows you to get rid of spasms formed due to a sedentary lifestyle and improper sleep.

  1. Assist the client into a comfortable sitting position.
  2. Start the session with your shoulders: use classic movements to warm up this area.
  3. Using the edges of your palms, massage the upper part of your shoulders.
  4. Work the area of ​​the back of the neck from bottom to top and from the center to the sides.
  5. Tilt the client's head forward, holding it with your palm behind the forehead. Return to original position. Repeat three times.
  6. Work all areas of the head using the movements provided in the classical technique.
  7. Finish with stroking.


A positive effect can be achieved after exposure to bioactive areas; it manifests itself as pain relief. If you systematically irritate certain areas, then not only your sleep and well-being, but even your emotional background will noticeably improve.

But when performing therapy, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  1. The force of influence, the points themselves and the frequency of manipulations are selected taking into account existing pathologies and general condition.
  2. If a person suffers from infections, or there is an inflammatory process in his body, then complications may arise after acupressure. Based on this, before starting sessions, you should undergo a diagnosis.
  3. In order to get rid of migraines, the best effect can be achieved by massaging the bridge of the nose, base of the skull and palm.

You cannot massage the points indicated in the article yourself without preparation. Irritation of the wrong area leads to worsening of the condition and complications.

It is better to avoid acupressure massage for migraines at home if the patient is elderly; a similar situation occurs when carrying a child.

In what areas is it useful for masters to learn head massage techniques?

  1. Massage therapists can add this technique to almost any basic session. You can use it as a free “compliment” for the client or offer it as a separate procedure.
  2. Hairdressers. Firstly, after a properly performed head massage, the client will definitely return to you again, because he will definitely like this service! Secondly, care procedures will give a better effect.
  3. For professionals in the spa industry, such a relaxing procedure will not leave guests indifferent.
  4. Cosmetologists - any beauty procedure will work more effectively after such sessions. Why? We explain in the next paragraph.

The secrets of head massage are also useful for those who want to help family and friends by giving a massage after a hard day at work. Even home sessions have a good relaxing effect, relieve mild headaches and insomnia without the use of medications.

Why does head massage help get rid of wrinkles?

  1. Head massage relieves spasms - the main causes of age-related changes. The oval of the face often becomes unclear precisely because of tension in the cervical-collar area, and not because of age.
  2. Wrinkles appear not only due to a lack of collagen: nervousness, stress, and a state of constant tension lead to their formation. Massage relaxes and solves these problems even better than injections, because it affects the root of the problem.
  3. Improving blood circulation refreshes the complexion, speeds up metabolism in skin cells, allowing them to receive more beneficial nutrients.
  4. Getting rid of insomnia and headaches cannot but affect a person’s appearance!

Studying the technique is also useful for those who only dream of becoming a massage master: courses on teaching this technique do not take much time and are inexpensive. After completing the program, you can easily determine whether you like this field of activity. We bet you'll love it! Therefore, there are no random people in this profession, there are only those who really fell in love with massage and made their hobby their job. You can take online and offline training in head massage at the School of Massage Masters, whose specialists have prepared this article for you!

Author of the article:

Practicing: 15 years, Teaching: 8 years

Do I have migraines?

A neurologist can determine this with accuracy. Therefore, we recommend consulting with a specialist if you are experiencing a similar problem. To get your bearings, you can use the IHS – International Headache Society questionnaire. You only need to answer 5 simple questions:

  1. Does nausea or vomiting occur along with the headache?
  2. Does the headache last from 4 to 72 hours?
  3. Does the pain throb?
  4. Does only one side of your head hurt?
  5. Does pain interfere with the usual flow of life?

If you answered “yes” to 3 questions, then the probability that it is a migraine is 90%. If the answer to 4 questions is positive, the probability is 100%.

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