Vitamin and mineral complex from A to Zn for children 7-14 years old, tab. chewing No. 60

When is it necessary to take vitamins?

Until the age of three, a child absorbs information from the world around him like a sponge. At this time, it is important to pay attention not only to classes, creating a developmental environment and memory training. The child must receive all the substances necessary for the formation of a healthy brain and nervous system. A balanced and nutritious diet can prevent acute vitamin deficiency. However, a lack of some elements is still possible.

Vitamins for memory and brain development can be obtained from food, the main thing is that the diet is balanced

Deficiency leads to deteriorating memory, problems with learning and reduced immunity. Therefore, twice a year, in spring and autumn, some pediatricians advise taking vitamins for the development of brain activity for children. But there are other situations in which these drugs are indicated:

  1. If the examination reveals a deficiency of an element. As a rule, in this case, the doctor prescribes one or two medications to fill the deficiency of the substance.
  2. In conditions of increased mental activity, for example, during exams or preparation for a session, when strong memory and attention are especially needed. Children's vitamins have a gentle effect on the child's body, increasing its concentration.
  3. An unbalanced diet that is not able to provide all the necessary microelements.

The benefits of vitamins for children's brains

Providing the body with enough vitamins and minerals helps solve the most important problems:

  • increases the level of intelligence;
  • helps to assimilate and remember educational material more easily;
  • increases concentration;
  • supports brain activity;
  • helps improve academic performance;
  • prevents mental fatigue

Vitamins for the brain and memory for children increase the quality of thought processes, improve memory, concentration, and speed of thinking. Ready-made vitamin complexes eliminate increased nervousness and irritability, help maintain inner calm, and protect against stress. This effect is achieved due to the improvement of brain vessels, improved cerebral circulation, rapid tissue regeneration, and normal supply of brain cells with oxygen and nutrients.

for children to take vitamins for the brain and memory after consultation with a specialist, since many of them affect cerebral circulation, and it is necessary to know in advance about the possible side effects of taking such drugs.

What vitamins do children need for their mind and memory?

There are many microelements, and they all play their role in the human body. For example, B vitamins are responsible for the functioning of the brain and nervous system. For the human body, they are necessary for:

  • normal course of metabolic processes;
  • amino acid synthesis;
  • improving intestinal function and skin condition;
  • heart function;
  • biosynthesis of neurotransmitters;
  • reducing stress.

A group B nutrient is not a single compound, but several substances containing a nitrogen molecule. This group includes:

  • B1 – thiamine;
  • B2 – riboflavin;
  • B3 – nicotinic acid;
  • B9 – folic acid;
  • B5 – pantothenic acid;
  • B6 – pyridoxine;
  • B12 – cyanocobalamin.

But the above elements are not enough for the full functioning of the brain. Vitamin C is no less important for children; it helps thiamine and folic acid to be absorbed. It protects the brain from oxidative stress and prevents tissue degeneration, so it is even recommended for patients with Alzheimer's disease.

Without vitamin C, the absorption of iron deteriorates, on which the full development of memory and thinking directly depends.

Human intelligence is also influenced by the fat-soluble element A, which protects brain cells from stress and negative factors. It has been proven that its deficiency negatively affects the development of children and can lead to problems with memory and attention. Another vital element is calcium. It is involved in many metabolic and other processes of the body, and therefore, with its deficiency, cognitive functions are significantly reduced.

Vitamins for memory for adults

The role of the nervous system is to perceive and analyze information received from outside. In addition, it guides human movements and is responsible for the coordinated work of the entire body. The manifestations of higher nervous activity are speech, emotions, memory and intellect. Interestingly, disruption of biochemical reactions in the brain primarily affects the quality of memory.

List of drugs to improve memory:

  1. “Neurostrong” (Artlife, Russia). A bioactive complex designed to strengthen the nervous system, accelerate recovery processes after a stroke, and prevent dysfunction of the microvasculature of the brain. The composition of the drug includes: L-glutamic acid, ginger, licorice, ginkgo biloba, lecithin, blueberries, vitamins B1, B3, B6.

The dietary supplement is prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

  1. "Intellan" (Herbion Pakistan, Pakistan). Organic supplement, which includes 6 types of medicinal herbs (Ginkgo biloba, Centella asiatica, Herpestis monniera, Coriander sativum, Amomum subulate, Emblica officinalis). The drug is used to stimulate brain activity by activating neurotransmitter centers, relieving anxiety of a psychogenic and neurotic nature, increasing intellectual abilities, and eliminating dizziness caused by neurosensory changes.

Standard dosage regimen: 1 capsule or 10 milliliters of syrup twice a day.

  1. NeuroPlus (Vitaline, Russia). A natural biocomplex that improves memory, attention, and mood. Active ingredients: gotu kola, ginger, licorice, ginkgo biloba. With regular use of the supplement, blood flow, and therefore oxygen, to tissues improves, the permeability of the vascular wall decreases, the vitality of the body increases, the regeneration of retinal pigment accelerates, and psychomotor and speech development accelerates.

The drug is taken three times a day, 1 capsule after meals.

  1. “Memory Rise” (Artlife, Russia). A therapeutic and prophylactic drug for optimizing the nutrition of brain cells, increasing concentration, and improving memory. The dietary supplement will include plant extracts (gotu kola, motherwort pentaloba, ginkgo biloba, prickly hawthorn, Korean ginseng, guarana, horse chestnut), amino acids (L-glutamine, L-methionine, L-tyrosine, L-phenylalanine, L-carnitine , gamma-aminobutyric acid), vitamins (B1, B3, , B5, B6, , B9, B12), macroelements (calcium, magnesium).

For preventive purposes, the drug is taken 1 - 2 tablets twice a day, for therapeutic purposes - 2 pills 3 times a day.

  1. “Brain and Memory” (Herb Pharm, USA). Colloidal solution to normalize mental activity, reduce nervous excitability and improve sleep. The concentrate contains extracts of gotu kola, ginkgo biloba, skull cap, sage and rosemary.

The drug is taken in between meals, 0.7 milliliters 2-3 times a day.

Foods rich in vitamins for the brain and memory

To prevent vitamin deficiency and develop memory in children, it is important to create a balanced menu. Products that improve memory and brain function have long been known:

  • red fatty fish (salmon, salmon);
  • nuts;
  • cocoa and dark chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • melon;
  • eggs.
  • broccoli;
  • olive and linseed oil;
  • avocado.

We recommend reading: Useful properties and contraindications of avocados

Brain function and memory are improved by foods containing B vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids or Omega-3. Unfortunately, usually fish and fresh fruits and vegetables are not cheap, so they do not appear in the diet as often as they should. And not all nutrients obtained from food are absorbed. For example, in order to compensate for vitamin E deficiency, you need to eat at least a kilogram of walnuts.

The best vitamins for children for memory development

Choosing vitamins for brain development and memory for children is a difficult matter. Irresponsible manufacturers often add dyes and flavors that can cause allergies in children. Considering that now every second person is susceptible to this disease, you need to choose especially carefully.


"Pikovit" is one of the most affordable dietary supplements in the pharmacy. It contains the following substances:

  • zinc;
  • iodine;
  • selenium;
  • thiamine;
  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin B6;
  • vitamin B12;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin PP.

In addition to the active ingredients, Pikovit also contains tangerine flavor, magnesium stearate, polysorbate and aspartame.

Multi-tabs Junior

Another budget vitamin complex that is suitable for children from four to eleven years old. The composition of this drug is impressive: Multi-Tabs contains 11 vitamins, including A, E, D and B, and 7 minerals. Chewable tablets are available in several flavors, so children enjoy drinking them.

Alphabet Schoolboy

As you can guess from the name, this complex is intended for children from 7 to 14 years old. One package contains 60 tablets, which are enough for a month; this is the course that is considered optimal.

Nutrients in the product do not interfere with each other’s digestibility. For example, complex No. 1 contains vitamins C, B1, A and iron and copper. And complex No. 2 contains vitamins C, E, B2, B6, A and magnesium with zinc.

Vita Bears

Perhaps the most favorite supplement among children. They produce vitamins in the form of gummy bears, and kids eat them with great pleasure. The composition includes all the substances necessary for brain function. Children from 3 years old can take Vita Bears. These are good brain development vitamins for children that have virtually no side effects.

Vitrum junior plus

has long established itself as a reliable manufacturer. The complex for children includes the following elements:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin D;
  • all B vitamins;
  • vitamin K1;
  • biotin;
  • iodine;
  • iron;
  • potassium.

What distinguishes it from others is the presence of vitamin K1 in its composition. The drug can be taken by children from 7 years of age.


In recent years, the role of micronutrients in the cognitive development of children has been actively studied.
A significant evidence base has been obtained on the effectiveness of using B vitamins [1], omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), magnesium, etc. to improve cognitive function [2]. Vitamin D is known to play an important role in calcium homeostasis and musculoskeletal health. Research over the past 10 years has indicated the important role of vitamin D in brain development, cognitive function and memory [3, 4]. The results of epidemiological studies that measured 25(OH)D levels in the blood suggest that currently at least 30–50% of the population in various countries and regions of the world is characterized by low vitamin D levels [5–8]. Let us recall that levels of vitamin 25(OH)D in blood plasma less than 10 ng/ml correspond to severe deficiency and vitamin deficiency, levels of 10–20 ng/ml – vitamin D deficiency, levels of 20–30 ng/ml – vitamin D deficiency, and levels more than 30 ng/ml is the normal level of vitamin D. According to large-scale screenings conducted by Russian researchers, normal levels of vitamin D in the blood (more than 30 ng/ml) are observed in less than 10% of Russian children of different age groups [7, 8]. At the same time, optimal development and functioning of neurons in the cerebral cortex occurs when vitamin D levels in the blood are more than 30 ng/ml [4].

Evidence from basic and clinical studies shows that vitamin D plays an important role in the development and functioning of the central nervous system [9, 10]. Vitamin D is actually a neuroactive steroid hormone necessary for fetal brain development and brain function in children and adults. Vitamin deficiency is associated with decreased cognitive abilities, neuropsychiatric disorders (depression, schizophrenia), and an increased risk of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease [11].

The development of vitamin D deficiency is facilitated by insufficient consumption of foods containing vitamin D, obesity, low levels of vitamin D in breast milk (for newborns), low insolation, decreased synthesis of biologically active forms of vitamin D due to liver and kidney dysfunction, and many other factors [5, 6 ]. In addition, poor dietary habits contribute to the maintenance of long-term vitamin D deficiency. For example, consumption of cola drinks by children aged 5 years predicts nutrient intake in late childhood and adolescence. Children consuming this type of beverage are characterized by a higher intake of simple sugars and a reduced intake of protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and potassium (n=170) [12].

Next, the role of vitamin D in maintaining the homeostasis of neurotransmitters, the development of the cerebral cortex, maintaining cognitive abilities and memory function, as well as normalizing the state of the psycho-emotional sphere is examined in a consistent manner.

Neurotransmitter role of vitamin D

Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that is fundamentally necessary for the formation and functioning of neuronal systems [13]. From the prenatal period, vitamin D is an important modulator of brain development. Chronic vitamin D deficiency in the mother-fetus system disrupts the development program of the central nervous system in the fetus; increases the risk of developing psychoneurological disorders in both the fetus and the mother. As a neurosteroid, vitamin D is essential for the division, growth and differentiation of neurons and also has neuroprotective effects.

The neurophysiological effects of vitamin D are mediated primarily through genomic mechanisms: interactions of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) with genomic DNA. Our earlier genome-wide bioinformatic analysis showed that the biological roles of vitamin D in all types of cells, incl. in cells of the nervous system, include maintaining genome stability (including the cell division cycle, DNA repair, chromosome restructuring), supporting the processes of protein synthesis and degradation, immunity, regulation of embryogenesis, and energy metabolism [13].

Genome-wide analysis also showed that the genomic functions of vitamin D include neurosteroid roles and mediation of the effects of neurotrophic and growth factors. Vitamin D deficiency will significantly aggravate the course of hereditary idiopathic neuropathy (G60), incl. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, hereditary ataxia (G11), spinal muscular atrophy (G12). The importance of vitamin D as a neurosteroid (i.e., a neuroactive steroid hormone) is confirmed by a number of facts [13–21] shown in the table.

One of the most important neurosteroid effects of vitamin D is its effect on the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is produced in the brain and is fundamentally important for cognitive performance. With insufficient dopamine biosynthesis, children experience slowness of cognitive processes (bradyphrenia), increased inertia, the process of switching attention from one stage of cognitive activity to another is disrupted, and fine motor skills are impaired (in particular, writing skills) [14]. As a result, the child's ability to learn is reduced. In adolescence, normal metabolism of dopamine significantly increases resistance to the formation of addictions (alcohol, drugs, nicotine, etc.).

The effect of vitamin D on dopamine biosynthesis is associated with activation of gene expression of the main enzyme of dopamine biosynthesis, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH gene). The maximum increase in TH gene expression (2–3 times) was observed at a concentration of 1,25(OH)2D of about 10-8 M. The combined effect of 1,25(OH)2D3 and 20 μM nicotine had no additive effect on TH gene expression, which indicates the relationship between the mechanism of activation of the expression of this gene and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors [21]. 1,25(OH)2D3 dose-dependently protects dopaminergic neurons from the neurotoxic effects of glutamate [22].

The active form of vitamin D protects the brain from neurotoxic doses of methamphetamine, which is known to reduce dopamine and serotonin levels. Animals treated with methamphetamine and placebo showed significant decreases in dopamine and serotonin levels in the striatum and nucleus accumbens. In animals treated with methamphetamine and calcitriol, this decrease was significantly reduced [23, 24]. Thus, vitamin D deficiency creates conditions for the rapid formation of dependence and the development of neurotoxic effects of methamphetamine.

In addition to influencing dopamine and serotonin levels, vitamin D plays a role in regulating levels of other monoamine neurotransmitters. For example, experimental vitamin D deficiency has been associated with a significant reduction in endogenous norepinephrine levels, with impaired norepinephrine synthesis/secretion associated with dysregulation of neuronal calcium levels [25]. Reduced levels of endogenous norepinephrine are associated with a decrease in cognitive potential, alexithemia, and a depleted emotional background.

Vitamin D counteracts motor and neuropsychological disorders that occur when dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of the brain are damaged. In an experiment, vitamin D attenuates movement disorders in a rotenone model of dopaminergic neurotoxicity by increasing autophagy of damaged neurons via the LC3 and Beclin-1 signaling pathways [26].

Vitamin D and cortical development

The activated VDR receptor affects the signaling pathways of neurotrophic and growth factor receptors (nerve growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, insulin, transforming growth factor β, vascular endothelial growth factor), which are fundamentally important for the formation of complex cytoarchitecture of the cortex.

The prenatal period of brain development and the period of early childhood are characterized by a huge potential for neuroplasticity, which requires a sufficient synthesis of neurotrophic factors. The effect of vitamin D on dopamine metabolism is inextricably linked with an increase in the expression of glial cell derived neurotrophic factor (GDnF) and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDnF). GDnF, in particular, has a significant effect on dopamine synthesis in the striatum [26, 27].

The neuroprotective effect of vitamin D includes not only a neurotrophic effect (stimulation of the synthesis/secretion of neurotrophins), but also regulation of the levels of Ca2+ ions (known to be involved in the processes of apoptosis), antioxidant and neuroimmunomodulatory effects [28–30]. This complex neuroprotective effect of vitamin D is especially important for children suffering from cerebral palsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and for compensating for the effects of traumatic brain injury. In these diseases, children experience chronically increased oxidative stress in the neurons of the central nervous system, impaired immunomodulation, and insufficient regenerative capacity of the brain.

Basic research on the effects of vitamin D on brain development is supported by clinical research. For example, a longitudinal study of mother-child pairs (n = 1020) showed that low 25(OH)D levels during pregnancy increased the risk of disorders in the child's language development. The mean 25(OH)D level in the second trimester was 22.3 ng/ml (95% confidence interval [CI] - 5.9-68.4), 42% of values ​​were less than 20 ng/dl.

Cognitive and language development scores increased stepwise with increasing 25(OH)D levels, which increased from <20 to >30 ng/dL in the second trimester, even after adjusting for socioeconomic status, race, tobacco product use, and gestational age at birth. and the age of the child at the time of examination [31].

In another study, measurements of serum 25(OH)D levels at 18 weeks' gestation (n=743) identified significant linear correlations between quartiles of maternal vitamin D levels and language impairment at 5 and 10 years. Thus, women with insufficient vitamin D levels during pregnancy (<19 ng/ml) were twice as likely to have a child who developed clinically significant language difficulties compared with women with 25(OH)D levels greater than 28 ng /ml (p<0.05) [32] (Fig. 1).

In another study, maternal blood 25(OH)D concentrations were measured at 32 weeks of gestation and infants were followed up at 6 months of age (n=960). Cognitive, motor, social-emotional functioning and language development were assessed using the Bayley Scales (3rd edition). 60% of women have 25(OH)D levels <30 ng/ml at 32 weeks of pregnancy. Infants born to women with 25(OH)D deficiency (<15 ng/mL) had a decreased language score of -3.48 points (95% CI -5.67 to -1.28) compared with infants born to women with 25(OH)D deficiency (<15 ng/ml). born to women with normal vitamin levels during pregnancy (>30 ng/ml) [33].

Vitamin D levels in umbilical cord blood are associated with neurocognitive development in crawling infants (crawling to walking, n=363, 16–18 months). The Cognitive Development Index (CDI) and Psychomotor Development Index (PDI) in young children were assessed using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. Children with the lowest vitamin D levels (lowest quintile of cord blood 25(OH)D levels) had a lower IPR of -7.6 points (95% CI -12.4 to -2.82; p=0.002; Fig. 2) and IQR are lower by -8.04 points (95% CI - -12.9– -3.11; p=0.001) compared to the 3rd quintile. Unexpectedly, infants in the highest quintile of cord blood 25(OH)D concentrations also had a significant reduction in IFR of -12.3 points (95% CI -17.9 to -6.67; p < 0.001) [34].

Vitamin D and cognitive performance

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a decrease in the rate of neuropsychic development in children [35] and a wide range of neurological and neurodegenerative diseases [36]. Neurological disorders associated with vitamin D deficiency include cerebral blood flow disorders [37], memory loss and cognitive impairment [38], and a tendency to seizures [39]. A low supply of vitamin D aggravates the course of neurodegenerative pathologies (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, idiopathic neuropathy, hereditary ataxia, spinal muscular atrophy) [40]. Vitamin D deficiency is an independent risk factor for overall cognitive decline in clinically stable peritoneal dialysis patients [41].

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with memory loss and complicates learning. In an experiment, vitamin D supplementation improved learning and memory in a streptozotocin model of diabetes in mice. The positive effect of vitamin D on cognitive status in diabetes is associated, in particular, with its neuroprotective roles [42] (Fig. 3).

Experimental proteomic studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency in the mother during embryonic growth leads to complex disturbances in the expression of numerous proteins in brain neurons. In offspring born to females exposed to vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy, at 10 weeks, significant impairments were found in the levels of 36 neuronal proteins involved in neuronal energy metabolism, maintenance of redox balance, cytoskeleton, calcium homeostasis, synaptic plasticity and neurotransmission. Systems biology analysis of the results of this proteomic study showed that established expression abnormalities are also characteristic of models of schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis and mitochondrial neuronal dysfunction [43].

In an experiment, vitamin D reduced age-related hyperphosphorylation of tau protein and improved performance on cognitive tests. Rats at 20 months of age (aged) and 6 months of age (young) were randomized to receive vitamin D or subcutaneous injections of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 for 21 days. Vitamin D reduced age-related tau hyperphosphorylation while improving brain energy metabolism and cognitive testing results [44].

The results of experimental studies were confirmed by clinical and epidemiological data. Serum 25(OH)D levels are significantly lower in children with mental retardation, with correlations between 25(OH)D levels and Wechsler Learning Scale for Children Intelligence score [45].

Vitamin D deficiency [25(OH)D<20 ng/mL] was associated with neuromotor and neuropsychological impairment in older men and women (n=463, 70–90 years). Vitamin deficiency has been associated with decreased upper and lower limb strength, slower reaction times, poor balance, slower gait speed, and impairments in executive function and visuospatial orientation [46]. Low vitamin D levels have been associated with cognitive impairment in hemodialysis patients [47], impair long-term visual memory (Rey test) in multiple sclerosis [48], and have been associated with alexithymia (as assessed by the Toronto Alexithymia Scale) [49].

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with thinning of the cerebral cortex with age. A longitudinal study of changes in cortical thickness based on magnetic resonance imaging in a group of 203 healthy people aged 23–87 years (mean follow-up interval 4 years) found that higher levels of vitamin D, docosahexaenoic acid and physical activity inhibited cortical thinning brain, and higher cholesterol levels and increased body mass index exacerbated cortical thinning [50]. A study of 75 patients found that a 4-fold increase in the risk of cognitive impairment associated with vitamin D deficiency (less than 20 ng/mL) was also associated with decreased volume of various brain regions (eg, white matter and temporal lobes) [51]. ].

The effects of vitamin D deficiency on cognitive performance have been observed across different age groups. Children with poor school performance have lower serum 25(OH)D levels. Low 25(OH)D levels were significantly associated with decreased Benton visual retention test (BVRT) performance [45]. In a cohort of patients born in 1958 (n=6496), children with low vitamin D concentrations (<10 ng/ml) showed a significant deterioration in short-term memory for words [52].

Vitamin D deficiency (25(OH)D<20 ng/ml) corresponds to a more rapid decline in cognitive function with age (n=2777, 70–79 years, 4 year follow-up). When assessing cognitive abilities using the modified Mini-Mental State Examination (3MS), vitamin D deficiency was associated with both a lower 3MS score (-0.9 points; p=0.02) and a faster decline in score for 4 years (by -1.0 point, 95% CI –-1.5–-0.6; p=0.05) [53, 54].

In the Nurses' Health Study (n=1185, 60–70 years), low plasma vitamin D levels were associated with decreased cognitive function. At a 9-year follow-up, low vitamin D levels (lowest quintile, mean levels 14 ng/mL) were associated with a mean 20% reduction in composite scores on all cognitive tests (95% CI 8–33%; p=0.009 ) compared with women in the highest quintile of concentrations (mean - 38.4 ng/ml) [55].

A systematic review of the association between vitamin D and cognitive performance included 25 cross-sectional and 6 prospective studies. Against the background of vitamin deficiency, a significant decrease in the performance of cognitive and functional tests and a higher incidence of dementia were established. Prospective studies with a mean follow-up of 4–7 years have shown a higher risk of cognitive impairment in participants with lower baseline vitamin D levels [56]. Thus, the results of these clinical and epidemiological studies indicate the promise of using vitamin D for the prevention of cognitive decline.

Vitamin D and memory function

The hippocampus and its dentate gyrus are important in supporting memory function. Vitamin D deficiency has been experimentally associated with decreased hippocampal long-term potentiation [57], impairs spatial learning in adult rats (finding a hidden platform in a water maze) [58], and impairs other neurological testing results.

For example, a vitamin D-deficient diet (<10 ng/ml, 6 weeks) in 10-week-old rats resulted in decreased scores on reaction tests (5C-SRT scale) and performance tests (5C-CPT scale). Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with an increase in basal levels of GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) in the striatum, indicating changes in the systems that regulate compulsive behavior and reward seeking [59]. Vitamin D3 mediates age-related inflammatory changes in the hippocampus by acting as an anti-inflammatory agent and inhibiting the age-related increase in microglial activation and parallel increase in interleukin-1β levels [60].

Prenatal vitamin D deficiency is associated with impairments in synaptic plasticity in the dentate gyrus in adult rats. In particular, prenatal vitamin deficiency led to significant impairment of latent inhibition and impairment of long-term potentiation. These impairments, associated with prenatal vitamin D deficiency, were partly compensated by the use of the antipsychotic haloperidol, which indicates impairments in synaptic plasticity of the hippocampus due to vitamin D deficiency [61].

Vitamin D improves memory and mood in patients with Parkinson's disease (n=286). Correlations were established between vitamin D deficiency, decreased fluency of speech (p <0.001) and verbal memory (p = 0.0083) on the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test, and increased scores on the Geriatric Depression Scale (p = 0.0083). [62].

All neurodegenerative diseases are, to one degree or another, characterized by a decrease in the mnestic function of the brain. Vitamin D receptors have neuroprotective and neurotrophic effects, incl. decreased amyloid plaque deposition is a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD) [63]. The biological effects of vitamin D counteract the pathophysiology of AD, including β-amyloid deposition, inflammation, disturbances of calcium homeostasis and corticosteroid balance in cortical areas and the hippocampus [64], and age-related decline in memory and cognitive abilities by reducing excess inflammation and amyloid deposition [65]. Experimental studies have shown that vitamin D3 (calcitriol) reduces amyloid accumulation in the brain and improves cognitive parameters in experimental models of AD (Tg2576 and TgCRND8 lines with overexpression of amyloid protein). Treatment with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin increased p-glycoprotein levels and decreased amyloid levels in brain tissue, especially in the hippocampus [66].

Vitamin D and the psycho-emotional sphere

Vitamin D deficiency aggravates neurological diseases and impairs brain recovery after stress, so vitamin D deficiency is associated with a wide range of neuropsychiatric disorders [67]. Conversely, chronic unpredictable stress affects vitamin D metabolism in the hippocampus and myocardium [68].

Vitamin D deficiency has been noted in psychiatric patients. In a screening of patients admitted to a hospital psychiatric unit (n=544), the mean vitamin D level on admission was only 22 ng/mL (4–79 ng/mL), and vitamin D deficiency (<30 ng/mL) was found in 75% of patients [69].

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (n=37, 6–12 years) had significantly lower serum vitamin D levels (19.1±10.10 ng/ml) than controls (28.67±13. 76 ng/ml; p<0.001) [70]. Taking vitamin D improves the psycho-emotional state of adolescent girls with premenstrual syndrome against the background of severe vitamin D deficiency [71].

In an experiment, vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy leads to an increase in impulsive behavior in the offspring in the absence of inhibitory control [72]. This combination of symptoms is typical of cognitive deficits in schizophrenia. Patients with schizophrenia had significantly lower serum vitamin D concentrations (15.0±7.3 ng/ml; n=50) compared to patients with depression (19.6±8.3 ng/ml; n= 30) and with the control group (20.2±7.8 ng/ml; p<0.05; n=50) [73].

A high incidence of vitamin D deficiency has been noted in individuals with established psychotic disorders. A case-control study of patients with a first episode of acute psychosis (n=69) and a control group (n=69) showed that vitamin D deficiency was 3 times more common among patients (p<0.001) [74].

Low 25(OH)D levels are associated with greater susceptibility to schizophrenia. In particular, vitamin D is a potent transcriptional activator of the proline dehydrogenase (PRODH) gene, which is located at the 22q11 locus of chromosome 22-o1 and is associated with the highest known genetic risk for schizophrenia. Proline dehydrogenase catalyzes the catabolism of proline, which is a neuromodulator of glutamateergic synapses. Hyperprolinemia is associated with decreased IQ, cognitive impairment, and schizophrenia.

Associations between 25(OH)D levels and schizophrenia were examined in 64 patients and 90 controls. In patients, 25(OH)D levels were significantly lower and 25(OH)D deficiency was associated with schizophrenia (RR=2.1, 95% CI 1.0–4.5; p=0.044). Additionally, participants with low 25(OH)D levels had a 3-fold (95% CI 1.08–8.91) higher risk of hyperprolinemia (p=0.035; Figure 4), which is a common symptom in schizophrenia [75].

Vitamin D deficiency is a likely risk factor for autism spectrum disorder [76]. Children with autism spectrum disorders are characterized by learning difficulties and a higher incidence of vitamin D deficiency [77].

Providing vitamin D helps normalize mood swings in the autumn-winter period. An extreme form of seasonal mood dependence manifests as the clinical syndrome of seasonal affective disorder with carbohydrate cravings, hypersomnia, lethargy, and circadian rhythm disturbances. In a small randomized trial, healthy volunteers (n=44) received 400 or 800 IU/day for 5 days in late winter, which was associated with significant improvements in mood compared with controls [78]. Vitamin D can be used to treat seasonal affective disorder (patients' condition was assessed using the SPAQ-SAD - Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire-Seasonal Affective Disorder) [79].

Low 25(OH)D3 levels in adolescents correlate with suicide rates and depression. It is noteworthy that when examining 59 adolescents who survived a suicide attempt, none of them had normal levels of vitamin D in their blood! 7% of adolescents who survived a suicide attempt had a vitamin D level of less than 10 ng/ml (corresponding to vitamin deficiency), and 58% had a vitamin D level of less than 20 ng/ml (Fig. 5) [80].

Vitamin D reduces perseverative behavior (persistent repetition of erroneous actions) associated with fetal alcohol syndrome. In the experiment, cholecalciferol was given before, during, and after the fetus was exposed to alcohol in the third trimester. Testing of newborn rat pups for spatial learning showed that exposure to ethanol leads to a significant increase in the number of errors compared to the control group. Treatment with cholecalciferol dose-dependently reduced perseverative behavior associated with the development of alcohol exposure [81].

In stroke patients, an association has been established between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and depression (DSM-IV criteria - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders). At 6 months post-stroke, 91 (37%) patients were diagnosed with depression, and 25(OH)D levels were significantly lower in this group of patients (8.3 ng/ml, 95% CI 6.8–9.5) than in patients without depression (16 ng/ml, 95% CI –13–20; p<0.001). 25(OH)D levels less than 11.2 ng/mL were associated with a 10-fold increased risk of depression (RR = 10.32, 95% CI 4.97–28.63; p < 0.001) [82].

On the correction of vitamin D deficiency in children

In pediatrics and therapy, vitamin D3 preparations are much more in demand, in particular cholecalciferol, which, being a provitamin (prodrug), is converted into the active form of the hormone (calcitriol) in the quantities required by the body. Preparations based on cholecalciferol are divided into two groups: vitamin D3 in an oil solution and an aqueous solution of micellized vitamin D3.

The micellized form of vitamin D3 [83] is important because the physiological absorption of vitamin D3 in the intestine occurs only with the participation of bile acids (which implies the formation of micelles). Reduced secretion of bile acids sharply reduces the absorption of vitamin D (including from oil solutions) and other fat-soluble vitamins. Micellated (“water-soluble”) solutions of vitamin D (cholecalciferol) provide a good degree of absorption in almost all age groups of patients (children, adults, elderly) with minimal dependence on the composition of the diet, medications, liver condition and bile acid biosynthesis.

Neurological applications of vitamin D involve long-term use of drugs (at least 6-12 months). A previous analysis of data from effective clinical studies made it possible to formulate the following stepwise scheme for prescribing vitamin D: children under 4 months of age need a daily intake of 500 IU/day of vitamin D (for premature infants - 800–1000 IU/day); children from 4 months to 4 years – 1000 IU/day; from 4 to 10 years – 1500 IU/day, and over 10 years – 2000 IU/day throughout the year without a break during the summer months (Fig. 6). When using this type of drug regimen (course duration, daily dose), no side effects are observed [4].


The multifaceted effect of vitamin D on the development and functioning of the central nervous system is reflected in cognitive, mnestic abilities and the emotional sphere. The neurosteroid vitamin D promotes the survival of neuronal networks under stress. Developed neural networks are a necessary condition for the formation of associative thinking, speech fluency, and successful learning. Therefore, a sufficient supply of vitamin D is not only necessary in the prenatal period and early childhood, but is also fundamentally important for the development of learning ability, associative thinking, and the formation of fine motor skills at school age. On the contrary, a low supply of vitamin D aggravates seasonal mood swings, depressive states, increases the risk of suicide, contributes to the formation of perseverative erroneous behavior, contributes to the formation of diseases, addiction and unstable psycho-emotional behavior.

How to choose the right vitamin complex

Finding the right vitamins for children to improve memory and attention can be difficult. When choosing, the following details are important:

  1. Compound. Multivitamin complexes are suitable for prevention. But if there are already problems, then it is better to give preference to mono-drugs.
  2. Age group. It is difficult to find something suitable in a pharmacy for children under 3 years of age. But for 3-4 year olds there are many more options. Before purchasing, you need to make sure that the selected complex is suitable for the child.
  3. Digestibility. The right combination of microelements is no less important than other factors. For example, vitamin C is best taken with vitamin E. But in combination with B1 and B12, it is practically not absorbed.
  4. An overdose of microelements is much more dangerous than their deficiency. The content of nutrients in the preparation should not exceed daily norms. In addition, do not forget about the substances that enter the body with food.

Vitamins are involved in many metabolic processes; if they are deficient, academic performance and memory may deteriorate

How to take vitamins

Synthetic vitamins are absorbed worse than those found in food. Therefore, they must be taken according to a certain scheme. Vitamins for a child’s mental development are best given in the morning, as they increase the activity of the nervous system. If you mix up the time and take them in the evening, you may experience insomnia.

Also, you should not take several vitamin complexes at the same time, as this can lead to an overdose. When using Pikovit or Vita Mishek, urine may turn yellow. This is due to the presence of vitamin B2 in the composition and is not considered an alarming symptom.

Since most drugs contain vitamin C, they are not recommended to be taken simultaneously with streptocide. Ascorbic acid enhances its side effects.

With caution, you need to combine nutrients with tetracycline, which is the main active substance in drugs such as Tigocil and Minolexin.


Dietary supplements are not always useful; in some cases they can cause serious harm. To avoid deterioration in health, before taking medications, you must consult a doctor and undergo all necessary tests.

The main contraindication is an excess of trace elements in the blood. Overdose can cause headaches, cramps, nausea and kidney stones. Another reason not to take supplements is an allergy or hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug. You should also take vitamins carefully if your child is diagnosed with thyroid disease.

Features of the use of certain drugs

Vitamins that affect the activity of brain processes should be taken with a sufficient amount of water. This should be done in the first half of the day to avoid insomnia. Infrequently, palpitations and nausea may occur. Despite the apparent harmlessness of this group of drugs, the method, dosage and duration of therapy should be determined by a specialist with a medical education. Otherwise, you risk harming your baby and an allergic reaction may develop.

If rashes, allergic rhinitis or bronchospasm occur, the drug should be discontinued until consulting a doctor.

On a note! A good way to develop speech is to work through the names of products with your child and discuss their properties.

Komarovsky's opinion

Parents are constantly worried about the health of their children. They buy dietary supplements with only good intentions, but sometimes instead of boosting immunity they end up with a rash or hyperexcitability.

Dr. Komarovsky is of the opinion that not everyone needs vitamins that improve a child’s memory. At the same time, he does not deny the importance of microelements, but emphasizes that children can receive supplements only on the recommendation of a doctor and only in case of symptoms of their deficiency. This means that you should not run to the pharmacy just like that. But if the child has become lethargic, distracted and sad, then you should contact a specialist and listen to his advice.

Komarovsky recommends avoiding prophylactic use. In his opinion, this will not bring the same results as a usually varied and balanced menu. Instead of vitamins for the development of brain activity, it is better for parents not to give their children the same foods for a long time and introduce more vegetables and fruits into the diet.

Before taking medications, consult a doctor

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