Find out all about modern treatments for restless legs syndrome

One common sleep disorder is restless legs syndrome in pregnancy (RLS). This pathological condition is characterized by constant discomfort in the lower extremities, which manifests itself mainly in the dark and causes the need for constant movement. To understand how to get rid of RLS, you need to determine its cause. The Leto Mental Health Center has been successfully diagnosing and treating restless legs syndrome in pregnant women for several years. We will select the correct, and most importantly, safe therapy for both the woman and the fetus and relieve the patient from the painful symptoms of the disease.

What's new in the treatment of restless legs syndrome in children and adults abroad

Treatment of restless legs syndrome abroad includes individually selected drug therapy.

Additionally, highly effective procedures are prescribed:

  • reflexology;
  • vibration massage;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • lymphopress (pressure is applied to the lymphatic system, while metabolic processes are normalized, the veins of the legs are toned);
  • darsonvalization of the legs (treatment is performed using a high-frequency, rapidly decaying current);
  • mud applications (blood circulation and metabolism are normalized, red blood cell mobility is improved).

Using an integrated approach, foreign doctors achieve the desired therapeutic effect.

How not to treat joint pain during pregnancy

In common practice, doctors prescribe gamma-linolenic acid for joint pain. It should not be taken during pregnancy as it may cause premature birth. Turmeric works similarly. It is also prohibited for pregnant women.

If you have been directed to take Acetaminophen, it is important to limit your dosage because overuse of this medication causes liver damage.

Soothing ointments or creams that contain methyl salicylate should be avoided.

If natural remedies do not relieve pain, consult your gynecologist about safe medications to take during pregnancy.

It's also important to talk to your doctor if you were taking arthritis medications before pregnancy. Some of them are not safe to take while pregnant, so your doctor may need to write a new prescription.

Specifics of modern treatment of restless legs syndrome in Israel

Although RLS is common, proper diagnosis can be difficult. As a rule, the reason for an incorrect diagnosis is the incompetence of the doctor. If there is insufficient knowledge and practical experience, an erroneous diagnosis may be made: neurosis, spinal osteochondrosis, psychological stress, joint diseases. Patients have been treated by domestic doctors for years, after which they turn to Israeli specialists and find out that they were treated incorrectly.

Diagnosis and treatment in Israel excludes medical errors. Particular attention is paid to the diagnostic stage so that the developed treatment program is as effective as possible. It includes advanced methods of drug and non-drug treatment, including unique treatment using the healing mud of the Dead Sea.

During drug therapy, doctors must:

  • prescribe minimal doses of medications that are sufficient to combat RLS;
  • increase dosage gradually;
  • test several drugs to select the most effective drug for a particular patient;
  • combine drugs with different spectrums of action to obtain better results.

Treatment of restless legs syndrome in Israel is especially effective for those who require drug addiction rehabilitation if the cause of the syndrome is drug or alcohol addiction. After all, it is in this country that the famous Renaissance rehabilitation clinic is located, specializing in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction.


A fracture
is a violation of the integrity of a bone, and sometimes a joint. Not all bone fractures are caused by trauma. For example, in people suffering from osteoporosis, the bones are so fragile that fractures can occur with minimal stress.

Heels: pros and cons

Are high heels good or bad for women? Is it possible to walk in heels? And, if so, for how long? Expert Marina Makarova tells.

Pain in a broken leg occurs because nerve endings in the periosteum of the injured bone send signals to the brain.
Sometimes a broken bone causes the surrounding muscles to spasm, making the pain worse. Tears and sprains
are injuries to tendons and muscles that occur during excessive extension of the limbs, too sudden lateral or rotational movements.
People who suffer a sprain usually experience severe pain and muscle spasms in the area of ​​the injury. Even a back injury
can lead to leg pain. For example, if the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed as a result of injury, severe pain occurs that radiates to the leg.

Features of treatment for restless legs syndrome in Moscow

Treatment of RLS is carried out in neurological clinics equipped with modern diagnostic laboratories. The clinics employ doctors with extensive practical experience in the treatment of the syndrome. Specialists conduct a thorough examination of patients, analyze complaints to find out the cause of the problem. Depending on the severity of the syndrome, complex therapy methods are selected, part of which is drug treatment.

There are no universal therapy programs in clinics. For each patient, they are developed individually and may include, in addition to drug therapy: balneotherapy, physiotherapy, physical therapy, psychotherapy, occupational therapy, diet therapy, psychotherapy.

Also, patients with RLS who are addicted to opiates can undergo treatment at the Moscow office of the Renaissance Clinic, which provides drug addiction treatment in Israel .

What do doctors suggest for the treatment of restless legs syndrome in St. Petersburg

Clinics in St. Petersburg offer effective treatment for RLS using modern methods. Particular attention is paid to pregnant patients, because during this period women should not take potent drugs. Treatment of pregnant women is carried out using non-drug methods, mild sedatives, drugs containing folic acid and glands.

Attention is also paid to the treatment of patients belonging to the older age group, since older patients are susceptible to side effects when taking medications.

The following procedures are prescribed to such patients:

  • Physical exercises with moderate load on the legs.
  • Rubbing your feet at an intense pace and massage before bed.
  • Alternating hot and cold foot baths.
  • Mental activities that require concentration (art classes, video games, discussions).
  • Physiotherapy (massages, mud applications, transcutaneous neurostimulation, magnetic therapy, lymphopress).

Measures are being taken to prevent the development of secondary restless legs syndrome, namely, timely detection and treatment of:

  • kidney diseases;
  • spinal cord pathologies;
  • vascular disorders;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • correction of deficiency states and metabolic disorders is carried out.

In order to prevent and prevent the syndrome, patients are advised to maintain a sleep schedule, avoid heavy loads and stress, and avoid alcohol and drinks that contain caffeine.

Sciatica of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy

As a rule, a pinched nerve leads to movement disorders accompanied by severe pain. During pregnancy, this disease is especially difficult to tolerate.

Location of the sciatic nerve

The bundle of nerves begins in the lumbar region, in the pelvis. Through the piriformis opening it passes under the gluteus maximus muscle and from there it emerges onto the surface of the thigh, reaches the popliteal fossa and branches into the tibial and peroneal nerves. Thanks to all the branches that formed on the basis of the sciatic nerve, all our muscles, joints, and skin on the legs and feet have sensitivity. Consequently, if inflammation occurs, the lower part of the body is overcome by terrible pain.

Causes of sciatica

The main causes of this pathology include:

  1. spinal injuries and various lesions.
  2. Hypothermia.
  3. Strong physical activity.
  4. Osteochondrosis, infectious inflammation of the pelvic organs.
  5. Intervertebral hernia.

There can be many reasons for sciatica of the sciatic nerve, and it is necessary to remember that during pregnancy you should not self-medicate and neglect going to the doctor. Examination of pregnant women has some peculiarities. They are not prescribed diagnostic methods that could have a bad effect on the child. These include radiography and tomography.

It should be noted that sciatica

- an unpleasant problem that disrupts a woman’s condition. If symptoms and pain appear, or sensitivity is impaired in the lower extremities, it is necessary to begin treatment as quickly as possible.

During pregnancy, sciatica usually appears during the third trimester because the uterus is large enough to put pressure on the areas where the neural tube is located. But at the first manifestation of unpleasant sensations in the lower back, you should not rush and diagnose yourself. This condition is considered normal when the expectant mother feels discomfort in her back after any exertion. After some time, everything returns to normal. This problem is a consequence of softening of the joint ligaments due to hormonal changes in the woman’s body. You can get rid of this problem by doing special exercises to relax the spine and wearing a bandage.

Symptoms of sciatica

It is rare for sciatica to be asymptomatic during pregnancy. Basically it has the following symptoms:

  1. Unpleasant sensations concentrate in the lumbar region, move to the sacrum, and then spread throughout the entire leg.
  2. The pain may be shooting throughout the entire limb or throbbing in certain areas.

This pathology has other signs. These may include burning, numbness and tingling sensations. It is difficult for expectant mothers to move, it is difficult to rise from a sitting position, to roll over to the other side, they cannot rest or sleep.

How to treat sciatica during pregnancy?

There are many treatment options, but only a doctor can choose what is right for you. In most cases, complete elimination of symptoms is possible only after childbirth. Manual therapy is often used in treatment. It is an effective method for many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, reduces pressure and relieves discomfort associated with pain in the back.

An effective procedure for relieving muscle tension and reducing pain is massage: chiseled, cupping, general, as well as acupuncture. The muscles of the pelvis, abdomen and back should be strengthened. This not only helps relieve pain, but also helps during childbirth.

It is possible to use salt baths; they relieve pain well. But you need to know that this procedure is allowed only until the third month of pregnancy.

To reduce discomfort, it is recommended to practice yoga, maintain correct posture and choose a comfortable pillow. If pinched during pregnancy, you should wear comfortable shoes without heels, reducing the stress on your legs and back.

Treatment with folk remedies during pregnancy

You can resort to alternative treatment only after consulting a doctor. In order to eliminate painful sensations, it is recommended to use warming wraps. You will need a scarf or scarf made of natural wool. The lumbosacral area should be rubbed with warming ointment and wrapped around the sore spot. It is best to do this procedure at night.

Warming compresses or a contrast shower will help improve your well-being. To do this, you need to alternately change warm water to cool water and pour it over the sore spot. This procedure is effective, but it should be remembered that during pregnancy it is forbidden to use too hot and too cold water.

Course and prognosis

As a rule, the prognosis for a pinched nerve is favorable. The pain disappears on its own within a period of several days to six weeks. If the pain continues longer and you are pregnant, you should consult a doctor. For a more favorable course of sciatica, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles and try not to injure the back, for example, do not lift heavy objects.

Prevention and recommendations

It is recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent pinching of the sciatic nerve. There are several recommendations to follow to prevent sciatica:

  1. Strengthen your muscles.
  2. Maintain correct posture in any body position.
  3. Don't lift heavy objects.
  4. Refrain from wearing high heels.
  5. Strengthen your immune system and don't get too cold.
  6. Avoid tension and stress.

Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Find out the cost of treatment for restless legs syndrome

To clarify the approximate cost of a course of treatment in a particular case, you must fill out and submit an application on the website, since therapeutic procedures are selected individually.

Approximate prices:

Procedure Israel, dollars Moscow, rubles St. Petersburg, rubles
Neurologist consultation 550 2 000 1 500
Massage from 80 1 200 900
Electroneuromyography from 600 3 000 2 800
Polysomnography from 1 600 16 000 9 200

How does physical activity affect a child?

“During movement, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of the mother’s body are trained, which means that more oxygenated blood flows through the placenta and to the baby,” says Makarova. Studies have shown that physically active mothers are less likely to experience toxicosis, fetal growth retardation, and complications during childbirth
. Good blood supply to the fetus throughout pregnancy will allow the baby to more easily endure the difficult process of childbirth and quickly adapt to his new environment.

Read reviews about the treatment of restless legs syndrome

Inna, 55 years old, Russia

“I lived with restless legs syndrome for many years. I contacted local doctors, but did not receive much help from them. What can I say, I found out that I have RLS after several years of observation in the clinic. I found information on the Internet about the treatment of syndrome with Mirapex. I started taking it on my own for several years. Not seeing much effect, I decided to turn to foreign specialists. Among all the possible options, Israel suited me. An Israeli psychoneurologist, who studied my medical history, prescribed me complex therapy (taking medications in combination with non-drug treatment), and also said that I was in vain self-medicating and taking medications without a doctor’s prescription. The treatment helped me, and now I can finally get enough sleep.”

Evgenia, 35 years old, Russia

«I am one of those who had to deal with RLS. When I was in one of the Moscow neurological clinics, but for another illness, I suffered at night, could not sleep, and wandered along the corridor. The doctors and nurses saw but did nothing to help me. After discharge, I returned home and decided to try going to a clinic abroad. Medicine abroad is better developed, perhaps they will be able to determine the cause of the syndrome and eliminate it, so I thought then and was not mistaken. That's how I ended up in Israel. Why here? Because it is close and inexpensive compared to other countries. Here I was examined and prescribed a set of procedures, and I also took pills. The result amazed me, gradually I began to return to the life of a healthy person and sleep normally.”

Treatment of varicose veins in pregnant women

Most often, surgery and minimally invasive procedures are not prescribed to treat varicose veins during pregnancy. This is associated with a high risk of complications and relapses [3]. In addition, the prescription of medications - phlebotonics, anti-inflammatory, antiaggregates - is very limited.

There are a number of recommendations that help to safely and relatively effectively treat varicose veins in expectant mothers.

  • Dosed physical activity . Swimming, walking or other exercises for pregnant women with varicose veins, which use the leg muscles, help increase blood circulation in the veins of the extremities. The phlebologist, together with the obstetrician-gynecologist, will select an individual set of exercises for the specific period and severity of the pregnant woman’s condition.
  • Correctly selected shoes . High heels and very flat soles disrupt the movement of muscles in the legs, impairing the circulation of venous blood. You need to choose stable, comfortable shoes with low heels (3-4 cm).
  • Compression jersey . To support the veins during pregnancy, it is necessary to wear compression garments. The phlebologist will individually select the degree of compression and the type of product - knee socks, stockings or tights. They need to be put on in the morning, without getting out of bed, and taken off in the evening, when the woman goes to bed.
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